Lucky me, I struck an idea for chapter four.

In this chapter we see a different side of Ulrica...

Disclaimer in the first chapter

Something echoed in the back of my mind. You should've expected this, it said.

"Mai?" I spoke gently and tenderly; she was like an older sister to me.


But here, in front of me, she withheld a glint of hatred in her eyes. The same hatred my parents possessed. I sat upright, clutching the covers. She glowered at me, but the tone of her voice was of utter disbelief. I heard none of the hate she had in her eyes.

"What did you do?" her voice resounded anxiety. She said it so quickly that I barely understood what she said.


"What did you do?" her eyes narrowed. I feared that she would strike me and scooted back against the wall. I didn't understand the question- what could we do? I answered to the best of my ability


"You're lying." she protested.

"But we didn't-"

"You're lying!" she screamed. I shut my mouth. Why couldn't she believe me? What was I supposed to tell her so that she'd believe me?

Mai hunched over, letting her brown hair fall over her face, and trembled. I jumped when she pointed her fierce hazel eyes back to me.

"You," she appeared to have calmed down, "Ulrica, were taken here because L needed a friend," she chuckled, "More like wanted you as a friend."

There was a brief paused as she tried to pull herself together.

"I heard it from Watari. The first time L saw you, he smiled. And since then, you're the only one he's opened up to."

More silence.

"I was...I was the same."

"You mean-"

"No, he was never fond of me. I was taken here when I was nine- it was Watari's wish that L have a friend. And I tried...I tried to be his friend, but he never so much as looked at me in the eye most days. You..." her voice rose to malice, and all traces of sadness evaporated.

"I know it now. I just thought that he was extremely fond of you." she laughed at my clueless expression.

"He loves you!"

I blinked. Mai's revelation went right over my head. Love?

"What's love, Mai-san?"

Mai stared, her eyebrows furrowed. She sighed. "I can't tell you that. Ask your lover." Mai rolled her eyes and folded her arms. I wondered if she knew if it was obvious to me what bothered her. She wasn't going to drop the situation- I did sleep together with him; I didn't sleep with him. There was a difference. Rather than explain that to her- she might not listen anyway- I prolonged the conversation. Fumbling with the covers, I tried to act innocent.

Mai tapped her foot impatiently. Just what was she waiting on? I gulped before speaking.

"Why are you in here-?"

"To figure out what you want for breakfast." she replied curtly.

"Oh..." my eyes searched the room, as if I could find something from looking.


"L told me to." she snapped.

I paused again, peeved from repeatly getting interrupted.

"Aren't you going to ask me?" I added emphasis on my words. Mai opened her mouth, then closed it again. She huffed and stared at me. Time for the kill.

"Mai, do you love L?"

She froze. I think I struck a nerve.

"Of course I don't! He loves you, and I don't!" she hollared at the top of her lungs. Not very wise in front on an open door. A couple of girls passing by ran off, glancing frightfully at Mai, then to hapless ol' me. I was used to this, however.

She fumed for a quick second, then stormed out the room. There was the stomping of her footsteps, then nothing. Utter silence.

I sighed and fell back on the bed. My stomach growled and I turned on my side and ignored it. I closed my eyes and drifted off. Counting the questions I hoped to ask L, I fell into a fitful sleep.

My sleep was disturbed by a bright light, then covered by the faint shadow of L. I stretched as he sat on the bed, next to me and hugged him out of relief. He didn't hug me back, and I looked up to observe his expression. He stared at me with disapproval.


I blinked. What was he upset about? I hadn't done anything wrong...Unless Mai-

"Why didn't you eat today?" So that's what the problem was. My stomach grumbled and I held it.

"Mai-san..." I muttered, not exactly sure what to say about her. I did run her off when she was trying to give me breakfast...

"Mai-san did come, I just- well, she hates me-"

I stopped to gauge his expression. He stared at me in a sort of pitiful, endearing way, then left out the room quietly.

November 23, 1993

It was midnight; the sun hadn't risen yet. I did feel much better, now that I had something in my stomach, and L made sure to remind me to not forget about my personal needs. It was the first I've heard him give a lecture, and it was strange and overwhelming in a way I couldn't explain.

Perhaps he saw the longing in my eyes- the want to embrace him...

He stopped in mid-sentence and hugged me, refraining from sitting in his normal position and pulling me foward, allowing me to sit in his lap.

I was a bit startled. I felt his breathing on my upper lip. There was a poorly hidden smirk on his face as he observed my expression. He felt my body tense up.

"L...I couldn't think didn't sit with your knees up..." I was the one who couldn't think right now.

The smirk somewhat faded, he took his hand in mine and his other hand held my back.

"Actually, I lose my reasoning about 4 percent, but I have no need to reason."

I became flustered, his lips so close to mine. He took notice and leaned my head against his chest.

"Yulri-chan, what have you always wanted?"

I thought about my passing birthday, November 5, and how L was gone for three straight days. "To be loved..."

L hugged me tightly. "Do you still want that?"

"He loves you!" I remembered so clearly Mai telling me. Love... The need to feel wanted. Is that what love is?

I remained silent.

"Do you still want that, Yulri-chan?" L repeated himself.

I wrapped my arms around L and buried my face in his chest. No, love is something more.

I breathed in and out deeply. "No." I moved back and stared at L. He blinked, his hands fell to my waist. "I already have that." I leaned foward until our foreheads touched and closed my eyes placidly.

"I just want to be with you." Holding my hand with his, L used the other to move my face closer so that our lips could touch. I squeezed L's hand, dreaded by the fact that we wouldn't always be together. Knowing that we wouldn't be able to see each other ever again, no matter how we tried.

The next two years went by quickly...

And I remember that day so clearly...

Muha! No, it does not end there. This is going to explain a lot of things about L, like why he doesn't need to sleep and stuff. Oh, and don't forget about Ulrica's parents or Mai. Something more shall happen! Though I'm not sure what it is exactly! (I didn't just say that.) Until next time! (Goes back to playing MapleStory) Yeah, yeah. If you look up L's profile, Ulrica's birthday marks something very important. (Just thought you should know)