A/N-- God it's been a long time since I have updated this. Real life and lots of things have got in the way of my writing lately but I am finally getting back down to writing my fics.

As this is my first chapter since I started writing the fics again your comments are needed more than ever as I have no idea how this chapter has worked out. So please review. You will get cookies! :)

"What? What's wrong with her? What have I done to my baby?" Rose wept wide eyed, staring intently at the doctor. Her eyes were pleading for answers, for a hope or salvation.

The three women were sat in the bathroom, Rose was still being treated by the doctor and was fast sweeping into another panic, it was so unlike her to be panicking, she used to be so calm, so ready for anything, but now things were different, now she wasn't just responsible for herself. Jackie was sat beside her still clasping her hand, her hold becoming tighter as the worry crept into her as well. She was frightened for not just her grandchild but for her little girl. The hormones were obviously taking their toll, Rose wasn't ever so emotional. But not only that, Jackie knew what lengths a mother would go to, to protect their child, this was something primitive, instinctive.

"Miss Tyler, Rose…try and keep yourself steady. Now, you haven't done anything. My best guess would be that this is either a normal part of an alien pregnancy or a result of, umm," the doctor spoke softly as if trying to soothe Rose back into a calmness, but she hesitated as if she were unwilling to reveal her thoughts to her, "Uh, the result of cross-breeding so to speak. Alien and human DNA combining." The nurse looked sharply away from Rose in awkwardness as Rose was silenced in the guilt sweeping over her in fresh, festering waves.

This couldn't be happening, not now, not like this. Rose felt any hope she had in her begin to ebb away and her tears ceased. She felt numb, in shock. Her and the Doctor had been so perfect and now the very last part of them, their life was being ripped away. All that ran through her head now was a simple agonising need, "I wish you were here."

Everything was hollow and blurred for Rose. Her mind was numbing the real world, it was too much to handle. Words swept over her as they buzzed incoherently. She didn't bother to try and listen anymore, she didn't even think to, nothing was making sense. She tried to force her empty mind to think of something, anything. The only thing that she could see in her head was the stars, the universe, the turn of the earth below her as she looked out into eternity. Lost to her own thoughts Rose was unaware of the conversation taking place around her.

"I wouldn't think it was safe to go to any hospital with this, perhaps not even the Torchwood medical facilities. There is equipment I can ask Pete to collect for me. Would it be ok Mrs. Tyler to set up a sterile room within the house for Rose?" asked Abby. She had been talking to Rose for many minutes and after getting no response and noticing the far away gaze in her eyes she surmised that she was in a form of shock and that it was best to work one step at a time and best to work with her mother as help.

"Anything she needs." Jackie replied quickly, "Pete and Mickey can get Jake and they can set it up now." Jackie said before turning her gaze back to her daughter, "Yeah sweetheart? We can set everything up for you here. You'll be fine." She squeezed Rose's hand which was clasped in her own despite Rose's limp grasp.

Jackie looked agonisingly over to the doctor when Rose made no response to her. She needed an explanation, needed someone to say that Rose would be fine, needed something. Jackie couldn't stand anything to happen, hadn't this family been through enough? This would not happen. She couldn't let anything happen.

"Mrs. Tyler, Jackie, I am confident that I can help. It will be a long recovery and Rose will have to pretty much be on bed-rest and have someone in the house with her at all times in case anything else happens. And I can tell you now that I am happy to take on Rose's case full time and will support her and you and the family through this. But I need you to get Mickey and Pete to sort out a room for us to be able to treat as a medical room. And I need some equipment brought from the Jeep. For now could we move Rose into a bedroom and get some clean sheets and I can sort her out. Then we can get her cleaned up and let her rest. She's been through a lot."

Jackie quickly moved to give instructions to Mickey and Pete although she was reluctant to leave her daughter. For the next few hours Rose was worked on by the doctor as the rest of the family set up everything they could and attended to anything that was needed.

Pete and Mickey had been shortly joined by Jake and the three worked to make a medical room in the house. They worked in silence, none knowing what to say and each worrying in their own way. Pete felt lost, his almost-not quite-sort of relationship with Rose left him not knowing what to do. He wanted to be there for her, to know everything that was happening and to do everything that he could to help but he was aware as always of overstepping his boundaries, after all he wasn't her father not really. But then again they were already acting almost father and daughter, wasn't it normal for him to be feeling as a father would?

Mickey was in his role of faithful friend as ever. He just wanted to work fast, to do this for Rose, do as much as he could and be there as much as she needed. But he couldn't help the anguish he felt that whilst everything had worked out for him in this world, everything was falling apart for Rose.

Jake felt awkward, in the silence he felt like an intruder crashing in upon the family's anxiety. He diligently finished setting up the monitors on the new hardwood floors of the room and was simply thankful that he could help and that things were looking at least hopeful for Rose and the baby.

After this time Rose was put into her room to rest. There was still no response from her apart from the occasional monosyllabic reply to any question she was pushed with. She lay stretched out, too numb and cautious to curl herself up into the protective stance that she craved. She let her eyes fall shut and even as she blocked out the world and watched the stars her hand never left her stomach and her one constant prayer never left her mind. "I wish you were here."