Gem Warriors 1 -- #8: The End of a Friendship?

Kari closed her eyes in thought as she concentrated on the images that she knew that she had seen once before. The boy with the computer... the red hair... suddenly, Kari felt her feet lifting off the ground, and she realized that she was not in the place that she was before. Barely daring to open her eyes, Kari looked out to see a vortex of blank white space.

Kari then realized that she and Kyra, who had apparently detransformed from Sapphire as she had been transported, were both surrounded in a mix of bright white and dark blue light. Kyra's own eyes were closed, and the auburn-haired girl appeared to be concentrating.

Kari asked quietly, looking at the older girl. Kyra, where are we? You said you'd explain what was going on! When Kyra didn't answer, her eyes continuing to stay shut, Kari began to get mad. KYRA! I don't like having people keep answers from me! Now, come on! Tell me!

It's the end of a friendship, Kari. Kyra said, her eyes still closed. We starting the end of a friendship.

Kari asked, not understanding.

You're an anomaly, Hikari Kamiya. Kyra said suddenly, her blue eyes snapping open. You have the ability to see through time lines and know which time line is right and which isn't. You knew that the time line we were in was the wrong one, because you had felt that the time line had shifted, and you're base was in the other one.

Kari's eyes widened as she took in this information. Kind of like a rubber band? she asked, not really sure of what Kyra was saying. You mean, the visions I was seeing were from another time line, that was the real time line, and they were planted there? But since I was in a different time line, the first one kept trying to pull me back.

Kyra smiled at Kari. You're exceptionally bright, Kari. You have an amazing ability to understand things. After she said this, Kyra's smile faded. You're right. You saw that that time line wasn't right, and now we're going back to fix it. That's why I had to take you away so quickly.

I don't understand. Kari said. Why did you have to take me away so fast?

I had just emitted a great amount of power, and Koushiro... dying was a big enough breakthrough for the time line - because in the other time line, he wasn't dead - and I was able to, shall we say, tap into your powers. Kyra explained. With the addition of my own powers, we had enough to break through the time line and travel back.

Kari paused for a moment before answering Kyra. After thinking of what the older girl had just said, Kari said quietly, So... we're in the time stream right now? We're traveling back in time? But why?

Because we need to fix the time line. Kyra explained simply. If we don't, the time line will all just fall apart and collapse. It started with Koushiro being dead. Since he isn't dead in the other time line, it created an imbalance of power between the two. Thus, the other time line will try to fix the power, and that'll cause both time lines to collapse.

Kari gasped. And if both time lines collapsed...

...we all die. Kyra finished. Neither time line will hold a Kari, or a Kyra, or Koushiro, Matt... we'll cease to be. That's why we're going back.

Both girls fell silent, and Kyra then closed her eyes again. As the older girl did this, Kari noticed that the air around her began to shimmer, and suddenly, forms began to take shape in the back round of the white vortex. Soon enough, both girls were left in a small restaurant, with people around them talking and eating dinner.

Kari whispered. What's going on?

You'll see. Kyra whispered back, holding out a hand to gently tell Kari to be quiet. At that, Kyra began to walk to a corner of the room, where it was dark and somewhat dirty. The gloomy area didn't seem to bother Kyra, but it made Kari feel a little nervous. As they came closer, both girls saw a man sitting by himself at the table.

the man asked, looking a little nervous. He was somewhat slender, but muscular, and he had dirty blond hair and green eyes. What is it that you wish, young children? I haven't any money to give you...

Kyra shook her head. We don't want money. You're Amon, right? When the man nodded, Kyra continued. We are here to warn you. Your brother, Toman, is going to kill you to get a hold of something. Now, is there anything that you have that might be considered valuable?

The man, or as Kari now knew him, Amon, shifted slightly. I.... I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about. Toman and I are very close as brothers... he would never hurt me, much less kill me, I'm sure... who are you, anyway? Amon suddenly looked suspicious, and glared at Kyra and Kari with narrowed eyes.

I am Kyra, the future Gem Warrior of Sapphire. Kyra said, her voice sounding very respectful. To prove who she was. Kyra transformed to Sapphire and back, and then, explaining Kari, she said, This is Hikari, and she is someone who has helped me along in what I'm doing here.

Amon looked at Kyra, astonished, and then at Kari. Gulping, the tall man pulled a beautiful staff adorned with crystals out of a dirty handbag, and said, This might. But I can't give it to you, even if you are the future Sapphire. I am the advisor of the Gem Warriors, or I will be once I find a few children with the Gem Powers...

Kyra shook her head again. Not in our future. Toman killed you, and took the Crystal Power Staff, taking your place and fooling everyone. I just recently realized that we had been fooled, when I realized that he had us fighting on the side of evil, instead of for the good of the galaxy as we were suppose to.

Kari nodded. Yeah, she's telling the truth. I'm with a group of friends who are fighting for good, and this Toman guy sent them after us, and they nearly killed us. We were the only people standing in the way of evil invading this one world. Please, take her seriously. Kari looked at the man pleadingly, realizing that him believing them was essential.

Amon looked at both girls in turn, Kyra serious and Kari pleading. Slowly, he nodded, looking at the Cystal Power Staff in his hands. I... I believe you. Amon said, placing the staff in his bag again. Do you think that me staying at the Gem Warrior training ground will be safe for me?

Kyra said. Stay in Kaneoti for awhile, until you know for sure that Toman isn't going to be going after you. Whether it be death, or arrest, or anything... just don't put yourself in danger of being killed, Amon. No matter what you think, Toman is evil and he mustn't be trusted.

Amon nodded. Arigatou... domo arigatou. he said quietly, understanding just how serious this situation was. Shinjite iruno.

Kyra grinned. Jaa ne mata ne to egao de. With that, Kyra turned and walked away, and Kari followed, slightly confused at what they had said. Before Kyra and Kari went back into the time stream, Kari decided to ask the older auburn-haired girl what the two people had said to each other.

Kari asked.

What did you guys say? Kari looked up at Kyra, eyes curious.

Kyra grinned. He said, I believe in it.', in other words, agreeing to what we told him to do. I said, Well, I'll see you again with a smile', saying that if he did that he would see me again. Kyra then closed her eyes. Let's go back to the time stream, okay Kari?

Have we fixed it? Kari asked, before they went into the white vortex.

Kyra paused, and said, Kari, once we enter the time stream, you'll instantly be transported back to your original time line, and you won't remember any of this. Looking at the smaller girl, Kyra continued, Arigatou, Kari-chan.

I... I won't remember you? Kari asked, shoulders slumping. But... you're one of the only people I know that doesn't treat me like a little kid! You treat me like an equal, even though I am just a kid. You are a great friend, Kyra! Why can't I remember you at all?

Kyra grinned. Taisetsu nano wa omoide ja naku, kitto aeru to negau koto. Kanjite iruno kanashimi yori mo, anata ni aete yokatta to. At Kari's confused glance, Kyra translated, I said, What's important isn't the memories, but to wish we'll see each other again. More than the sadness I now feel, I'm glad that I met you.

Kari smiled. Well... I'll miss you, Kyra. Goodbye!

Jaa ne mata ne to egao de. Kyra said, a smirk on her face. Now, we should concentrate on going into the time stream again. Both girls closed their eyes at the same time, and, even though the people in the restaurant couldn't see them, they both began to glow, and disappeared.

As Kari felt herself leaving the ground, she suddenly saw a bright flash of light, and a weird feeling fell over Kari and she realized that this is was what Kyra had been talking about when she said that Kari would be transported back to the original time line. Another flash of light occurred, and Kari fell into unconsciousness....


Kyra was in the white vortex again, and she watched as Kari vanished. Kyra knew that Kari had simply gone back to her original time line, and was now alive and well as she fought the evils in the Digiworld. But everything was frozen for awhile... it was confusing, but Kyra knew that she had to do a few more things before the time line was stable.

One of those things, well... Kyra was very happy to do this. She knew for a fact what this was, even though she had no clue what she was doing for the other things. The time line slowed, and stopped, and Kyra stepped out, now seeing a well-furnished room, with a young man standing in the center, apparently muttering to himself.

I can't believe it... Amon, you annoyance! Where did you run off to? the man muttered to himself. All these years, he was the one with the Crystal Power Staff... that weak fool, he couldn't run the Gem Warriors if his life depended on it. But honestly! My own brother... under my roof all this time that I was searching...

Konban wa, Toman-san. Kyra said quietly, a deadly edge in her voice. Toman jerked and turned around quickly, his eyes bugging out as he caught sight of Kyra, who was glaring at him with a angry look in her blue eyes. Nice place you have here... you stole some money to get it, I'm assuming.

Who... who are you? Toman asked, nervousness evident in his voice. Why are you here? Tell me! How did you get in? I have a security system and everything... well? Answer me! Who are you? Toman had pressed himself against the wall as he asked those question, but Kyra made no move to attack him.

Kyra shrugged. I don't care to tell you. But I am going to kill you. At Toman's sudden, cowardly jerk, Kyra continued, You killed my best friend, Toman. Maybe not yet... but if I allow you to live, you eventually will. Toman, your quest for power, trying to become the advisor to the Gem Warriors, has gone to far. You've gone crazy.

How... how do you know about that? Toman asked the small girl. Who are you?!

Kyra concentrated, and transformed. I am the future Sapphire, Toman. You, later in time, killed the future Emerald, and allowing you to live wouldn't make the time line correct. Not to mention... I'm still angry. Sapphire concentrated, and she began to glow. This is painless, Toman. We try to be as peaceful as possible. As she said that, Sapphire reached out and touched Toman's forehead.

Toman vanished almost instantly, apparently feeling no pain whatsoever. Detransforming from Sapphire, Kyra frowned slightly, and closed her eyes as the time line took her into it's grasp again. Lead me to the place I need to go next.' Kyra thought, letting the time line do the work.


As Kyra felt the ground under her feet again, she realized that she was on a deserted road. It was cold and silent, with a few bursts of wind to send a chill down someone's spine. Kyra began to walk down the quiet road, curious as to why she was needed to be here. The time line is weird, but I can't exactly question it.'

Suddenly, Kyra began to hear the sound of a small child crying. Beginning to run, Kyra made her way towards the sound. Turning a corner, the auburn-haired girl gasped at what she saw. It was a car wreck, and a bad one at that. The car had appeared to just ram into a tree, and had instantly killed whoever was in it.

There was a little bit of flame by the engine, and Kyra could still here the baby crying inside. Sighing, Kyra made her way towards the car, thinking, What's another suicidal act? It isn't as if I'm not stupid enough already...' Looking into the car, Kyra saw the woman who had died.

The lady looked as if she was trying to reach her child when she died. How sad.' Kyra thought numbly, and looked at the crying child. Kyra's eyes widened as she realized just who this small child was, and why he was crying so much.

It was Koushiro.

Shhh.... it's okay! Kyra said quickly, reaching over the dead woman to unbuckle the car seat straps, thus freeing the child. Kyra picked him up, and Koushiro began to cry even louder, feeling the cold of the wind even more. Oh, boy. I don't like kids. Even if they do grow up to be my best friend, I just don't like kids. Hmm... I'll call you Chibi-Kou.

Koushiro cried more, burying his face into Kyra's shoulder. Okaasan... okaasan... Kyra could here the small child whimper, clutching her shirt with tiny fists.

Sugoi. I have Chibi-Kou here, and he wants his dead okaasan. Just great. Kyra muttered, even though she was still very happy that Koushiro was, at least in some way, still alive. Shh.... come on, quiet down... she said to the child, and then looked at the sky, thinking, Now what?'

Instantly, Kyra felt a rush of blue light, and once again, felt her feet leaving the ground. The time line took her and Koushiro (or, as Kyra dubbed him, Chibi-Kou) and sent them to another place. As Kyra blinked to clear her mind, she saw that Koushiro was asleep, and that she was standing in front of an apartment labeled Izumi'.

Okay, this is slightly blunt. Kyra muttered, still holding the sleeping Chibi-Kou' in her arms. Ringing the doorbell, Kyra waited for someone to answer it. After a few moments, footsteps were heard, and the door opened. Standing there was a young woman with brown hair.

the woman asked, yawning. It's three a.m.

It is? Kyra asked. Cool. Anyway, um, you know Koushiro, right?

The woman looked down at the sleeping child, and nodded. He's a distant nephew of mine... why? Who are you?

How many people are going to ask me that today?' Kyra thought, and then looked at Junsa. His parents died. You're apparently his only living relative. Don't bother asking me questions, because I have no answers, but you have to take care of him. Please? Kyra asked, looking at Koushiro, and then at the woman.

Oh... my... masoko.... she reached out to take Koushiro in her arms, and looked down at him, amazed. Looking back up, she said, My name's Junsa, and who... are... you? Junsa's mouth dropped open as she saw something that would have never expected.

There was no one there. The girl was gone.


The small boy was watching the sky, eyes wide as the weird monsters disappeared into the sky. Other children were also watching the spectacle, but the auburn-haired boy was staring at the monsters only, not noticing the other kids. A green bird monster, and a orange dinosaur were floating into the sky.

The child, also known as Koushiro, continued to watch the sky, even after the other children had gone inside. It was amazing, seeing those monsters, but he knew that his okaasan would never believe him. But still... he knew that he had seen them, and convincing her wouldn't really make any difference.

As Koushiro turned to go inside, he saw a tall man, smiling down at him. The man had green eyes, and dirty blond hair, and held a shimmering staff in his hand. Koushiro looked at the staff, eyes wide. That's pretty... he said dumbly, amazed at the shimmering crystals.

Konban wa, young Emerald. the man said. Will you come with me?

Koushiro frowned as the man asked this. My mommy said that I shouldn't talk to strangers. Koushiro said, shaking his head.

The man opened his mouth to answer, but before he could, another voice spoke. Iie, Amon-san, don't. Both Koushiro and the man turned to see another person coming towards them, a young girl with auburn hair in a pony-tail. Leave him be. His destiny is to stay here, not to go with you.

Amon gasped. You... your Kyra... but... you... I already found you! What's going on? Amon stared amazed at Kyra, and then looked back at Koushiro, who was staring, confused, at both of them. You're the future Kyra, aren't you?

Yes and no, Amon, but I can't answer anything. Kyra replied, and smiled down at Koushiro, who smiled back, although he was still confused. But Amon, you mustn't take Koushiro to be Emerald. He is to stay here. Kyra said this quietly, but with force, and it was obvious that she wouldn't take no for answer.

Amon nodded slowly. I trust you, Kyra. I'm leaving. With that, Amon raised the beautiful staff in the air and disappeared, leaving no trace that he was ever there.

Koushiro looked where the man had been, and turned to where the girl had been, saying, Did you see that...? But the girl was gone too. No one was there. Instantly, Koushiro bolted from the site and ran inside, confused. Once inside, Koushiro went to his okaasan, eager to share what had happen.

Okaa! Okaasan! Koushiro said, wide-eyed. He pulled at her apron, trying to get her attention.

Hai, Koushiro? she replied, looking down at her son.

Koushiro looked back at his mother, saying, I was outside, and this man wanted me to come with him! You said not to talk to strangers, so I said no, and he still wanted to, but a girl came and told him to stop, saying that I needed to be here or something. Then, when the man left, the girl just disappeared! Really!

Junsa was taken aback by what her son had said. A girl? she asked quietly. What did she look like, Koushiro?

She was older than me, and she had hair like mine that was in a ponytail. Um... she had a yellow shirt on, with green shorts. She had glasses... um... she was nice, but she left and she didn't even say goodbye, so that was kind of mean, I guess... Koushiro said, trying hard to remember this. I'm going to go to my room! With that last statement, Koushiro darted off to his room.

No way...' Junsa thought, leaning against the counter. That girl... yellow tank-top, green shorts, glasses... it all fits.' Junsa thought, remembering the girl who had brought Koushiro to her home that night. She just came and told me to take care of him, and then she vanished... just like Koushiro just said.'

Junsa remembered that the accident had occurred at 2:47 in the morning, and that it took place around 67 miles away from where her and her husband, Kojiro lived. But how could that girl have gotten all the way from there to here, in less than fifteen minutes? It was so improbable.... and now, what had just happened...

A Guardian Angel.' Junsa thought. She's like his Guardian Angel.'


Kyra sat at her home in Kaneoti, sitting on a small balcony that was just outside her room. Each of the Gem Warriors had a room of their own like this, with their own bathroom and shower, of course, and a bed. They all had their own unique rooms, and Kyra's was adorned with glow-in-the-dark stars.

Since everything was redone, everyone had simply started over. After stopping Amon from taking Koushiro, Kyra felt the time stream take her back, and she was once again on Kaneoti, but she grew up all over again. Kyra was the only one of the Gem Warriors who remembered anything about the Digidestined... or Koushiro... and, of course, the Digidestined didn't remember them at all.

Kyra knew that none of them remembered anything... and that surely meant that Koushiro didn't remember them... or their friendship. The time line was in the right order now. And that meant that Kyra and Koushiro weren't best friends. No questions asked. That was just how it all worked.

A tear dripped down Kyra's face as she thought of the Digidestined. I miss Matt and Kari.' she thought. They were really nice guys... and, of course, I miss Koushiro, but I don't really think of him as a Digidestined...' Kyra smiled as she thought this, knowing that she never would think of Koushiro as one of the Digidestined children.

a voice called. Kyra wiped away the tear quickly, and turned to see Laura.

Hai, Laura-chan? Kyra asked, and the blond girl made her way over to where Kyra was seated.

It's time for dinner. Laura explained. You're late.

Kyra grinned. Goman nasai! I'm such a space-case sometimes. At Laura's raised eyebrow, Kyra said, I was just thinking, don't worry bout it. Tell them I'm coming, okay?

Laura nodded, and left the room. Still seated on the edge of the balcony, Kyra knew that her friendship with Koushiro wouldn't end, as long as she remembered. Even though he wasn't a Gem Warrior, he was alive. That was something, at least. As she thought this, Kyra jumped off her seat on the balcony, but couldn't help but stare back up at the night sky one last time.


A/N: There we go. THE END.... of the first saga. Don't know what I'm talking about? Well, well... (*grumbling* You didn't go to my website like I asked.... *pout*). Anyways, here is what I'm talking about. Here was the actual title of this saga:

Gem Warriors -- The First Saga
(The Force of Emerald)

The NEXT saga takes place when the Gem Warriors meet up with the Digidestined (ironically. ^^;) again, and it will either take place in:
a) The Myotismon series, or
b) Sometime in the 02 season

I have yet to decide. Anyone want to help me out? Tell me what to put this in... come on... I need the help on the decision (For the Myotismon one, here's a little cute tidbit: Remember, Kyra knows who Kari is, so them searching for the eighth child would be pretty weird...) Either way, the second saga is going to take place in the Real World. Here's the title:

Gem Warriors -- The Second Saga
(The Outer Circuit is Revealed)

Hmm.... ah, yes, translations! Most of the sayings (that were said when Kyra was talking to Kari) are from... SAILOR MOON! (*hugs Naoko Takenuchi* You're my idol.) Anyway, I got the phrases from the end song... heh, heh... Anyway, I translated those in the fic, but here are two that I didn't:

sugoi: Great
Chibi: Younger' or Little' (did anyone else think that Chibi-Kou was an adorable name? I love it... *tries to find a Chibi-Kou doll, even though he was her own character*)

For my arigatou section, I'm making it short again.

DCI, Cybra, HRW, Kate, Liaka, Grace Dragondale, and Nintai. DOMO ARIGATOU!

Arigatou for reading, and please review! Ja ne! Kyra-chan.