Kiba'sfan: WOW!!! I can't beleive it! My first story! Yeah!!! Just so everyone knows I like to be called Kiba. I cosplayed as him once and everyone called me Kiba since then I also have a Kiba fanclub that chases me around! So yeah...Please no flamers! This story is Yaoi which is BOY on BOY and I really suggest that if you don't like that to please just leave!
Sasuke: Oh shut up and get on with the story Kiba!
Kiba'sfan//Pouts// Oh Sasuke don't be so mean!
Naruto//Walks in// What did I miss?
Kiba'sfan: Sasuke's being mean //Fakes a cry//
Naruto and Kiba'sfan//Starts talking about Sasuke and how mean, but sexy he is//
Sasuke//Eye twitches//...okay...yeah kiba'sfan does not own Naruto or it's characters. nor does she own any of the songs mentioned in this fiction. //turns to Kiba'sfan and Naruto then chases them as Naruto says embarrasing stuff about Sasuke's role in bed//
Kiba'sfangirl: Alrighty then on with the Fanfiction!
Summary: Naruto holds a sleep over party with all the shinobi teens. What will ensue? a heck of a lot of nosebleeds for starters!!!
Rated M for sexual content and language.
Naruto unsteadily lifted his head and beat the crap out of the alarm clock that blared out for him to wake up.
The 17 year old adolescent got up and stretched his stiff muscles with a very fox-like stretch. His eyes shot open when he realized what today was. On the calendar, today's date was circled with red sharpie.
"Yes! Today's the party!" the blonde jumped out of his bed and ran to the bathroom next door to his room.
His apartment wasn't big or fancy but it suited him anyway. The hyper-active ninja brushed his teeth and combed his golden hair before running back into his closet and picked out some clothes. He stripped down and flung on the clothes he pulled out.
Naruto had chosen a black V-cut chest hugging shirt that would let somebody see his toned features adequately, paired with a pair of his baggie trade mark orange cargo pants, along with his hitai-ate tied comfortably on his head. He jogged into his living room and grabbed the keys sitting on his table, then slipped on his blue sandals.
"I gotta go get some food and stuff for the sleep over!" Naruto said happily to himself, as he walked out of his apartment.
He sped over to the market area and got all the items that were on his mental list: popcorn, chips, soda, pockey, candy, whipped cream and any other thing that popped into his head at the moment. He made it to the surprised looking cashier and paid for all the sweets and sodas. He made his way through the busy streets of Konoha village towards his apartment looking for other random supplies, but stopped short as he passed a certain shop that showed off different animals slave costumes. A particular kitty cat slave costume stood out to the blonde. It was a black leather vest that would cover the chest leaving the stomach exposed, paired with a pair of VERY tight fitting leather short shorts that had a silver chain on the side and a little dark blue cat tail attached to the butt and a headband that had fuzzy cat ears attached. Naruto drooled as he imagined his secret crush in them.
Naruto grinned wickedly and walked into the store. Minutes later he walked out with the costume in a bag.
'I can definitely use this when we play truth or dare!' he thought evilly in his head.
Naruto's shopping trip ended up taking about 5 hours all together since he left. The Kyuubi vessel headed up to his apartment room door and walked in. he closed it behind himself and put his groceries on the floating island in his small kitchen that was connected to his living room. He put the bag that contained the cat costume in his room under his bed.
As he walked out of his room there was a knock at the door.
"That must be Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru! I forgot they promised to come by and help me set up!" He exclaimed to himself.
He opened the door only to be glomped by an ecstatic Ino.
"Naruto-kun! It's so great to see ya!" She said grinning as she backed off the kitsune. She was wearing a dark purple dress and had her blonde hair in a braid down her back. She looked up and down Naruto.
"Wow! You look hot!" She finished to a flustered looking Naruto.
"T-thanks Ino-chan!" He said a small blush crept onto his whisker tattooed cheeks as she walked into his home followed soon by Choji wearing a lime green joke-tee that read 'I'll eat you if you poke!' and Shikamaru who just wore his normal attire minus his jacket They gave less enthusiastic waves of hello.
He closed his door as his friends took their backpacks and stuff off their shoulders.
"Hey, you can just set your stuff in the corner of the living room against that wall! We have a lot to do before people start arriving!" Naruto pointed to the kitchen.
"Shikamaru-san if you don't mind you and Choji can go and set up the food in the kitchen.", He looked at Choji, "Oh and Choji if I find one chip missing I'll let Kyuubi eat your soul!" He said grinning wickedly at the chubby kid whose smile immediately disappeared at that notice.
Choji hurriedly followed Shikamaru who was muttering about how troublesome life was, into the kitchen. Naruto turned to Ino.
"You can help decorate! I have some stuff like streamers and balloons in a box over next to the dining room table." He said grinning. Ino saluted with a wink and went to go put up the streamers and balloons. Naruto ran over to his stereo system and popped in his Linkin park cd. Soon In the End was blasting through the apartment.
"I love this song!!!" Ino said standing perched on a chair taping blue and orange streamers on the roof.
30 minutes later
Ino, Naruto, Shikamaru, and Choji flopped onto the small couch Naruto owned. Now Green Day was playing American Idiot in his stereo.
Naruto smiled and sat up a little.
"I think we're done guys!"
The apartment was decorated to perfection for a party. They had moved all of Naruto's furniture against the walls so there was a big empty spot in the center of the room which they filled with cushions and pillows so the shinobi teens could camp out. Ino leaped up and put a fist into the air, stars sparkling in her eyes.
"This will be the best party ever thanks to my decorating skills!!!"
Shikamaru rolled his eyes, a jaded expression on his pallor face and sighed,
"So troublesome!"
Naruto happily watched Ino yell at Shikamaru about how he always acts like that, when he heard the door bell ring again. He jumped up and left the fighting duo to go open the door.
"AARWHOOooooo!!! Party!!!" Kiba shouted as Naruto grinned.
The canine-like ninja was wearing a tight black short sleeved tee shirt and a pair of dark blue baggie ripped jeans on, his hitai-ate was tied around his slim waist. He high-fived Naruto, as Akamaru jumped off his master's head awkwardly onto the floor. Kiba handed Naruto a bag of cookies in the shape of dog biscuits.
"Thanks Kiba these look awesome!" Naruto said putting the dog biscuit cookies on the table.
"No problem! So who else is coming?" Kiba said putting his bag next to Ino's and settled down on the ground on a soft couch cushion.
Naruto smiled.
"Everyone! Nobody turned down my invitation! Even Gaara and his siblings are coming all the way from the Sunagakure!" He said, pretty happy of himself.
(A/N: Sunagakure means village hidden in the sand for those who don't know it)
Ino played with Akamaru while Naruto got some drinks.
"Hey Kiba. Where are Hinata and Shino?" Choji asked eating a bag of chips like as if it was the last in the world.
Kiba shrugged.
"I think Hinata's coming with Neji and Shino is just coming when ever he's coming." He said knowingly.
The doorbell rang.
"Speak of the devil!" Kiba said sniffing out one of his teammates scent.
Naruto opened the door to find Neji with Hinata right behind him fiddling her thumbs shyly. Neji put a hand up.
"Yo." He greeted smiling, looking an awfully lot like Kakashi with his greeting.
Naruto let them in. Everyone greeted the two of them as they walked in. Neji sat next to Kiba and started a conversation. Hinata gave Naruto a box tied with the blue ribbon.
"I-it's a-a present!" She said averting her eyes from Naruto.
Naruto took the box and thanked her as he opened it. Inside was a small stuffed fox plushie. Naruto picked it up and smiled.
"Thanks Hinata! It's adorable!" He said enthusiastically as Hinata ran away after he let her in.
In reality he wasn't as stupid as he seemed. He knew she had a small crush on him but unfortunately for her, he already had a crush, and no not on his teammate Sakura like everyone thought. Personally he only thought of her as a sisterly friend.
No, he had a crush on his other teammate…….
………… Sasuke.
He didn't remember when it all started. There were too many times when his love interest could have spurred. Like when he was still an academy student, as he was accidentally bumped into from behind, right into his Sasuke's hot pale lips, or when he was sparring his crush and got pinned down by the Uchiha. He was taken out of his thoughts by a very damned familiar voice that he heard over the rock music Kiba had popped in.
"Are you gonna let us in dobe?"
Naruto blushed as Sasuke stood behind him in the doorway; he was wearing a tight dark blue tee-shirt with the Uchiha symbol on the sleeves and black cargo pants. Sakura was right behind wearing a spaghetti strap red and pink dress.
"Don't call me a dobe, you teme!" He said with a hint of growling in his voice behind his fox-like smile.
Sasuke just smirked and walked in towards a wall not too far off from the blasting stereo system.
"Hi Naruto-kun!" Sakura said hugging her teammate.
Naruto happily returned the hug and let her pass by him. He shut the door as Sakura met up with Ino.
You should make your move Kit.
What are you talking about Kyuubi?
You know you like him so tell him! This party is your perfect chance!
But Sasuke wouldn't like me! He's as straight as a-
As straight as those sensei's of yours! What were their names again? Kakashi and Iruka? Kit what harm could there be done by telling the Uchiha boy you like him?
It could ruin our friendship! Besides, who would love a demon holder like me?
You're being too drastic Kit! You don't give yourself enough credit!
What do you mean Kyuubi?
I mean you need to get that stick out of your ass and get YOUR stick up HIS!!!! I'm tired of you having those dreams about him!
Kyuubi put very erotic images of Sasuke through Naruto's head from the hottest wet dreams he'd had the past couple of days. The provocative positions caused Naruto to blush and shake his head.
Damn you Kyuubi! Don't do that!
Whatever Kit! Go ahead and sulk in your fantasies. Call me when you lay that black haired bastard!
Kyuubi's voice disappeared and Naruto, sporting a pink blush went towards the kitchen to get another drink. He walked in only to bump into something soft and firm.
"Ouch! Watch where you're going dobe!" An irritated looking Sasuke said rubbing his chest which had connected with Naruto's.
"I said don't call me that bastard!" Naruto growled under his breath, bright azure eyes set in a glaring match with dark bottomless ebony ones.
"Hn." Sasuke just smirked and walked out of the kitsune's line of sight.
Naruto grinned evilly. He couldn't wait to play truth or dare!
The doorbell rang signaling more guests. Naruto jumped over the kitchen island using his super cool ninja skills and ran up to his door. He opened it only to have a murderous glare greet him.
"Gaara! I was wondering when you'd get here!" Naruto said holding the door open for Gaara and his siblings.
Gaara didn't respond and just walked into the room scowling. He paused, a giant sweatdrop hanging on his forehead when he saw that all female eyes were on him.
The girls all gawked at Gaara. He wasn't wearing his usual sand gourd and had replaced his black tank top and pale white sash with a blood red fish netting top that not only put his hair to shame also revealed his washboard abs through the fish netting. He also wore black jeans that had long silver chains hanging off of them. To put it simply…he was a red headed sex god. Behind him stood his brother Kankuro wearing a black tee-shirt and pants and his sister Temari who was wearing a pale purple and white tank top with blue jeans. Both set their bags on the ground next to Ino and Sakura's. Kankuro turned to Naruto.
"Sorry for his rudeness Naruto!" He said pointing to Gaara who had now moved away from the bug-eyed fangirls to talk with Sasuke.
Naruto shook off the apology and watched Sasuke roll his beautiful black eyes and nod as Gaara pointed idly over his shoulder to the rabid fangirls who gawked at the two of them.
"He only came because it's your party!" she said shrugging, "He has a sort of…soft spot for you."
Naruto nodded. He new what she was talking about. Gaara understood Naruto more than anyone because he too also had a demon sealed inside his body. Naruto smiled and shut the door as Kankuro and Temari joined the party a bit freaked at the googily eyed fangirls.
15 minutes passed before Tenten, Lee, and Shino arrived at their own time. When the last persons arrived Naruto told every one to change into their night clothes. It was now 7:00 and getting dark. He pointed for the girls to change in his guest room while the boys change in his bedroom. Naruto followed the guys into his own room only to blush.
Sasuke was sitting on his bed wearing only a thin pair of black silk boxers, pulling clothes out of his backpack. He wished that he could run his fingers over Sasuke's pale skin but thought better of it as Sasuke pulled on a dark blue muscle shirt and black cotton sweats. The other guys changed as Naruto lifted his own shirt off his back. Unbeknown to him a certain Uchiha stared hungrily at the blonde as if he were a fresh slab of meat put in front of starved wolves. Sasuke grinned in his head as he watched Naruto's taut muscles flex as the blond lifted his arms up sliding on a white shirt with some very low hanging cotton sweat pants that showed off his lower abs.
Naruto lead all the guys out of the cramped room. In order after Naruto was Gaara who was wearing just some average black sweat pants but no shirt (HAWT!!!), next was Kankuro who wore all black cotton Pj's, then there was Shino who wore a tee shirt and pants that had ants trailed all over, then there was Choji who was in a plain white tee with green shorts, then Sasuke, then Shikamaru who had a black sports-tee with brown sweats, next was Lee who wore a bright green tee and matching colored pants, Next was Kiba who had a pair of sky blue cotton Pj bottoms that had dog bones all over and a white muscle shirt, Neji was last and walked out with a plain white tee shirt and beige shorts.
Soon after the guys sat down the girls came out. Sakura lead them out wearing a pink tank top with red shorts, followed by Ino who wore pretty much the same but it was all different shades of purple, next came Hinata who wore baby blue cotton Pj's that had purple butterflies on them. After her came Tenten wearing a tank top and cotton shorts that had kunai scattered on them. Last came Temari who wore a red tee that read 'Back off bitch!' on it and burgundy shorts.
Naruto instructed everyone to sit down on the cushions in a circle around him now. As every one settled down, Naruto grinned evilly and pulled out an empty bottle from behind his back.
"Time for some truth or dare everyone!" he said showing off the bottle.
All the girls and Lee squealed, Images of them kissing their crushes flowing through their heads, while the boys all groaned as those same images went through their heads. Naruto just ignored the murmurings coming all around him.
"Alright I'll go first!" Naruto said setting the bottle down and spinning it. He sat down as everyone's eyes followed the bottle as it slowed down only to land on...
BUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! X3 Cliff hanger!!!!! Yesh!!! Yeah I'll post the next chapter if I get a couple good reveiws! Come on don't be shy tell me your thoughts on who the bottle lands on! Okay? But please don't flame if you can help it, Like I said I'm new to all this and this is my FIRST fanfiction so please be kind!
Ja Ne