Um…so hey guys, I know some of you really wanted an update, but I'm going to have to put a hold on this for a little longer (as if it hasn't been forever, already…). See, I kinda want to do only one to two stories at a time, and since I promised one of my friends a story for this summer, and am almost finished with a story that I've been working on for a little longer than this one, I want to do those first. So sorry! This is my favorite, and most famous (sad, isn't it?) story yet, and that's the reason I don't want to spit out a crappy, half-witted chap for you guys. Trust me; this story will have its time, just not now…again, sorry! I hope you don't hate me…I love you, and the love you had for these two chapters, lol, bye for now!

P.S. I'm not taking down the story, for your reading pleasure (haha, not really, just don't kill me cuz I know you want to…But this seriously will stay up, it's just discontinued for a while)