I am TOTALLY going to go and cry now…

Final thanks for those reviews theAlyCat, CSIBabs, FernClaw, shopping-luva91, ImaSupernaturalCSI, StellaTaylor16, lily moonlight, Wizard-in-Disguise

20. Finale: Duty and Friendship

Three weeks later, the Crime Lab…

"You okay?"

Mac glanced at Stella and looked down at the papers on his desk. "I'm fine. Just looking over these papers that Sinclair managed to stuff into my inbox over the past couple of weeks. He's recommended me for two weeks vacation, have me fired, put me on suspended pay- I'm having a hard time figuring out which one is which. Does he want me to do the oldest first, the newest first…? It's just a big pile of crap right now."

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Don said that Sinclair got on his butt about how you were holding up after the trial and everything. Said he was curious about how I was doing, too. Quite annoying, unfortunately."

The retired military officer quit flipping through the papers. It was true that Dobson had practically gotten the life sentence for all the wrongs he had committed. For some reason, though, Mac still wasn't satisfied. He couldn't explain the feeling he had welling up as the judge read the verdict. It was just… it was something he just unhappy with. Stella was relieved that things were finally done and gone, but Mac knew that this was probably going to be the beginning of a time of healing.

He was more right than he thought he was.


He snapped out of his daze and went around the desk, giving Stella a tired smile. "Sorry."

She cocked her head and crossed her arms. "What are you thinking about? Not the trial again, right?"

There was a knock on wood, and both teammates looked at the door. Don stood there, leaning up against it and grinning. "What are you two doing?"

"Talking," Mac replied, shrugging. "What about you?"

Don jerked his thumb behind him. "Chief wants a word with you, pronto."

Sighing, the crime scene investigator glanced at his companion and stole one look at Stella before leaving the office and traveling down the hallway. The place was alive with chatter of new crime scenes and old tales from when he first came to the lab. His mind blocked out everything, though, as he made his way to the other office inside the lab. There was an odd sort of churning in his stomach as he finally reached the door and stood outside for a couple of moments.

What could Sinclair want with him now?

Mac took a deep breath and opened the door, glancing inside and seeing Sinclair sit at his desk. The African American was flipping through a pile of papers and glanced up from his work, gesturing to the investigator to shut the door. "Sit, Taylor," he told him firmly. "I've got some words to say to you, and you are not going to like them."

"Look, Chief…"

Sinclair narrowed his eyes. "No, just listen to me this time. You don't talk, this will be a LOT quicker than you hope."

Mac shut his mouth, merely giving the man that glare he had grown so accustomed to seeing. He couldn't help but notice the look of pain in the chief's eyes. The ex-Marine simply nodded and allowed the other man to speak his mind.

"Look. I know you and Bonasera want to have a thing together, but you just… you can't. Romance isn't allowed in the office, Taylor, and you know that." Sinclair put his elbows on the desk, head resting in his palms. "However, due to extenuating circumstances, recent behavior in the lab, and a lab tech coming to me and explaining the whole story… I think I can permit this incident just once."

The CSI blinked. "What do you mean?"

Sinclair finally chuckled, shaking his head. "You and Bonasera are on mandatory leave for two weeks."


"You heard me, Mac. Starting right now, I want you and Stella to leave the crime lab on paid vacation." The chief ran his fingers through his little bit of hair, even cracking a bit of a smile. "I really think you two need it. The Dobson affair was just something that really threw you all for a loop, and well…" He leaned back. "I must admit. It's kind of cute seeing you two together- like high school crushes or something."

Mac felt his face blush.

Sinclair waved him away. "Go. I know you want to get to know her more."

"Chief, why are you doing this?"

He shrugged. "Because one, I want you out of the lab. Seeing you brooding still and having some emotion affect your job is starting to tee me off. And secondly, I didn't ask for it. In fact, I didn't even want it. But Don and that lab tech named Adam Ross thought it would be best for you both."

Mac turned to the door and saw Adam grinning and waving from outside the room. The CSI stood up and returned the smile, glancing back at Sinclair. "So…"

"Out, Taylor! I don't want to see your face in here for two weeks!"

He left the room and merely looked at the lab tech for eseveral moments. Adam rocked on the balls of his feet. "M-Mac? You okay?"

Without warning, Mac took Adam in a warm embrace. Stunned, Adam's eyes widened. "Uh, I think that's a yes."


Stella's confused voice was heard, and she walked up to the two men embraced in a strange sort of man-hug. She raised an eyebrow and gave a slight grin at the sight of Adam's expression. "What happened? I hope I'm not…"

The CSI smiled. "Stella…"

Adam managed to get himself out of Mac's grasp and glanced between the two people, scratching his head and appearing sheepish. "I guess I'll, uh, leave you two alone now."

With this, he scurried off in the other direction.

Stella looked back at where he had run to. "What happened?"

Mac gave a soft smile, his hand slipping into Stella's. She pulled in ever so slightly and brought herself eye to eye with the man who had protected her, saved her from a nightmare of the past. Her gaze met his, serene blue meeting war-weary cerulean.

"Let's get lost," he muttered in her ear, embracing her tightly.

Stella didn't object. After all, she was with a lover she thought she would never have.

Silence only existed between them now as they walked arm in arm to the elevator. And the innocence of it was all that was needed.

The innocence of silence showed the reality of true love.

Wow. I cannot believe this is completed… All right, thanks time! I only wish I could list all of you who faved and alerted this fic. –sniffles- But that would take too long and too much space.

Your reviews have meant so much to me… clairec12344, Melface, shawdoo, magic-munchies, VaveAma92, jules1031, none, AK-tiger, BabylovesMaverick, Azurite, Lionessmon, Tonks, Carrro, ImaSupernaturalCSI, JoSchomo666, ritagarcia45, Stella Taylor16, cryingblacktears, Scorpii, ForensicsFreak1988, csidle, lily moon, EmilyProctorslittleiglrl, Murgy31, xXxKissMeKatexXx, CSIBabs, xoCathandLivexo, Lilly Taylor, greyslostwho, chrysalis escapist, Bonasera, special agent kibbs, SciFiNutAlways1999, lily moonlight, Blue Shadowdancer, Mouse, JFuzz, shopping-luva91, iluvcsi4ever, FernClaw, Matt, Wizard-in-Disguise, Hope06, Lost in New York, theAlyCat, Mindless Image, Rayclash, laurence0311, TishMaychelleChin, MissLizzymizzy, Jennifer

ImaSupernaturalCSI- You who have helped keep me on the path of this fic as best as you could. I owe you so much. Really. It's been so nice having you review this story. I can't believe you kept up with it until the end.

lily moonlight- Words are not able to describe the amount of love I give you for reading this. You're such a big name in this place now, and it's just amazing that I saw you turn into the authoress you are now. –stupid grin- You've inspired me, and now you're going to give me aid on a certain fic with the devil in it. Oh, man…

Simplest fact is- I really enjoy this fic, but it's time to pass on to more important and epic fictions. I'm not out of here yet. Soon, I will be posting a fiction called "Lucifer's Massacre," and I plan on making it SMacked as well. Keep your eyes peeled. I'm hoping you guys will love it.

Love to you all! Reviews are enjoyed. Thanks for everything! –Shining Zephyr-

Words: 27,189 - Chapters: 20 - Reviews: 183 - Hits: 17,043 - C2s: 1 - Favs: 27 - Alerts: 44