Life of a Flower


Pairing --- Itachi -x- Sakura

Genre --- Drama/Romance

Rating --- M (Obviously!)


Author's Note: HEY YOU GUYS:D lol i am just really, really hyper right now : ) so yea.. lol well here comes another SHORT yet SWEET chapter. ENJOYY!


"This isn't supposed to happen to me!"

She felt his breath against her neck, shivering..

"Was it all a mistake? Mai and I?"

He didn't answer her question..

"I.." He paused and smirked.

"I don't want this any longer.."

Sakura twirled around, catching at his clothing with her small hands, pressing the side of her face against his clothed chest..


He gripped her shoulders, pulling her away -much to her dismay- and pressed her back first against the oak tree..

She blinked quickly.

He brought his lips so close to hers that she thought -hoped- he would kiss her own lips. Full of passion and desire but he didn't..

"Be happy with.."

He paused.


Sakura shook her head, this couldn't be happening. The tears started falling like some waterfall.. She broke and fell to her knees; hearing Itachi's footsteps as he began to walk away from her..

But.. no matter how much he tried to deny the fact.. The small whimpers and cries that he could hear as he walked away, tore his heart in more than one painful way because he finally realized that he was walking out on the one person that meant the World to him..

His Sakura.

"It's better off this way.." He whispered lastly.


Character Ages

Itachi --- 35

Sakura --- 29

Mai --- 13

Sasuke --- 29


Chapter 5 --- Broken



Deidara flinched at her tone.


She was pissed -no; beyond pissed. He couldn't find the right words to describe what she was feeling at the moment.

All he knew was that she was enraged.

And worst of all; at him..

Her tiny fists pounded at his muscular chest. He had had enough of this. Catching one of her tightened hands, Deidara held her back.

"What's done is done."

She looked down, tears threatening to fall..

"You.. You ruined everything."

He glanced down at her shaking form.

"You destroyed everything.. I had."

"Mai, I-"

"Shut. Up."

She punched at him again, fueling her rage.

"Leave this village!"

"There's no reason for you to stay."

His lips formed a sad smile; her- she was so familiar.. Haruno Mai. Reminding him oh so much of her mother, Haruno Sakura.. They were so alike.

In so many ways.

And then, turning swiftly on her heel, Mai sped away from the dumbfounded Deidara. He looked down at the spot she had once been standing.

And now, he had lost someone else he cared deeply for..


"Okasan.. You fool."

The young girl stopped just outside of the hellish, Uchiha manor. Holding so many good memories of her and her family. But now nothing was left for her. She couldn't repair what had happened..

"What else does this village offer me?"

She kicked at some rocks, watching as they skipped across the dirt and came to a tumbling stop; green eyes closing for a few moments before-


Rushing inside her bedroom, Mai took out a scrap piece of paper and quickly scribbled down her final parting words..

"Dear Okasan.." She whispered to herself; whimpering.


Slamming the note against the table located within the living room, Mai scurried out of her home with only a backpack slung over her one shoulder and a mind full of 'what ifs' and 'if only'..

She stashed every last memory of her parents, village and friends to the back of her mind; rushing out of the village and carrying a steady pace towards God knows where! All Mai knew was that she just had to get away from everything..

Obviously, no one cared for her.


She dragged her feet against the dirt path all the way back to the Uchiha manor. Tears still staining her face and new ones stinging at her red, swollen eyes. Trying her best to make herself look presentable by fixing her hair and dusting herself off.

Though, you could read her like an open book from many feet away.. She had this look of sadness and despair plastered on her face; bottom lip quivering ever so slightly..


She tilted her head up, eyes catching sight of the 2nd Uchiha brother.

Her knees felt as if they'd give way at any moment. Her tears came falling and Sasuke became oddly concerned for her.. Rushing to her side, he gripped her by the shoulders, holding her steady as not to fall.

"What hap-"

"Itachi.." His eyes darkened. Was he the cause of her pain again?

"What did he do?" He gave her a small shake.

Her eyes darted around, not looking at the male's face..

"He- Itachi left."

Sasuke seemed to be in a state of shock, "Where did he go?" She looked at him, her eyes lingering this time on his face. "I.. I don't know.."

Slowly, he picked her up and set off towards the Uchiha manor where -once inside- he located her sick bed and placed her on it.

"Get some rest."

She nodded blindly, turning on her side and letting her large eyes fall closed.

And with that Sasuke left the room but.. the white note on top of the table caught his attention. He picked it up and read it again and again until a quiet 'shit' left his mouth. Pocketing the piece of paper, Sasuke left the manor.

Now he had to be the one to bring Mai and Itachi back home to Sakura.

He sighed, "Like father, like daughter."


Oh, he had been on Itachi's trail almost a full hour. It was starting to get dark, the skies painted with colours of reds and oranges. He had to do this before nightfall.. And then he had to knock some sense into that daughter of theres..

This was going to prove to be quite interesting but.. Mai looked up to him, respected him and maybe; just maybe she'd listen to him.

"Where are you going Itachi?"

The elder Uchiha stopped in his tracks, smirked that sinful smirk and looked over his broad shoulder at his younger brother.

"Go back to the village."

Sasuke stayed put however. Not listening to Itachi. He decided to turn the tables..

"Go back to Sakura."

Sasuke caught sight of the creasing of Itachi's brows. He knew that it had hit a soft spot; a spot Sasuke never even knew existed..

He repeated himself.

"Go back to your family."

Itachi let a small, suppressed chuckle leave his throat.

"She betrayed me, Ototo."

Sasuke growled, "Stop being an idiot!" And the next thing he knew, he had disappeared and reappeared behind the elder Uchiha.

"Your making her suffer; can't you understand that?!"

He caught himself just in time for a surprise blow; Itachi caught Sasuke's wrist, squeezing but not hard enough to damage or break any bones.

"She's doing the same thing to me!"

This time Sasuke was the one, he used his other fist to punch Itachi's face and when he went to block, he used his leg and sent him crashing against a tree.

"So your just going to let your family wither and die?"

He was furious now.

Itachi didn't answer. He didn't need to answer anything for his younger brother. Nothing. This was none of his business and he had to keep to himself.

"If you won't go back to her than.."

Itachi and his brother locked gazes; old blood lust rekindling between the two..

"I will."

Itachi showed no signs of backing down nor did he show any signs of that sentence effecting him..

He had no emotions.

"You can have her." Came his blunt reply.

Just as Sasuke was about to retort, Itachi took off at a great speed and disappeared. Sasuke slumped his shoulders, "Damn." And took off after his idiot-of-a-brother.

"Itachi.." He mumbled.

"Why do you have to be such a bastard?"

Little did the Uchiha know, that Mai was headed straight towards Sound nation where a whirlwind of trouble was just awaiting the moment she arrived. And the trouble went by the name of: Orochimaru.


Author's Note: HEYYA! Did i do good?? Ha ha, just kidding. I actually liked the outcome of this chapter. Now let's see what happens to Mai and let's see what other trouble awaits everyone else..

Read and Review

Hugs 'n' Kisses
