Leon and Sora form a club. Cloud is jealous. Calamity ensues.

Disclaimer: If I did own Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts, they'd both be rated M... for male-on-male sexiness! XD



Zexion, Vexen, Larxene, Marluxia, and Roxas all marched into the house in a single file line. Luxord and Axel, however, had attempted to go through the doorway at the same time and were stuck, both still trying to get into the room at once.

"I got here first!" cried Axel, shoving Luxord.

Luxord yelled, "There is a 99 chance that I got here first, firecrotch!"

There was a scuffle, which Axel won; he shoved his way past the blonde. "Stupid facial-hair types," he muttered, taking his place behind Xemnas and Saïx.

Xemnas turned back and slapped Axel over the back of the head.

"OW! What are you slapping me upside the head for? You ain't my pimp!" Axel cried, rubbing the goose egg that was forming underneath his spiky tresses.

The silver-haired man turned away and put his hands on his hips. "You're forgetting that I am your pimp, and I can slap you like that however and whenever I choose. The reason I slapped you, though, is because we are here fighting against discrimination. I can't have you forming some sort of 'Cool Group' that only people without facial hair are allowed to join. How would that make Luxord and Xaldin feel?"

"Xaldin doesn't have facial hair," Axel answered, frowning.

Zexion was about to say, "Actually, sideburns do technically count as facial hair," when he was cut off by Cloud, who had gotten up off the floor.

"Why the hell are you idiots fighting over such a trivial thing? Only toddlers care about clubs like this that discriminate! I mean, come on, are you really going to join this club when and if it starts accepting non-brunette—"

Sora interjected with a hearty, "Non Smart Club members," and a sage nod of his head, his spikes gently bobbing.

Cloud glared at him for the interruption and continued, "Non-brunette members?" He glanced back at Sora to see if the boy would attempt to correct him again. Sora shook his head and Cloud turned back to the astonished group of people in front of him. "In reality, I don't think that any of you Organization idiots would be able to make it to any meetings! Besides, you already have your own club! Just go home!"

The Organization members looked at the blonde, stunned. Cloud's chest was heaving and his brow was furrowed with frustration and annoyance.

Xemnas raised a finger to point at Cloud. "Did he just...?"

"Oh, he did not," said Axel. He stuck out his hands, causing two fiery wheels to appear underneath his palms; he took hold of them and pointed one in the direction of the offender. "No one tells off the Organization! Especially when we came to save your sorry ass!"

But Cloud was gone. Everyone looked around for him, but all that was left of him was the faint smell of pancake batter and the places on the carpet where his moogle slippers had rubbed it the wrong way.

Sephiroth was also gone, and no trace whatsoever had been left in his wake.

"Some revolutionaries," Axel said, and frowned, as he couldn't show off his "skillz" to Roxas, his secret love. He turned and thrust his weapons into Xemnas' arms, with a grunt of, "Here are my earnings for the night, Daddy. Sorry there isn't more, but I guess guys don't go for the 'sexy and spiky' look anymore."

"I think it's more like they don't go for the 'sexy anorexie' look anymore, Axel," quipped Marluxia.

"What did you just call me, fool? Oh, it's on now!" exclaimed Axel. "Gimme those back, Superior Skank!" He snatched his weapons back from Xemnas. He was about to attack Marluxia when he realized that everyone else had left the room, too.

Except one person.

"Superior... Skank...?" queried Xemnas, a look that was either wrath or irritation behind his eyes.

"Aw, boss, I was just jokin' around, you know how it is..." Axel said, then promptly ran from the room.


So, what did you think? I began to get too into Organization XIII and realized that Cloud and Sephiroth weren't saying anything, so I made it so they left :3! There will be at least one more chapter to this story, like one explaining to where he and Sephiroth mysteriously disappeared... And there will almost definitely be a separate, sequel story on Organization XIII. I just can't seem to think of a stable plot for it. Maybe it'll just be a bunch of oneshots—like 13 chapters, one for each member. Tell me what you think of this story, but also let me know what you think of my ideas!

H and Ks,


Chatty Harry

By the way, I don't remember if I've put it on this story yet (and I'm too lazy to look! XD), but please visit my deviantart account, even if it does have a not-so-good picture of Axel hugging Sora! Just search under my username, cloudmouth. :D