Chapter 20

"Kal-el, my son wait." Jor-el called out. The others turned to look at Superboy. He shrugged. "My Kryptonian name. What is it Jor-el? We're a little busy."

After what seemed like a deep breath for infinate patience the artificial intellegence an image appeared before them all.

"Krypton was once an advance civilization compared to most societies in the universe."

A beautiful world appeared with buildings and structures of alien design and complexity. The world was alive with commerce and flying ships, families.

"Yet we relied to much on instramentality, machines. Our greatest achievement. The Brain InterActive Contruct. Brainiac controlled and regulated our society. Yet our ruling coucil gave Brainiac access to all computers and machines in our world. For a time we lived in peace and unparallelled prosperity. Over time Brainiac took over exploration and industry. A Kryptonian would want for nothing, except one thing we only realized later."

The image changed showing the face of a hard proud man.

"General Zod, our most decorated officer and hero of the people. I later learned that he was just a distraction by Brainiac in a much more sinister scheme. All our ships and colonies were pulled back to our solar system find the disciples of Zod. To free their leader a civil war erupted, my own brother, Zor-El was seduced by the being that caused our worlds destruction causing the war to be prolonged."

Images of war and destruction were seen on the images Jor-el was projecting.

"The war finally ended. My forces prevailed but it was too late."

The image changed again showing Jor-El standing before a large chamber that looked like a Data Storage Center. A screen with three circles in the shape of a triangle was speaking to the man before it.

"Krypton will not survive, as you know my programming has been altered, your calucations were correct. He has poisoned this world and caused a chain-reaction in the core that has been building since Zod was banished to the Phantom Zone. While you have saved me, my corrupt program is still with followers of Zod. I can save one person on this world in the time that is left. I have alreay informed Lara. Your son is being sent to the coordiates you entered in case of your defeat. He is safe. I a deeply sorry Jor-El."

The last image was of a ship speeding from Krypton as it exploded.

Clark fell to the ground. Chloe held him as tears leaked from his eyes.

Robin touched his shoulder and spoke to the image.

"Who is the one that poisoned Krypton and caused its destruction?"

"His name is Darkseid. A being of great power and evil. He rules the planet Apokolys. A tryrant known throughout the universe. He is searching, endlessly searching, for the Anti-Life Equation that will enable him to remake the universe in his image. He suspects that my son has what he is looking for and Earth may soon come under his terrible gaze. New Genesis watches him now, his enemy, but he can still use agents on his world. Be careful. All of you."

Clark thanked Chloe silently then stood up. His tears gone. "This Darkseid, he is the one that caused all this?"

"Yes my son, he is."

"He will keep searching for this Anti-Life Equation even if it was here. Destroying worlds, killing and manipulating worlds as he looks for it."

"Krypton resisted his agents and Zod said we had the Anti-Life Equation in exchange for his assistance. We do not. Yet he believes it is here on Earth. Whether the fortress or the rest of Earth, he has seen that this world could oppose his power. He will not let it stand."

"Has Darkseid attacked Earth before?" Will asked the fortress.

"Yes. I have researched all infromation on Earth. The signs are there from when Krypton was targeted. He has attacked before. Your father stopped his latest plan. As I said New Genesis watches him now, so he redirected an astroid to crash into Earth. He also used a man named Baron Battle along with others to plung your world into chaos. With all these failures, like with Krypton, he may start taking a more direct approach."

That last statement chilled everyone to their core that Darkseid would do more to their world.

"Thank you. We need to get to Sky High. Quickly." Superboy said leading the others out of the fortress.