A/N: finally...its chapter 3...forgive me...i was on a sugar high...but thats what broke the writers block...on with the story...

if i owned it, i wouldn't be writing it on here

Chapter 3-The Plan

Itachi sniffled as he pulled the first batch of cookies out of the oven. Kisame, who was hiding in the pantry,nearly called the whole thing off, unable to bear the pain it was causing his beloved sidekick. He just shrugs and goes back to watching the happenings. Itachi wiped a tear away as he put his 'Super Awesomely Super Chocolatey Peanut-Butter Oatmeal and Macademia Nutty Chip Cookies' on the cooling racks. Itachi turned away, unaware of the black-gloved hand reaching in the window. Kisame runs out at the thief but the thief runs away. Kisame chases them for a bit before tackling the thief. The whole of Konoha look on as Kisame pulls the ski mask off of the face. They all gasp as a wealth of blonde hair falls out.

" Lady Tsunade...? why have you been stealing sweets?" Shizune asks.

"yea...you get to try all of the sweets tomorrow anyways..." Sakura adds.

"it all started...because i tried...Nara Shikamaru's 'Lazy Chocolate Coated Sugar Cookies' and it drove me crazy for more sugar...i am sorry for the inconvenience..."Tsunade replies, looking down in shame. " Thank You, Kisame and Itachi for setting the trap to catch me..."

"we're Sharkman and Weasel Boy, Lady Hokage..." Kisame explains, as Itachi glares and rubs his forehead.

"S-Sharkman a-and W-Weasel B-Boy?" Tsunade asks, through a fit of giggles.

The group breaks up and goes home laughing the whole time. A few glare at Shikamaru for a minute. Shikamara moans and mumbles about how the village is so troublesome. Everyone goes to their houses to prepare for the bake sale the next day. Itachi thanks god his days as Weasel Boy was over.

"they are over, right?...RIGHT?...RIGHT!? YOU BETTER SAY YES YOU DAM-----" Itachi screams, only to be muffled by Kisame's hand as he is dragged away.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------End Chapter 3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A/N: haha...review and let me know what you think about it...shout outs--

Schuldig89 and Nagi43--haha girls---there you go another chapter...

Mistress-Ando--theres the black glove...you so have the credit for that...i wouldnt have put it on her if you hadn't brought it up...

girlof1000nicknames--thanks for the luck and for sticking with the story this long...i am so terribly sorry i never brought SxSxN into this...forgive me...

Neji'sangel69--my dear staci...its a mystery to me too how he got up and made cookies...i miss you darling...hopefully ill see you by the end of the month...i love you too...

Rahab's Rehab--those are the funniest names in the world... 'The Gay Artists-Deidara/Sasori'-- hahaha! my favorite is Ma and Pa----/giggles/ thanks for brightening up my day...

BCFire--sorry theres not much cheesy superhero things...

There we go peeps...remember to review...

-Suse Cue