Fan Wars The Fandom Menace 1
The Wandering Bards Bit

Once upon a night, some time ago...
Excuse me Okami-chan...
Err, you said it was during the day...
I did?
Well, yeah, you did.
Oh. Okay then, once upon a day... can't I just say night, I think it sounds better...
No. *bonk* Baka.
Itai. Okay okay. FINE. grr. Once upon a day, some time ago...
I think you should elaborate.
Why? I don't wanna e-la-bu-rei-to. Takes too much thoughts.
Well, by some time ago do you mean a day, a week, a month, a year? Oi, and stop with the bad english. You are not HawkEye.
You're no fun. Okay okay. FINE. grr. Once upon a day, some time ago (i.e....
Now what?
Enough with the once upon a day. Okay?
*sniffs* Still no fun. Okay. Once...
Don't even...
:( Meanie.
Thank you. Now on with the story
Your welcome. Some time ago (i.e. err... *counts on fingers, then includes the toes just for good measure* um... *counts on her friend's fingers, including the toes again* )
-_- Roughly five years, some date, don't ask me, just get on with it.
^^v That's right, that many years ago, there was a show. It was a most beautimous show. It had the most beautimous character in it, with blue hair...
A scar...
Blue armor...
Tan armor...
No AKIO was not in there, that's another series.
Ohhhh. Can't he be in there, just this once, please?
No. We'll get to him later.
You promise?
Yes. [crosses fingers behind her back]
Okay then. ^^v Where was I?
Tan armor?
Really? Oh, okay then. Tan armor, the most beautimous tan... wait a minute, he didn't have tan armor!
No you dolt! That's where I left off. We need to get to the weapons! Wea-pons! *smacks over head with a sweat drop*
Itai-tai. *rubs head, is wet* TOWEL!
Why do you need a towel?
Because I'm wet.
-_- *refuses to comment on any hentai in that statement* Can we please get on with the fic?
Okay *dries self*
Where was I? As opposed to you, who doesn't really matter anyways.
*thwack* Would you mind repeating that?
I was just saying how much I appreciate you. O:)
Uh-huh. And the fic... that would be blue armor.
Oh right. Arigatou. Blue armor. and ...
Yeah yeah, there's tan too. And pink too!
*stage whisper* Pink. *is whacked in the head with a nunchukus* Oro-ooooo @.@
That's what you get. Story.
However, she seems out of commission at the moment, so... Anyhoo, I was home one day channel surfing (like any good teenager) when I came across, this really amazing anime show...The Ronin Warriors...*insert fans screaming in the background* [kill the machine]. It had cute good guys and equally cute bad guys, a really big pussy cat (big fan of cats), a helpful chick...that was also a good plot device, and an annoying brat named Yuli. After only a few minutes I was hooked and that's all she wrote...[pun intended...^_~]
Oro, my head hurts.
That's what happens when you get hit on the head with a nunchukus.
Oh, kay, did I miss anything?
*head in hands* Just tell your story on how you got hooked on Ronin Warriors.
Kay. Well, ya see, I was with some friends down the street at the dry cleaners, and they like had a television in there.
Stop with the valley girl...
:P Biiida. Anyways...
What's that!
No, I didn't she's lying on me! Eek Tou.. errr... Roster help me! Ack! *goes into super-deformed mode and runs around with a mad Warlord on her tail*
I'm so bad.
*some time later*
*bruised and battered* -_# Itai. That hurted me. You meanie.
Thank you. Now, get on with your story.
-_# Okay, anyways, like where was I? Oh yeah, I totally remember now...
Hey, I said stop with the valley girl. I'll tell Dais on you.
Erk! No more! Promise! So, they were watching this really wierd show, it had guys in armor fighting one another. It didn't look that interesting, especially since I couldn't hear a thing, the kids were being noisy, and the TV had its volume too low, and I couldn't reach it.
Hehe, shorty.
I'm not Hiei! Anyways, like I was saying (as opposed to you), I didn't think much of it, but when I ran across it channel surfing on another day, I decided to give it a try (I like to give everything a try, no matter how bad it is...
*refuses to remark on the hentai in that comment*
but I swear, if I ever see Bananas in Pajamas again, I'll hurt someone). So, I am now a Ronin Warrior Obssessee, I've even joined *counts on fingers and toes*...
Touch my fingers or toes, and die.
at least three, maybe four Internet clubs. :D
So, was there a point to this whole thing?
Does there need to be one?
Well, sorta, might be a good thing, (no this is not Martha Stewart either).
Well, okay, this is how we've gotten into our current situation.
There's a problem....
And that would be...
Why should they even care? They don't even know who we are, yet?
Well, then if they're this far, that's a good thing, right?
Didn't I mention that this is not Martha Stewart? *looks out* I think they're leaving.
Quick! Akio them!
*rolls helplessly on the floor laughing* I don't think we can do that. *pulls out contract* See here, on this little line? Wait a minute, I can't read it. *pulls out magnifying glass* There, that's better. See here, it says 'The above authors may not Akio their audience.'
Drat! I'll Akio you some time. ^_^
-_- Whatever... Introductions are nice to have.
Well fine. I'm Okami-chan...
And I'm Hikara-chan...
And this is the Fan Wars!

Fan Wars
The Fandom Menace
by: Hika-chan, and Okami-chan

After a long weekend of non-stop over-indulgence of the anime sort, two weary souls dragged their feet (and bodies; if not their minds) back to their high-rise mansion. They plopped themselves on two of the three sofas in the room. The hyperest of the two girls, still having the energy to do so, looked up and commented, "Nee... Hika-chan, did you remember to lock the door on Friday, when we left?"

"Yeah... why?" the other replied with her eyes closed.

"Uh... Ano, why's the tv on the other side of the room?"


"Well, if you would open your eyes and look around, you would see what I mean."

Cracking an eyelid open, Hikara looked around. "Err... I see what you mean."

"And did you notice how the door to the kitchen was in the wrong place, too..."

"Um, yeah, are you sure you got us to the right high-rise?"

"Remind me again, who was driving..."

"Okay, I was driving, but who was supposed to read the map?"

"Eto... you actually listened to me?"

"Against my better judgment."

Okami shot her friend and room mate an evil glare, almost rivaling the (in)famous Yuy Death Glare(tm).

Okami and Hikara hauled their exhausted bodies up. It only took a few minutes for them to realize that this was not their apartment. Okami, as she was still awake, thought to look at the name plate on the door, but found it wasn't there. Upon further investigation, she found it on the left side of the door. It read, "Tira Misu & Catsy Boshi." Okami wrinkled her nose. "Who are they?"

"Who are who?" Hikara said as she poked her head out the door.

"Err... Tira Misu and Catsy Boshi?"

"That lousy super, gone three days and he rents out our apartments!"

The door next to them opened to reveal a young man with a head of blue hair. He stepped out in the hallway and blinked at them. "Hi, you must be the new tenants."

"Touma?" both girls said in unison, eyebrows twitching.

"Excuse me? I think you have me confused with someone else," he said.

"Err..." Looking over at the name plate, Okami said, "I'm Tira Misu."

Okami nudged Hikara in the ribs prodding her friend into speaking.

"Yelloo, I'm Catsy Boshi, nice to meet ya. Good night." With thus said, Hikara resumed her position of holding up the doorframe.

"Don't mind her, it's been a long weekend."

"Oh no, that's okay. By the way, I'm Rowen Hashiba," he said, extending his hand. However he was met with open air. He looked down at Okami, who had managed a perfect 10 on her face vault.

Groggily Hikara attempted to open her eyes as she tried to comprehend what the young man had said. "You're who?"

In a surge of instant recovery, Okami sprung up from her current position on the floor. Grabbing her friend by the collar, she said, "He said his name is Rowen Hashiba."

"I know that name from somewhere."

Shaking her friend with each syllable, she spat between gritted teeth. "Ro. Nin. War. Riors."

Hikara's eyes opened with amazing speed. "Nani?"

"Do I need to spell it out for you?"

"If you would please."

"Rowen Hashiba... Rowen of the Strata... Tenku no Touma... Samurai Troopers... Anubisu."

Hikara, using the doorframe as a springboard, looked around for the Warlord. "Where... where?"

"Calm down, Catsy-chan, calm down."

Hikara gave her laughing friend a crestfallen look, and said. "That's not funny."

Okami turned to the young man who had been completely forgotten, and looked lost to say the least. "You live," she pointed to the apartment where he came from, "here?"

He glanced back at the door, studying it intently for a moment, before replying, "Uh... Yeah."

Okami proceeded to shrink into a super-deformed version of herself and danced about the room. Hikara watched as her friend shrank in size, an annoying sweatdrop appeared next to her head. Quickly batting the thing away she called out, "Oi, pull your self together, you're not making a good impression here Tira!"

Okami glomped onto Hikara, chanting over and over "He's living right next to us, he's living right next to us, he'..." and you get the point.

Hikara pulled a crowbar out from the hall closet and pryed the over-excited Okami from her person. "Yes, I realize he is living next to us. However, I'm not Utena and you aren't get off of me!"

Okami promptly released her vic... er friend and hopped over to shake Rowen's hand enthusiastically, as if she had never touched another man before. Hikara rolled her eyes and moved over to meet their new neighbor. She bonked Okami on the head saying, "You can let go of his hand now, he might need it for something important, ya know."

Rowen, held his hand up, letting it sag. "I think she killed it," he laughed.

"Ack! Gomen gomen gomen!" Okami said, ever hyper.

Hikara chuckled a bit at Rowen's statement. "That's okay, we just got in from a long weekend trip, and she's had too much Mountain Dew."

"Code Red if you please, not the other one," Okami piped.

"Yes I know it was Code Red, now to figure out how you can light up the city with all of that energy, or if we can bottle it and sell it."

Rowen laughed. "If you're not careful, she'll use it all up before you get a chance to make a profit."

"Hey, no going around selling my energy! I need it!" Her eyes went all dreamy. "Akio..."

Hikara laughed with Rowen as he spoke. And she spared her friend a glare at the mention of the nempho...otherwise known as Akio...

"You know you're right, but I have a back up plan." she said as she produced a Snickers bar from her jacket pocket.

Okami's eyes instantly lit up. "Snickers!" and she proceeded to launch herself at Hikara.

Hikara deftly side-stepped the flying object that was coming her way, and out of common curtisey she pulled the unwitting Rowen with her. Poor Rowen was suffering from fits of giggles as he watched (and was dragged around as a result of) Okami chase around the Snickers bar. Hikara let go of the giggling Rowen and tossed the Snikers bar towards the sofa, "There you go, Tira"

The girl instantly lunged for it, plowing face first into the cushions. A small "itai" could be heard, followed by munchings and crunchings. Once again Rowen lost his composure, leaning against the doorframe, unable to hold himself up in the paroxysms of mirth. Hikara shook her head and sank to the floor cluching at her sides from laughing so hard. "Oi, that's Tira for you, never a dull moment; maybe a dull wit at times."

Okami popped up, still munching on the candy, and she made the victory sign. Suddenly she turned bright red as she realized just how she had acted in front of Rowen. She smacked Hikara across the back of her head.

"Urk, sorry you had to see that Rowen."

"Oh, that's okay. It reminds me of one of my friends, Kento, you'd probably like him."

Hikara rubbed at the spot where Okami had hit her head. She looked up at the blue haired youth and said, "Really, would there happen to someone who is tall, dark and brooding, in your group of friends, would there?" This resulted in Hikara being thwacked upside the head again.

Rowen gave a tight smile, rubbing the back of his head. "Well, yeah, but he's a little bit older."

"Really..." Hikara said, as a dangerous gleam entered her eyes. She chose to ignore Okami and her ever ready hand.

Rowen blinked at her strange expression. 'What's up with these two, they're so wierd.' Of course he daren't repeat that aloud, if only he knew the truth.

Okami rolled her eyes. "Sorry, she's got this thing about tall, dark, brooding, men. Just ignore her."

"Besides, age doesn't matter to me," Hikara said, the gleam still in her eyes.

Rowen twitched, but Okami spoke, having finished her Snickers bar, or rather she sang. "All you need is love... love... love is all you need."

More twitching ensued. "I'm sorry, I've enjoyed chatting with you, but you must be tired, and I have to go meet some friends. I hope to talk to you again," he paused, his eyes shifting slightly. "Later!" Thus said, he beat a hasty retreat.

Hikara turned to look at the retreating form before saying, "Well, I think we made a new world's record for frightening our neighbor on the first meeting."

Okami sweatdropped, her face crest fallen, she even got the neato storm over her head. "So much for first impressions." Immediately she perked up, happy as a jaybird (or herself, for that matter) once again. "We can always try for second and third then."

Hikara had to shake her head at the girl's rapid mood swings, but it was something she had gotten used to. "Well that's true, and then we have all of his friends to corrupt also. Anyhoo, I vote we find something to eat and watch on the idiot box, then turn in for the night. I having a feeling that tomorrow is going to be a doozy."

Okami nods her head bouncily. "Okay!" She promptly bounced into the kitchen and looked in the fridgerator. "I've got good news for you Hika-chan!"

"And what would that be Okami-chan?" Hikara asked as she followed the other girl into the kitchen.

"There's no Akio in here!" the other girl giggled.

Hikara groaned as the ever present sweatdrop reappeared on the side of her head. She batted at the thing briefly, before returning her attention to Okami. "Well that's good."

Okami's face fell again. "No it's not...."

Hikara had a feeling that her 'new friend' was hang at the side of her head again. "Don't worry with the way things are going right now, I wouldn't be surprised if the purple-haired perv were to show up here."

Okami looked disappointed. "I wouldn't mind it." Then in another of her colossal mood changes, she perked up again. "^_^ Oh, Hika-chan, you really ought to get that problam looked at. It's a bad thing to sweat so much."

Hikara glowered at her friend before she turned her attention to the sweatdrop, and grabbed the thing by its pointed end. She took a sling shot from one of the kitchen drawers and shot the thing into the upper atmosphere, mumbleing "Get lost and stay lost."

"So when do you want me to make the doctor's appointment? You know you can't get rid of problems like that." Okami said, ever chipper.

Hikara let her shoulders sag before she said, "Earth to planet Okami-chan, We're not in Kansas anymore, that mean's things like this happen all the time. So no doctor's appointments."

"Are you sure? And since when did we live in... oh, never mind. I'm going to bed, forget getting something to eat. Nighty morning Hika-chan." Okami bounced past Hikara, who had another sweatdrop, and went into her bedroom.

Hikara glared at the annoying object hanging on the side of her head, she poked the thing with a knife and turned on her heel and headed for her room. "Night, Okami-chan." she called out as she passed the other girl's room. All she got was a soft snore in reply.


The sun rose, yawning as it woke up. It peered into the two girls' rooms, spying on them as they slept. Laughing, the sun decided to shine on one of them.

Okami awoke, to the lovely sounds of Hikara's screaming. She lay there a few moments, trying to figure out what was wrong, and decided that she might as well get up.

The sun in all of its perverted sense of humor, shone brightly into the eyes of the still sleeping Hikara. As she opened her eyes she let out a string of curses. Hikara rubbed her eyes, clearing them of the last lingering vistages of sleep. Sitting on her chest was a small being. It had lavender-colored wings and hair, with clear ice blue eyes. "Ohayo," the being chripped.

All Hikara could think to do was scream.

Okami wandered in a little afterwards, rubbing the last vistages of sleep from her eyes. She was still carrying her stuffed dragon, though "Ne, Hika-chan, daijoubu?"

Hikara looked up at Okami as she entered the room, stuffed dragon safely tucked into the crook of her arm. Hikara pointed to her chest and said, "There's something, almost akin to an angel, sitting on my chest telling me 'Good Morning.'

Okami raised an eye brow. "An angel?" She blinked a few times. "Access? But I can't see it!"

"Um no it's definetly not Access, unless he's had a sex change operation and dyed his hair lavender," Hikara paused as something Okami said sank in. "What do you mean 'I can't see it'?"

"Well, if its not even male, then I don't care if I can't see. Nighty morning, Hika-chan." Okami wandered back out of the room.

Hikara blinked as her friend turned and left the room. She threw off the covers and bolted for her friend's retreating back. This action, of course, unsettled the small angel.

"Do you even get the implications of what this means, me having an angel?" Hikara yelped as she tackled her friend.

Okami blinked up at the other girl, slowly, mulling it over. "Anou... not really... let me go back to sleep, I'll figure it out eventually." Okami struggled to get out of the other's grip.

Hikara continued to hold her friend in a vice-like grip as she said, "Think KKJ, you know, Maron, Chiaki, Finn Fish and Access Time."

Okami blinked once again, even accompanied by that too cute 'poit poit' sound. "KKJ? Chiaki? Blue? Angel?" Okami's eyes widened in sudden realization. Through some unknown means she managed to loose one hand and bonked Hikara atop her head. "No fair!"

Hikara glared at her friend for the new knot on her head. "Do you think I actually wanted to be a Kaitou. And besides I do believe that Chiaki is taken at the moment."

Okami's eyes watered. "Don't remind me." Then she perked up (surprise surprise). "That's okay, Rowen's not. :D "

Hikara couldn't fault Okami for wanting to cry at the thought of a taken Chiaki, because so did she.

The lavender colored angel floated down into Hikara's line of vision, and said. "Excuse me, I think you've forgotten about me."

Okami continued to pout about it not being fair that all the cute guys in KKJ were already taken by someone else.

The angel apparently finally noticed her, and took a long hard look at the other girl. Hikara watched as odd emotions flashed across the small face. "Akuma!" the angel screamed. She ducked behind Hikara, trembling. "Quick take this, and ask for the powers of Elizabeth!" A small rosario appeared in front of Hikara, but she didn't immediately take it, as her head was still on the pillow and she was trying to catch up with the events.

Doing a quick translation, however Hikara surmised that the little angel was talking about a demon, and that she was supposed to seal it using the powers of Elizabeth. However, Hikara wanted an explaination first. "Now hold on a minute. Who and in particular where is this akuma and what in the seven hells is going on here." She said as she plucked the angel from behind her, settling the angel in her hand.

"She's possessed by an Akuma, it must be in that doll she's holding!" the little angel cried, waving a finger at Okami. "You're the spirit of Elizabeth reborn! It's your job to seal the akuma who possess beautiful hearts!"

Hikara blinked at the angel, and said. "Um...I'd hate to tell you this my small friend, but she would kill me if I even tried to take that from her."

Okami blinked. "Damned right I would kill you if you tried to take it away. Take what?"

"The dargon plushie." Hikara said as she pointed at the stuffed lizard. Turning her attention back to the angel, Hikara got the bright idea to ask, "Hey Okami-chan, can you see the angel now?"

"Iiiya." (no)

"Don't believe her, the Akuma is making her say that!"

"Um...before I go and get myself killed by an enraged Okami-chan, I want to know your name first, little one."

"Damned right I'll kill you for taking my Scorchie! Shin'ne!" Okami prepared to pounce Hikara.

Hikara backed away from the enraged Okami. The angel looked from Hikara to Okami and then back again. "Okami-chan I'm not going to take your dragon."

The angel cleared her throat and said, "See I told you she was possessyd by a demon, now ask for the Powers of Elizabeth."

"First I want to know your name, shrimp." Hikara bit out as she dodged the sofa and Okami.

"My name is Lavender Wind Chaser."

"Okay, I'll do it, but I still don't believe that thing is possessed, (but her on the other hand...)" Hikara reached out and took the rosario. She held it to her face. The rosario emitted a glow, bathing Hikara in lavender light. It focused onto her forehead, becoming an amethyst, and spreading a tiara onto her forehead.

Okami didn't know why, but she kept thinking of the henshin song for Sailor Moon.

Hikara's oversized t-shirt and boxer shorts were replaced with a thigh-long robe and biker shorts. Her hair grew longer and lightened into a lavender color, going up into odangos. When the henshin was completed Hikara glanced into the mirror and performed a very ungraceful facevault.

"I look like Sailor-FREAKIN'-Moon! Not that it's a bad thing, mind you, but couldn't I have been the fiery tempered
one?" Hikara ranted.

"Well, we know where the lavender comes from, it's just the blonde mixed in." Okami chirped.

"Just shut up and give me the damned plushie." She snatched the dragon from her friend. Okami instantly went into a fit of screams, lashing out at Hikara, demanding her to give the dragon back.

"Elizabeth, using such language is unbecoming a Kaitou," Wind Chaser scolded.

"Look, you wierd little angel-thing, if you'd wanted nice you should have gone with her." Hikara got tired of moving the plushie out of her shorter friend's reach and used a hand and foot to hold her back. She turned her startling electric blue eyes on Okami. "Look, just let me stick the dragon, okay?" Still holding Okami back with her foot, she called forth a pin and stuck it in the dragon.

Lightning crashed and the wind howled, or at least that's what you're expecting, right? Well, guess what! You're wrong! Bwahahahahahahahaha!
[Due to the technical difficulties (aka the author being insane), please hold while we slap her back into the realm of semi-saneness.]

Wind Chaser blinked. Okami blinked. Hikara... blinked. Hikara turned to the angel. Hikara proceeded to grab the angel by her lavender wings. Hikara proceeded to glare at the angel, and the angel cowered.

"Now, wasn't that supposed to turn into a lavender chess piece thingie?"

"Anou...." the angel stuttered, her finger by her mouth, her expression confused. "Hai, but I don't know why it didn't."

"Well, maybe we've got the wrong thing. C'mere Okami." Hikara grabbed her friend by her long hair and stuck the pin in her forehead. Again nothing happened. "Okay Wind Chaser, are you happy, she's not possessed by a demon." Hikara cracked a smile, "She is a demon." Hikara ducked Okami's hand. "But that's just my opinion." Unhappily she failed to see the backswing.

Okami stormed out of the room, leaving Hikara to nurse the knot growing on her head.

The door bell rang.

"Could you get that Hikara," came from the depths of the apartment.

Hikara groaned as she got up from the floor and moved to the door. She looked out the peephole. One could never tell what sort of crazies might be on your doorstep.

She got an eyefull of an oversized head of blond hair, which moved to meet her eyes with its own lavender ones. Hikara balked as she recognized the gravity defying bang, that belonged to Sage.

"Oh, hold on a minute, I got to changed outta my PJs," Hikara said as she made her way room. Ducking briefly into Okami's room, she said, "Okami, would you mind answering the door. I can guarantee, you'll be happy at who's there."

"If it's not a really cute guy there, I'll hurt you," Okami groused out.

"I bet you ten to one it's a really cute guy out there," Hikara said a smirk forming on her face. Turning, she left Okami to her own device.

Okami bounced over to the door, no longer wearing her PJs, though she was still clutching her stuffed dragon. Neglecting to check to see who was at the door, she pulled it open.

She was greeted by the sight of, not one, but two really cute guys. All she could think to say was, "Uh..."


Hikara dashed into her room, searching a certain angel out.

"Oh, Wiindy!"

No angel.


Still no angel.

"Yo Shrimp!"

The lavender angel floated into view. A hand snatched her out of mid-air. The angel squeaked as the spiritual air was squeezed out of her.

"How," Hikara demanded through gritted teeth, "do I get out of this get up?" She squeezed a little harder. "And I might let you go."

"Tell it to go away," she squeaked.

Hikara blinked. Twice. Then promptly tossed the angel aside.

Hikara closed her eyes and told the Kaitou outfit to take hike. When she reopened her eyes she was again in her over-sized t-shirt and boxer shorts. HIkara opened her closet, looking for her usual dress; jeans, a t-shirt, vest, and boots. Imagine her delight at finding a sailor suit, complete with ankle-length skirt.


Okami stared at the two young man unable to think straight. A tight smile touched the blonde's face. The other blinked, his clear blue eyes sleepy but still sharp. A grin spread on his face as he thought another girl had been added to his friend's list of admirers.

"Hi again, Tira," he said equably.

"Uh," was about the most he got out of her.

Then came the most horrid sound ever. The tortured noise of a soul gone insane (as if it wasn't too late). "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..."

And it took a deep breath.


Okami snapped out of her 'uh' stage and bounded towards the sound (whether to help or shut it up will never be known.)

"Hika-chan, what's wrong with you?"

Hikara turned to Okami, her eyes watering pools of tears. She barely noticed the two boys screeching to a stop behind Okami. Her lower lip trembled as she clung to the closet door, swinging it open. "M-my clothes! Do you see this?" The open door revealing a row of school uniforms.

Okami smirked. "Oh, yeah, I knew about that, all I could find were some pjs last night. Didn't I tell you?"

Hikara twitched and promptly smacked her friend upside her head. "No, you neglected to tell me this when you got up. Baka."

Wind Chaser smiled. "You could always wear your Kaitou uniform."

Hikara twitched again. She glared at the angel, wishing she could curse her out without looking overly wierd to the two young men she finally noticed standing in her room. [Cue: Too late]

Then it clicked that she was standing there solely in bra and boxer shorts. She looked up at the two. "Hi," was all she managed, which if you think about it, was a lot better then the intelligent conversation Okami had just had.

Rowen winked an eye, giving her a thumbs up. "Nice bod." Hikara's eyebrow twitched again.

"Do you have a bathroom in here?" Sage asked, raising a hand to cover his nose.

"Sure, this way," Okami chirped, taking hold of his elbow and steering him out of the bedroom.

"Oh, by the way, that was my friend Sage. I'll let you get dressed." Rowen followed them, closing the door behind him with a soft click.

Hikara sighed in dejection as she turned back to her closet. "I guess I have to wear one of these."

Having gotten dressed, Hikara turned to the mirror to make sure she had gotten the knot on the sailor fuku done just right. She froze.


"I'm really sorry about this. I kinda have this problem with girls... I'm Sage Date, by the way," the blond offered.

"My name's Ok.... err... Tira Misu." Okami mentally patted herself on the back at the quick recovery.

"What were you going to say, Miss Misu." Sage asked, slightly nasal as he stuffed paper tissues in his nose.

"Oh, nothing, just the nickname I've gotten used to," Okami laughed nervously. Sage raised an eyebrow at her (the only visible one).

"And that would be, if I may ask?"

Okami scratched at her head, looking anywhere but him. "Anou, well, it's, ummmm, Okami-chan." Her gaze happened upon her reflection in the mirror. She froze.

"And does the other one have a name and nickname, as well?" Sage asked, washing his hands of the blood from his nosebleed.

"Hikara-chan...." Okami replied, dazedly staring at the mirror. Sage followed her gaze, looking at her reflection with her.

"Is there a problem Miss Misu."

"Uh uh," was the reply. Sage looked at her doubtfully.

"Then is Hikara-chan her nickname, or her real name?"

"Nickname." Damn, those replies were just getting shorter and shorter, if you counted 'uh' as one word, that is.

"Then, what's her real name?"

"Katse...." Okami realized her mistake and blinked back to the real world (or the ani-world if you want to be technical). "I mean, Catsy Boshi."

"Interesting names."

"Hai, I need to go talk with her, excuse me." She retreated, brushing past Rowen with a squeaked 'hello.'

"Hi," he replied. "You going to be okay, buddy?" he asked, putting an arm around his friend's shoulder.

"Yeah," the blond replied, looking at his reflection.

"Hehe, don't you just hate being shy."

"Shut up."

"Ouch," was all the blue-haired genius muttered as Sage removed his fist from his face. Rowen took his turn over the sink to deal with a bloody nose.


Hikara was still staring at her reflection in the mirror. She was shocked at what she saw. She was broken from her trance as Okami came into her room, wearing the same expression on her face.

"Hika-chan," she whimpered, her eyes tearing.

"Yeah, Okami-chan." Hikara wisphered.

"I look like Relena Peacecraft..." came the sobbed reply.

"I know how you feel, I look like Rei Hino." was the echoed reply.

"Why couldn't I at least look like Hilde? Then maybe I could catch Duo's eye." Okami sniffed, but did nothing to stop the tears from streaming down her cheek.

The sobbed comment caused Hikara to laugh, which helped to lighten the mood a little.

"Well how do you think I fell, by day I look like Rei Hino, and by night I look like Sailor Moon; save for the lavender hair." She said still laughing, "And look on the bright side, at least you'll catch Heero's attention." This earned Hikara a glare, but Okami laughed too.

"And won't you be jealous of me, Miss I-want-Wing-Zero-For-My-Own-Private-Collection."

"Haha...I just want the Mecha, not the pilot..." Hikara said as she continued to laugh with her friend.

Okami would have replied, but she was interrupted by a knock at the door behind her. "KYAAAAAAA!" she went chibi and clung to Hikara, breathing hard.

Hikara glanced down at the now chibi sized Okami. She patted the girl on the head and said, "That was just a knock on the door. I'll answer it if you'll get the hell off of me." The last bit came out growled.

Okami blinked, again with the cute *poit poit* sound and immediately released her grip on Hikara. "Gomen," she muttered, looking down at her feet.

Hikara grinned at her friend and then whapped her friend on the head for the 'gomen'. She called out for who ever was at the door to enter.

Rowen opened the door, but didn't enter. "Sage wants to me to make sure it's safe to enter. Are you girls dressed?"

Hikara smiled and looked down at her sailor fuku. "Yeah, we're dressed."

Rowen's head popped in, and he grinned at them. "He still wants me to check." His head vanished and the door swung open. Hikara and Okami snickered as Sage peeked over his friend's shoulder.

Hikara couldn't believe what she was seeing, the mighty Sage of Halo, shy.

"Wouldn't all your fans be oh-so-disappointed that you blow a geyser whenever you just think about naked girls."

"Do you want a repeat of the bathroom," Sage threatened raising a fist.

Okami leaned over to her friend. "Yeah, all of the fans of him being a flirt would be oh-so-disappointed," she whispered, snickering. Hikara couldn't help but snicker along with her friend.

Sage cleared his throats, turning to the two girls. He smiled, slightly, and bowed.

"I'm Sage Date, I've been assigned to guide you girls around the school. We'd better get going if we want to be there on time."

Hikara sighed as she was reminded of the fact that she had to leave the apartment in the sailor fuku. "All right, first let me leave a note on the fridge first." She said as she led the way to the kitchen.

She quickly jotted down on the white board, 'Break out the Singer.'

"Are you ready now?" Sage asked.

"Yep!" Hikara chirped giving the guy the victory sign. Okami sweat-dropped, wondering how she ended up with such a kooky friend.

And so the four heroes (well, okay, so Hikara and Okami aren't exactly heroines) proceeded to head off to school.


It was like any old building on the outside. Hikara eyed the building warily. She slowly ascended the steps and entered the building. Okami scratched her head, unable to shake the feeling of something be amiss. School. Ronin Warriors. School. Ronin Warriors. Rowen. School. Suddenly her eyes widened as realization hit her.

Hikara started to whimper as the realization of where she was in a High School and she was supposed to be a student here.

"Noooooooooo" though it was still tortured, it wasn't as tortured as the one from earlier in the morning. Rowen and Sage (as well as about half the student body) turned around. Okami sighed.

"There goes being nonchalant about this whole ordeal."

"Okami-chan......"Hikara whimpered

Okami patted her friend on the back. "It'll be okay Hi... I mean Catsy." What was it she'd called Hikara in the earlier? Oh well.

Hikara turned on her friend and snarled, "I'm back in high school." Sage and Rowen (as well as about half of hte student body) gave her wierd looks.

"Yes, Catsy, we're back in high school. But just think we'll have five extremely cute guys to talk to." Of course she said this as low as possible.

Hikara sniffed, all she wanted to do was go back to the apartment and crawl back into bed and start the day over again, however, she decided that she would at least try to make the best out of the situation. So she gave her friend a watery smile and followed to the office, so they could register.

Okami followed, along with Rowen and Sage, still patting her friend on the back. She leaned over as another thought occurred to her. "Ne, Hika-chan isn't that Chiaki and Maron over there?"

Hikara blinked as she looked over the couple her friend had idicated. "Um...I think it is, that must mean Finn and Access are skulking around here too."

"Access?" Okami asked, almost swooning.

Hikara placed a hand on her friend's back to help steady her, and said, "Yeah well, aren't you forgetting something, I'm the only one between use who can see them."

[Cue the tears]


[Cue the sweat drops]

Rowen and Sage stepped back, sweatdrops appearing on their heads.

Hikara looked at the two guys and smiled. She leaned over and whispered rather viciously, "Cut the water works, before I give you a real reason to cry. I would like to get through the rest of today, without make a bigger fool of myself than I already have."

After a few sniffs (as well as some more threats from Hikara and strange looks from the student body) Okami stopped crying.

Sage and Rowen shook their heads and gave a collective sigh. They continued to lead the way to the main office.

So as not to bore the readers, if they haven't left already.

[Quick! Akio them!]

[You can't Akio them...remember. *sweatdrops*]

We shall skip over them registering with the school, and head off to first period.

[Thank god for small favors.]

Sage, was in each of their classes (the reason he'd been assigned to them, and no hentai, thank you very much). They had the small fortune of sitting near him, however, much to Okami's disappointment, Rowen was in higher classes. Hikara, of course was still upset about the whole returning to high school, but she was absolutely pissed by the fact that she was placed in lower classes. She sat moodily next to her friend and Sage, and growled at those who happened to pass to close to her (which included Okami, whenever she spoke to her).

The teacher stood up from (her or his, which one) desk as the bell rang.

"Class, we have two new students." The teacher motioned for the two girls to rise. Okami shyly stood, not meeting any eyes, and glanced over to see if Hikara had done as she'd been told.

Hikara grudgingly rose at the teacher's behest. She tried her hardest not to go and give her own version of the Yuy Death Glare(tm) to all of the students who turned to face the duo.

"Would you mind giving your name and where you're coming from?" the teachers asked. Okami froze as she realized, they hadn't exactly thought up a story for that!
[Cue SD Okami]

Hikara turned her death glare one the SD Okami, before she spoke.

"I am Catsy Boshi, and my friend here is Tira Misu. We are foreign exchange students from the states, Hirosho-sensei."

"eep," was all that came out of the frizzy-haired SD.

Hikara looked back at her friend as the teacher bade them to return to their seats. As soon as Hikara was seated she snarled out, her temper near the breaking point, "Snap out of it, Okami-chan"

Obediently Okami plopped down in her seat. "Nice recovery," she whispered, leaning over. Hikara nodded, she could feel her anger starting to ebb away, now if only she could find a tumbling mat, or a set of uneven bars to punish.

Although she had to sit through all of first period, luck was on her side as their next class was gym. However, they weren't allowed on the floor until they got gym clothes. Hikara could feel her fingers start to itch, she wanted so badly to be out on the floor and working off her anger. As the gym teacher headed their way she knew she was going to be in trouble.

The teacher stopped before the two girls on the bench. His gorilla arms were crossed over his barrel chest, and he stood with his tree trunk legs slightly apart.

"All right you sissy girls," Hikara twitched, "I want you to know right here and right now, that I won't tolerate any of your sissy antics." Okami gave him a bambi-eyed stare. Hikara twitched, again. "Do you see that area over there?" He pointed, and Hikara and Okami looked over. "That's where the boys plays, you girls will not be allowed over there. They don't need you messing with their games, and getting in the way." Hikara twitched yet again. The gymnastics apparatuses were over there.

Whatever anger Hikara had that had ebbed away during first period was back, times ten.

"Now, you sissies sit there. These are your locker assignments," he tossed them two sheets of paper, "your combinations are on them. Now give me your sizes, so that I can order your uniforms." Okami mumbled a reply. Hikara grudgingly gave him her size.

If anyone asks, they will be hurt. Badly. Think a thousand Yulis, but worse.

[Touma, and Akio, in one room. Put Tamahome in there, and bada boom.]

[*boink* Going back to the story, leave that to your own demented mind.]

Hikara and Okami watched the goings on out on the gym floor. Peering over at the boys side, Hikara noted some very familiar faces.

"Ne, Okami-chan, don't those five playing basketball look familiar?" she whispered into Okami's ear.

"N?" Okami turned where Hikara indicated.

Playing basketball, all on one team, working like clockwork, were the Ronins. Their shirts clung to their sweaty bodies, lining their lean and muscular chests. Hikara sighed, pulling her feet away from the puddle of drool forming at her feet, of course, she wasn't helping with it either. She reached over and snapped Okami's mouth closed.

"Aww, dat's nah tahn." Ignoring her, Hikara snapped her own mouth close, but she didn't get her tongue. Of course, now she felt sorry for anyone who happened to run over this way until the janitors cleaned the court.

They continued watching the boys play, watching the Ronins win. They were so used to working together, it was a laugh to see anyone else try. Ryo, wiping his sweaty forehead with his sweaty arm (hence not doing much good in removing the sweat), jogged over to where they were sitting. His big blue eyes smiled down at them. Hikara reached over, snapping Okami's mouth closed once again.

"Dat's till nah tahn." Ryo blinked in confusion at them.

"Don't mind her, she has a tongue problem."

Rowen adopted a thoughtful expression, mulling that over in his over-active brain. Sage sighed, whether thanking the gods that it wasn't because of him, or in pity for his friend shall never be known. Kento grinned, apparently reaching the same conclusion as Sage. Cye shook his head, trying to hide the grin that threatened to cross his face.

Okami hung her head, a giant sweatdrop hanging from her head. That girl can say the most hentai things at time. Ryo decided to let it slide (which, really is the best thing, for both parties).

"Hi girls, my name's Ryo Sanada," he extended a hand. Okami grinned, reaching out.

"Hi Ri-chan!" Ryo froze, taken aback. "Erk, I meant Ryo. I'm Tira, and the one in the bitchy mood is Catsy." He still looked shocked/confused. "Anou..."

Hikara leaned over, whispering into Okami's ears. "I don't think we can use the -chan yet my dear, and these are not the Troopers."

"Troopers?" Hikara and Okami turned to Sage. Damn, that blond has some good hearing.

"Anou..." they chorused.

"It's a show Oka... Tira here is obssessed with," Hikara said, jerking her head at her friend.

"And I take it that there's a character named Ryo in there? Who's also called Ri-chan?" Rowen asked.

"Yes and no, and no" Hikara responded. "Y'see, it's not pronounced Ryo but Ryo, and no one ever actually calls him Ri-chan, except Oka... Tira."

[Is it just me, or is that just slightly confusing there? Ryo and Ryo. Okay, just so you all know, because someone didn't exactly do a good job at that. *glares at a certain person, who shall rename nameless, Okami-chan]

[What? I didn't do nothing!]

[Exactly. You didn't do nothing. *is still glaring at that certain, nameless person* Okay, that first Ryo is pronounced Rai-yo, that second Ryo is pronounced Rio, you know like that river, Rio Grande. ]

[No, no, it's Ryo Grande.]

And the insanity abounds. Here you were wondering what was wrong with this fic, well now you know. One word: the authors.

[That would be two, darling.]

Oh yeah? Well you try to make sense of this. I sure as hell can't.

[We are making since of it.]

[Okay, we can debate this later, on with the fic...]

[That keeps going and going and going and going and going and *boink* Ow.... X.X]

[Like I said, on with the fic.]

That keeps...

[*glares* You wanna feel the wrath of my stick.]

@.@ You have one? That's new to me. *bonk*

[Like I said, once more, on with the fic.]

"Oh..." was all that Rowen could think of saying. He needed time to ponder that, lots of time. What could this possibly imply? Could there be another them? Could there be another universe in which they were given different names? In which another them fought another Dynasty? Would it still be the Dynasty? Would there be nine armors or would they blow the whole thing up and add a tenth one... Kento reached over and accidentally on purpose hit his blue haired friend on the head. Nah, that's just too absurd.

Okami and Hikara watched in silence as the young man with extremely blue hair contemplate the works of the world and its many puzzles. The former of the two girls still clasping Ryo's hand. When she realized she was still shaking Ryo's calloused hand she grinned sheepishly and dropped her hand. Hikara grinned, that would probably break the world record of long hand shakes, just like last night would beat the world record of shaky hand shakes.

The brunette grinned, seeing the opportunity arise. He stepped forward, extending his hand toward Hikara. "I'm Cye Mouri."

She smiled, accepting his hand and shaking it politely. "Nice to meet you," she replied.

Kento stepped forward, grabbing both of their hands at the same time in each of his sweaty ones. "Hi, I'm Kento Shu," he said wile shaking their hands with much enthusiasm. Hikara's eyes twitched dangerously. Running, more like skipping, merrily on its way through her mind, were the words. 'Paws... Big. Sweaty. Paws.' Okami returned the handshake like any obedient dog.

The teacher, being the SOB, POS that he is, decided to notice the five boys hanging around the two girls (it shall remain unmentioned at this point about the SOB's sexual preferences). He tromped over to the bench, sending the boys back to the gym floor. They didn't argue much, avoiding the teacher's hands.

So the day passed, as they have a tendency to do (although it's really awful when you're trying to get an eyeful of someone and the day goes by, preventing you from doing so), and the girls found themselves in the lunchline.

"Ne, Hika-chan?" "Ne, Okami-chan?"

"Is this food?"

"I'm not sure."

"I think I saw it move."

"Dude, it's going, going gone. Hey watch out! Incoming school food over there!"

"Ne, who's who?"

"I don't know, there's too little action! I can't tell! Watch out over there the milk's crawling towards you!"

"I think this chicken wing can still fly."


*poit poit*

[We shall now move to them actually going outside without any food (because it ran away, wouldn't you?), to meet the Ronins on the lawn.]

[*singing* Moving right along, in search of good times... Umm, what was the rest of the song?]

[Hold on while I think....]

Anyhoo, moving right along, because if we wait for the author it'll be awhile and you all will get bored, and move right along to another fanfic.

[Quick! Akio them!]

[Rather than going into another long exposition over our contractual duties, Katarite-san, on with the story]

Thank you.

Tamahome and Tasuki prepared to fight, and Miaka watched in horror. Her hands covered her mouth, tears welling up. Of course this would be quite interesting if the story were about that. But no, instead it's about the Ronins. So anyhoo.

Hikara and Okami sat on the school lawn (come on, who else's lawn would it be?), they didn't have their lunch. The Ronin's looked up, some paused mid-bite, except Kento who could be heard snarffing in the background.

"Why don't you girls have anything to eat?" Cye asked.

"It looked like it could have gotten up and run away," Hikara replied.

"Kowaii desu yo! Kowaii yo!" Okami agreed.

"That's why we never buy it," Ryo said with a knowing nod.

Cye, being the nice guy he is, smiled. "I usually bring a little something for Kento, but you're welcome to have it." He didn't even look at Kento, hence missing the very dark glower that was switched between him and the girls. (Kowaii desu yo!)

"Arigatou Cye-chan," the two girls chimed.

Hence the two otaku enjoyed a very delightful lunch (please, it was cooked by Cye, not Ryo, if it wasn't good then something is seriously wrong!). Hikara however, didn't want to beg off of her 'new' friends all the time. She leaned over to Okami.

"Remind me to make lunch for us in the morning, kay?" Okami nodded, too intent on enjoying Cye's delicioso cooking to actually talk.

"Mmmmm.... Tama...."



********CUE COMMERCIAL BREAK**********

Yes, you too can become an excellent cook! Just order Suiko's Superb Cookbook! It can give such hints as 'Ask Cye!' as well as the marvelously brilliant 'Never let Ryo into your kitchen.' Order it now and receive a free 100% cardboard replica of the Suiko no Yari, it's bendable, it's flexible, and 100% safe for children under age 40.

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