More indepth Summary:

40 years ago the little town of Karakura was set a blazing into flames. Everyone watched as their lives burnt down with each building turning to ash. Now in present time, Ichigo was sitting in class when all of a sudden he felt the presense of a hollow nearby. Just like that, Orihime, Uryuu, Chad, Rukia, and Ichigo all left. Unknown to them, Tatsuki decided to follow along. When they arrive they noticed that instead of a hollow, it is actually a group of Menos Grandes. So one-by-one they each took down the Menos. Just when they were about to finish off the last few, one of the Menos began to devour the others and become an Espada. The group try to defeat this new enemy, but to no avail. Just when things looked bleak a mysterious person emerged and easily defeated the Espada, who vowed to return again. Rukia begins investigating who the young man was. Meanwhile Tatsuki begins an investigation of her own, what is Ichigo?


The fire blazed throughout the town. Helicopters and fire trucks did their best just to keep the fire from spreading to the other city. Everyone watched in awe as the flames burned the town they used to call home. Fire fighters continued to struggle as they tried to keep the flames isolated in the town. The weather man said rain was coming in the next few days. If they could keep the fire within the city, the rain would take care of the rest.

By the time the fire engulfed about a fourth of the town, everyone was in the midst of evacuating the town. All emergency personnel rushed throughout the city rescuing as many people as they could from burning buildings. Many were rescued, some were not. Some people watched in shock while others cried for their missing loved ones who were trapped in the scorching buildings.

The sounds of fire trucks and ambulances echoed throughout the blazing city. A young little boy watched a different scene unfold before him. His eyes followed the whole reason the fight started in the city of Karakura. Two shinigamis fought endlessly throughout the burning city. No one could see them because they were spirits. Only the little boy about the age of five had the ability to see them as they flew around clashing their swords together.

Night time fell on the little town of Karakura. The distant sound of thunder filled the air. The sound brought a new sense of hope as fire fighters continued to battle the roaring flames. It wasn't long until the sky began to cry over the lost city.

The next day everyone awoke to the sight of their town burnt to the ground. Everyone was in disbelief at what they saw. Everything was destroyed. Nothing was left standing. Roads were covered with fallen buildings and debris. The rain continued to fall…

"ICHIGO!!! WAKE UP!" A loud crash echoed throughout the house. Isshin's face was smashed in from Ichigo's foot being planted in it. Ichigo growled lightly as he got out of bed. He ran his hand through his head as he stood up and stretched his arms. His father quickly got up and rubbed his face.

"Owie! I think you really did damage something that time." Isshin said as he rubbed his nose. Ichigo looked away for a moment before…

"YOU LET YOUR GUARD DOWN!" he yelled as he landed one good punch on Ichigo's cheek. Ichigo flew out of the room and through his now broken door. Isshin laughed as he ran down the steps. Ichigo slowly rose to his feet as Rukia quickly jumped out of the closet.

"You're dad is quite the character." She said as she closed the door.

"Shut up." Ichigo said as he walked into his room. "Just hurry up and get out of here in case he decides to come back." Rukia slid open the window and jumped out as Ichigo fumbled through his dresser for his school clothes. He took off his shirt and threw it on the ground. Just as he turned to grab something, Rukia jumped back into the window. They stood there for many minutes staring each other down. Then Ichigo broke the silence with a loud whisper.

"What are you doing?!" He quickly grabbed a shirt and put it around his body.

"Calm down." She said. "It's not like I haven't seen it all before." She gave him a mischievous smirk.

"What are you talking about?" He raised his voice as a light blush formed on his face. She began to chuckle as she walked up to him. She placed a hand on his chest and ran it down his stomach.

"Ru-Rukia?" He managed to spit out. This caused her to laugh even harder as she opened the closet door and grab her purse. Ichigo was still slightly shocked as she hopped up onto the window getting ready to jump out.

"Don't take it personally Kurosaki. But I like playing around with ya. It makes you do funny things. See you at school!" And with that she disappeared from his sights. Ichigo quickly hopped to his window and locked it. Just as he was walking away, he quickly turned around and closed the drapes. He muttered something under his breath before he headed to school.

When he arrived at school, Ichigo walked into the classroom and took a seat at his desk. The teacher had not come in yet and many of the students were in their individual groups talking about plans for the weekend. Ichigo sat in his seat and put his book bag down next to him.

He glared over at Rukia menacingly as she gave him a big smile. Just then the school bell rang and the students took their seats. Many of the students continued to talk and laugh until the teacher came in. The students quieted down as the teacher went over the lesson for the day. Ichigo stared out the window letting his thoughts wander away.

While she took her notes, Tatsuki happened to glance over at Ichigo and notice he wasn't paying attention to the teacher.

'Wonder what's with him?' She thought to herself. She quickly returned her attention back to the teacher and her notebook. When the bell for lunch rang, Ichigo quickly grabbed his lunch and ran out the door. Tatsuki found it strange for Ichigo to just run out like that. She looked around and noticed that everyone found that to be odd.

Just then Chad, Orihime, Uryu, and Rukia ran out the door as well. Everyone watched as they rushed out the door. Tatsuki decided to chase after them and see what was going on. She followed them even as they ran out the school doors and off the school property. She didn't care.

For the past few weeks the five of them would run off to do something and leave Tatsuki in the dark. And when they came back, they never told her what they did. Ichigo and Rukia avoided the question altogether. Even Orihime made up a story every time she asked. It infuriated her to the point where she could no longer take it. As they ran, Chad's arms transformed and Uryu's outfit changed into his Quincy clothes. His bow suddenly appeared in his right hand as they neared the park. Rukia swallowed a mod-soul pill causing her soul to leap from her gigai. She drew her Zanpaktou and began a small chant. Tatsuki could not believe what transpired before her eyes.

When they caught up with Ichigo, the group was confronted by a group of menos grandes. Ichigo held Zangetsu firmly in his hands as he looked around at the menos' that hovered before him.

"What's going on here?" Rukia asked to herself. "Why are all these menos' here like this?" Ichigo drew his sword as the white cloth unraveled itself and wrapped around Ichigo's hand.

"I don't know why they are all together like this. But, they don't belong here!" Ichigo jumped into the air and slashed at a Menos. Once that one disappeared the rest of the menos spread around and created a circle around the group. Everyone looked around as the Menos' roars echoed throughout the town. Tatsuki hid behind a building watching as these tall dark mysterious figures surrounded her friends. Her attention switched back and forth to the Menos and then to her friends.

"Alright guys, let's do this!" Ichigo jumped into the air and swung at one of the Menos. The rest of the group began to attack the other ones. Rukia jumped into the air and held her Zanpaktou high above her head.

"Sodo No Shirayuki first dance, white moon!" Rukia yelled. Suddenly the three Menos that stood in front of her were engulfed in a sheet of ice. Once they were completely frozen, Rukia slashed at the ice and destroyed in and the Menos inside. She landed on her two feet and turned to watch everyone else battle. Uryu shot his arrows from his bow into two Menos Grandes. As they disappeared, he also landed on his feet and turned around. He watched Orihime's little guardians as they created their shield protecting her from the Menos' attacks.

Just then Tsubaki shot himself into the Menos, destroying it as he passed through its mask. Orihime jumped up in happiness as her companions celebrated with her. Uryu had a small smile come across his face as he watched Orihime smile and laugh with her companions.

"You know you can't keep watching her from afar." Uryu felt someone nudging their elbow into his side. When he looked down, he saw Rukia giving him a look. Uryu blushed lightly as he pushed his glasses up so they do not fall off his nose. Then he tried to shrug it off as though he did not know what she meant.

"Stop trying to hide it." She said with a coy smile. "Almost everyone in school knows about your feelings for Orihime."

"What are you talking about?" Uryu said. The blush on his face grew a little bigger on his cheeks. Rukia started to giggle as she laughed at his reaction.

Sado evaded the Menos that attacked him he had two of them trying to catch him with their blasts. He blocked both of their attacks with his left arm. Suddenly his right arm transformed. The top of his arm had a bigger u-shape curve. A distorted face formed where his shoulder bone was at. It let out a loud sad moan into the air as the two Menos attacked him.

Sado drew his arms back as he created distance from them. Just then the distorted moan from his arm turned into a roar as he unleashed the power from his attack. Both of the Menos were completely devoured by the blast. After the beam disappeared, the Menos were no longer there. His right opened up and gathered the power of the Menos into its mouth. Sado grew stronger after he completely absorbed their power. Everyone gathered together and watched as Ichigo fought the remaining Menos.

One by one the rest of the Menos fell victim to Ichigo's blade. Ichigo took each down one by one. Just then something odd occurred. One of the Menos began to devour the Menos before Ichigo could kill them. Ichigo was surprised as the Menos devoured the last one.

Just then the air drew thicker than normal and the air was filled with a tremendous amount of Reiatsu. The group struggled to stand as the Reiatsu grew heavy on their bodies. Ichigo jumped back as he lifted Zangetsu to point at the Menos. Suddenly a bright blue aura surrounded him as he yelled, "Bankai!" His outfit and Zanpaktou changed.

Tatsuki hid behind a dumpster watching Ichigo transform no more than 20 feet away from her. The impact of his sudden Reiatsu gain was so overwhelming; she fell to the ground under the immense pressure. She struggled to push herself off the ground, but it was no use. The force was too strong for her to overcome.

The newly formed Espada stood in mid-air staring down at Ichigo in his Bankai. Tatsuki lifted her head up as far as she could only to catch a glimpse of Ichigo's change. His Reiatsu was so strong compared to her newly awaken powers, that she could not pry herself off from the ground.

When Ichigo jumped into the air, the pressure on her lightened and she was able to pull her self up to a vertical base. Her whole body ached from trying to keep Ichigo's Reiatsu from crushing her. She leaned on the wall to give her legs some support. She took deep breaths trying to regain her strength. She slowly crawled on the wall of the building to the end of the alley. Her legs were still weak as she wobbled out onto the street. She looked up at the sky, watching Ichigo battle with the Espada.

Ichigo swung away as the Espada dodged every attack with ease. Ichigo began to get frustrated. The Espada just stood there smiling as Ichigo began to raise his Reiatsu. He lifted Zangetsu high above his head.

"Getsuga Tensho!" Ichigo yelled. The Espada smiled as he raised his hand and easily flung Ichigo's attack away from him. Ichigo, as well as the rest of the group, could not believe his eyes. He wiped the look off his face and tried his attack again. This time the Espada disappeared and reappeared behind Ichigo. Ichigo's eyes widened as he jumped forward and quickly turned his body.

The Espada began to laugh as he stood there with his hands on his hips. Ichigo became irritated by this and tried his Getsuga Tensho again. The Espada lifted his hand and held onto the crimson blast. Then he tossed it aside like it was nothing. Ichigo backed away as he stared down this being that make his attack look like nothing. Suddenly the Espada began to power up. His Reiatsu surged throughout the town. Everyone who had the ability to sense Reiatsu felt this power.

"Mr. Urahara?" Ururu asked. "Is something not right, sir?" Urahara looked up at the sky with a grave look on his face. Ururu walked up to Urahara's side and tugged lightly on his Kimono. He looked down at her and placed a hand on his head.

"It doesn't look good Ururu. This is one opponent I think Ichigo can't beat." He looked back up at the sky and watched as the Espada began his attack. Ichigo moved to the side to avoid the Espada's first attack, but wasn't able to evade the second attack. Ichigo wrapped his arms around his stomach as he began to cough up blood.

Suddenly Urahara's eyes widened as he turned around. He looked down the street away from the fighting. A surprised expression came across his face. Then it changed to a small grin as he turned around and walked back into his shop.

"Mr. Kisuke, sir?" Ururu asked before he took a step inside.

"Come along Ururu. The fight is almost over." The young girl with the red cheeks followed Urahara back into the store. Once Urahara was inside, he went to his telephone and dialed a number. He placed the receiver to his ear and waited for the other party to pick up the line.


"Hey it's me." Urahara said.

"What's up?" The voice responded.

"…He's back."

"Are you sure about that?"

Urahara responded, "Yeah. I'm very sure. With that type of Reiatsu, I'm very sure he's back." They talked some more on the phone before Urahara put the phone back. Then he took a step outside and jumped up onto one of the buildings. He sat cross legged and watched the rest of the fight transpire. Ichigo stood in mid-air catching his breath as the Espada stood there with an evil grin on his face.

"It's been so long." The Espada said out of nowhere. "My spirit has been trapped in Hueco Mundo for so long." His voice was rough and low. Ichigo did not feel like standing around and listening to him talk. He began his attack once more. The Espada looked up and raised his hand towards Ichigo. Within a blink of an eye, Ichigo crashed into the ground below. The group all ran next to Ichigo who slowly got to his feet breathing hard. Uryu looked up at the Espada and rose to his feet. Orihime looked up at Uryu who was now walking away from the group and towards the Espada.

Uryu raised his arm toward it and formed his bow. Within a blink of an eye, he shot 10 arrows from his bow at the Espada. Just as they were about to hit it, the Espada raised his hand and swatted each arrow away like it was nothing. Uryu, in a sense of desperation, began to shoot arrows from different spots in the park all at once. He would appear at one corner of the park and shoot a couple. Then within that split second he disappears only to reappear at the other end to shoot more arrows.

He stopped for a moment to look up. Everyone else watched hoping the arrows would hit. A big explosion filled the air when the arrows were close to the Espada. Smoke covered the sky as everyone waited in anticipation. Everyone was shocked as the smoke cleared and the Espada was still standing there with that evil grin on his face.

"Time to end this." It said in a menacing tone. "You youngsters can't defeat me!" He raised his hand into the air and began to draw energy around him. Suddenly a dark blue ball of power hovered in his hand. It grew bigger and bigger until it was almost as big as a baseball field. Everyone gasped as they saw how huge the energy ball was.

"Wave of Destruction! Bring despair to all who oppose you" Just then the Espada drew his arm back and threw it towards them. The ball moved slowly due to the massive size of it. Uryu quickly shot out a huge amount of arrows towards the blast, but they were devoured by the blast. Chad quickly got up and sent a blast from his arm, but it didn't even phase the attack. Both Inoue and Rukia used their attacks at the same time, but to no avail. Suddenly Ichigo rose to his feet and jumped into the air. He took Zangetsu and struck the ball of energy with it. Just then he yelled, "Getsuga Tensho!" The ball of energy slowed down, but did not stop. It engulfed his attack and grew stronger.

Suddenly Ichigo was shot away by the Espada and began to spiral downward towards the ground. The ball of energy was getting closer now. Its power was so strong that the buildings around it started disintegrating. Tatsuki watched in horror as it grew closer and closer.

"Quickly everyone let's all attack it at once!" Uryu shouted at the group. Rukia and Chad glanced over at him and nodded.

"Inoue we'll need you to keep a shield up in case this doesn't work." Orihime agreed as she called upon her little fairy like protectors to form a big energy shield around them. Rukia began to say a chant as she held her ice-type Zanpaktou in front of her. Chad drew back his Diablo arm and began to gather attack energy in his fist. His left arm began to howl as its mouth opened to absorb energy particles from around him. Uryu did likewise as he gathered the energy around him into an arrow. Ichigo held Zangetsu at his side to ready his attack.

"Alright? Ready… Aim… FIRE!!!" Uryu yelled.

"Second Dance, White Ripple!"

Chad unleashed the energy from his left arm toward the energy ball.

"Getsuga Tensho!"

Uryu shot his arrow along with everyone's attack.

The attacks went right to the energy and caused a massive explosion in the air. The sky was filled with a huge amount of Reiatsu and smoke. Urahara looked up. The look of despair never left his face.


The sky was filled with much smoke, as the youngsters waited in anticipation for the outcome of their attack. Just when they thought they had stopped it, the smoke suddenly dispersed and the energy ball still continued its descent onto earth.

They tried again and again, but their combined efforts were in vain. The Espada stood in the sky laughing at their efforts. Their attacks started to slow down as they grew tired from a continuation of releasing their attacks. Everyone was gasping for air falling to their knees in fatigue. Despair began to fill the minds of the group of youngsters. Ichigo slowly rose to his feet and put the last bit of Reiatsu he had left into his attack, but it was no use. He fell to the ground because his legs were too weak to keep him up. Just as the energy ball was about a basketball court length away, Ichigo and the group passed out before it happened.

"Rukeni reign upon the wicked!" A voice yelled from behind Tatsuki. The blast went right to the ball of energy and completely destroyed it. Smoke consumed the skies as the Espada turned and looked at a young man. He stood there with a slight grin on his face while putting his Zanpaktou back into its sheath. Tatsuki snapped out of her trance-like state and quickly turned around.

Within a blink of an eye, the Espada appeared in front of Tatsuki. She fell backwards, eyes wide, as she stared down the backside of the Espada. It stood no more than 3 feet away from her. The young man had a cocky grin on his face which aggravated the Espada.

"Who are you?" The Espada asked. The man stood there silent, still with that grin on his face. Just then he did something that surprised the Espada. The man turned around and began to walk away. This ticked the Espada off as he raised his hand and pointed at the young man. He shot a beam at him, which the young man just flicked off. The Espada grew angry and chased him. Just as he was about to strike, the young man turned around and sliced the Espada's head off.

As the Espada began to disappear, he asked the question once more.

"Who are you?"

"I am just a wandering soul, annoyed by you." a grin came across the face of the Espada

"wandering soul, eh... Well then, Eratu we meet again." The young man glared at the fading Espada. "You got me this time, but I will return."

Just then the Espada completely disappeared. The young man sheathed his Zanpaktou once more and began to walk away. Just as he was about to use Shunpo, he heard a small voice breathing hard, behind him. He turned his head slightly and saw Tatsuki's body lying on the ground. He gave her a small sympathetic smile before he headed on his way. After he left, Tatsuki began to regain her strength. She slowly pushed herself up off the ground. Just then four people appeared in front of her, not noticing Tatsuki at all.

"Looks like we are too late. Aww!" A man said.

"Oh darn. I wanted to see him again. He's so cute." A female said.

"You two are so childish." Another man said.

"How can you say that when you act like that with your kid, every day?" A third man said.

"Hey! Quit being mean." The second man said now looking down at Tatsuki. "Hey wait a minute. I know her." Tatsuki looked up and gasped.