An eighteen year old Ayame raced up the stairs of her home. Closely followed by her cousin Mist. Laughing when she reached the top she did a little dance.

"Beat you again Mist." Ayame said.

"Running in skirts is not my forte." Mist said with a huff as she brushed her black curls behind an ear, and shot a glare toward Ayame with her blue eyes "Now I am all sweaty."

"Mist! Ladies do not sweat we may glow a little but never sweat." Ayame said in a stern voice.

"You sound just like Ivy." Mist said in a giggle.

"In deed I do….oh hi Ivy." Ayame said in a small voice as she turned into her old nanny.

Ivy stood there a whole 5 feet and 2 inches tall but with a glare that could intimidate the tallest of men. Since the death of Ayame and Mists Grandfather four years ago, Ivy had taken it upon herself to raise the young ladies "Where have you two been, it is late and you look a mess."

"Oh Ivy, it will not take much to clean up, and you know it." Ayame said as she brushed past her and into the house.

Ivy just muttered under her breath as she set her housekeeper hat more firmly on her wavy once brown hair. Her grey eyes glanced toward the library giving her away as she tried to bustle the two up the stairs.

"Do we have company?" Mist said pausing on the fifth step of the stairs.

"NO…." Ivy said to fast, as voices from the library floated out to them.

"No no sir…." A flirtatious voice floated out to them.

"Oh dear, Fifi is at it again." Mist said with a roll of her blue eyes.

"I'll take care of this." Ayame said roughly as she made her way to the library and threw open the doors. "Fifi I told you I was not going to take you in off the streets if you continued to entertain men that way…" She trailed off when she saw Fifi jump away form the young man on the couch.

"Sorry my lady." Fifi said. She had hazel eyes and blondish brown hair. Ayame had found her on the streets of London one year and had offered her a position. However, the poor girl had no boundaries that normal servants had with guests and their employers. Ayame had found on more than one occasion, Fifi talking with her guests instead of serving tea.

"Fine…go boil tea or something." Ayame said with a wave of her hand.

"Lord Ginta!!!" Mist squealed as she ran into the library and threw her arms around the young lord, who swung her around before placing her back on her feet.

"My god Mist, you're a treat on the eyes." Ginta said with a smile. "I could kiss you right now.

"Don't you dare! Remove your hands from her at once." Ivy sputtered angrily as she shuffled over with a huff.

"Of course. Terribly sorry Ivy my dear. Forgive me my Lady." Ginta said with a smile as he removed his hands and guided Mist to the couch next to Ayame; than taking a seat opposite of them. Ayame smiled as eh watched Ivy pull up a seat into their small circle.

"Wait a moment." Ivy exclaimed as she narrowed her eyes at Ginta. "Where did Hakaku go?"

"Oh, Hakaku came also." Mist said clapping her hands together in excitement.

"Ivy need you be so severe?" Ayame said reproachfully.

"Don't be too hard on her Ayame, Ivy just has your best interest at heart." A voice from the door way said. The owner of the voice was a tall brown haired hazel eyed man.

"I don't need you sticking up for me my lord." Ivy said with an indignant sniff.

"This is a delightful surprise. However, where is the third person who is always with you? Did Kouga come also?" Ayame asked.

The response she received was not one she expected for Ginta's face fell visibly, while Hakaku's posture stiffened and Ivy's mouth was set in a grim line.

"What is it?" Mist asked anxiously.

"Yes, what sort of trouble has your friend gotten himself into this time?" Ayame asked in irritation.

"As you well know Ayame, Kouga has always had a down fall for cards and for pretty ladies." Ginta began than looked at Hakaku to take over.

"To make a long story short he lost a game to Lord Inuyasha, and even though he was able to pay his debt, Inuyasha called him out as cheating during the game." Hakaku said.

"I don't understand over a game of cards?" Ayame asked impatiently.

"Kouga has been flirting and chasing after Inuyasha's betrothed Kagome. So partly out of anger Inuyashia called Kouga out. At the duel Kouga was shot in the chest."

"I thought as much. Kagome is always landing gentlemen in trouble with her flirting." Ayame said angrily.

Every one knew how much Ayame disliked Kagome. Mist laid an understanding hand on Ayame's shoulder. It was well known that Ayame and Kouga had been betrothed since she was twelve and he seventeen. And everyone knew that Kouga had his heart set on Kagome, even after her engagement to Inuyasha, it still did not deter him from chasing her. Every one knew how much this hurt Ayame, even though she always denied it and stood up for Kouga when others berated him. It got to be too much for Ayame seeing that Kouga would never marry her, so she had sent a letter to Kouga calling the engagement off.

"How long ago was this?" Mist asked as she gripped Ayame's hand.

"Two days ago. We didn't know where to go; so we brought him here."

"You fool." Ayame shouted as she jumped up. "Why did you not tell me he is hurt and in need of my help." Lifting her skirts she ran out of the library taking the stairs two at a time.

Ivy began to protest as she followed Hakaku who was right on Ayames heels. Than she hesitated, not wanting to leave Mist and Ginta alone together. Who knew what trouble the two would get into alone?

"You two, lets go. I'm not leaving you alone and I certainly am not going to let Ayame handle this on her own." Ivy ordered as she shuffled the two in front of her.

Meanwhile Ayame had stopped in front of the door.

"The doctor did Ivy send for him?" Ayame asked suddenly as she turned to Hakaku.

"Yes, that's the first thing Ivy did. Ayame please, Kouga is in bad shape it's not something a lady should see." Hakaku said as he laid a hand on her shoulder.

"I am not a little girl to faint so easily." Ayame said crisply as she shrugged his hand off and opened the door.

The room was dark except for the glow of the fire place. Ayame hurried toward the drapes and threw them open letting the light from the setting sun come it. Slowly she went to the bed where Kouga lay breathing heavily. Carefully she sat next to him and gently unbuttoned his shirt, which was stiff with frozen blood. Slowly she pulled the shirt open to reveal the bullet wound. Gasping involuntarily she gazed at the torn flesh and blood. The flesh was red and inflamed. Hakaku taking her gasp as a sign of fainting took hold of her shoulders.

"Ayame let the doctor take care of it." He urged trying to draw her away from the bed.

"No!" Ayame said angrily yanking away and turning to Ivy who just walked in. "Ivy boil water, lots of it. Where is Fifi? Have her wait at the front door for the doctor."

A moan of pain from Kouga brought Ayame to his side once more. Kougas face was deathly pale. Laying a cool hand on his forehead she brushed his dark hair out of the way.

"He has a fever." Ayame spoke as she bit her lower lip.

"No Mist, I think it best if you stay here." Ginta said from the hallway.

"Yes, Ginta tell Mist this is no sight for a lady." Ayame said as she took the warm water and cloth from Ivy and began washing the blood away.

"Hmp, no sight for a lady, well then you need to leave also." Ivy said with a sniff.

"Not now Ivy. I can do without your lectures." Ayame said as she brushed strands of red hair out of her face.

A commotion from the hallway brought Ayame and Hakakus attentions, as a familiar flirtations voice floated into the room.

"Why no sir it is not I that is hurt." Fifi said with a laugh.

"Thank heavens. When I thought that it…."

Rushing to the door Ayame glared at Fifi and Miruko. Fifi whipped her flirtatious smile from her lips.

"The doctor, Lord Miroku, is here." Fifi said.

"I can see that. Go clean rooms or something, I can not deal with you right now." Ayaem said with anger.

Taking the hint Fifi hurried down the stairs.

"My dear Ayame your hands are bloody what did you do?" Miroku said rushing to grab her hands.

"Stop it Miroku. Kouga is in the room severely wounded." Ayame explained as her voice broke slightly into a sob.

Miroku didn't even hesitate as he set up next to the bed and began cleaning and disinfecting the wound. Ayame had to close her eyes when Miroku began to extract the bullet and sew Kouga up. Ivy gently led Ayame to the fire and had her sit down. When Miroku finally finished he sat down next to Ayaem; taking her cold hand in his he squeezed it.

"My Lady, Kouga will be fine. Someone should spend the night watching him to make sure the fever goes down. I will stop by tomorrow afternoon." Miroku smiled encouragingly.

Ayame smiled her thanks as Ivy walked Miroku out.

"I will stay with him tonight." Ginta said standing up from his chair.

"I'll keep you company." Mist said softly.

"There is no way you two are staying in the same room together." Ivy said as she walked into the room. Crossing her arms she glared at Ginta. "I'm going to stay also."

Ayame sighed as she pulled a comfortable chair next to Kougas bed. "I'll stay also if not for Kouga than to make sure Ivy doesn't attack Ginta."

"Well if everyone's staying all night, I think I will also." Hakaku said pulling out a deck of cards from his wrinkled coat pocket he smiled evilly. "Anyone for a game of strip poker."

Mist laughed and Ginta immediately agreed, while Ivy began protesting, just as Fifi came in asking if she might join. Ayame smiled despite the horrible situation of the evening. Curling her long legs under her and laying her head on the bed she soon fell asleep to the soft laughter and murmuring from the card players.

Please review helpful criticism is welcomed I want to improve my writing. Thanks