Hey everyone! Sorry I didn't get this posted sooner; you know how school gets. Bleh, lol. Anyways, here's the last chapter for this book. Hope you enjoy it:-)

Chapter 12-

The next morning, Lilly woke up to the sound of an alarm clock. Once her eyes adjusted, she looked around puzzled. Then, she felt panicked, "Oh my gosh…"

Miley walked out of her bathroom with only her robe on, "Hey sleeping beauty."

"Miley, my Mom and Dad are going to kill me!" she panicked more.

Miley sat down next to her, "Calm down, Lil. I felt panicked too when I woke up. But, my Dad told me that he called your parents and told them that we were sound asleep when he got home, so, they said it was alright for you to stay."

Lilly sighed in reliefe, "Oh thank God. Wait…what am I gonna wear?? I didn't bring any extra clothes with and…" she was stopped by Miley's finger on her lips.

"Shush my love. You can wear my clothes."

Lilly smiled, "Really?"

"Yes, really. You can wear anything you want."

Lilly grabbed the collar of Miley's robe, pulled her close, and kissed her deeply. She broke the kiss and looked at Miley suductively, "How much time do we have?"

Miley smiled as she bit her bottom lip, "We have enough time." She layed down on top of Lilly and kissed her deeply. Then, her robe was tossed to the floor.

All during their first class, Oliver couldn't help but laugh to himself at how upbeat his two best friends were. Especially Lilly; she acted as though she's had way too much sugar. Once the bell rang, he walked over to them.

"You two are like, overly happy this morning," he smiled.

"And why shouldn't I be?" Lilly chimed in happily. "Everything's perfect."

Miley smiled as she noticed Oliver shaking his head, grinning at her. "What?"

"Oh, like you don't know," he laughed slightly.

She blushed and covered her face as she smiled again, "Shut it, Oliver."

Lilly was looking at Miley at this point and laughed as well. "Aww, you're blushing. How cute!" She stood up and walked behind her girlfriend, giving her a hug.

Miley removed her hands from her face; still smiling. She looked up at Lilly.

"There's my Miley," Lilly smiled at her; then looked at Oliver. "Don't embarrass her, Oliver," she joked.

"Okay, fine. I'm sorry, Miley," he grinned, still finding the situation funny.

"Thank you," she stood up. "Now, lets get to our next class before we're late."

The rest of the day went by rather smoothly. People ocassionally asked Lilly if her nose was okay; and, of course, it was. It wasn't even bruised that badly.

Something Miley noticed throughout the rest of the day was Lilly constantly writing things down, scratching things out, and concentrating really hard on…whatever it was. She figured she was working on her poetry assignment, but, she wasn't sure. In their last class, Miley turned to her girlfriend, "Lilly?"

Lilly glanced up from her paper, "Yea?"

"What are you working so hard on?" she asked with a smile.

"Oh, uh…my poetry assignment," she smiled back.

"Can I read it when you're done?"

"I donno…It's stupid. I just can't get it right. You wouldn't like it…"

"Lilly…I'll like anything you write. It's not like I'm going to laugh, call it stupid, and make fun of you."

"It's just really corny. I'm not good at this."

"Last time you told me something was corny, it turned out to be one of the sweetest things you've ever said. So…I doubt it's corny."

Lilly smiled, "You're so sweet…But, I still think it's extremely corny." She looked back down at her paper, wrote something, and scribbled it out. "Man! This is so frustrating."

"You're stressing yourself out, sweetie. How about you take a break and let your mind relax. That way, more ideas will flow in your mind easier."

"I guess you're right," Lilly put her notebook away and looked at the clock. "Thankfully school's almost over."

"I know. And summer vacation's only about a week away," Miley smiled.

"Yay!" Lilly said with excitement.

Miley continued to smile as the bell rang. The two girls took their time gathering their things so everyone would leave before them. Once everyone left, they gave each other a quick kiss.

"So, Mi-ley," Lilly said as she streched out her name. "How do you suggest I relax my mind?" she smirked.

Miley tried not to smile, but failed miserably, "A walk on the beach always helps me," she said as they headed out of the classroom.

Lilly frowned, "I was hoping for something WAY more fun than that!"

"What could possibly be more fun than that?" she joked.

"Um, you!" Lilly smiled.

Miley laughed, "Lilly!" she shouted a little, not in an angry way.

"What? It's true," she linked arms with her.

"Okay, okay. Do you have any other homework?"

"Nope. Just this poem…which is driving me insane."

"You'll get it eventually, sweetie," Miley leaned in and kissed her on the cheek as Ms. Kunkle walked by.

"None of that in school, ladies," she said strictly.

"Sorry…" they both said at the same time.

They both dropped off their unnessessarry things at their lockers and headed over to Lilly's house; due to the fact that her parents wouldn't be home for a while. Lilly took out her house keys, unlocked the door, took Miley's hand, and led her inside. "So…are ya gonna help me with my homework troubles?" she smiled suductively.

Miley gave her the same smile in return, "I think I could manage that." They leaned in towards each other and kissed deeply. Lilly broke the kiss long enough to say, "Room." Without breaking the kiss, they fumbled their way up to Lilly's room.

A little over half an hour later, they layed there on Lilly's bed holding each other. Miley looked at Lilly with a big smile on her face, "Well, I don't know about you, but my mind is much clearer."

Lilly giggled, "Oh mine definitely is. Thank you for relaxing me," she kissed Miley deeply on the lips.

Miley put her left hand behind Lilly's head to deepen the kiss as her right hand went back under the covers…causing Lilly to moan loudly into her mouth.

Just then, they heard the door open and close downstairs. "Lilly! I'm home!" her Mom called out.

"O…okay!" Lilly called back with a squeak.

Miley giggled, "That was cute," she leaned down towards Lilly's neck and started sucking on her neck near the collar bone.

"M-maybe we…we sh-should sto…stop," she moaned.

Miley smirked, "You know you don't want me to stop," she continued to kiss Lilly.

"I-is my d-door locked?"

"Yes. You always lock it. Now stop worrying and just relax," she smiled warmly at her.

Lilly didn't argue with that. She just pulled Miley closer and kissed her deeply as they expressed their love for each other.

About ten minutes later, the two girls went downstairs. Mrs.Truscott sat on the couch reading the daily paper; Lilly and Miley went over and sat by her. They tried to hide the smiles on their faces; which was a difficult task for them.

"Hey girls. How was school today?"

"Better than yesterday," Lilly replied.

Her Mom turned to her, "Does your nose still feel okay?"

"It's fine, Mom," she rested her head on Miey's shoulder.

Just then, the phone rang. Mrs.Truscott got up and answered it, "Hello?...Yea, she's here…Alright, no problem…Yup, bye." She hung up the phone and turned to the girls, "That was your Dad, Miley. He said he'd like you home soon for supper."

Miley rolled her eyes and sighed, "Rats…"

Lilly wrapped her arms around her, "Well, what if I don't let you go?"

She smiled as Lilly held her, "Then I get yelled at, grounded, and then you don't get any Miley time."

Lilly instantly pulled her arms off her girlfriend, "Then get home missy!" she smiled.

Miley laughed to herself as she stood up, "I'll ask if I can hang out after I get some homework done."

"Sounds good," Lilly walked Miley to the door. "Well…I'll hopefully see you later then."

"I will certainly try," she leaned in to give her a goodbye kiss.

Lilly wrapped her arms around Miley's waist to make the kiss last longer.

Once the kiss broke, they both smiled at each other. Miley hugged her, "I'll talk to you later, 'kay?"

"Okay. Bye…"

"Bye," she opened the door, "Love you."

Lilly grinned, "Love you too." She watched as Miley walked off down their driveway. Right at that moment, she realized the perfect words for her poem. "That's it!" Lilly shouted as she darted up to her room; leaving her Mom there with a confused look on her face.

The rest of the week seemed to go by pretty fast. During the weekend, Miley stayed at Lilly's house; which made Lilly completely happy. She didn't tell Miley that she finished her poem yet, she wanted to surprise her at school. Miley had to go home Sunday night- Lilly sure hated school nights. Now, Lilly was getting ready to meet up with Miley to walk to school together. She double checked how she looked in the mirror and smiled at the picture of her and Miley together that was taped in the corner of the mirror. There was no doubt that she was head over heals in love with the girl. Lilly grabbed her backpack off her bed and headed downstairs.

"Hey sweetie," her Mom greeted her with a smile.

"Morning, Mom," she gave her Mom a kiss on the cheek, "What's for breakfast?"

"There's scrambled eggs, toast, and sausage on the counter. Oh, and I picked up more orange juice last night."

"Awesome," Lilly headed to the kitchen and qucikly ate her breakfast. "Well, I'm off."

"Alright, have fun at school."

"Mhmm," Lilly replied as she walked out the door.

Lilly got to Miley's in no time at all; she stopped at the door and knocked. Shortly after, Miley opened it and smiled.

"Since when do you knock?" she joked.

"I felt like being polite," she smiled proudly.

Miley laughed a little, "You're a dork sometimes. But, I love you for it," she closed the door and kissed Lilly.

They both smiled as they took each other's hands and headed to school.

Throughout the whole day, Lilly loooked her poem over; making sure it was just right. She made a few, small changes and rewrote it. During break, Lilly headed to the computer room to type it up. She text Miley so she knew she wasn't ditching her. In just a couple minutes, she had it completely finished. She printed it, put it in her English folder, and left to find Miley. Lilly found her by their lockers, leaning against them.

"Hey, did you get your work done?"

"Yup. And it's perfect," Lilly smiled.

Miley's face lit up, "Was it your poem??"

"May-be," she grinned.

"Do I get to read it?" she asked with hope in her voice.

"We have to read them out loud in class. You can hear it then," she kissed her on the cheek.

"Oh fine," she smiled again. "You're lucky I love you."

"Yes I am," she was about to give her a quick kiss until they were interrupted by the bell. "Speaking of- we should head to class now."

"Yay, I get to hear your poem!" Miley said with excitement.

"It's probably really corny though…"

"Doubt it."

"I'm just warning you."

They walked into class and took their seats. Mr. Corellie stood up from his desk as the late bell rang. "Happy Monday everyone!"

The class groaned.

"Oh come one, cheer up! Well, I hope all of you finished your assignment. It's due today."

The whole class held up their papers for him to see.

"Great! Now, during this class period, I'm going to randomly select people to read their poems to the class," he got another groan from the class. "Hey, it's not that bad. We'll get through everyone within two days…I hope. So to start off with, I'll pick…" he looked around the room. "Anthony. Let's hear your poem."

Anthony got up and stood in front of the class as he read his poem. More students were selected and near the end the class period he picked one more.

"Lilly Truscott. Let's hear yours."

Lilly got butterflies in her stomach as she got up and headed to the front of the class. She didn't care what the whole class thought of it; she only cared about what Miley thought. 'Okay. Calm down, she'll love it no matter what,' she thought to herself.

"Okay, um…my poem is called 'In Your Eyes'," she nervously cleared her throat.

'Come on, Lil. You can do this," Miley thought to herself.

Lilly continued once she saw Miley smiled warmly at her. She glanced back at her paper and read- "I gaze into your eyes, to find a love so pure and true; What you'll find in me there are no lies, when I say that I love you; I mean it with all my heart, and I hope that what the future holds, is that we'll never be apart; When I hold you close at night, I know one thing's for sure; That heaven is within my sight, everytime I gaze into your eyes…"

She looked up and smiled as the whole class clapped and shouted compliments to her. But, her focus was only on one person- Miley. The bell rang and everyone but Miley and Lilly left. Even Mr. Corellie left after he told eveyone the poems would be turned in tomorrow. Lilly was still standing at the front of the classroom as Miley got up and ran to her; she threw her arms around her and kissed her deeply. Tears were building up in her eyes as they kissed. She broke the kiss and leaned her forehead against Lilly's.

"That…that was so beautiful, Lilly," she smiled as she tried to control her tears.

Lilly smiled brightly, "You really liked it?"

"I freakin' loved it!" they both laughed a little.

"So, it wasn't corny?" she still sounded unsure about it.

"Not at all," she pressed her lips against hers once again.

After a little while, Lilly broke the kiss, "As much as I'm enjoying this…we're going to be late for our next class."

"School always gets in the way of my Lilly time," she smiled.

Lilly laughed, "You can have plenty more Lilly time after school."

"Good," they gave each other one more quck kiss before headed to their next class- which they were late for.

After school, the two girls went to Miley's house for a change. Robbie Ray was out on the patio with his guitar. He was playing a new tune and humming a melody to himself.

"Hey, Dad. Working on a new song?"

"Yup. It's gonna be a great one too," he smiled.

"Awesome," she turned to Lilly, then looked back at her Dad. "We'll be upstairs working on our homework, 'kay?"

"Alright darlin'," he went back to working on the song as the girls went inside.

They reached Miley's room and Miley shut her door and locked it. She smiled as she sat down next to Lilly on her bed. "By the way…I want a copy of that poem," she kissed her softly on the lips.

A big smile swept across Lilly's face, "Really? You liked it that much?"

"Mhmm. I really, truly did," she continued to kiss Lilly. Passion grew in the kiss within a few seconds. Then, Miley pulled Lilly on top of her.

Later that night, both Miley and Lilly finished their homework. Miley walked over to her desk and set her school books on it. "Man, that was a lot of homework."

"No kidding," Lilly put hers back in her bookbag.

Miley looked at her clock; it was almost 8:00. "Wow, we spent a lot of time on our homework."

Lilly smiled, "Well, our little 'study breaks' took up some time."

"Very ture," she smiled back. "So, what time do you have to be home?"

"Uh…around nine-thirty I believe. Pretty much any time before ten."

"Cool," Miley looked out her window. "Wanna go sit on the roof and look at the stars?"

Lilly's face lit up with pure happiness, "I've ALWAYS wanted to do that with you!" she said with excitement.

Miley laughed to herself; Lilly was so adorable. "Alright. Grab my blanket," she opened her window. "Ooh, I have an idea," she ran to her desk and pulled out her digital camera. Then, her and Lilly climbed out onto the roof. Lilly layed out the blanket and they sat on it; wrapping their arms around each other.

"This is so perfect," Lilly smiled as she closed her eyes; leaning her head against Miley's shoulder.

"No doubt about that," Miley rested her head on top of Lilly's as she turned her camera on, setting it to night mode.

Lilly glanced up at her, "What'cha doin'?"

"I want a picture of us kissing on my roof," she smiled.

"Well, I'm all for that," she lifted her head from Miley's shoulder and looked at her with a smile on her face.

Miley held out the camera in front of them with her free hand and turned to face Lilly, "Okay, now…kiss." They both leaned in and softly kissed each other as Miley pressed the camera button. They kept kissing for a little longer before looking at the photo. Lilly placed her head back on Miley's shoulder as they both looked at their picture.

"Aww!" they both said at the same time.

"I'm so gettng a copy of that," Lilly said happily.

"For sure," Miley kissed the top of Lilly's head as they continued to look at the photo. Even though it was dark, you could still see the stars and ocean behind them. She eventually turned off her camera and held Lilly close to her.

"Miley?..." Lilly asked after a few minutes.


"…Are you afraid of losing me?"

Miley glanced down at her, "No. Why?"

"Well, I'm afraid that I might lose you…and I don't want that to ever happen…"

Miley placed her hand on Lilly's cheek and had her look into her eyes. "Listen. You won't lose me. I love you so, so much, and I've never been happer than I am when I'm with you."

Lilly felt light tears form in her eyes, "That's how I feel too…"

Miley smiled and kissed her, "You wont ever lose me. In fact…you can't lose me. I'll never be with anyone besides you."

Lilly tightly hugged Miley, "I love you so much…" tears of pure happiness rolled down her cheeks.

Miley hugged her just as tightly, "I love you too…More than you can ever imagine."

They spent the rest of their time for that night on the rooftop holding each other. As long as they had each other- that's all the girls ever needed.

Well, I hope you liked the last chapter. I spent a lot of time on it trying to make it not seem rushed or corny. But I think it turned out that way anyways. I donno, lol. I dont like it when things are way too corny or rushed, and I tried not to do that with my story. But yea, hope you like it at least. Lemme know :-) Oh and Im going to start on the third book very soon, and hopefully have it posted soon as well. Anyways, thanks again for reading, and thanks for the great reviews:-)