under the hat
(a/n) drabblicious crackity crack for your viewing pleasure. for jaded-raindrop's crack contest.
vivi. olette. beeshes.
She's out shopping. Shopping is clinically proven to reduce stress, or so she tells her friends. (Hayner often adds, it reduces wallet size, too, nyuk nyuk nyuk.) She likes shopping mostly because it lets her get out and see what's new and what she's missed. She likes passing by all the people and wondering what's on their mind.
She feels a small tugging on the hem of her skirt and looks down behind her. "Huh?" she says, her eyes landing on the small boy in the funny hat.
She knows him from school; he is soft-spoken and timid and stammers his words when Seifer or Rai or Fuu isn't around and he likes to read comic books and draw. Even though he's really short, he's six months older than her and already has his driver's license. Besides that, she knows nothing about him, and has never before really noticed him at all.
"Yeah?" she asks, because the diminutive teen is still tugging at her insistently. He beckons for her to lean down to hear him better in the crowded mall. She inclines her head a little, but he wants her to come closer still. She leans down, and—
The little guy is kissing the green-eyed girl while people mill around them both as if they are both in their own separate world, and the green-eyed girl is aware of two things:
One, she needs to pay more attention.
Two, under the hat, he's a really good kisser.