What If? Chapter 17 (finale)

'We are young, heartache to heartache we stand
No promises, no demands
Love is a battlefield
We are strong, no one can tell us were wrong
Searchin' our hearts for so long, both of us knowing
Love is a battlefield'

– Love is a Battlefield – Pat Benatar


"FREDDY! I knew you'd come back boy, you snivelling coward!"

The sound of footsteps became louder and louder, accompanied with the terrifying image of feet on the stairs. The reek of cheap alcohol stained the air and made their noses wrinkle in disgust. Freddy choked back a noise of fear and backed away, from the staircase, the back of his shins banging into the stack of books on his floor and causing him to stumble into the wall.

Then he was in the room, tall and vile and loathsome. Black eyes bulging, bloodshot and hazy as he stepped off the last stair, hand clutching a bottle of some cheap, unidentifiable alcohol in coiled dirty fingers. "Freddy my boy, you came back to me." He grins, a skull of a smile, terrifying. The man stared from his trembling step-son to the lanky blonde individual next to him.

Jason shuddered back as those soulless eyes fixed themselves upon him, sparking with evil intent. Now he knew why Freddy was scared to come home and with the stories his friend had told him and his mother ringing through his mind, anger flared within him.

The older man wiped a trail of spit from his jaw, leering at Jason with a chuckle. "Brought a friend back with you have ya? Now, why couldn't I have had a step-son like you? Strong, tall, even with that fucked-up face you're a better catch than this worm!" He shoved a finger at Freddy's face causing the slim boy to glare and clench his fists.

"Fuck you." It was a low mutter, destined to break through his lips, whether he desired it to or not. Freddy could see his step-father was furious, even more so by his apparent serenity. It was the calm before the storm, the flash of a sickly yellow sun before a terrible flood. He found himself gulping, even as his step-father turned towards him with a snarl –

"What did you say, you little queer?!" A hand had reached out and grabbed Freddy's arm, twisting it mercilessly and using it to ram him, hard, into the wall simultaneously. "What did you say you little shit?!" he spat into the brunette's face, "Well, I think you deserve some 'medicine' for that…" He reached down and, keeping Freddy pressed against the wall, unbuckled his belt.

Jason floundered for a moment on what to do as his boyfriend was manhandled into the basement wall. He wanted to help him, but he was afraid of making the man even angrier. His mother had always told him disobeying adults was wrong, but then, this man was BAD. And his mother said that bad people had to be stopped… And with that little revelation Jason made his decision. Stepping forwards he shouted "let go o-of him!"

Freddy struggled as he saw the glint of the belt buckle, and smelled worn leather encrusted with dirt and sweat. It was the smell of pain. "Ah! No! Let go!" He jerked and squirmed and fought with his free fist as his legs kicked and jittered.

Hit by not only his now squirming step-son but also his friend, the older man stumbled for a brief moment before he lashed out with the belt in Jason's direction, striking the boy across the face and causing him to fall.

Jason gave a cry and fell backwards, jarring his back, his hands on the welling bruise over his left eye. Pain, gruesome and unadulterated flooded through him, tears leaking from his scrunched-shut eyes with varying velocity.

Free from the most damaging of the teenagers, Freddy's step-father brandished the belt and whipped his 'son'. At the first hit there was the brief stiffening from shock and then he cracked it down again, the buckle lashing into the small boy's neck, making him scream. The older man grinned and cackled, the belt tearing again and again and again.

Freddy was in agony, there'd been worse of course, but at this moment it felt like his step-father was trying to whip him to death. He began to shake, his struggles beginning to wane, his resistance dulled by pain. "Ah!!! Get off!"

Hearing Freddy's desperate shout, Jason struggled with his natural instincts to cry and focussed on his desire to protect his friend. He pulled himself up off the floor, consciously ignoring the throbbing in his face, his left eye puffy and so sore it was agonising to even blink. At another pained cry from Freddy had his blood boiling, a flash over his vision and nothing made sense but the hate, the need for vengeance. It was a screaming in his mind, ready with the natural instincts to inflict harm on predators that lie in the depths of us all. It fed into him, guiding him with its blunt truth.

With a growl of pure rage, Jason leaped at Freddy's step-father, smashing a fist into the leering face. He was not satisfied by the crack of the nose in the least, his hands suddenly weapons.

The older man reeled back under the first punch, caught off guard from a fist in the face from the kid he thought had been crying on the floor. He did not release his step-son despite finding himself under a barrage of punches and kicks, his nose a torrent of bloody sludge. Stumbling back, wrenching on the arm he still held captive, wrenching it so hard and at such an angle that there was a sudden loud 'pop' and an ear-splitting scream soon followed it.

Freddy was past agony, the feeling as his arm was broken was impossible to describe, he was almost delirious, numbly fighting to escape, only wanting relief, to get away. "Aah! Ah! Ge' off pleass! Uhn…" he was crying, hot tears reminding him to keep moving as they fell and splashed and crawled down his face.

Jason grabbed a hold of the man's face and smashed the back of his head into the wall. The step-father struggled, cursing, hitting at him blindly. Jason snarled and smashed the head into the wall again, and again, dirty nails digging roughly into his arms. The struggling had increased and Jason used both arms now, both hands. He rammed the man into the wall again, harder and harder, a crunch was heard and the man was still struggling, albeit weakly, Jason, overcome with hate, rammed him again and again and again and then he had gone still and there was the horrible smell of fresh blood and Jason let go.

And watched as the now limp form of Freddy's step-father slid down the wall to flop unceremoniously onto the floor, leaving a trail of slick blood, bits of brain and slivers of fractured skull.

Freddy was whimpering, having managed to pull out of the man's hands, he was cradling his arm to his chest, grimacing, dry sobs wracking his body. With a sudden scream he began to kick at the corpse, hearing the bones cracking and feeling flesh denting. He was dead he was dead he was dead.

Jason did nothing, just stood there was adrenaline began to seep away, leaving only exhaustion and shock in its wake. He had killed him. It hurt too much to think. He wanted to get out of there and, gathering his senses somewhat he moved towards Freddy, who had stopped kicking his step-father's body and was panting with the exertion.

Freddy, a pained noise escaping him, turned to his taller friend. His mind was practically blank, the only thing that made sense was to run, to get out of there. The smell of blood attacked his senses, made him want to vomit. He was shaking, shaking and he felt like he was going to collapse any second. "J-Jason, need your help, I'm going to fall…" he stumbled.

Immediately Jason caught him. "G-get out of here?" it was a plea and a fearful one at that. This was frightening and Jason wanted to go.

Freddy looked up, tensing with a sharp cry as his arm was jarred. He gave a weak nod before another painful throb from his arm almost caused him to faint.

Jason, registering the nod, began to drag Freddy towards the stairs. It was hard work getting up the narrow staircase, especially with Freddy's whimpers and yells as his am was moved or shifted in any way. But they managed it, somehow, by the miracle of what the human body can do under severe stress.


It was dark when they stumbled out of the house into the street. Jason had to half-carry Freddy and to keep gently nudging him to keep him from blacking-out so they wouldn't get lost. Only Freddy could remember the way back to Jason's house. It was hard and they had to avoid anyone walking around. Jason became so afraid at one point that he began crying, thick tears streaming down his pale cheeks.

Freddy nudged his with his nose "H-hey, don't cry okay? It'll be o-okay."

Jason managed to slow his sobs. He gave his boyfriend a small kiss before trudging onwards. They were at his street now, Freddy informed him. It took only a few minutes more to reach his house. Reaching up shakily, he knocked.

Freddy felt the world begin to shift, darkening on and off without warning. He felt light-headed and then he was gone, slumping as he fainted in Jason's arms.

The taller teen jolted as he felt his friend slipping and wrapped his arms around him to hold him up. "Freddy?! FREDDY!" He shook the smaller boy, terrified.

At that moment door opened.


It had all been a blur, and hours later, kneeling over a crying Freddy whilst she tenderly supported his arm with a makeshift sling, she could not have said what had happened in that space of time, or what thoughts went through her mind. Jason was crouched next to her, rocking and she gently stroked his hair and cuddled him close.

The story had poured out. She was stumped on what to do. The authorities would take Jason and Freddy into custody, they would be locked up. Yes Freddy's step-father had been hurting them, but not threatening their lives! She had to, like before, take action. If they drove out of town tonight they could, most likely, escape before the body was discovered.

And with that she made her decision.


It was good that they did not own a great deal she supposed as she and Jason loaded various essentials into the car trunk. Food and blankets were the most important, as was the medical kit, matches and the flasks of water.

Going back into the house, she left a note on the table, proclaiming that one of her relatives had become seriously ill and needed her help. They needed to have some sort of back story after all.

Jason and Freddy cuddled up in the backseat of the car, a blanket draped around them, heads lolling together as they slept.

Pamela smiled at them lovingly. She had to protect her boys, no matter the cost. Climbing into the front seat she turned on the ignition.

And as Springwood slept, drove off into the night.


The End

Author's Notes: This is the LAST CHAPTER. Of this particular story there will be NO MORE UPDATES. (Just thought I'd make that point clear before I get 20 people ordering me to 'UPDATE UPDAAATE!!!' XD

Currently (at this moment in time: 01:28am Friday 17th July 2009) I am hyped up on coffee and struggling to make this last chapter not suck ass. It's been a tough ride, writing this thing and you guys made it possible. Although my (at the time) only previous multi-chaptered fanfiction was quite popular, I NEVER imagined that this would get to be so popular. Even now someone new will randomly pop up around asking for links to this 'fic, I just… I don't know, it makes me want to cry (that may just be the coffee-induced stomach ache or the lack of sleep, bear with me).

I feel proud, I know this could have been better and perhaps 5 years or so in the future maybe I'll rewrite/make improvement s on it, who knows? But in some ways, I like it as it is. On the other hand however, I almost hate this thing! I feel really old and out-of-touch with the characters, I'm 18 and they're 15/16, I feel like a real adult in comparison.

I just want to thank you, each and every one of you, fans, lurkers and flamers. Without you this 'fic would have died. And despite wanting to kill some of you for bothering me constantly (with good reason, I know! XD) I love you all anyway.

Thank you for supporting me with your reviews, flames, critiques and advice:

Winger Fan, LeLAND1CHAPMEN2LOVER3, Silver Horror, FreddyJasonV, BubbleLuscious, EveQueen, Darkness Takes Over, unknown: 2008-10-27 . chapter 3,Blood-Sucker-1428, Dimas, corrupt justice, ryo hatake, Badass Kitty, Hat, Sir Grodus, Ghostwriter, Alexandra, Hebi R., muse of suffering, Goggleplex, Serena McKeenzo, Antimatterannihilation, Mahala A.C., kitsunenoyami, Kyrtis, PerfectCell17, xxXLostInTheDarknessXxx, Rachael, Eater of Crayons, Classic Rock Junkie, o 3o, Moka-chan, kari2500, VampyBells, Poppu-chan94, Cucolla's fruit, Meeshkit, CelestialDeth, Yuki Hatashi, VampiressKatasandra, Honor, demonfoxboy132, BloodyRoseSharpThorn, Mattnightmare, Xobit, x22rebel, Tugera, Anony, Berry's Ambitions, Juniour (double thanks for the evil PMs! XD), Lars-Dagger, midevilangelcakes, chezarawolf, shoppergurl (you've been with me all the way and I thank you, you are one of the greatest friends anyone could ask for), Jinja-the-Ninja734, deathra-horrorlover, nyanyagirl (like Shoppergurl, all the way you've supported me, thanks girl!), DeamonsAngel, LordBacon, Yuurei69, Lorneglomper, Spoken-to-be-Broken, Neferti1067, Xenogurl101, tamarack1pines, Myersbabe23, NarutoFan19, emilio1234567, MrsFreddyKrueger, Princess-Okimaka039, jasoncrazyfangirl, charly-d-squirrel, Trainwrekcomics, horrorhappy12, EveQueen, XenoGurl100, MelissaEve, Musicfreak124, ToxicNictarlGirl, KaylaManson13, Moonlight876, Genjibunbun, Chargal4

And last of all, THANK YOU ALL WHO READ THIS STORY, and enjoyed it! If you enjoyed it, even only a little, please leave a review, it can be one word or even a '=D' if you want, but let me know who you are, a newbie, a long-term fan or simply a quiet lurker. I am so grateful to you all for helping me with this and for liking it.

Thank you all. And to all, a good night! (goes to bed)

(PS: There may, if I can cope with it as well as college, be a sequel. Don't get your panties in a twist or hold your breath, it's still only an idea and it may stay that way)

(PSS: This 'fic has it's own playlist on Youtube: http : // www . youtube . com /view_play _list? p=9EB532ECE4C27CB8 (just remove the spacing!) it works, I've checked it.)