Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Musiq's Halfcrazy so don't sue cause I'm broke.
Never thought that we would ever be more than friends
Now I'm all confused cause for you I have deeper feelings
We both thought it was cool to cross the line
Six months had passed since Akiya and Sesshomaru made themselves an official couple, right after spending the weekend locked away in a hotel room. To try and lie and say that their relationship wouldn't change would be pointless. Even though they fought with each other all their lives, it seemed that they were fighting more as a couple then just friends.
"Hey, baby. How was work?" Akiya asked walking inside his apartment using the key he gave her a month ago. The spacious apartment was in their hometown of Philadelphia, where he decided to live his life as a civilian.
"Hard." Sesshomaru sighed rubbing the back of his neck. Now he was a male model, he made very good money but Akiya hated the women ogling them when they went somewhere and at his pictures around the U.S.
"How hard could it be to take photos?" she asked sarcastically, tossing her purse on the counter.
"Why do you always have to be a smart ass?" he shot back not even bothering to give his girlfriend a glance. He never expected their romantic relationship to be this stressful; she was right when she told him things would never be the same.
'I expected it to get better.'
"Last time I checked you were not my father."
"So it's okay for you to act like a child?" he shot back turning his back to look at the hanyou. This was a daily thing between them, fighting over nothing. Neither one of them expected it to be such animosity between them; they were nothing like this when they were just friends.
And I was convinced it would be alright
Now things are strange, nothings the same
And really I just want my friend back
At first when Sesshomaru and Akiya decided to date, everything was good, who wouldn't want a lover and a friend in one person? Someone you could tell your secrets with watch sports with and warm your bed. That's how it was at first; they were just as close as they were back then, plus great sex.
"Whatever, I'm leaving." she said ending their daily argument storming out of his apartment; she hated it when he was right. Akiya could not understand why her boyfriend would want to show off his body, for a living, all over billboards and magazines. As much as the hanyou hated to admit it, she was jealous, more like stingy when it came to Sesshomaru. The idea of another woman looking at her boyfriend with lust in their eyes drove her mad. She also put at the back of her mind that the money her boyfriend made modeling helped pay for most of her music studio.
All of this was so new to her; a serious relationship...these feelings were too much to handle at times. Akiya loved Sesshomaru but she could never tell him so she let her short temper do the talking.
"Why can't we be like we were before all this?" she asked herself as she walked through the cold streets back to her own studio apartment twenty minutes away.
And my mind's gone half crazy cause I can't leave you alone (oh can't get you out of my system)
And I'm wondering if it's worth me holding on (holding on)
Said my mind's gone half crazy cause I can't leave you alone (can't get you out of my system)
And I'm wondering if it's worth me holding on (yeah)
"That stubborn woman." Sesshomaru growled pacing around his living room. What brought on this change in his hanyou? They had known each other since they were four and she was never this mean and grumpy. He could remember a time when they used to cuddle up on the couch and watch a boxing match, now they couldn't go one day without yelling at one another.
Picking up the phone the youkai dialed Inari's number, for some reason he felt like a snitch for calling his girlfriend's older sister. Right now at the moment he needed to talk to someone since Akiya stormed off a few minutes prior. Maybe the older sister could help out with his dilemma.
"Hello?" a confused female voice answered the phone; she was not used to Sesshomaru calling unless he was looking for her younger sister. For a second she was worried but the calm tone in the inuyoukai's voice told otherwise.
"Can I ask you something?" he said not even bothering for any type of small talk.
"Sure, kiddo." she giggled on the other line because she could hear him growl on the other end.
"I and Ki...have not been getting along for the last couple of months."
"What did she do?"
"Nothing really...she just has this bad attitude all of a sudden."
"She startin' that shit again." Inari mumbled to herself sucking her fangs and rolling her eyes. No one knew Akiya better than she did and she had a good idea why all of this was going on.
"What do you mean?" he was thoroughly confused, what Inari meant by that.
"She's scared; Ki gets real defensive when she's afraid. You should know that."
"Afraid? What does she have to be scared of?"
"You might not be scared but she is. This is her first serious relationship, who, is her best friend/ model. Let's not forget that you didn't hook up like most couples."
"She's scared of commitment?"
"No, she's scared of falling in love." hanging up the phone, Inari left Sesshomaru to his own thoughts; she had two kids running around her legs chasing each other.
I'd hate walk away from you as if this never existed
Cause when we kissed the moment after I looked at you different
"Maybe I should have been more understanding?"
"Ya think!" Kikyou shouted gathering the attention of the patrons inside the quaint restaurant, which was very un-Kikyou like to begin with but she was annoyed.
"Ouch." Akiya flinched at the cold glare her long time friend gave her; Yura giggled and continued to drink her coffee. All three women knew each other since elementary school and were close friends.
"You're acting like a bitch to him, he's a good guy." the hair demoness said.
"A lot of women would love to have him and you treat him like crap." the priestess chimed in.
"You don't understand! He can be such-!" the hanyou tried to defend herself before she was cut off again.
"He works, treats you well AND even paid for your music studio." turning her head Yura let Kikyou take over on telling Akiya about how silly she was acting.
"And all you do is pick fights with him. Look I know you love him, but you need to tell him and stop fighting before he's gone for good."
The hanyou bowed her head down in shame. Why the hell did they have to be right? At least they were real friends to tell her the truth. Both women looked down at Akiya with amused smiles on their faces, she was easy to read and from what the two can see, the hanyou was in love.
"Love?" she questioned, raising her head from her legs. In love with Sesshomaru that arrogant dog? The same man who as a child pulled her braids but was the same boy who let her cry on his shoulder when her aunt died.
"Love so many people your name in vain!" Yura sang off key making her friends giggle and gained the attention of the restaurant to their table once again.
"Stop being scared, being in love is a wonderful feeling. Every time I'm with Suikotsu it's like cloud nine." Kikyou said softly smiling.
"Well thanks girls I gotta go...there's something I need to do."
Lately I gotta watch what I say
Cause you take things personally nowadays
You used to laugh now you get mad
Damn I just want my friend back
"Hey Sesshomaru." Kagura purred walking up to her modeling partner. The inu youkai never spared the wind youkai a glance as he let makeup artist do the finishing touches to the tattoo on his arm they needed to cover.
"Cat got your tongue?" she asked watching him glare at her through the mirror. Sesshomaru's day already started off bad with fighting with Akiya again, now Kagura was annoying him. The makeup artist walked away leaving the inuyoukai alone with the wind youkai, much to his dislike.
"Not now."
"Had another fight with your little girlfriend?" she purred walking around his chair like a lioness circling her prey. She wanted that man since she the first time she saw him at the modeling agency but he always turned her down saying he was already taken but as of late the couple seemed to be at each other's throats.
"Why is it any of your concern?"
"As your coworker, I care about your well being...Plus I can take care of you much better than she can." the last part she whispered in his ear her lips close to his ear and her arm around his broad shoulders.
"So this is how you work!" Akiya yelled marching up to the two youkai that seemed a little too cozy for her liking. It was inevitable to happen working around beautiful people daily, it would eventually happen that he would fall for someone else.
"It's not like that-." Sesshomaru tried to say but was cut off by Kagura who stood in front of the dog youkai, causing Akiya to growl in jealously. That dog was hers and no other woman was having him.
"You, little half breed. You blew your chance with him now it's my turn."
"Arggh!" the hanyou hissed and pounced on the wind youkai but was stopped, halted by a strong arm around her waist. Before Akiya could realize that she was not chocking Kagura, she was tossed on Sesshomaru's shoulder and was further away from the wind youkai.
"Let me go!" she pleaded banging helplessly on his back, but he kept walking until entering another room. Putting her down Sesshomaru pushed her against the wall with his strong hands on Akiya's arms.
"Why are you here, I thought you said that you would never come?" he growled.
"Oh, so you can play around with that skinny bitch?"
"Answer my question, why are you here?" he asked again pushing her against the wall, not hard enough to hurt her but enough to get his point across.
"I wanted to tell you something but I guess I came at the wrong time."
"Tell me what?"
"It doesn't matter now...You have your new girlfriend."
"She's not my girlfriend, you know who my girlfriend is."
"Who?" she snapped back.
"You, stupid! You! God why do you have to be so stubborn! Akiya how the fuck can you think there's anyone else but you! I'm crazy about you, I love you!" Sesshomaru shouted, shaking his girlfriend till she understood his feelings. Those cold gold eyes that she could only see his true feelings in showed passion, anger and love. Yep he loved her, as much of as pain Akiya was he was madly in love with her.
"You...love...me?" she whispered looking up into a pair of beautiful expressive eyes.
"Yes, I do. You're my mate. I want little hanyou babies with you one day." he said softly, loosening his grip on her arms.
"Hanyous? Aww, baby I love you too!" Akiya cried wrapping her arms tightly around his waist crying into his bare chest.
"No more fighting okay?" all his hanyou did was nod her head and gave him a soft kiss on the lips, which he was more than happy to receive.
And my mind's gone half crazy cause I can't leave you alone (oh can't get you out of my system)
And I'm wondering if it's worth me holding on (holding on)
Said my mind's gone half crazy cause I can't leave you alone (can't get you out of my system)
And I'm wondering if it's worth me holding on
"Baby I'm sorry I've been such a bitch." Akiya mumbled rubbing her face into Sesshomaru's chest as they walked home from the set.
"It's okay, I just want us to be how we used to be." he said smiling, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead as he pulled her closer.
"I'm just scared..."
"Scared of what?"
"Falling in love." she whispered.
'So the little hanyou's in love with me...Duh she said that back at the set. What woman wouldn't be in love with me?' Sesshomaru thought to himself. For some odd reason he felt like singing a song and jumping up and down, but he refrained. "So you're in love with me."
"Maybe." she said giggling at her boyfriend's cocky attitude. Walking cuddled close together the couple caught a lot of attention with passing comments of "aww they're so cute." and "why aren't we like that?"
"Maybe I love you too." stopping in the middle of the sidewalk to steal a kiss. The action almost brought a tear to her eyes. She could have almost lost this because of her negative actions towards him. His kisses the rare smiles that she would only see, the inuyoukai's whole being with her.
"Come on lets go home."
Oh oh oh oh oh yeah
What happened to the one I used to know (oh yeah yeah)
The one I used to laugh and joke with
The one I used to tell all my secrets
We used to chill and be down for whatever whenever together yeah
"Remember prom?" Akiya asked pointing to the picture of them at their high school prom. She was smiling brightly enjoying to be finally free from braces and Sesshomaru was holding her close in his simple black tuxedo with a turquoise vest matching his date's dress. Both of them pretty much looked the same except a little older and bigger.
Sitting on Sesshomaru's couch the couple were cuddled up close looking back at the childhood they shared together. Just like old times except Ivonne was not reading them a bedtime story after a shared bath.
'Sharing a bath might not be so bad.' he thought to himself. His hanyou would look wonderful naked and soapy with him pressed against her. Shaking his thoughts away and thanking the Kami he didn't have an erection just thinking about it.
"We had a really good night. I really wanted to kiss you." she said pointing to the old picture.
"You can kiss me now." before she could say another word, a soft pair of lips were pressed against hers. And before she knew it Akiya was being swept up and carried to his bedroom. You might have said it was their bedroom since she had her own whole dresser and shared half of the closet inside. Plus their mixed scents were all over the room.
And my mind's gone half crazy (oh) cause I can't leave you alone (I'm going half crazy baby)
And I'm wondering if it's worth me (oh) holding on (over you)
Said my mind's gone half crazy (yeah) cause I can't leave you alone (and I just don't know)
And I'm wondering if it's worth me holding on (said I just don't know what to do now)
"You drive me half crazy you know that?"
"Quiet mutt."
"You like this pussy."
"Yes the pussy is very articulate, very funny and very warm." nibbling on Akiya's ear Sesshomaru slid his hand under the bed sheets and massaged her jean clad legs. She responded openly sliding her jeans off along with her shirt. Makeup sex was always the best sex.
The two days later...
Sleeping peacefully Kikyou was rolled up in the sheets only to be awoken by the loud techno ringtone of her cell phone. Fumbling her way out of the warm bed sheets she answered it.
"Moushi, moushi?"
"I just eloped!" Akiya shouted over the other line almost making Kikyou's ears bleed.
"Well we made up, had sex and decided to drive to Vegas and get married! Oh my fuckin God, I'm Mrs. Sesshomaru Taishou!"
We used to chill (yeah) we used to hang
We used to do we used to do so many things together (yeah)
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Oh oh
Oh oh oh
To be continued...
Can one of you guys give me a song to use for the next chap. Part three takes place in Vegas! Don't wait for the next chap it will come in time lol.