Gem Warriors 1 -- #3: I don't trust him.

A faint melody filled the air as Yamato Ishida played his harmonica. It had been about two hours since the battle, and everyone was trying to relax. But it was hard, knowing that those... kids or whatever they were weren't defeated. In fact, they had been the ones to run off.

As Matt looked out onto the group, he recalled just what had happened to their lives in the past months or so. The first six children (him, Tai, Sora, Mimi, Joe, and T.K.) had fought hard battles against digimon after digimon, and each time, barely escaping with their lives. Then they realized that they had to go to the real world to get Kari.

Gennai, pitying them for once, helped them figure out the cards to the gate, and told them what was expected. They still had to defeat Myostismon, and then, as they came back to the Digiworld again, three of the four Dark Masters. It had been a long grueling battle for all of them, one by one.

But now, this new Dark Master was there, and he obviously had those new minions to fight for him. But they had called themselves the Gem Warriors', and they didn't SEEM like digimon... they looked like kids. When he had tackled that Emerald guy, or at least, tried to tackle him, it was a kid, Matt was sure of it.

But why were they on Piedmon's side if they were kids? They didn't seem like mindless zombie's or anything, the way that Sapphire girl spoke or that Ruby girl ordered them to retreat. No, they were normal kids, with thoughts and feelings and all that, but if so... why WERE they on Piedmon's side?

Matt took a glance at Gabumon, who was sitting beside him, and then looked up at the bug-like form of Tentomon. Matt grinned as he thought of that digimon. Tentomon had been accompanying them ever since they came into the Digiworld, and he was always a good source of information. What Matt never got was WHY he accompanied them.

Tentomon had always stood by the Digidestined's side, and Matt was glad for that, but he was confused why Tentomon stayed there. He wasn't going anywhere, as the bug-like digimon had said before, he just felt like it was his duty to stand by the Digidestined. Once he said it was because he was waiting for someone, but they had ignored that comment.

Now Matt suddenly got the feeling that they shouldn't have. Tentomon was there because he felt it was right, and he went by his instincts. But why were his instincts like that? Why did he feel that it was his job to stay by them and help, even though the other digimon could?

Matt shrugged it off. It wasn't the problem that they were facing now anyway. Now they had to face this new threat, these Gem Warriors, and it wasn't going be easy, that was for sure. Matt sighed as he thought of the outcome... more battles.


Off we go, into the wild blue yonder, flying high, into the sun! Kyra sang as they walked. Jason rolled his eyes.

What a pathetic song! Kyra-chan, I'm going to have to teach you the joys of rock music. Jason said, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

Mari grinned. Joy? Rock music? Are those words suppose to be in the same sentence?

Oxymoron, oxymoron. Koushiro agreed, smiling.

Jason glared at the two other Gem Warriors. Oh, yeah, like you guys have a better song?

Jay-kun, a two year could come up with a better song. Mari shot back.

Jason glared. MARI NO BAKA!

Mari glared back. JAY-KUN NO BAKA!

The entire group sighed at this argument. They had been traveling for around an hour, looking for that creature called Piedmon, and already this was the fifth fight those two had gotten into. It was funny at first, but at the moment, it was getting just slightly annoying to listen to them yelling.

Derek leaned over and whispered to Laura. How about both of them no baka'? Laura giggled.

Jason and Mari both turned and glared at Derek. SHUT UP DER-KUN! they both shouted simultaneously.

Watching the fight from behind the two, Kyra glanced at Koushiro out of the corner of her eye. D'ya think this was all just an elaborate scheme to get me to stop singing?

Who needs an elaborate scheme? Koushiro asked, We can just whack you on the back of the head.

Gee, it's nice to know I have such caring friends.

The group settled down eventually, continuing on their way. Andri, the only one who didn't get involved in these fights, had located a presence with she assumed was Piedmon, and they found themselves walking towards a dark-looking castle. It was like something you'd see in a vampire movie, with shadows and vines around it.

Kyra looked at the group. Okay, I don't know about you guys, but this place gives me the creeps.

That's cause you're a wuss. Jason muttered.

Koushiro raised an eyebrow. I happen to believe that you were the one who screamed when you saw a spider last week.

Jason asked. I happen to be scared of spiders!

Kyra grinned. Well, I happen to be scared of creepy dark houses that look like they're going to jump up and destroy you by themselves at this moment, so there.

Andri walked by the group of three, still working on her palmtop. Physically impossible, Kyra-chan.

Oh, shut up, Andri-chan.

The group decided to risk going into the castle, debating against their intelligence and their instincts, and choosing intelligence, much to Kyra's destain. They walked along for awhile, glancing at the hallways and rooms for sign of life, when Mari started another... discussion.

Dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, DEE, DEE, dee, dee-- Mari began to mutter the Twilight Zone theme under her breath.

Kyra glared at her. Oh, yeah, like I'm not scared enough.

Calm your inner fears, Kyra. Koushiro suggested, quoting a psychology book.

Kyra replied, and went to Maria and began to choke her. Mari-chan, if you don't SHUT UP, I am going to rip you into pieces!

Koushiro went forward and pulled Kyra's arms back, releasing Mari. You know that's not what I meant.

Yeah, but I felt like making her shut up. Kyra admitted. Mari glared at her.

Ah, so you have arrived. a voice said, chilling them.

All of the Gem Warriors turned to see the form of Piedmon standing there, an evil smirk on his face. Welcome to my humble home. he said. Each of the children had their own thoughts about this guy.

Oooookay....' Koushiro thought, a bit taken aback.

Where can I get an ugly clown suit like that?' Kyra thought.

It's official. We're working for a circus.' Jason thought.

I'm sure he's a... good advisor... I hope.' Laura thought.

Someone get this guy a new wardrobe.' Mari was thinking.

I'm getting negative vibes from him...' Derek thought, suspicious.

We're suppose to be working for THIS baka?' Andri thought.

Of course, none of them made their opinions known, and Laura introduced them all. It was then that Piedmon decided to shown them to their rooms, leading them through an assortment of mazes.

Towards the back, Koushiro and Derek were walking side by side. Derek leaned down slightly to whisper to the smaller boy, so that hopefully Piedmon would hear him. he asked.

Nani, Der-kun? Koushiro replied, curious.

I don't trust him.


I'm not tired. Sora said simply, looking into the flickering flames of the fire. The nighttime was settling in, and the Digidestined children were sitting around the fire, the heat from it warming their bodies from the chilly night.

Kari looked around at all of the kids, thinking about what to talk about. Suddenly, a chill ran down her spine, like she was remembering something that she had never done. Then, she suggested, Well, how about saying what we all miss about home?

The other children smiled at the suggestion, and Matt started talking. Well, even though I first missed my mother's sunday steaks... but now, I guess I miss sleeping in my own bed. After sleeping in my own bed at home, I've realized just how much I miss being in my own bed.

Tai nodded. Yeah, I see what you mean. But me... Tai thought about that for a moment, and then continued, I miss going to soccer practice, and talking with all my friends about what we were going to do in our next soccer game. It was fun just to talk nonsense, because none of up really knew enough about soccer to know.

Sora giggled at this, remembering that. Oh yeah, and then we'd all go out for pizza and play the games at the resturant... That was fun, too, having contests about who was the best video game player, even though we all played soccer.

Tai laughed, thinking about that. I won all the time too!

Sora raised an eyebrow. Actually, Izzy did! Suddenly, Sora fell silent, confused.

Tai gave Sora a strange look as he realized the signifigance of the sentance. Sora.... there was no one on our team named Izzy.

I know... Sora said, a chill running down her spin. I just... suddenly thought of that name.... I don't know why....

Everyone fell silent for a moment, and then Joe shrugged. Aw, who cares? As for what we miss, I miss doing my homework, as I said earlier!

T.K. groaned. JOE! There has to be something else that you miss!

Joe said, thinking. I kind of miss when my brother Jim and I would goof off, like brothers. Jim is really cool, for a brother, and it was fun just talking to him.

Awww, that's so sweet! Mimi cooed. Joe blushed brightly.

Anyway, I miss the mall. Mimi said brightly, arosing groans from everyone. No, really! I just like shopping, because it makes me feel happy to find sales! Mimi said, trying to convince them, Everyone shook their heads and laughed.

Fine then, don't believe me. Mimi said, pretending to pout. Anyway, how about you, T.K.?

T.K. thought for a moment. I miss... I miss going to the store and getting some candy to eat. Then going home and eating it in front of the T.V. while I watched cartoons!

Yeah, and making Mom so mad that she grounded you for a week! Matt said, laughing. Both brothers remembered a time when T.K.'s candy had melted and stuck to the carpet, and they shared that with the group. Everyone began to laugh as well.

Kari smiled. Since I'm the only one who hasn't shared anything, I guess that what I miss is... is... Kari faded off. Suddenly, the young girl saw white spots in front of her eyes as she saw a scene that she new had never happened, but...

The Digidestined were waiting in a clearing in a forest of the Digiworld. Kari looked around and saw them all with their Digimon, and Tentomon too. But then... there was a smaller boy, a bit taller than her and T.K. Tai turned to that kid.

Hey, Izzy, are we in the Digiworld?

The boy looked up from the small laptop that was open. He had black eyes and auburn hair, and his face held a serious expression. It's affirmative.

Kari? Kari?! a voice said, shaking Kari out of the sudden daydream. Her eyes popped open and she looked into the concerned brown eyes of her brother, Tai.

Izzy... who's Izzy?' Kari thought, frightened. Sora had just said that name, maybe she was just hallucinating... but it had seemed so real! She had been there! She had heard the kid talk! So... who was he?

HIKARI KAMIYA! the voice snapped, and Kari decided to talk to her brother before he had a heart attack.

I'm fine, Tai, I just spaced out. Kari said. She looked around at the other Digidestined, staring concerned at her, and she stood up. I'm a bit tired. Can I go to bed?

Tai glanced at Matt slightly before answering. Sure, Kari, go to sleep.

Kari walked over to her sleeping area and curled up, Gatomon beside her and silent. Kari was glad, because she didn't want to talk about what she'd seen. As her eyelids fell, Kari couldn't get rid of the picture of that red-haired boy talking, and wondered what was going on. For some reason, the young child of Light felt as if she knew him.

But who is he?'


Kyra shouted, jumping on the bed in the room that Piedmon had shown them. There was seven beds for each of them, three on one side, for the boys, and four on the other, for the girls.

Everyone sweatdropped as Kyra bounced on the bed, and then Jason and Maria ran to their beds and began to jump as well, for really no reason. It was mainly because at their home in Kareoti, they were expected to be calm and basically emotionless. Here, on the other hand, they could be what they were. Kids.

Koushiro sighed and walked over to the bed besides where Jason was bounceing gleefully, and sat down over the covers, just resting with his hands under his head, looking at the ceiling. Hearing the room suddenly become quiet, the young boy glanced up.

Laura, seeing the childish actions of her friends, had transformed to Ruby, and was holding a dangerous looking plume of fire in her hands. Now, everyone calm down, all right?

Jason, Kyra, and Mari said regretfully, sighing and sitting down on the bed, while Derek and Koushiro laughed. Ruby changed back to Laura, while Andri looked slightly amused, but the young scientist never seemed to smile at all, although she did get the jokes that people told. Andri had once told Koushiro that it was because of her past...

Hey, minna. Koushiro said, getting the other's attention. I was wondering... do any of you remember your past... and your parents?

Everyone looked at Koushiro with seemingly sad expressions on their faces. After a moments silence, Maria started to speak.

I kind of remember my parents... My mom was an owner of a photography store, I think, and my dad had left us five years earlier. In fact, when Toman found me, I was waiting for my mom to come get me. She said that we were going to go to the park and play on the swingsets... Maria sniffed as a tear fell down her cheek. I don't know why, but I kind of miss her...

Jason looked up at the ceiling, his tan eyes sharp. I don't miss my parents... well, maybe my mom. I just know that my dad would hurt me every chance he got, and I was always in pain from the beatings. But my mom was hurt too, and she still loved me. When I came home from school, she'd be at the door with a plate of cookies or a treat like that for a snack, and she always hugged me. I miss her... but not my father.

Derek looked at the group, sad as well, and yet, he also began to speak. My parents were okay... but they ignored me and my sister. I remember, when Toman came, there was a huge fire, and my mother had ran and left us. Toman saved my sister... I really miss Terran, though. She was a really nice little sister...

Andri looked at the group, realizing that it was her turn to say her past. My mother didn't give about me She only paid attention to me when I had to get something signed for school. All the kids were mean too, they'd tease me for healing people, and sometimes they beat me up... I don't miss anything about my home... well, maybe my dad. He sometimes came, and he was really nice, but he'd always have to leave...

Turning to Laura, the group saw that she was ready to tell her own story. My family was so big... I was the middle child in our family, with four older siblings and four younger... My mom and dad were never home, and my older siblings would always force me to watch the little kids and do the chores, even though I was only seven... It was almost a relief when Toman came... although I do miss Heather, my little sister. She was really helpful...

The group then turned to Kyra, and the red haired girl shrugged. I don't remember my family. Not at all. The only thing I remember about my past is Toman-sama, and he was always busy. Whenever I was bored, I had to entertain myself, because I knew that Toman wouldn't help. Toman-sama wasn't really... much nicer than he is now. He kind of... rude, sometimes.

Everyone took in this information, seeing as how everyone seemed to have bad pasts, of beatings or ignorence. Or dissaperance... Kyra turned to Koushiro, who appeared to be thinking deeply, and said, Hey, Shiro-kun. You haven't said anything.

Koushiro looked at the other Gem Warriors, who were looking at him with interest. Well... my past really wasn't bad. The people I lived with were really nice, and I miss them. But... I remember having nightmares of a car crash, and it was terrifying. I'd see the headlights of the other car, and I'd scream and scream... Then I'd wake up screaming, and my parents would try and calm me down. It was weird...

Once again, the room fell silent. Each child was thinking of their own past, their own tradgedy. It was sad, but necessary. No one should be drepressed alone, and althought none of the children were depressed, it was good that they had shared the stories with each other. That's what friends were for.

Kyra asked.

the rest replied, still lost in thought.

Let's go to bed, okay? We have a battle to fight tomorrow. Kyra replied, lying down in her own bed and curling up. Soon all of the children were trying to sleep, the memories of that sad conversation seeming to haunt them all. Soon, though, they were able to forget it, and each fell into a deep slumber.

A/N: Okay, okay... it's strange. No battles this time, but DON'T WORRY! There WILL be a battle next time! Hee, hee, hee... poor, poor Yamato... oops! Can't give anything away!

I'd dedicating this fic (I know... sappy...) to three people. For no real reason, I just feel like mentioning them:

DCI: For somehow being able to weasal the ending of this fic out of me. *grrr* Darned you. ^_~ Also, for telling me to actually write this, and saying it's good!

Her Royal Weridness: For still talking to me even though I am completely either oblivious or against some of the couples you pair together... like Jyoushiro. Now, YAMASHIRO, that's a different story...

Cybra: For saying you liked it, and for accepting that stupid competition offer. I will always be ahead of you, Cybra-chan, you know I will! *insert evil laugh here* ^_~ Kidding!

Arigatou for reading, minna! Please review!