Authoress' Notes:

Another Creative Writing assignment! (As many as possible/practical will be fanfics so I can post 'em! Already got one up for American McGee's Alice.)

This one: write something unusual happening in the classroom from 4 different perspectives. Anne would be me, Kasey is one of my best friends, Mr. Albright is the teacher… please tell me you know who Akabane-sama is.

I've got it all done, but I'm posting it in chapters… mostly so I can say I finished another multi-chapter fic.




Chapter 1


Mr. Albright is reminding us, "So, remember to bring in those notebooks as soon as-"

"Excuse me," a smooth voice interrupts, "but are you Mr. Albright?" I glance up.

My eyes widen.

My jaw drops.

I-i… is that… AKABANE-SAMA? Impossible! Yet, if that's a cosplayer, then that's a ridiculously good costume. I mean the hair looks… real… the violet eyes… look real…

I continue looking him over, going through my Akabane-ness checklist in my head.

White dress shirt? Check.

Black tie? Check.

Brown shoes? Check.

Black coat? Check.

Black hat with a triangle sliced out of it by Kagami-kun? Check.

White gloves? Check.

Ridiculously curvy hips? Check.

Messy dark brown hair? Check.

Gorgeous violet eyes? Check!

"I was told you needed these boxes transported here." He sets down a stack of heavy-looking boxes, his black coat swirling around him. I, meanwhile, am drooling like an idiot, finally managing to squeak out, "A…A…Aka…Akabane-sama?"


Well? This is comedy, so I'm not focusing as much as usual on Akabane-sama's characterization. Review please?