A/N: Thank you to all who have followed this story, it was a lot of fun to write. To those of you who reviewed we appreciated your feedback and encouragement more than we can express. To those readers who we didn't hear from, thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed the fic.

"Austin Jane Grissom if you touch that one more timeā€¦" Sara warned getting to her feet and taking her daughter's chubby two-year old hand. Guiding the toddler back over to the bench next to her husband and away from the plant pot in which she had discovered the dirt Sara brushed off the baby's fingers. Lifting her onto her lap Sara turned to Grissom, "You can still go in you know."

"I know," Gil shifted Dylan who had fallen asleep on his shoulder, his thumb half dislodged from between his lips. "I'll wait out here with you guys."

"I just didn't think Ms. Diva here would be able to sit through the entire sentencing hearing," Sara explained nervously, trying to hold onto her impatient daughter.

The Grissom family had been waiting outside the courtroom for nearly an hour to hear how the judge would sentence Cory Boyd. After a long two years of jumping through the hoops of the court process a guilty verdict was finally handed down to the accused man. Sara had listening to painstaking retelling of the murder of her brother and the details of the arrangement between him and her mother. She had been the third witness on the stand for the prosecution and had nearly suffered a breakdown from the stress of being questioned then cross-examined.

It had been her family that had carried her through the ordeal. Keeping her eyes trained on Gil in the gallery, his strong arms cradling their infants so carefully, had given her the strength she needed to present what she knew to the DA and to the jury.

Sara's mind snapped back to the present when the doors of the courtroom opened. Watching the steady flow of people exit the room Sara's ears tried to pick out any details within the constant buzzing of people's voices. Getting to her feet when she spotted the familiar faces of her friends she deposited Austin on her hip and moved towards them. They met her halfway incidentally right beside the plant which her daughters little fingers instantly reached for.

"Hey princess," Nick put his arms out for the baby who leaned towards him her arms extended.

Relinquishing the baby to the Texan Sara arched an eyebrow, "Well?"

"Life, no possibility of parole," Nick bounced the baby.

Nodding, Sara breathed a sigh of relief and visibly relaxed. Smiling at Austin she tickled the babies chin then arched her neck to give Grissom a long look over her shoulder. Their eyes met as she conveyed the information silently. His adam's apple bobbed once before he nodded slowly. Sara allowed a smile to creep across her face and she turned back to the group who were teasing Greg about something that had happened at a scene the night before. Joining in the laughter half-heartedly Sara felt a tug of sadness at her heart knowing that although Boyd would pay for his crimes a part of him, and her mother, would always be with her. Another ghost to attend to, to over come.

"Hey," she heard Catherine whisper softly as the blonde's arm rested softly on her own. "You okay?"

Sara's eyes swept over the faces of her team, her husband who had joined them, her children, and finally the courtroom as the bailiff closed the heavy cherry doors to the courtroom and locked them. Turning back to Catherine she nodded, "Yeah. I'm okay."

Thank you all.