Sky High – Smallville
Disclaimer: I do not own Sky High or Smallville or Superman or pretty much anything of any value to anyone on this whole planet. Begins to weep, but quickly has to stop or else my computer, which is also of no value, will break
"Clark, come check this out."
Chloe Sullivan, the soon to be editor and chief of the Torch, was doing some research on the internet. Clark had come over to help organize the office before school started for them at Smallville High.
Clark Kent, son of Johnathan and Martha, unofficial reporter of Smallville with Chloe, came over to look at the computer screen. "What is it?" After he got a good look at the monitor. "It is some place called Sky High, I was just about to..." Whatever she was about to do Clark was not going to know about it. She grabbed the power cord on the computer tower and pulled it out shutting the computer down. "That was close." she breathed in relief.
"What happened; why did you have to pull the plug on the computer?" Clark asked looking very perplexed at what she did to her machine. "I was about to get spiked." She explained as she rebooted her computer. "I was about to get hit with a program that would have overloaded the computer." The screen was coming back up normally. Clark looked thoughtful and wondered aloud, "Do you think someone traced the connection?" Chloe was thinking the same thing when a bright white flash of light entered the room.
A woman emerged from the light in a white business suit. She smiled pleasantly as if she did nothing unusual at all. "So young lady," she addressed Chloe seeing her in front of the computer, "I assume you were the one to hack into the Sky High network." Chloe's eyes went very wide. She wanted to deny it, wipe her hard drive and pretend this never happened, realizing she looked like she was in very big trouble. Instead she went with the truth instead, so she nodded to the woman. All this would be very cool if she was not terrified that somehow she did something wrong.
"Not talkative, well you really don't have to say a thing." She stepped forward and Clark moved to intercept her. "Ah, Mister Kent, that is very noble of you to help your friend, but she stumbled onto some things that needs to be kept private." She explained and her eyes went white, glowing white. Clark and Chloe closed their eyes and when they opened them their eyes glowed white too. Both teenagers did not move a muscle as the intruder moved even closer studying them. She looked over Chloe as if inspecting a rare jewel and then the same with Clark, "Interesting" she murmured to herself.
The woman went over to the computer that Chloe was working on. She made some changes and then after a few moments was done. She was on her way out the door when she stopped and turned back to the immobile teens. "We'll meet again, COMETS AWAY!" she said disappearing in a flash of white light. The room was quiet and after a moment both the people still in the room blinked at each other. "Um, are we all done?" Clark asked rubbing his eyes. Chloe shook her head slightly and blinked a few times. "I think so." She said and started to smile. "Let's go to the Beanery." Clark smiled too and left the Torch office. Both were sure something happened, but did not know what, whatever it was it could come to them. They did not know how right they were.