-dies- This chapter has almost surely killed me. Of course, it would have helped had my muses not decided to abandon me, opting instead to devour each other. -glares at Kyouya- It's your fault, you know. If you could leave Tamaki's collarbone alone for more than three seconds, this would have been finished a long time ago! -grumbles-
Anyway .. yes, it gave me some trouble, but it's finally finished. And I'm .. relatively pleased with it. This is for Morgie, of course. Even though it deviated just a little from my original plan. I hope you like it. And thank you for being patient with me.
The silence between them was so thick Kyouya was finding it difficult to breathe. Or was it because of the look on Tamaki's face? The blond was staring at him with such astonishment painting his features he thought for a moment he might be able to pawn the whole thing off as a joke. The thought was fleeting, however, as Tamaki's eyes suddenly turned dark and his mouth became a firm, thin line. He shook his head slowly, his eyes glued to the floor.
"No," he murmured, chewing on a corner of his lip. Kyouya was perplexed.
"No .. what?"
"You don't get to say that," he shot back, his fists beginning to visibly tremble as he held them firmly at his sides.
"Tamaki, what the hell --" Kyouya was cut off abruptly by the dangerous gleam in the other boy's eyes. He just stood there helplessly, feeling more lost and confused than he had Saturday morning.
"You don't get to throw that around like it doesn't mean anything," Tamaki said darkly, inching away from the cabinet at his back. "What gives you the right?"
"Tamaki --"
The blond was on him before he could blink, let alone come up with a reply. His mouth crushed against Kyouya's, demanding and feverish as his fingers tangled themselves in the dark strands of his hair. It startled him so much that he nearly lost his balance and toppled over. He'd assumed he'd just earned himself another slap in the face. Instead, Tamaki's tongue was sliding languidly into his mouth, curling around his own in a way that sent an involuntary shiver down his spine.
As Kyouya rested his hands on Tamaki's shoulders, he could feel the tension that lay just beneath the surface. The blond's muscles were drawn so tight he was shaking. But as wonderful as it was to taste him again -- Mandarin tea. God, he tastes like oranges, he registered somewhere in a part of his brain that was still capable of coherent thought processing -- Kyouya pushed him away.
"Tamaki," he said softly, placing both hands on either side of the blond's neck, "stop."
Tamaki shook his head, reaching for the knot in Kyouya's tie and loosening it just a little. "You aren't going to manipulate me like you do everyone else," he murmured, his voice low and strained as his slender fingers went to work on the buttons of the shorter boy's uniform shirt. Momentarily distracted, Kyouya could only watch as the garment was laid open and Tamaki's palms lay flat against his hips.
"I've never .. manipulated you." His train of thought faltered as blunt fingernails raked up his stomach and a suppressed groan slipped past his parted lips. God, I love it when he does that.
"You're a fucking liar," Tamaki whispered harshly as he leaned forward and pressed his lips to the other boy's ear. Kyouya hissed through tightly clenched teeth as his tongue teased the straining cords of muscle on the side of his neck. Instinctively, he tilted his head to allow the blond better access. He could feel Tamaki's smile against his skin, and another delicious shiver engulfed him completely.
Kyouya threaded his fingers through the soft strands at the nape of Tamaki's neck as the other boy's own wandering appendages skimmed his shoulders, sliding both uniform jacket and shirt down his arms.
"I never lied to you .." Kyouya whispered, biting a corner of his lip as Tamaki's mouth left a teasing kiss on his clavicle. An anguished groan failed him as he felt the teeth claiming his skin, pain and pleasure rippling through him in waves that settled in the pit of his stomach, making his cock ache.
"Don't," Tamaki growled as he marked that creamy skin again, they very same spot as before. He pressed a knee between Kyouya's thighs, purposely grinding against his arousal and grinning wickedly at the soft whimper he was awarded. "Don't you dare patronize me, Kyouya. It might make me think I mean more to you than I actually do. And we can't have that kind of mistake, can we?"
Kyouya's brows knitted together in a frown and he tried desperately to retain his dignity as Tamaki's tongue assaulted a perfectly round, peaked nipple. Mistake? What the hell is he talking about?
"Surely you don't think .." Kyouya faltered as he felt slender fingers slipping beneath the waistband of his trousers. The hand that wrapped itself around his cock was warm and soft, evilly adept at coaxing a carnal growl from behind tightly clamped lips. Kyouya sucked in a deep breath and tried again.
"Surely you don't think my caring for you is a mistake?"
The hand on his cock began moving slowly, torturously. Tamaki's eyes glittered with heat as he stared down into his friend's half-lidded gaze. "That's the thing," he whispered, brushing his lips softly against Kyouya's. His tongue traced a line across a slightly swollen bottom lip. "If you really did love me, it would mean you weren't so selfish."
"Selfish --!" The exclamation was cut off as Tamaki took Kyouya's lip between his teeth and bit down hard -- hard enough to draw blood, the dark-haired boy thought. Tamaki soothed the bite by sucking the abused flesh softly, and all thought of blood and pain flew right out the window, along with Kyouya's resolve.
"You only care about yourself, Kyou," Tamaki whispered against his mouth. The movement of his lips alone was enough to make Kyouya shudder violently. "What could possibly make you care about someone like me?"
That did it. Tamaki really was an idiot, wasn't he?
Kyouya gripped the blond's shoulders and pushed him back with as much force as he could muster, which wasn't enough to do any real damage. Tamaki stumbled, however, and Kyouya took that chance to seize him by the hips and turn him around, pressing his lower back into the counter.
"Stop being such an idiot, will you?" Kyouya growled, his lips mere centimeters away from Tamaki's. His hands slipped beneath the untucked hem of the blond's uniform shirt, caressing the impeccably soft, warm skin of his stomach. Tamaki fought him, attempting to push him away but Kyouya retained the contact with that silky flesh. It was the only thing keeping him from strangling the blond out of sheer aggravation.
Well, not the only thing ..
"Tamaki, listen to me," he said harshly, having caught the blond's wrists in one hand and was now holding them clasped behind his back. It seemed to be the only way to make him be still. And, Kyouya couldn't help thinking devilishly, his back arches beautifully in this position.
"Have you ever known me to lie about something important?" Kyouya was slowly unbuttoning Tamaki's shirt as the question left his lips, his unwavering onyx stare trained on the blond's bright blue eyes. Tamaki opened his mouth, only to sigh as fingernails raked softly across his abdomen.
"No," came his soft reply as Kyouya ran his free hand up his chest, fingers curling around the side of his neck, thumb beneath his chin. Tamaki had no choice but to look at him, and that was the way he wanted it.
"Then why would I lie about this?"
His mouth came down hard on Tamaki's, tongue parting lips so deftly the breath momentarily left his lungs. His tongue curled around the blond's slowly, languidly, coaxing a small whimper from the back of his throat. Desperate to feel skin on skin, Kyouya released Tamaki's wrists and pushed both uniform shirt and jacket from his shoulders. His own shirt and jacket still hanging from his arms, and therefore interfering with this desperate need, were the next to go.
Arms entangled as they fed from each other's lips, tension building between them like an approaching thunderstorm. Kyouya ground his hips into Tamaki's roughly, desperate for contact. The blond groaned shamelessly into his open mouth, thrusting back with just as much fervor. It took everything Kyouya had not to rip the trousers from those slender hips and bury himself to the hilt.
He needed it. Needed to be buried inside him, needed to be as close to him as he possibly could. His cock ached at the thought, straining painfully against the fabric of his boxers.
Without so much as a warning, Kyouya flipped the button of Tamaki's trousers open and thrust his hand inside. Wrapping his long, elegant fingers around that hot, pulsing organ, he began stroking relentlessly. Tamaki whimpered loudly, his fingernails digging into the flesh on the back of Kyouya's neck.
As quickly as it came, that hand was gone, opting instead to pull at the waistband of the blond's trousers teasingly. Tamaki pushed his hips away from the counter, allowing the dark-haired devil to slowly remove pants and underwear in one fluid motion.
"Get on the counter," Kyouya growled, nipping at Tamaki's collarbone. He was pleased when this action was carried out without so much as a sound. Spreading Tamaki's legs wide, he sucked on two of his fingers, coating them thickly with his own saliva. He then pressed those slick digits to the blond's entrance, sliding in easily and biting his lip at the raw moan that passed through Tamaki's lips and wrapped itself snugly around his cock.
This was going to have to do. They didn't have any lotion handy, and Kyouya was finding it hard to think of anything else save enveloping himself in that lush heat. With his free hand he flipped open his own slacks, freeing his throbbing erection as his fingers pumped slowly in and out. Tamaki was squirming, thrusting as best he could against the invading digits. Kyouya took a moment to appreciate the look on the blond's face; his eyes were shut tight, a corner of his lip caught between his teeth as it was so prone to do, a light flush painting his cheekbones.
Kyouya slowly removed his fingers, leaning forward to press a kiss to Tamaki's throat. "Are you ready for me?" he asked softly, his tongue tracing the delicate line of his clavicle. Tamaki merely whimpered, his arms circling the other boy's slender frame and pulling him closer.
Taking that as permission to proceed, Kyouya pressed the tip of his cock to Tamaki's entrance, slipping inside effortlessly. Their simultaneous groan filled the small room as his organ was enveloped fully by that slick heat. Momentarily incapable of movement, Kyouya rested his head on the blond's shoulder and relished this simple action. He hadn't realized how much he'd missed being held by the king of idiots, and was almost reluctant to admit it to himself.
He didn't move until Tamaki lifted his hips, thrusting against him. All at once he was pulling out only to slam back inside, gripping the blond's slender thighs for leverage. "Kyouya," Tamaki groaned, fingers tangling in the mass of his dark hair as Kyouya's fist wrapped around his own throbbing erection.
"Kyouya .."
It was almost too much. The sound of his voice, the feel of his body moving against him, the taste of his skin. His hips bucked and his hand pumped harder, desperate to make Tamaki come before he did. He hit that spot and Tamaki's back arched as he screamed, plunging his cock in deeper. Kyouya came hard, grunting as his teeth claimed soft, yielding flesh. He felt Tamaki tense as his cock pulsed, spilling warmth onto his hand and his own stomach.
They remained still, locked in each other's embrace as they fought to find their breath. Kyouya was the first to raise his head and press a kiss to the blond's jaw. "See, Tamaki," he murmured, fingers caressing the side of his face, curling in the blond silk of his hair. "You are the only one who can do this to me."
He stared into those deep blue eyes, his own dark gaze reflecting back at him.
"How could I not love you?"
Erm. Yeah. It was supposed to be seme Tamaki. It started out that way .. but I think that was when Kyouya started poking my brain again. -.- Gomen. I tried. And faaaiiled .. -hangs head-