Author▓s Note: Hey this is Kara! Well this is the first chapter of Is it Just a Crush or is it Love? I hope you enjoy it so much!

Summary: Well there is this new girl named Kagome.She moved away from China to get away from her abusive father. She is now moving back thinking he is finally gone. She then finds a certain Hanyou intresting. She thought he looked like her old friend ⌠Inu■ who do you think Inu is?Read and find out!

Chapter 1: New Friend!

⌠KAGOME WAKE UP YOUR GOING MISS THE BUS!!!■ her mother Kaci Higurashi yelled from from her daughter▓s locked door. Kagome jolted up out of bed after she heard she was going to be late if she didn▓t hurry. She quickly ran to her bathroom to take a quick shower and put on her light blue eye shadow and some pink lipgloss and a little mascara. When she came out of the bathroom she wore a mini jean skirt with an aeropostale shirt and a white tank top under the shirt. She put on some heels with straps that went up to her ankle. She got her Vera Bradley Maggie book bag and purse and ran out the house without saying word to her mom. Apparently it her mom was late for her job interview this morning. Kagome raced down the steps and right when the bus was about the leave she pushed the doors open to the bus and walking inside panting like a dog. She stood up straight to see everyone was looking at her┘ But, one certain hanyou he was in the back of the bus and was talking to his friends when he looked up to see a raven haired girl staring at her. They held each others gaze until she broke it off and sat in the first sit which was empty. He simply shrugged it off. Then the next stop came and a girl with a high ponytail came on the bus she was wearing a pink skirt with a white tank top that said AERO on it. She noticed the new girl sitting by herself looking out the window. She glanced at her other friends to see that they were in deep conversation so they didn▓t notice her come on. ▒Typical┘ Maybe I should sit with the new girl, she looks so lonely. Yeah that▓s what I▓ll do▓ She thought. So she went up to the sit and said, ⌠Hey you look lonely, don▓t mind if I sit here do you?■ They girly looked up startled then her face expression changed to bored to happy. She nodded happily. Then the girl said, ⌠Hi I▓m Sango what▓s your name?■ They girl then said, ⌠Hi! I▓m Kagome! I am new here.■ Sango laughed and said, ⌠I can see that┘.■ Then both girls laughed and chatted until the bus came to the last stop. Everyone became silent and looked up to see who it was and a girl with the shortest tank top on that showed way to much cleavage. Then Sango leaned in over Kagome and whispered, ⌠That▓s the school▓s biggest slut, Kikyo Takaki. Kagome could swear Kikyo looked like her just a sluttier version of her. She watched Kikyo go all the way back to the back seat where the white haired boy with dog ears was. The boy looked up to her and she could see his face brighten when he saw her. Somehow she seemed mad but didn▓t know why. Then she had a flashback from a while when she was little.


There was a little boy around 11 or so came up to this girl then Kagome realized it was her. But who was the boy? The boy had gold eyes and sliver hair with the cutest little doggy ears on the top of his head. He came up to her and hugged her, she hugged back. He then pulled away and took her arm and led her to the most beautifulest thing she had ever said a sunset over a lake. She gasped and said, ⌠Inu it is so beautiful!■ she jumped up and down and then hugged the little boy. He was surprised at first then hugged back. She then pulled away and ran into the lake and splashed and stopped to see if the boy was coming in. He then saw her look and sighed happily. He the ran to her and started playing with her. It was the dark and the were sitting in the grass looking up at the stars. Then Kagome glanced at her clock and gasped. The boy the turned around and asked what was wrong. Kagome said, ⌠Its 8:30 I have to get home before HE realizes that I aint home.■ Inu always wondered why she was so afraid of her father she had never told him before. She said she would tell him when the time was right. But, he always wondered why she came to school with brusies. He was always worried for her. They have been best friends since the 3rd grade. They are now in the 6th grade. He just shrugged it off. They said there goodbyes and all. Kagome went home and tiptoed upstairs but didn▓t know a pair of hazel eyes were watching her every move. She then realized that she wasn▓t the only one in the room. She turned to see her blood red eyed dad staring at her. To her it was like getting stabbed in the heart. She quickly began backing away. She stopped when she heard her father speak. ⌠Why are you late.■ She was to scared to reply. So he repeated himself but in a higher voice. ⌠I said WHY ARE YOU LATE?!■ Her breath soon became very fast and before she even could speak he through her across the room to a brick stone wall. She was scared to death. She soon become numb and couldn▓t move. Before she knew it she was knocked over the head with a glass cup. After her father thought she deserved enough he stopped and went out of the house and raced down the street in his convertible. Kagome then woke up with someone shaking her. She felt something wet all over her face. She slowly opened her eyes to see her crying mother hovering over her. She finally croaked out a silent ⌠Mom?■ But, her mother heard it clear. She looked up to see her daughter coughing and wincing in pain. She then hugged her gently not to hurt her anymore than she was. While saying, ⌠We are moving pace your stuff quickly before he comes back.■ Kagome then became very quiet she then quickly and slowly got up and walked to her room. When she was done she then wrote a note to saying goodbye to Inu.
It said: Dear Inu,
Sorry I couldn▓t say goodbye or even tell you why I am leaving. But I have move far away from this place. From my abusive father. You really have been a good friend to me. And I am sorry I have to leave. Her take this locket, So you will always remember me and our friendship. Nobody can Tear us apart. Well, I must go now. Remember I will never forget you. Then she drove off. Inu finally came to her house to find her car gone and a note on the door. He went up to it and started reading it. Finding it very depressing. He then barged through the house and looked around to find nothing but her dad▓s belongings. Then he ran outside and looked at the note again and again. He read it until his eyes got tired. He finally got teary eyed and burst into tears his best friend. Mainly his only friend gone forever. He then saw the golden heart locket taped to the paper. He took it off and looked inside. There was a picture of him and her in it. He put it on anf took the paper with him. He finally went home slowly.
End of Flashback Kagome then took the time to look back at the sliver haired boy only find him looking at her in deep thought. What Kagome didn▓t know was that he was having the same flashback. Kagome blushed and turned around. ▒What am I blushing about?! I DON▓T EVEN KNOW THE GUY▓ she thought. She didn▓t even recognize that her new friend was talking to her. HELLO EARTH TO KAGOME?! Sango yelled. Making the whole bus look at her. Kagome quickly snapped out of her gaze and saw everybody rising out of there seats she then got out of her seat. She looked back and saw the boy with his arm around Kikyo. She then realized that she was being talked to by none other than the siliver head boy. ⌠WENCH THE LINE IF MOVING GO ALREADY FOR I MAKE YOU!■ He yelled. She then flinched and realized he was talking to her she slowly turned around and walked out of the bus to see Sango waiting for her. ⌠Don▓t mind Inuyasha he can e a jerk sometimes.■ She said. Kagome just nodded, then Sango took the opportunity to ask what class she had first Kagome looked up and said ⌠Science,you?■ Sango then jumped up and hugged her and said ⌠OMG WE HAVE FIRST PERIOD TOGETHER YAY!■ Kagome the hugged her and squealed too. They didn▓t know the golden pair of eyes that were watching Kagome thinking ▒Is that Kags? Nah couldn▓t be she moved▓ he thought. He then took out of his binder the golden locket that Kagome gave him 7 years ago. He sighed and then walked to Science.

Well that was chapter one how did you like it? Well there will be way more than that later on. Well, G2G SEE YA! ILY!!!