Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING! And this will be my last chapter… Enjoy!

Last time:

They arrived at the hospital and Lilly was admitted. And they let Miley be there when the baby was born. She was there holding the hand of the love of her life. Lilly screamed as she pushed squeezing Miley's hand in the process. Miley and Lilly started crying when the doctor announced "It's a girl!"

Chapter 14

They looked at each other and they shared a very long kiss. The doctor was shocked, though he didn't comment on it. He handed the baby to Lilly and she said "well what should her name be?" Miley thought about it for a moment before saying "I think we should name her Julia. Julia Lillian Trescott-Stewart." Lilly smiled before agreeing.

They doctor said that as soon as Lilly got dressed she could leave. So Miley helped Lilly out knowing that she would be intensely sore even after the nights rest. Miley drove herself and Lilly home and they took Julia to her room. Speaking softly she said to her "Julia, honey this is your new room, your new house." Julia looked up at Miley and smiled. Miley was ecstatic and Julia laughed a little. Miley laid Julia down in her crib. Miley saw that as soon as she was laying down for a moment or two she was almost asleep. Miley smiled and went to see Lilly. Lilly was really sore just like Miley knew she would be. She helped Lilly upstairs to get a bath. She told her to stay in there for a while, to relax. Lilly promised and she laid back. Miley left to check on Julia. She was fast asleep. Miley just stood in her room for a while watching her sleep. She sat in a chair that gave her a respectable view of her daughter. She lost herself in thought while watching the baby.

'I think I'm always going to thing of her as my daughter even if Oliver, that bastard, is the father. She is going to grow up right. She'll have so many friends and they can stay when ever they want. And she'll go to school and finish, I can't wait till her first day of kindergarten. It's going to be hard to let her go but we will. And she'll go thought the grades and she'll excel and she might just find one friend like Lilly did with Oliver back when he was a respectable kid."

And her thoughts continued this way until she fell asleep and then she had dreams about her being successful. Lilly finally got out of the bath and get dressed. She went looking for Miley and went straight to the baby's room, knowing just were she'd be. She didn't expect for her to be asleep though. The baby was awake thought and she was waving her arms around, giggling. Lilly picked up Julia and began to feed her. They decided that Lilly would breast feed Julia. Miley woke up to Lilly breast feeding her. She said "Hey honey do u feel any better?" Lilly said "yes I do the hot water helped a lot. They were both whispering for some reason. Lilly put the baby back in her crib and went to sit in Miley's lap. Miley kissed her before saying "Is something wrong?" Lilly was close to crying. She looked at Miley's face searching for something in her eyes. "Miley I'm scared. I don't know anything about being a mom, and I know I have you but she doesn't and never will have a daddy. And I'm afraid that she'll hate me or run away from home or something." Lilly was sobbing. Miley wrapped her arms around her love and whispered. "Shhh, now we both know that that won't happen. She is going to love you and me equally. She'll see what a great person her mom is. You'll be best friends. And she does have a daddy, but I think that she should have a chance to meet her dad." At the look of protest on Lilly's face Miley said "I know you hate him I do too, but when she gets old enough we'll tell her what he did and let her decide herself if she wants anything to do with him." Lilly nodded her head she knew that that was fair, but she didn't have to like it. Lilly kissed Miley again and said "what are we going to do? I know I have to drop out now but are you? I don't want you to but I won't argue if you think that it is best." Miley wasn't sure what she was going to do. She wanted to finish high school but she wanted to help raise that baby. "Umm you know what I think I'm going to think about it for a while and get back to you."

"OK" she agreed and then she gave Miley one last kiss and went to see the baby again. That night they both slept in Julia's room. She surprisingly didn't wake up thought the night.

The next day Miley woke up first. She checked on the baby after making sure not to wake Lilly getting up. The baby was asleep too so she went down stairs as quietly as she could to make breakfast…

Thought out the years, Miley and Lilly had their fights just like every other couple, but as Julia was growing up they never let on to her that anything was wrong. Julia asked about Oliver when she was 7 and she was introduced to her father. When she was 11 she asked why she had two moms and a dad. They explained to her everything and even before she was told she was mature for her age. She shut her father out after she confronted him and he admitted it. She loved her uncle Jackson and she sympathized for him. When she was 13 she discovered that she loved to read and at 14 she began to write. Miley and Lilly were married when she was little and she grew up and finished high school. She went to college and made all her family very proud. She became an English teacher for 8th grade students. She considered her moms her best friends and when she came out to them that she was bisexual they supported her all the way, her grandparents, uncle Jackson, and both her moms. She married a woman named Victoria and she herself had a kid. She named her Miley Lillian Trescott-Stewart. Lilly died of lung cancer at the age of 65. Miley died at the age of 80 from old age or so the doctor said but Julia knew better she knew it was because she wanted to be with Lilly again…

A/N: well what did you think? I rather like it but sadly every story must end and this is it. Reviews would be great!