Chapter 1 Camera Fun

A/N: this chapter is based off the news of Vanessa's nude pictures. I fixed it a little making it taking place right after HSM was aired. Which is around February of 2006. It is really graphic so think before you read. You've been warned!

It was 2 months after Zac and Vanessa got together. HSM became a huge phenomenal success. And they were both proud of each other. They have been dating for a while now and had lost their virginity a month ago. When they both decided that it was time to be serious. How it turned out, lets say they were surprised by how great they were in bed.

One night after a few movies at Zac's apartment, they decided to have some fun. It was Vanessa's idea actually. She told Zac to get his camera and go to his bedroom to meet up with her. Zac agreed happily knowing that tonight they were going to have lots of fun. Mean while Vanessa was in Zac's room waiting for her boyfriend and sex partner to come back. A few minutes later Zac with a camera appeared in his bedroom.

" Great, lets get started!" V said seductively, " Ok, you take a picture of every stage we go through tonight. First fully clothed, then one by one we undress. And make poses. I'll start then it'll be you turn. Now you can tell what pose you want and stuff got it?"

Zac nodded his head and turned on his camera. First he made V pose fully clothed in some sexy poses. Then V took off her t shirt which left her in a red lacy bra that barely covered her breasts. Zac took pics of her full body, then focused mainly on her breasts. When he was done, V took off her jeans revealing a red lacy thong that showed off her wet and pink pussy and her mound of hair. Zac took shots of that. Next V took off her bra and her breasts practically bounced open which made Zac very aroused. He took pics of each of her breasts. Then he squeezed each of them, rubbed his palms on them and took his fingers and held the erect nipple in between and squeezed. The camera was clicking the whole time. Suddenly he decided to change the way they were working. He set his camera on it's stand and switched it to video motion and pressed play. V understood and then took of her thong which left her naked.

This made Zac more aroused then ever but he couldn't take of his clothes since it would be his turn soon. V motioned him to zoom the camera to her pussy area, which he did. She rubbed her mound and pussy with the palms of her hands. Then she drew circles around the hair. Zac was rubbing his erect dick with his hands. She used her fingers to open her mound and show her wet and pink pussy. She pushed her pussy open to show her folds and her clit. She rubbed the folds with her fingers and pinched her clit. Which caused her to moan and get even wetter. She signaled Zac to stop the video and take a picture of her pussy, folds and clit. Which he gladly agreed to. So he could get closer access to her pussy. Then he took a picture of her fully naked posing.

Next was Zac's turn. V turned the camera back to video mode and started taping. Zac first took off his shirt which showed his built chest. He then took off his shorts leaving him in his boxers only. Then he took off his boxers showing his dick. It was longer, thicker and larger than Vanessa expected to be today. V zoomed the camera to his dick. He rubbed his tip with his fingers and ran his hands up and down his shaft. Which made him moan.

V couldn't take it anymore and walked into the picture. She kiss Zac passionately on his lips and then kneeled down in front of him. She took his dick into her mouth and licked it. Then she lightly bit and sucked on it. Making Zac moan with pleasure. A few minutes later he came into her mouth and swallowed and licked him clean. Zac moved the camera near his bed and carried V over to lay her down. He kissed her lightly then moved on to her neck. Biting on her sensitive part making her moan with passion. He moved down to her breasts and squeezed her left breast while drawing circles on her right. His mouth then sucked her left nipple while pinching the other. His tongue swirled around her nipple then biting down. Which made V yelp and moan with pleasure. He treated the other nipple the same and moved down kissing her stomach, bellybutton and neared her mound.

He kissed her mound of hair and moved down. His head was between her legs and his hands were running softly over her thigh moving closer and closer to her core. She moaned and weaved her hands in his sandy brown hair. He pinched her folds and clits making V yelp. He then kissed her pussy and slid one finger into her hole. She screamed lightly with pleasure and pain. Then he slid and 1 and 2 more fingers inside. He pumped faster hearing her moans made his dick hard again.

" Zac please don't stop. I want you inside now!" She moaned out. He thought it wasn't enough of torture for her. So he continued pumping so fast until she came over his fingers. He lapped up her juice and moved up to her face. She was breathing fast and short. He knew she wanted him inside and so did he want her.

" Beg you sexy bitch. Then I'll fuck you with my dick." Zac growled out. Sex always brought out the harder side of him. But V never minded she sometimes even went bad.

" Please Zac. Fuck me now with your dick. Fuck now!" she moaned.

" Just that ? tell me more. The more you beg the harder I'll be fucking you." He caressed her pussy.

" Zaac, fuck me. Fuck me with your huge hard dick. Now, put that sexy and huge dick inside my hole now." she slurred out.

" That's more like it. You want me inside you huh? You want my hard dick inside your tiny hole now don't you?" he said as he placed himself at her entrance. She nodded. He immediately thrusted inside her. He was going faster and faster at V's request. He fucked her so hard and fast it was unbearable.

" Harder Zac. Faster!" she screamed. Zac went so fast that he came seconds later. V came right after him. They forgot about the camera still filming but they didn't care. They continued having sex for rounds after. Well at least till the camera went out of battery.

A/N: sorry you guys if it was too much. Tell me if you want me to continue cause it might dirtier. R&R. and I wrote this at midnight so forgive me if it was too much I just wanted to finish it I may have went a little over.