The Great Mistake

Disclaimer: I don't own NGE as well as the characters.

Plot: They were just fooling around one day when Misato was gone. They didn't know what the circumstances were and besides, they both got a shot of beer.

The whole apartment was a mess. Misato was out, for her job at Nerv. So, the two teens were left alone. Asuka and Shinji were both in the living room, where the television set was found, and a few feet from the dining table and kitchen.

"Shinji," Asuka spoke in a german tone, holding a bottle of beer in her hand. "You want some?"

"Wh-what?!" Shinji replied nervously, as if it was his first time to be alone with a girl, considering the fact that she was drinking - considering also the fact that she was Asuka. He almost lost his senses when he was hit by the bottle of beer Asuka was holding.

"Stupid boy. I wanted to celebrate my death day with you. So, drink up!" She said sarcastically. She basically didn't want to live with a japanese idiot boy. The red-head handed a bottle of beer to the boy in front of her. Shinji, on the other hand, accepted the bottle with a big swallow, not sure of what to do with it. "Well..." Asuka was annoyed by the weakness shown by the boy. She was thinking that he was supposed to be more aggressive.

"Your... death day?"

"Ever since I moved in this place." Asuka took another big gulp from the beer which was a part of Misato's stock for the week. They'd probably dead when she gets home.

There was a long silence before Shinji decided to open the bottle of beer and took a small sip from it. It was his first taste of beer. The red-head laughed uncontrollably as Shinji coughed after drinking.

"It's your first time, huh?" Asuka crawled over to pat Shinji on the back which made the boy move back. Asuka halted and stared at him and went back to her seat. "Don't be so paranoid."

"I-I'm not." Shinji defended himself and took another sip from his beer.

"Are you gay?" Asuka blurted out which made Shinji cough out the beer once again.

"E-excuse me? I'm not gay, Asuka!" Shinji wiped the corner of his mouth and stared at the red-head who laughed her heart out.

"Then kiss me." Asuka ordered and finished bottle of beer. Shinji, on the other hand, was stunned and was unable to move as he felt his hands shook. "So, you're gay." Asuka teased once more which irritated Shinji. So, he began to make his move.

Shinji crawled over Asuka, who was stunned by his moves. She didn't exactly know what would happen next. She provoked him and she couldn't back down on him or else she's the coward. "Wait..." She placed a finger over Shinji's lips when it was just a few inches from hers. SHe felt chills down her spine as he would be her first kiss if ever they're going to pursue with it.

"Wh-what?" Shinji opened his eyes and blushed after seeing Asuka's face close to his. He didn't expect them to be this close since Asuka loathed him.

"Did you brush your teeth?" Asuka was out of words to say and couldn't pull anything else. Slowly and still blushing, Shinji closed his eyes and moved closer. Asuka, thinking 'come what may', swallowed and licked her lips. Right after that their lips made contact. At first, there was hesitation as they parted from time to time. Then, the pair's kiss became more intense. Shinji wrapped a hand on Asuka's back and pushed her slowly until her back was flat on the floor.

Asuka was not expecting to enjoy the moment. So did Shinji. But the fact was they were both enjoying their little party. They parted from time to time to catch their breaths but as soon as they did, their lips each hungered for the other.

"Would you like to take this somewhere else?" Asuka said in between her gasps, once they had this little time-out.

"I guess so." Shinji replied as he tried to catch his breath. "Misato might -" Shinji was cut off as he heard a loud booming voice coming from the door.

"OH MY GOD! Shinji! Asuka! What are the both of you doing!?!?!" Misato was hysterical at the moment and Shinji instantly got off of Asuka and helped the girl stand up.

"Mi-Misato! It's not what you think it is!" Shinji and Asuka said in unison, their faces red-hot.

"What reason do I have to expect from the both of you?!" Misato was raging. "I was supposed to guard the two of you and it's disappointing that I couldn't do my job as a parent to you!"

"Misato!" Asuka sat beside the purple-haired lady and patted her back. It was her first time to be caring for Misato since she loathed her as well for letting Shinji stay on the apartment. The two teens eyed each other, searching for an excuse to calm Misato. Then Shinji suddenly said something that he himself didn't exactly expected.

"Misato, Asuka and I love each other!" The girls were stunned, especially Asuka, who's red face turned even more red. Misato looked up on Shinji and saw the sincerity marked on his face. "So please, clam yourself. It was just a kiss and we haven't gotten further. It's what lovers usually do, right?" Shinji tried his best to smile and eyed Asuka.

Asuka surrendered and smiled faintly as she spoke softly, "Right, Misato."

"Oh my! I'm really sorry for saying rude things." Misato said suddenly, wiping her tears away. "It's just that I was really stunned and I thought that..." Misato didn't continue with her sentence for the two knew what was next. "Well," Misato recovered fast and put up a small smile on her face. "You two should've told me earlier! Come with me."

"Wh-where?" Asuka and Shinji said in unison as they eyed each other, afraid of what might happen.

"Well, this calls for a celebration, you know! Come on Shinji, Asuka, let's call your friends!"

'WTF!?!' The two thought, without even knowing they were thinking the same thing. And now what seemed to be just a fun thing turned out to be more serious and it put them both in trouble.

'I-I can't! Wh-what will HIkari say if she knew without knowing the TRUTH?!' Asuka thought.

'Oh man, surely Toji and Kensuke will shake the hell out of me.' Shinji thought with a sigh.