Author's Note: Okay, I won't lie…….This is like my first completed story. When I was younger I would start a story and not finish it (on paper). I always act out things in my head because it comes out just right, but anyways……on with the story. One more thing, this is placed after MR3. Thanks for reading!


Chapter 1


We were all around the fire, in the middle of God knows what forest, when the question had to come up….

"Max, where are we going?" Angel wondered.

We just left moms after saving the world. There's nothing that I really need to do now. I was thinking maybe we'll just settle down somewhere, hopefully near mom.

"Can we, Max?!" Angel asked. Shoot she must have read my mind, again!

"Um, I was thinking we could."

"Could what?" Iggy asked.

"Settle down and have a house and be free and have no obligations!" Angel shouted.

"Now I didn't say-uh-think that! I said/thought we could find a house somewhere nearby moms and live there permanently, hopefully…"

"OMG, that would be sooo awesome, we could fly all the time and play and stay up all night and never have to worry and always have food and…"

"NUDGE!" the flock yelled in unison.

"Sorry," she said sheepishly.

"I didn't say that either, honey. Let's take this one step at a time." I started rubbing my temples. I could feel a headache coming. I felt someone watching me and I looked around. No shocker, it was Fang. He was staring very intently at me, but I could tell he was deep in thought. I wish I could have talked to him alone before now but I didn't have a chance. I'll have to ask him later.

"So everyone like the idea then?"

I got yeahs and yeses from the flock, except Fang, who still hasn't said one word about the matter. I STILL couldn't tell what he was thinking. It drives me crazy when he's so unemotional.

"Okay, then. Early tomorrow morning we'll go house hunting." This should be interesting. Maybe Fang will talk to me when everyone is asleep. Speaking of sleep, it's time for bed.

"Alrighty. Everyone to bed, I got first watch. We leave early tomorrow so get plenty of rest."

Everyone shuffled to their own spots, some liked the ground, and some liked trees. I watched as Iggy soundlessly laid down by the extinguishing fire. It was pretty warm out, so the fire didn't matter. Nudge and Angel decided to sleep in some spacious oaks. Angel had Celeste in one arm and Total on her stomach. Next my gaze flicked over to the Gasman. He was looking around like he was deciding where to sleep; just then he must have made up his mind because he laid down next to Iggy. That left Fang. He hadn't moved an inch and was now staring at the fire. I sighed. Might as well talk to him, I thought. I wordlessly got up from my log I was sitting on and sat next to Fang on the ground.

"So what's your thoughts on the plan?" I started with.

No response. Argh! He can be so infuriating! I thought.

I stared at him for maybe a minute before he said, "You sure you're done?"

I blinked, trying to comprehend what that meant. He couldn't talk in full sentences could he? Oh, he's talking about saving the world thing. Yeah, that's it. "I took down Itex, Jeb hasn't said anything since then, and I don't know what else is there to do. I think I'm done." To this he just nodded. "Say something. What are you thinking about?"

"I guess it would be nice to have a place to call home."

"So you want to do this? No questions, no sarcasm, no nothing?"

Fang just looked up at me. We stared into each other's eyes for what felt like forever. Then he said, "Nope." Well, that's a change, I thought.

"Well, okay then. Get some sleep Fang. G'night."

He looked at me for a little while longer before getting up and walking over to Iggy. He laid down not that far away from him. After that I let my thoughts wonder, while doing 360 degree turns every so often. I thought about the last couple of days and what we need and what needs to be done. Soon I didn't even realize the sky was getting lighter. I should get some sleep. I'm way late in waking Iggy for second watch. Oh well, I needed the time to think. With that, I got up and tapped Iggy's back. He lifted his head and I told him it's his watch. He got up and I took his spot, too lazy to go find another. Hopefully in the morning, there will be success. I thought while drifting to sleep.