Written by: Drake Defiant


1 - I do not own any of the characters from Desperate Housewives. (if I did, the show would be rated A).

2 - The game 69 is simply a game I thought up, obviously, it does not exist (Unfortunately).

3 - If you do find a game where you must take Alice in wonderland type pills, you should not play.

Ch 8 – Happily Ever After

Years go by & time does its trick of changing lives & people. After Bree had confessed her love for Lynette, the two women had started an affair that Gabby & Susan helped them to hide. Bree & Lynette were always sneaking off together & more than once, their love had almost resulted in Lynette getting pregnant as after Bree's confession, the game had left her a dick that swelled whenever Lynette walked into the room.

As the years wore on, the four friends continued to play their game, all the while wondering how nobody ever noticed their changing bodies. The four of them had hoped to stay together forever, but fate would put distance between them.

Susan was the first to move. The pain of losing Mike, coupled with a granddaughter she was determined to help raise led her away from wisteria lane. Gabby would later leave the lane for California after developing a personal shopping website with Carlos.

After Tom left Lynette for Jane, Lynette & Bree only grew closer while trying to maintain a public image as simple friends for the sake of Bree's conservative image as she entered politics. Lynette accepted her role as a secret lover as Bree entered the Kentucky state legislature & so Lynette worked hard at becoming a top executive in one of Kentucky's top advertising agencies.

Despite the distance between the four friends, they would all gather together a few times each year to spend time together & to play a game of 69.

After a few years in Kentucky & with Lynette's full support, Bree has thrown her hat into the election to become one of Kentucky's state senators. Her conservative image, & the connections that Lynette helped her build in the business world helping her to take a great lead over her opponent in the race.

Now as the campaign continues, the four friends have gathered once again at Gabby's home in California where Carlos & the kids have left for the weekend, leaving the four of them alone.

Just for this night, Gabby had broken out her newest dress, one that wasn't even available for sale on her website yet. The dark Blue dress hugged her hourglass figure, & the plunging neckline showed off what cleavage she had left since an earlier victory had left her reduced to a B cup. The Blue dress stood in stark contrast to her Magenta skin & dark Red hair. Gabby had the maid & the chef work hard to make the evening perfect, & they had done their jobs well. Her home was immaculate, the snacks had been prepared & after her beloved helpers had been dismissed for the weekend, Gabby had stocked the guest bedrooms with anything that eager lovers may need. From candles to flavoured lubes to toys & handcuffs & ropes. Anything the four of them might feel they need was on hand.

Just as the sun was beginning to set, she heard a car pull up to the house. Rushing to the front door, she opened it to see that Lynette had been the first to arrive. Hoping out of the rental car, Lynette rushed over to her friend & threw her arms around Gabby.

"Lynette, it's been way to long since we've been together."

"I know, I know, but with Bree's schedule these last few months, it's been impossible to find time for each other, let alone to come here."

"How did you break her away from the campaign trail?"

"I may have threatened her campaign manager."


"Hey, Bree needs this more than any of us, she's exhausted."

As the two friends separated, Gabby got a look at Lynette's outfit. The lacy white blouse & the black skinny jeans worked well with her large Breasts & her golden hair, especially in the light coming from the slowly setting sun.

"Do you want to come in, or should we wait out here on the veranda?"

"It's to beautiful out here to go in just yet, let's wait for the others here."

"I'll get the wine from inside then."

The two enjoyed their time together staring out at the countryside. Carlos had spent a lot of money getting this beautiful home out in the country, miles & miles from civilisation, all at his wife's insistence. Little did he know it was so that they could have their privacy to play.

After a while had gone by, just as the sun was reaching the horizon, Bree pulled up along the long driveway. Lynette practically jumped out of her seat to run towards her secret love. As the two locked lips & wrapped their arms around each other, Gabby laughed as she took in Bree's outfit. Her grey turtleneck shirt wrapping around her large Breasts, & her grey pants hugging her lower body.

"Jeez Bree, I hope you don't wear that in public, I wouldn't want the future senator of Kentucky to have a bulge on national television."

"You laugh, but that's happened once or twice, I'm just glad that nobody notices any of this."

"Me to, everyday I wonder to myself how I would explain my skin to Carlos."

Before they could even make their way back to the veranda, Susan pulled up the driveway in a jeep. Pulling up next to the other cars, she hopped out wearing just a shirt & some jeans over her lavender colored body.

Running up to her friends, they all hugged her & enjoyed their first reunion in months. After a bit of small talk sitting around the table on Gabby's veranda, Gabby stood up.

"Are we ready to head in, everything's ready for us." Susan looked up to the stars that were now coming out & said.

"I don't know Gabby, it's so beautiful out tonight & we are miles away from anyone, why don't we play out here, or, at least in the back."

Lynette chimed in before Gabby could object. "It is supposed to be a beautiful & warm night, & the view from your backyard is amazing."

"Well, if everyone agrees, Bree?"

"Sure, it might be fun to do this outside." As Susan & Lynette stared at Bree in pure amazement, Gabby had them help her bring the game & snacks & drinks to her backyard patio, where they could play under the stars, miles from any prying eyes.

By the time they had set up the game in Gabby's backyard, the sun had set & the last pink & orange hues of sunset were giving way to the starry sky. After a little wine & a bit of chitchat, the four friends braced themselves for their first ever outside game. Taking the dice, Lynette took a deep breath as she rolled a 3. Once her piece moved forward, the reached out & took the first card of the game.

Have you ever considered

getting a tattoo?


"I have actually." Bree the looked at her lover surprised,

"You have?"

"Yeah, I wanted to get your name right here over my heart." As Lynette held her hand over her heart, her friends collectively cooed as if it was the cutest thing they had ever heard.

"Alright, who's next?"

"I am, like always."

Gabby then took the dice & rolled a 6. Smiling at her good start, she picked up her first card read,

What outfit or uniform do you dream of seeing your partner wearing?


"What would I want Carlos to wear to bed, hmmm, honestly, I would really love to see him dressed up as a male nurse." As Susan took the dice, she asked,

"Really, a male nurse?"

"It's part of a fantasy where I'm a stressed-out doctor who needs a release & he flirts with me. I don't know, I think I've been binge watching to many medical dramas."

As Susan smiled, knowing exactly which show Gabby was talking about, she rolled a 1.

"Oh, come on."

Would you ever go on a date with a woman?


"You know what, I might, but she would have to be one hell of a woman."

As the others nodded, understanding that Susan was very uncomfortable with other women outside of this close circle, Bree took the dice & rolled a 5.

Do you prefer Handjobs or Blowjobs?


Taking a sip of wine, Bree blushed as she answered.

"Honestly, I prefer whatever Lynette is willing to give me."

As Lynette smiled, she took the dice from the love of her life & rolled a 6.

Do you enjoy Anal Sex?


"I'm not really a fan of it, but I suppose it's not the worst thing in the world." As Gabby took the dice, she asked,

"So have you & Bree ever…"

"Not yet, Bree doesn't get to knock on my back door until I've got a ring on my finger."

As the others laughed & Bree blushed, Gabby rolled a 2.

Have you ever had sex outside?


"Not yet, but the night is still young."

All four of them cheered as Susan reached for the dice & rolled a 3.

Have you ever sent someone a naked picture of yourself?


"No, & I don't intend to, if you want to see any of this, it's in person." Susan then took one of the small sandwiches as Bree rolled a 2.

Have you ever played with yourself at work?


"No, but there have been times that I felt like I would explode if I didn't."

"Were you thinking of me during those times?" Lynette asked while taking the dice.

"Yes, you send me those flirty texts & then I have too sit at my desk, hard as a redwood while talking to someone & hoping that I don't have to stand up."

As the others all laughed at the mental image of hard Bree sitting uncomfortably in her office while talking to some random bureaucrat, Lynette rolled a 3. Once her piece moved, she picked up a card from the next pile & read.

Kiss Player 2


Putting the card down, Lynette got up & walked around the table to Susan who stood up & let Lynette plant a short kiss on her dark purple lips. After a quick kiss, Lynette returned to her seat & handed the dice over to gabby who rolled a 2. Once her piece moved forward, she picked up a card from the same pile as Lynette & read out.

Kiss Player 4


Getting up like Lynette had, Gabby walked around the table & leaned in to taste Bree's lips. The two redheads locked lips for a moment before Gabby went back to her seat while Susan took the dice & rolled a 5.

"Finally, starting to catch up." Taking the card, she read.

Did you shave your Pussy for tonight?


Taking a moment to think things over, Susan reached for an Orange pill.

"You're all probably going to find out soon enough, besides, I'm a little tired of being purple."

Susan quickly swallowed the little Orange pill & watched as the skin on her arms darkened to a shade of Indigo.

"Great, I go from Purple, to more Purple."

As the others laughed, Bree took the dice & rolled a 3.

Kiss Player 2


This time, Bree stood up & walked over to Gabby so that the two of them could lock lips again. This time Bree held the kiss a little longer then Gabby had before pulling back & returning to her seat while Lynette took the dice & rolled a 4. Taking her next card, she read out.

Kiss Player 1


"Well I can't kiss myself."

Lynette then took one of the Brown pills from one of the little jars that never seemed to run out even after all these years & swallowed it. After a few seconds, she turned to Bree & asked,

"So what colour did I get?"

"It's sort of an electric green."

"How does it look?" As Lynette reached into her bag for a mirror, Bree took a second to respond.

"It looks… interesting."

"Interesting, I look like I just got back from a rave."

"I don't care, you still look beautiful."

"Ah, thanks Bree." As Lynette & Bree kissed, Gabby took the dice from her green haired friend & managed to roll a 4. Picking up her card as Bree & Lynette parted, she read.

Kiss Player 1


"Get over here Lynette, I'm not taking one of those yellow ones."

As the others laughed, Lynette & Gabby leaned towards one another & kissed for a moment before Susan took the dice & rolled a 5. Pulling up to the same spot Gabby was on, the two friends stretched towards each other & kissed each other. After a moment, they pulled apart & Gabby said.

"Bree just kissed Lynette, then Lynette kissed me, & now I kissed you Susan, I'm willing to bet this game makes you kiss Bree next, a full circle of kisses." Before Susan read her card, she asked,

"What are you willing to bet?"

"If it doesn't, then I'll take whatever pill my next card says."

"Even if it's yellow?"

"Even if it's Yellow, but you have to do the same if you have to kiss Bree."

"Deal. Let's see what we have."

Kiss Player 4


"How did you know?"

"Because this game always likes to mess with us, so on your next turn, your taking a pill."

"Fine, but for now, I've got a redhead to kiss."

With that, Susan & Bree leaned towards each other & finished the kiss that had gone around the table. Pulling away from her Purple friend, Bree took the dice & rolled a 6. Landing on the same spot as Lynette, the two of them quickly locked lips again as the others wondered if the kiss would go around their group again. Pulling away from the woman she loved, Bree took her card & read.

Grab Player 2's Breasts


"You know what, since Lynette had to take one, I'll take one as well." Lynette handed the small jar to Bree while she smiled. Taking the pill, Bree quickly swallowed it & a few seconds later, she asked

"So what colour are my eye?" Gabby answered,

"They're bright Green, almost like Lynette's hair." As the two lovers smiled at their matching colours, Lynette took the dice from Bree & rolled a 5. Taking her card from the next small pile, she read what she had to do.

Flash your Breasts to the Group


Taking a moment to think about it, Lynette stood up before her friends & pulled her blouse & bra up, revealing her pale white skin & her large C-cup Breasts to the group. As Bree cheered, Lynette pulled her clothes back on & handed the dice to Gabby as she took her seat. With a smile, Gabby rolled a 4. Once her piece moved forward, she took her card & read.

Kiss Player 4


Getting up, she walked around to Bree & quickly planted a kiss on her friend's lips. After a few seconds, they pulled apart & Susan took the dice as Gabby sat down & rolled a 1.

"Looks like I'm getting left behind." Taking her card, she read out

A Bet is a Bet


"So what, the game is my bookie now?" As the others laughed, Susan took her Brown pill & after a few seconds, she turned to Gabby & asked,

"So what hair colour did I end up with thanks to you?"

"It's sort of a Navy Blue, it's quite the look you have going on."

"I bet, Purple skin, Purple eyes & Blue Hair. Susan to enterprise, beam me up."

As the other laughed, Susan handed the die to Bree who rolled a 4. Moving to the spot just behind Lynette, Bree picked up a card from the next pile & read.

Flash your Ass to Player 3.


"Alright, Gabby, close your eyes. You two sweetie, this one is just for Susan." As Gabby covered her eyes & Lynette pouted while closing hers, Bree turned her back to Susan & slid down the back of her pants & her boxers to reveal her flawless alabaster Ass to her Blue haired friend.

"Damn Bree, how do you keep that ass looking so good after all these years?" As Bree pulled her pants up, she answered,

"By running around campaigning all the time."

"My poor Bree is exhausted from it, on the rare occasions we're alone, she can barely stay awake, all I can do is help her relax."

As Bree blushed & Lynette smiled, Gabby & Lynette got the image of Lynette's Green hair bobbing up & down between Bree legs as Bree just lay there moaning. Lynette then sipped her wine before taking the dice & rolling a 2. Once her piece moved, she took her next card & read,

Flash your Breasts to Player 2


Putting the card down, Lynette turned to face Gabby & lifted her blouse & bra as Bree pretended to cover Susan's eyes. After exposing her Breasts, she laughed as Susan played at trying to see past Bree's hands before covering herself back up. She then handed the dice to Gabby who was giggling from the sight of Bree & Susan. Calming down, Gabby then rolled a 4. Pulling up to the spot just behind Lynette, Gabby picked up her card & read,

Flash your Ass to Player 2


"Well I can't check out my own ass, so Susan, hand me a black pill & let the good times roll."

Susan quickly handed her one of the little black pills which she quickly swallowed. A few seconds later, Gabby started panting & clutching at the edge of the table. As the others watched on, Gabby threw her head back & screamed out as a powerful orgasm ripped through her body. As Gabby calmed down, Susan took the dice & rolled a 2 while Bree tried to hide the slight budge beginning to form. Still a few spaces behind everyone else, Susan took her card & read,

Kiss Player 4


Without saying a word, Susan leaned over to face Bree & handed her the dice while planting her lips on Bree's. Bree didn't notice her growing arousal until Susan pulled back & said,

"Someone seems to be enjoying herself." As the others laughed & Bree blushed, she rolled a 4. Taking the lead from Lynette, Bree took her next card & read,

Flash your Ass to player 1


Not wanting to stand up in front of her friends just yet, Bree took one of the little Green pills while Lynette pouted next to her. After a few seconds, Lynette looked Bree in the eye & said,

"They're still Green, but now their so bright that I'd bet they glow in the dark." Handing the dice to her lover, Bree took a sip of her wine hopping to calm down while Lynette rolled a 5. Once again pulling ahead, Lynette took her next card & read.

Flash your Breasts to Player 1


"Susan, a Brown pill if you would be so kind."

Susan handed Lynette the Brown pill & once she swallowed it, they all watched as her hair turned Beige.

"How does it look?"

As Susan & Bree thought about how to answer, Gabby spoke up while taking the dice.

"It suits you better then bright Green, but it's not the best look you've ever had."

As Lynette sipped her wine & watched the night get darker, Gabby rolled a 5 & watched as her piece moved forward before taking her card.

Flash your Ass to the Group


Putting her card down, Gabby took a moment to think about her choice. As much as she would love to tease the others, especially Bree with her Ass that she had kept firm & smooth all these years, she was tired of being a pale purple in colour, so she reached for an orange pill & swallowed it down, hoping for something better as her skin changed colour. As she looked at her arms, she watched as her skin turned to a candy Red.

"Well, it's different at least."

Gabby then handed the dice to Susan who rolled a 3. As her piece inched forward, she picked up her card & read.

Flash your Ass to Player 1


Standing up in front of the others, Susan finished the wine in her glass before turning around & unbuttoning her jeans. After a moment, she slid her jeans & her panties down, revealing her Pink ass to the group, not caring that everyone could see. After a moment of cheers & praise from the others, she pulled her pants back up while Gabby poured some more wine & Bree took the dice & rolled a 3. Landing on the same spot as Gabby, she was glad that her package wasn't showing as much as it had been a while ago.

As she & Gabby both stood up, they leaned in over the board game, & kissed each other on front of Lynette & Susan for a minute before sitting back down so Bree could take her card & read.

Flash your Breasts to Player 2


Not ready to risk a Red pill, she stood up while giving Susan a look. Laughing, Gabby spoke up after sipping her wine.

"Susan, Lynette, look away, tonight, she's mine."

As Lynette pretended to cover her eyes, Susan turned away with a smile on her lips knowing it would only be a matter of time until they were all naked under the stars.

With only Gabby looking, Bree reached down & pulled up her long sleeve shirt, snagging her bra along the way, she lifted it all up & allowed her large, now pendulous Breasts to fall into view.

"Wow Bree." Lynette smiled as she said,

"I know right, their incredible."

As Bree blushed, she pulled her clothes back on, needing a second to adjust her bra before handing the dice to Lynette who then rolled a 3. As her piece slid onto the next section of the board, she picked up a card from the next pile & read,

Let Player 2 grab your Ass


"Well I don't want to miss my turn."

With that, Lynette stood up & slid down her jeans, revealing her panties to the group. She then turned around so her back was to Gaby & she leaned forward, sticking her Ass out. Gabby then reached out & grabbed Lynette's ass. Surprised by how firm it still was after all these years, she held one of Lynette's cheeks in her hand for a moment before letting go & taking the dice while Lynette got dressed.

"Damn, I've got to workout every other day to keep my Ass that firm, how do you manage it?"

"I exercise when I can."

Impressed, Gabby then returned to the game & rolled a 1. Once her piece inched forward, she took her card & read.

Flash your Ass to the Group


"You know what, I like having my hair dark like this."

Gabby then got up & turned around so her back was to the table. Lifting her dress, she then pulled her panties down & exposed her Ass while all three of her friends watched. After a quick cheer from the group, she pulled her panties up & dropped her dress before handing the dice to Susan who rolled a 6.

"Yes! Finally catching up."

As her piece pulled up just behind Bree's, she took her next card & read.

Flash your Breasts to player 1


Taking a quick look at her skin & her hair, Susan thought about what she was going to do before saying,

"I think I'll take the pill, hopefully when it switches the effects a bit, I'll look a little more normal."

Taking the pill that Lynette handed her, Susan swallowed it & sat there while it took effect. As her skin returned to the shade of pink that she started the game with, her bra began to feel rather constricting as her already enlarged Breasts swelled up.

Noticing that her chest was now larger, Gabby asked,

"Jeez Susan, how big are they now?"

"Well, they were Ds, now they must be Double Ds."

"If you want, I bought some extra bras in all kinds of sizes for tonight, you can head in & change if you like."

"Not yet, if they get any bigger, I'll take you up on that."

Susan then handed the dice to Bree who rolled a 2. Taking her next card, Bree read out what she had to do.

Flash your Dick to Player 2


"I do not think so, not just yet."

Before anyone could protest, Bree took one of the little Green pills & swallowed it. Looking to Lynette, she asked,

"So what colour did I get this time?"

"There sort of lime Green, although I'd much rather have seen something else just now."

As Gabby & Susan agreed, Bree gave the dice to Lynette who then rolled a 5. Pulling ahead of the others, she then took her card & read.

Let Player 2 feel your Breasts


Taking a second to think it over, Lynette reached for the pill.

"What's wrong Lynette, you don't want me feeling you up again?"

"I'm just in the mood to take a chance."

Swallowing the pill, Lynette sat there as her hair turned to Peach from one of the Brown pills wearing off while at the same time, her Breasts shrank down to a B cup.

"Well I guess that's what I get for taking a chance."

As Susan & Gabby laughed & Bree looked to her a look that said I still think your beautiful, Gabby rolled a 2. Moving to the spot ahead of Bree, Gabby took her card & read.

Flash your Ass to Player 2


"Well I can't flash myself."

Susan then looked to her & said,

"What are you going to do?"

"I have no choice, give me the roofie."

Gabby took the pill & hesitated before taking it. Getting up, she lay down on one of the beds by the pool & before she passed out, she said.

"Nobody pull any practical jokes on me while… I'm…"

Amazed that the game would force her to roofie herself, the others all sipped their wine before Susan took the dice & rolled a 4.

"I don't believe this."

As her piece lined up next to Gabby's, Susan got up & headed over to her unconscious friend while Bree protested.

"You can't kiss her, she's passed out."

"I don't have a choice, if I play without kissing her, the game will punish me, remember."

"Fine but make it quick."

"Don't worry, it'll be the lightest kiss you've ever seen."

With that, Susan leaned over the unconscious Gabby & very gently pressed her lips against her friends for a second before going back to the table & taking her next card.

Flash your Ass to Player 1


"Get ready for an eyeful Lynette."


As Bree laughed, Susan stood up & slipped her jeans & panties down, revealing her Pink Ass to the pair of lovers as they both cheered her on with a sip of their wine.

"Nicely done Susan."

"Thanks Lynette, here you go Bree."

After taking the dice, Bree looked over to Gabby, & hoping the she wouldn't have to do anything to her friend, rolled a 4.

Let player 4 Grab your Ass

Pick a Player

"Well I'm not suppose to grab my own Ass, so I guess I have to pick one of you."

Lynette looked to her lover & said

"Pick me."

"What if you get something bad?"

"Well I don't think Susan wants a random effect to hit her, & we're not going to force anything on Gabby that we don't have to while she's out, so pick me."

"Alright, I hope this goes well, I pick Lynette."

Lynette then sat there hopeful as her Breasts began to shrink down to A cups.

"Damn, twice in one round, if I get anymore Yellows, I'll be completely flat chested."

"Yeah, then Bree will have all of the out bits & you'll have all of the in bits."

As Bree blushed & Lynette glared, Susan put up her hands as Bree handed Susan the dice.

"Sorry but it's true."

Lynette then rolled a 4.

Let Player 2 Fondle your Breasts


"As much as I would love to see how an unconscious Gabby is supposed to feel me up, I'll be glad to take a Blue."

Taking one of the little Blue pills, Lynette handed the dice over to Susan as her Breasts grew back up to B cups. As Susan took the dice, Gabby woke up to the sight of the stars overhead & stretched her arms before getting out of the poolside bed & rejoining her friends.

"So what did I miss?"

"Not too much, Lynette loss a few cup sizes while you were out & I landed on the same spot as you, so I had to kiss you."

"Like in a fairy tail, was I a good sleeping beauty?"

"You would have been if you'd woken up."

As everyone laughed, Susan rolled a 2 & watched her piece try to catch up to Bree's.

Let Player 4 grab your Ass


"I'll leave the decision to Bree, you can grab my Ass, or I can let them get even bigger, your choice."

"I would say, Pill."

"Really, they're already huge."

"You asked for my choice, I made it."

As the others all watched, Susan reluctantly took one of the Blue pills. As her Breasts swelled up to a pair of F cups, the bra she was wearing felt like it wouldn't hold for very much longer.

"Gabby, are those bras in all sizes still available?"

"Yeah, check the guest bedroom next to my room, you should find something big & sexy there."


As Susan headed inside to change into a bra that wouldn't crush her, Bree took the dice & rolled a 6. Almost catching up to Lynette, she took her next card & read,

Let Player 2 Grab your Ass


Standing up, Bree was glad that her arousal had calmed a little before turning her back to Gabby. As she lowered the back of her pants & her boxers, Gabby reached forward & planted her hands directly on Bree's alabaster Ass. Massaging the firm flesh in her hands, Gabby kept her hands in place until Bree let out a little moan. Pulling her pants back up as Susan rejoined them, Lynette took the dice as Susan, now much more comfortable, took her seat. Lynette then rolled a 4. After Lynette's piece moved onto the next section of the board, Lynette took a card from the next pile & read.

Take Off your Bra


Taking a second to consider her options, she very carefully started reaching under her blouse in order too unclasp her Bra. As the others watched, Lynette struggled for a few moments before she was able too slide her almost sheer Black bra down her sleeve. Slipping it from her sleeve, she left the sheer Bra sitting on the table next to her drink. Blushing, she took a sip of wine while Bree felt a throbbing & the others grinned. Handing the dice to Gabby, she watched as her friend managed to roll a 1.

"Seriously, a one, I'm already dead last."

Taking her card, Gabby read what she had to do.

Let Player 1 Grab your Ass


"I'll take the pill."

Lynette handed Gabby the little Blue pill. After she took it, the others watched as her dress stretched to contain her swelling Breasts.

"Finally, I'm back up to my normal size."

As Susan took the dice, she needed a second to understand what gabby was talking about.

"Oh that's right, you won last time & the game shrunk them down."

"Don't remind me, that was a prize to remember, congratulations, you won, now go buy some smaller bras."

"At least you didn't need to buy all new underwear."

As the others all remembered the time Bree won & ended up with her male appendage, Susan rolled a 5. Leaving Gabby behind on the board, Susan took her card & read.

Let Player 1 Grab your Breasts

Pick a Player

"Well as much as I'd like to trade my Pink skin or Blue hair, I'll probably end up with something worse, so Lynette, if you would be so kind."

Getting up, Lynette walked around the table until she was behind Susan. She then reached around & grabbed Susan's large F-cup Breasts.


Feeling the sheer weight of them in her hands, Lynette was amazed that Susan wasn't falling forward. Letting them go, Susan could feel them bounce a bit as Lynette walked back to her seat.

"So what do you think?"

"I think they're massive, how are you sitting up?"

As Gabby laughed & Bree tried not to stare, Susan smiled & handed the dice to Bree who then quietly rolled a 3. As Bree pulled up just two spots behind Lynette, she took her next card & read.

Take Off your Shirt


"After thinking about it for a moment, Bree reached down & lifted her long sleeve shirt up over her head. As the shirt pulled away & revealed the alabaster skin of her stomach & arms & the dark Red Bra that was holding her D-cup Breasts in place, Lynette whistled as Bree dropped the shirt onto the ground & handed Lynette the dice. Lynette, grinning, took the dice & rolled a 4. After pulling even further into the lead, Lynette took her next card & read.

Remove 1 Piece of Clothing


Putting the card down, Lynette stood up in front of her friends & started unfastening her jeans. As she stood there undressing, her friends cheered her on while Bree felt herself hardening. Slipping the jeans down, Lynette revealed the Black panties that struggled to conceal anything from view. After stepping out of them, she left them on top of Bree's shirt & sat back down with the cool night air running across her legs as she handed the dice to Gabby who then rolled a 6. Once her piece pulled up next to Susan's, she leaned over & planted her Magenta lips on Susan's pale lavender lips.

After a few seconds of locking lips, the two strangely colored women pulled apart as Gabby took her card & read what she now had to do.

Let Player 3 Grab your Pussy


"Sorry Susan, but a kiss is all your getting for now."

Gabby then took one of the little Green pills & after a second, she looked to Susan again & asked,

"What colour did my turn this time?"

"They're… I'd say Purple."

"Purple, you & I have some strange colouring to work with."

"That we do."

As they both laughed, Susan took the dice & rolled a 6. Once her piece pulled ahead of Bree's, she took her next card & read.

Remove 1 Piece of Clothing


"Well, I don't want to take another chance with my skin colour yet, I guess I'm stripping."

Susan then reached down, & quickly pulled her t-shirt over her head, revealing her Lavender coloured skin & her massive Breasts concealed by an extra large Red bra. As Lynette & Gabby stared at the strange sight before them, Bree tried not to think about her erection as she took the dice from her nearly topless friend & rolled a 3. Once again ahead of Susan, Bree took her next card & read what was in store for her.

Remove All your Clothes


Lynette smiled & leaned in close to Bree.

"What's it going to be? Are you going to strip, or are you going to make me wait to see it all?"

Bree was tempted to take the Yellow pill & sacrifice some of her Breast size, but instead she decided to throw caution to the wind, everyone had already seen her, & it was going to end up that way anyway if previous playthroughs were anything to go by. Standing up in front of her friends, they were all silent & speechless as the normally shy, soon to be senator reached behind her back to unclasp her Red Bra. As they all watched in stunned silence, Bree let the bra fall from her body, exposing her alabaster Breasts to the cool night air as she mentally repeated to herself that they had all seen it before.

With the Bra on top of her & Lynette's small pile of clothes, Bree reached down & hooked her fingers into the waistband of her grey pants. Taking a silent breath, she slid them & her boxers down, allowing her hard erection to spring up into the cool air in front of everyone.

"Damn." Was all that Gabby could manage to say.

Bree, blushing from her face to her chest, sat down with her erection pointing straight up as Lynette stared at her in equal parts disbelief & hunger. As Bree took her wine glass, she looked to Lynette & said.

"Your turn dear."

Pulling her eyes away from her lover's body, Lynette rolled a 4 while their friends laughed & blushed a bit themselves. Taking her next card, Lynette quickly read what she had to do.

Take off your Shirt


Not even hesitating, Lynette reached down & quickly pulled her white blouse up & over her head, revealing her diminished A-cup Breasts to her friends. Seeing the look of hunger in Bree's eyes, she knew once again that it wasn't just her body that Bree wanted as she imagined Bree's erection being hard to the point of being in pain beneath the table.

Glad that her Breast size didn't matter to her lover, she handed the dice to Gabby who then rolled a 1.

"Seriously, another 1, I'm never going to catch up."

As the others laughed, Gabby took her card & read.

Let Player 2 grab your Breasts


"Well, as much as I would like to feel myself up, I guess I have to take the pill."

Gabby then took the small white pill & hoping for the best, swallowed it down. After a few seconds, her eyes changed back to their normal Brown colour as her skin sifted from Magena to Pumpkin Orange.

"I'm Orange. I'm fucking Orange. Orange is not a good colour for human beings."

As Susan took the dice, she said,

"I don't know, it kind of works with your Blue dress, you definitely have a lot of contrast."

"Just roll."

Susan then rolled a 4. Pulling ahead of Bree, Susan picked up her card & read.

Take off 1 piece of Clothing


Susan looked at Bree & grinned as she reached behind her back & unclasped her bra. As the others watched, Susan pulled the bra away from her Lavender F-cup Breasts & let it fall to the ground as the night air chilled her nipples. Looking to Bree, she smiled when her naked friend said,

"Jesus Susan."

"Am I making you a little hard Bree?"

"Just give me the dice."

Feeling a bit chilly, Susan handed the dice to Bree who then rolled a 5. Taking her next card, she wondered what pill she would need to take as she had no clothes left to take off.

Remove your Boxers


"Well I suppose that could have been worse."

Taking the pill from Lynette, Bree quickly swallowed it & sat there as her breasts swelled up to DDs. Handing the dice over to Lynette, Bree tried not to think about her naked lover, or her ridiculously well-endowed friend as Lynette rolled a 2. As her piece moved forward onto the last part of the board before the end, she picked up a card from the next pile & read.

Let Player 2 Lick your Ass


"Gabby, do you want to…"

"No thanks, I'm not a fan of tossing other people's salad."

As Bree looked confused, Susan looked up the term on her phone while Lynette reluctantly took a Brown pill & held a strand of her hair in front of her face to watch it as it turned Blue.

"Great, now I look like half the people I've hired over the last few years."

Letting go of the strand of Blue hair, Lynette handed the dice to Gabby who then rolled a 5.

"Great, I finally get a good roll & I'm so far back that it doesn't matter."

Gabby then took her next card & read.

Remove your Dress


"I was going to say that I don't want to be roofied again, but it doesn't really matter, I don't stand a chance here."

"So do you want the pill?" Susan asked.

"No, I'll strip."

Standing up, Gabby unzipped the back of her dress & let it slide down her orange body, revealing the Black lace underwear covering her now orange Breasts & Pussy.

"I look like a Halloween decoration."

"At least it's a sexy Halloween decoration."

"Thanks Susan, but you can't cheer up an Orange girl."

Susan then took the dice she was offered & rolled a 3. As her piece landed next to Bree's, she stood up, her massive Breasts bouncing as she did & stood next to Bree. Leaning in, Bree tried to think of anything else as Susan kissed her passionately. After a few seconds, she pulled away & looked down at Bree.

"How are you doing there Bree?"

"How do you think."

As the others all laughed, Susan took her card & read.

Remove your pants


"Hmm, do I strip for Bree, or do I roll the dice with a White pill?"

"Strip." Lynnette shouted.

"Traitor." Bree snapped back.

Susan then unfastened her jeans & slid them slowly down her Lavender legs while, slowly swaying her hips while still standing in front of Bree.

"Good lord."

"Bree, if you go off all over my furniture, you have to clean it up."

As Susan laughed, causing her tits to shake, she handed the dice to Bree before sitting down. Bree then took a deep breath & rolled a 3. Pulling up to the spot just behind Lynette, Bree took her next card & read.

Let Player 1 Suck your Nipples


"Lynette, if you would be so kind."


Lynette then got out of her chair & kneeled in front of Bree. After a second to look at Bree's erection, Lynette then leaned forward & took one of Bree's hard nipples into her mouth. Lynette's lips were only around Bree's hard pink nipple for a second before Bree was moaning.

As the other two watched, Lynette sucked on the hard nub for a moment before moving over to the other one that she knew was more sensitive. As soon her lips hit Bree's nipple, Bree shouted out "Oh God." & came all over Lynette's chest & small Breasts.

"Did she just, oh my god, Lynette, what did you do to her nipples?" Susan asked.

"And can you do it to mine?" Gabby asked.

Standing up, Lynette turned to Gabby & asked "Where do you keep the towels, I need to wash this off?"

"Jeez Lynette, she covered you in the stuff."

"Yeah, my future senator is a little backed up."

"A little, that's some of the thickest I've ever seen. Towels should be in the master bathroom, just throw it in the guest room hamper when your done, I don't want to have to explain to Carlos why the maid found a cum drenched towel in our laundry.

As Susan laughed & Bree breathed deeply, Lynette took off into the house to clean off as Gabby left the dice in front of her chair.

"You alright Bree?"

"I'm wonderful, & a little embarrassed."

"That's alright, at least you're not hard anymore."

"I wish."

"You mean you're still…"

"Yeah, not as bad as before, but yeah."

"Damn Bree, I've never met anyone older then 20 that could still be hard after unloading so much."

After a few minutes, Lynette came back outside with a few of Gabby's towels in case they were needed later & after giving Bree a quick kiss, she sat down & rolled a 4. Taking her card after her piece moved, she read what she now had to do.

Remove All your remaining Clothes


"Well, I'm basically naked anyway."

Lynette then stood up & quickly slipped her Black Panties down, exposing her bare Pussy to the group. Now that she was also naked, she sat down in the cool night & winked at Bree as she handed the dice over to Gabby.

"Seriously Lynette, by the time we're done here, I want you to do that nipple thing to me."

"We'll see, now roll."

Gabby then rolled a 3.

"Well I'm going nowhere fast."

As her piece trailed behind all the others, she took her next card & read.

Remove your Panties


Standing up, Gabby quickly slid her panties down just like Lynette had a moment ago. Standing there in only her Bra, Gabby turned around to show herself off before picking her underwear up & tossing it to Bree.

"What are you giving these to me for?"

"To tide you over until the end of the game."

As Bree dropped them on top of Lynette's, Susan took the dice & rolled a 2. Once again just behind Bree, she took her next card & read.

Remove your Bra


"Maybe this time my hair won't come out Blue."

Taking the little pill, Susan sat there for a second before handing the dice to Bree & asking,

"So what colour did I get."


"Up here Bree, my hair is up here, what colour is it now."

As Lynette laughed, Bree blushed & answered.

"It's a lighter shade of Blue."


Bree, still blushing a bit, then rolled a 3. Picking up her next card, she quickly read.

Let Player 2 lick your Nipples.


"Well Gabby, do you lick nipples?"

"For you, most definitely, let's see if I can make you go off again."

As Bree blushed, Gabby walked around the table & kneeled before Bree.

"Jeez Bree, I keep forgetting how big you are."

"Yes… well… my nipples aren't down there."

"No, they're not."

Gabby then leaned forward & ran her tongue over Bree's hard nipples which were still a little moist from Lynette's recent treatment. Quickly moving to the other, Gabby was almost disappointed when all she got was a moan. Getting up, she stood before her friend & said.

"You were supposed to go off all over these."

As Susan burst into laughter, her massive tits bouncing uncontrollably, Lynette smiled & said.

"You have to know how to work it, some people can make her explode, some can't."

As Bree blushed down to her chest & Gabby returned to her seat to sip some wine, Lynette took the dice & rolled a 6. As her piece pulled forward, Gabby counted the spots between Lynette & the final position on the board.

"I think it's safe to say Lynette's going to win, she's only five spots from the end of the game."

As the others agreed, Lynette took her next card & read.

Let Player 3 Pinch your Nipples


"Come on Susan."

Susan then stood up & walked around the table to Lynette. Before Susan could reach forward, Lynette turned so that she was facing Bree. Understanding what Lynette wanted, Susan came up behind Lynette & reached around her friend so that Bree could watch as Susan gently pinched Lynette's hard nipples. Getting a slight gasp from Lynette, Susan returned to her seat as Gabby took the dice & rolled a 3. Still trailing behind the others, Gabby took what might be her last card & read.

Take Off All your Clothes


"I'm not taking a Red pill."

Gabby then reached behind her back & unclasped her Bra. A second later, she had pulled it off of her to reveal her Orange C-cup Breasts to her friends. Throwing the bra behind her, she didn't notice as it landed half in the pool. Sitting there with the night air on her hardening Orange nipples, she handed the dice to Susan who rolled a 6. Moving in front of Bree, she took her next card & read.

Let Player 4 Slap your Ass

Pick A Player

"Does anyone want me to pick them, I've only taken Blue & Brown pills so far."

Gabby's eyes lit up as she said, "Pick me, I'm sick of being orange."

"Alright, I pick Gabby."

After a few seconds, Gabby noticed that instead of changing colour, her Breasts began to shrink.

"I don't believe it, I took two oranges & the game is taking away the Blue that I took."

"On top of that, you're not a Redhead anymore." Lynette said.

Taking a stand of her hair, Gabby saw how her hair had turned to a more familiar Brunette colouring. As Gabby finished changing, Susan could feel her already massive Breasts swell up to G-cups as she watched a strand of her hair change from Blue to Purple.

"Purple eyes, hair & skin, I'm like some star trek fantasy."

As Bree took the dice from Susan, her eyes kept darting between Lynette, who she loved, Gabby's Orange body & Susan's massive lavender tits. As she felt herself getting painfully hard again, she rolled a 6. Once again ahead of Susan, but still behind Lynette, she took her card & read.

Spank Player 1's Ass


"Don't you dare take one of those pills." Lynette said as she stood up. Turning around, Lynette presented her pale Ass to her lover. As Bree's painfully hard erection begged her to lunge forward, she instead stood up just behind Lynette. As the other two cheered at the sight of Bree's throbbing erection, Bree reached back & brought her open hand down on Lynette's pale Ass, earning a playful yelp as the sound echoed across the land.

As the two of them sat down to applause, Lynette took the dice & rolled a 1.

"Guess I haven't won yet."

Once her piece moved forward, Lynette took her next card & read what she had to do.

Remove All of your Clothes


"Well since I'm naked, looks like I'm getting a new hair colour." Taking the pill that was handed to her, Lynette quickly swallowed it & turned to Bree after a few seconds.

"So what colour did I get?"

"It's Pink, sort of like that intern you had at your office a few weeks ago, what colour did he say his hair was."

"Pastel pink."

"That's it."

"Does it look good?"

"Yeah, I kind of like it."

"Then I love it."

Lynette handed the dice to Gabby who was rolling her eyes. Taking the dice, she rolled a 3. Still far behind, she picked up her next card & read.

Remove your Panties


"Well I'm already naked, so Lynette, could you hand me one of the Blues."

Taking the pill that Lynette gave her, Gabby swallowed it quickly & watched as her orange Breasts swelled up to a pair of C-cups. Glad that she didn't get a Yellow pill, she handed the dice to Susan who then rolled a 1.

"Guess I'm not catching up either."

Once her piece was in position, she took her next card & read.

Remove All your Clothes


As Susan was about to get up to remove her Panties, she instead reached for the Blue pills. As Lynette handed them over, she asked.

"Are you sure Susan, you don't have to."

"I know, but I figure that they're already huge, why not have some fun with it."

As Lynette & Gabby laughed & Bree tried to think about something other Susan's massive tits, Susan took the pill & watched as her Breasts swelled up again. Once they had swelled up to size, it was Gabby who asked.

"Just how big are those now, I swear they must be H-cups by now."

"I don't know Gabby, I just know that they're heavy."

As the others laughed, Bree took the dice from her comically well-endowed friend & rolled a 6. As her piece moved to the second last spot on the board, she picked up her card & read.

Lick Player 1's Pussy


Before Bree could even say anything, Lynette turned in her seat & spread her legs, revealing her moist Pussy. Gabby & Susan watched as Bree got down on her knees in front of Lynette & just went straight for Lynette's opening. Lynette closed her eyes & moaned as Bree's tongue ran its way all over her Pussy. After what was only a few seconds, Lynette gasped as Bree ran her tongue over Lynette's Clit. As Bree got back to her seat, the others were sipping their wine as Lynette took the dice.

"Last turn, if I get a four, five or six, I win, if I get less, Bree wins."

As they all braced for the last turn of the game, Lynette took a deep breath & rolled a 2.

"Looks like Bree's going to win." Once her piece moved to the spot behind Bree, Lynette picked up her last card & read what she had to do.

Let Player 3 Bite your Nipple


Taking a moment to think it over, Lynette decided to take the small Yellow pill in front of her. As her Breasts shrank down to a pair of A-cups, she quietly handed the dice over to Gabby, who far behind the others, rolled a 3. Once her piece moved forward, she took her next card & read.

Let Player 3 Lick your Breasts


Remembering that the Black pill induced orgasm, Gabby took a minute to think about it. After a moment, she decided against the pill & stood before Susan.

"Tell me if they taste like pumpkins."

As Lynette & Bree laughed, Susan leaned in & ran her tongue across each of Gabby's bright Orange Breasts. As gabby shivered a bit, Susan took the dice. Once Gabby was back in her chair, Susan rolled a 4. Leaving Gabby far behind, Susan took her last card & read.

Pinch Player 1's Nipples

Pick a Player

"Sorry Lynette, but I'm not taking a chance with pick a player."

"I get it, just be gentle, their hard as diamonds, it's cooler then I thought it would be out here."

As everyone noticed that their own nipples were hard from the chilly night air, Susan stood up, went around to Lynette & reached around from behind her to gently pinch Lynette's hard Nipples in her fingers.

"You're right, they hard."

"Like little diamonds, you can let go now."

Susan let go & blushed a bit as Bree took the dice. Barely caring what she rolled, her piece moved forward onto the last spot on the board & Bree took the card that appeared before her.

Get a Blowjob from the Player in Last Place

Get a Titjob from the Player in 3rd

& have Sex with the Player in 2nd

Take a Red pill afterwards

Gabby took the card from Bree & read it again.

"Good thing that you can go again & again without resting in between each time, because this game just turned into an orgy."

"Oh God, with all of you."

"Yes Bree, since I'm dead last, I'll be giving that massive member of you're a spit polish."

"Oh God."

"Then you get to go between Susan's massive Tits."

"Oh God."

"Then Lynette's going to ride you home."

"I suppose you all want to watch all of it."

They all said yes in unison as Bree blushed at the thought, but her blush seemed to vanish as she seemed to go pale at Gabby's next suggestion.

"I say that not only should we all be completely present, like in a proper orgy, but we should do out here, with Bree lying back on one of the pool beds."


"YES!" Susan & Lynette cheered.

"Lynette, you want them to watch us?"

"Not only that, I want to see Gabby choke on it & Susan wrapped around you."

"Oh God. Do we have to do it outside?"

"Hmmm yes. Out here under the stars with our two best friends & nobody around for miles."

Lynette pulled Bree up to her feet as she talked & moved her to one of Gabby's pool side beds.

"Besides, I didn't bring any protection, maybe tonight I can finally trap you into making an honest woman out of me, after you win the election of course."

As Bree lay back in the bed, her erection throbbing in the night air at the thought of Lynette carrying her child, Lynette gently kissed her lips as Gabby slid up the along the bed until Bree's hard cock was right before her. As Lynette & Bree deepened their kiss, Gabby moved in & took most of Bree's hard shaft between her Orange lips.

"Oh God, Gabby… Oh."

Lynette watched as Bree's face contorted in pleasure as Gabby worked her tongue & lips over Bree's hardness like a pro. As Gabby tasted the salty tang of Bree's arousal, her head slowly inched further down until her lips were around the base of Bree's cock.

Seeing her lover trying not to scream in pleasure, Lynette reached down & started caressing Bree's hard Nipples before leaning in & kissing her gasping lover.

Between Lynette's teasing & Gabby's expert skills, Bree closed her eyes & screamed into Lynette's mouth as she grabbed Gabby by the back of the head & held her down as she came fast & hard down Gabby's throat.

As Susan waited on the other bed, slowly rubbing herself, she watched as Gabby & Bree both convulsed until Bree finally let go & Gabby pulled back, gasping for breath as Bree's arousal glistened in the air.

"God… Damnit… Bree… Did you… Have to… Cum like a… Horse…?"

"What, I, what."

"Oh, my poor Bree came so hard that she's a little delirious."

"What about… me…?"

"Catch your breath, you'll need that later. Susan, you're up."

"Susan…, wait…, I."

Before Bree could ask for a minute to recover, Susan came over & draped herself over Bree's legs as Lynette whispered in her ear.

"Get ready lover, before I ride you, you get to be between the biggest pair we've ever seen."

As Bree looked down, Susan slipped Bree's hard, moist Cock between her massive Lavender tits. As Bree moaned, Susan grabbed her Tits & started moving up & down, stroking Bree's member, slowly at first, then faster as Bree started moving her hips in sync with Susan's movements.

Every now & then, Susan would stick out her tongue & lick the tip of Bree's dick while Lynette locked lips with Bree whose mind had already gone blank. As Bree just gasped & moaned, Lynette leaned in & whispered in her ear.

"Are you ready to go off right between Susan's massive Tits my love."

"Oh…." Was all Bree could say as she fired off like a fountain, covering Susan's Tits, Chest & Face on her thick cum.

As Susan sat up, Lynette reached over & wiped a small glob off of Susan's Nipple, so she could taste it herself.

"Jeez Lynette, does she always cum like a firehose?"

"Not always, but I hope she has one more good blast for me."

As Bree lay there, to stupefied to say anything other than Lynette's name. Gabby & Susan watched as Lynette straddled Bree, & slowly lined herself up.

"Ready my love."

All Bree could do was nod as Lynette dropped down, & impaled herself on Bree.

"Oh… God… Lynette…"

Their friends were stunned as Lynette just sank down on Bree, taking every throbbing inch into her hungry pussy until Bree was buried inside of Lynette.

"Just lay back lover, you're all mine now."

Reaching forward, Lynette grabbed Bree's large Tits & caressed them as she rocked & rolled her hips, driving Bree to a level of pleasure that she had never before known in her life.

Bree had been with all three of them before, but never like this. Under the starry night sky, the cool air caressing her sweaty body, Gabby's lips & tongue having danced across her Cock before being nestled between Susan's massive Tits & now watching as the love of her life rode on top of her, her face contorted in its own ecstasy as Bree became lost inside of Lynette.

It wasn't long before Bree could feel the pressure building up inside of her, stronger then ever before. As she moaned out one last time, Lynette leaned in & kissed her as she unleashed a torrent of cum into Lynette like nothing before. Bree seemed to just keep cuming for a minute or two until was overflowing from Lynette.

"Oh GOD… god… goddess…"

"Oh Bree my lover, you look like you're in heaven."

"Heaven… Lynette… Oh…"

"Don't think you can rest yet, you might have gotten yours's, but we're not done yet. But first."

As the others agreed, Bree was the first to feel the changes. As Lynette stayed wear she was, with Bree still hard inside of her, she watched as Bree's eyes changed back to the dark Green she had come to love before her Breast shrank back down to their normal D-cup size.

Next it was Susan's turn as her cum covered Breasts shrank down several cup sizes & her hair returned to it's normal Brunette coloring. Soon Gabby's skin changed back from it's pumpkin orange colour to the Magenta hue it had been at the start of the game as her Breasts shrank down a cup size as well.

Finally Lynette, who was still impaled on her dumbstruck lover felt her Breasts swell back up to their normal size as her hair & eyes returned to their normal colour.

"We've almost finished the game Bree, you just need to take one little Red pill before you can get to work on helping us feel that good."

Lynette held out her hand as Gabby got up & got the Red pill that had appeared next to Bree's card. Giving it to Lynette, Lynette placed it in Bree's mouth. As Bree swallowed the pill, Lynette watched as Bree's eyes turned even darker, to the colour they had been before they started playing this game all those years ago. A second later, Bree's Breasts swelled up to a pair of Double Ds.

"Now it's our turn my love."

Bree watched as Gabby & Susan approached them with smiles on their faces for what promised to be the greatest night of her life.

The End

I know that I promised back in Jul of 08 that I would try to get this chapter to you quickly, I truly didn't intend to make you wait for 9½ years to get the final chapter. To those of you who waited patiently for a new chapter, your patience is incredible & I do apologize for making you wait.

I'd say that I hope it was worth the wait, but a decade is a long time, so I'll just say thank you for all of the good reviews that have continued to come in over the years & that I hope that you enjoyed this final chapter of 69.