Authors note: hey sorry I'm taking ages to post chapters but I'm a bit stuck for ideas, so if there's anything you want included let us know, should they stay or should they go?

Chapter summary: Sam heals Bridgette goes looking for what they need for the injections… but what will she find? and all that jazz

Chapter 3: Pain

Sam and Bridgette could hear the light pattering of rain outside, along with the odd car. They were both amazed at how tranquil it almost so, even with all the pain. Sam could feel the skin healing; I hurt almost as much as when he actually got the large gapping wound.

"It's almost finished" Bridgette reassured him, she could see the look of anguish and pain on his face. Bridgette knew she couldn't do anything to help till he was healed and she hated it. All of a sudden a thought struck Bridgette, there'd be so much time wasted trying to find all the things they needed for the monkshood mixture. She knew that she'd have to leave Sam momentarily to get what they both needed. Without warning on thinking she stud up.

This action caught Sam off guard, so much so that he almost jumped. "Where are you going?" the words scratched at his throat, it was still very tender. His grip on Bridgette's hand tightened, he was afraid that now he was getting better she'd take off with out him.

"I was just going to go get what we needed for the injections, I'll be as quick as I can and come straight back, ok?" she didn't want to move an inch so she waited for his reply.

"Ok, straight back" he said grudgingly, he squeezed her hand before he let it go unwillingly. The idea of her being up there alone, surrounded by all the chaos made him shudder slightly. Sam couldn't help but feel very weak at this point; he should be looking after Bridgette not the other way around. He settled his arm at his side, closed his eyes and started to listen to the rain.

Bridgette hurried as fast as her weakened legs would allow her up the stairs. As much as it grieved her she new that the first place she had to visit was her and Gingers old room. The room that contained one of Gingers dead formes, this though was almost unbearable. She pushed through this thought and hurried through the upturned house. As she closed in on the door her heart rate quickened and her foot steps slowed. Taking a deep breath Bridgette headed into the room to retrieve the needle, but something quickly brought Bridgette to a halt. She saw her sister, but not the sister in the form of a huge wolf, not the sister she left.

Her sister was Ginger again, human Ginger, lying cold dead and naked in her pool of blood on the floor. It almost broke Bridgette's heart to see her sister like this. Immediately she grabbed a blanket off of one of the beds and covered Ginger with it. The sight was just too painful to bare, there could be no pretend deaths it was just too real.

Remembering why she was in there she dropped to the floor and searched for the needle, it took a few minutes but she finally found it. Standing up she stuffed the needle into a pocket and started to walk out. In a low almost incoherent voice she recited "together forever".

Everything in the house now became clearer to her; it looked as if a bomb had gone of. If there had been more it to take in her surroundings she would have but there was no stoping now. Time was limited, Sam would heal soon and they'd both need the injections, also they needed to decide what to do now that it was all over. The cupboard door had been ripped of its hinges in the fight, though Bridgette didn't want to know how.

Everything they needed was still in tact thank goodness she thought as she gathered them. Now all she needed was a filter. She searched for the first aid kit that was stored in the cupboard, it was a bit high up she put everything back down and reached up for it. She grabbed a hold of it and pulled it down to the ground. It was old, very old, she noted as she stuffed it udder her arm and collected the rest. Double checking she had it all, she stood up and quietly walked back no Sam.

It was hard to go down the stairs without tripping in the dark, but somehow she managed. She closed in on Sam's peaceful form; he looked better, perhaps even happy sitting there with his eyes closed listening to the sound of the rain.