A year after the deaths of two of our closest friends, Johnny Cade and Dallas Winston, things were finally beginning to get back to normal.

Although we were all hit hard by the events of last year, my youngest brother, Ponyboy, had the most difficult time coming to terms with losing Johnny and Dally and with moving on with his life.

I suppose it was because the kid had lost so many people he was close to in such a short amount of time.

But, finally, here we were, a year later, moving on with our lives.

My brothers hadn't changed too much in that year.

Sodapop, my middle brother, was still happy-go-lucky and reckless. I imagine he'll always be that way. He was still reeling from what his ex-girlfriend, Sandy, put him through, but though he didn't have a new girlfriend, he was having fun seeing a few girls without becoming seriously involved. I couldn't blame him for trying to protect his heart.

Ponyboy was starting to show an interest in girls now too. If ya ask me, it was about time. Like Soda, Pony didn't have a steady girl. Not yet. But I knew he had his eyes...and his heart...set on one in particular. And although he'd yet to tell me her name, he had mentioned, once or twice, that she looked real good in yellow.

As for me...I was still roofin' houses, still takin' care of my little brothers - well, mainly Pony, seeing as Soda would be 18 in about a month - tryin' to keep them outta as much trouble as possible (which with Pony wasn't a very easy task seeing as that kid seems to attract trouble same as a magnet attracts metal. He just doesn't use his head.), and not havin'
much time to myself. Some things never change.

Not that I minded at all. I love my brothers more than anything. And just to be able to see Sodapop's infectious grins and Ponyboy's shy, innocent smiles made the fact that I'd given up my dreams all worthwhile.

I left the grocery store, alone as usual...

-Soda has no patience for shopping and I left Pony at home with strict orders to finish an essay he had due tomorrow but hadn't yet begun-

...after shopping for a weeks worth of food - Soda, Pony and I eat like horses...and when you add Steve and Two-Bit to that equation...well you can imagine my cart was brimming with bags -
when I heard my name being called, hesitantly.

"Darrel? Darrel Curtis?"

I stopped walking to my truck, slowly turning around while wondering who on earth would be calling my name...and calling me Darrel.

Generally, when I'm called Darrel, it's by one of Ponyboy's teachers, or, worse yet, his principal - I told you he can't seem to stay outta trouble - or one of the social workers.

Good Lord, what now? I thought.

I never expected it to be who I saw.

"Sh...Sherri? Sherri Valance!"

Last I'd heard, she's gone off to college at NYU. She must have been back to celebrate Thanksgiving with her family.

God, she looked good.

"I thought that was you, Darrel", she said shyly.

"It's Darry. You can call me Darry."

"How're things goin', Darry? How's Ponyboy? I haven't seen or spoken to him since..." she paused, trying to find the words.

"Since the trial", I finished for her. "He's coming around, Sherri. It's been real rough for him though...first Mom and Dad, then Johnny and Dally. But he's comin' along fine. Actually smiling a lot more." I answered.

"And you, Darry? How're you? Still working to hard and managing to keep Pony in one piece?" she winked at me.

"I never get a break, that's for sure. That kid keeps me on my toes." I joked. "How do you like New York?"

"Well..." she began. "I love NYU...but New York is so much different than Tulsa and I missed my family far too I'm transferring to Tulsa University." She said with a shy smile.

"It's always good to be near family..."

God, why was she looking at me like that?

"Well, I'd better let you get going...'sides, I've got some shopping to do. It was real good seeing you again, Darry. Say hi to Ponyboy for me...?"

"It was good seeing you too, Sherri. Sure...I'll tell him you said hello."

And, with that, she turned and walked away.

I sighed and watched her leave and had to shake my head to clear my mind.

Wow! That girl was something else!

I was loading the last of the groceries into the back of our old truck, still thinking about Sherri - and silently cussing myself for doin' so- when I felt a soft touch on my shoulder.

I turned to see Sherri, once again.

This time she was standing closer to me than before...and I had to catch my breath for a moment.

Get a grip, Darry, I silently chastised myself. It's not like you've never spoken to a pretty girl before...

"Um, Darry. I was thinking...well, maybe if you're not doing anything later tonight...well...I don't have any plans...and perhaps..."

"Can I call you?" I interrupted.

"I'd love that." She smiled, wrote down her number, and handed it to me.

"I'll call you tonight then...about 7?"

"Perfect." She blushed and she took off into the grocery store.

I glanced down at her number, which was burning a hole in my hand.

She'd written it with a pink pen.

I didn't have any idea how on earth to tell Pony about this.

But, I knew one thing...

I couldn't wait until seven!

Hey guys...please read and review! The more reviews I get, the more quickly I'll post the next chapter. Be brutal if you hafta...