Sorry it's so short, i haven't had much of a chance to work on it. This first chapter is from Edward's Point of View, and the nex will most likely be Bella's.
On a side note, in my opinion, Edward doesn't always think was just because of the events that had recently happened.
If you think it's worth continuing, please review!
Disclaimer: The characters, references, and the setting are not mine. They were created by the wonderful and talented Stephenie Meyer. I do not claim any of it.
As I beheld her sleeping, I was again, as I often was, amazed at how fortunate I was. Bella loved me, even though I could never deserve such a beauty. I would be in debt to the powers that put us together for the rest of eternity.
I watched her from the rocking chair in the corner of her room, listening to her even breathing and the gentle rhythm of her heart. Every beat reminded me just how much I needed her. I couldn't imagine not ever hearing her heartbeat again; it was the most important sound in the world to me.
I still couldn't understand it; why did she love me? I had hurt her time and time again, left her, lied to her, and my very existence put her at risk. I inwardly cursed myself at my own stupidity; in trying to do the "right" thing, I forced my family to move, made myself so unhappy that I couldn't even be around my family because I was so distraught, and, worst of all, I hurt Bella more than anyone has ever hurt her in her life. That's not mentioning my suicide attempt that very nearly killed us both. I will never be able to make up for all of that, even if I live the rest of eternity. I am still incredulous that she actually forgave me.
What did I do to deserve such an angel? One that is such a warm, loving, forgiving, and caring person? I will never love anyone as much as I love her.
I stood from where I was sitting, and crossed the room to the side of her bed. I gazed down at her angelic face, unable to look away. My eyes grazed over her face, taking in all of her features. Her pale eyelids, her soft, slightly pink cheeks, the delicate curve of her jaw line, her full lips that were, in my opinion, the softest feature of all. Her gorgeous brown hair framed her beautiful face. I reached out and gently brushed a lock that was resting on her cheek aside, my fingertips barely brushing her warm skin. I sat down on the edge of her bed, thinking.
Why does she want this? Why would she want to be a monster? Bella has told me a number of times that it was because she wanted to be with me for the rest of eternity, but it is still hard for me to fathom. She wanted to be a vampire, and it was my entire fault. I should have never talked to her, better yet, completely avoided her since the day we met. I knew that was what I should've done, but I also knew I could never have avoided such a fascinating and beautiful creature. I was so selfish…I didn't deserve an angel. Now the angel tried to convince me to condemn her to an eternity of night, and I was self-centered enough to agree. I wanted to be with Bella for the rest of my existence, and I knew that she did too. But she deserved better than I could give her, she deserved to be able to have kids, grow old, and die only to end up in heaven.
I still was uncertain that she made the right decision a few weeks ago, when she chose me over him. I've never seen her that upset before. I've never seen her cry like that. Would she have been happier with him? Would she have been better off with the werewolf rather than the vampire?
All of these thoughts were running through my head, when Bella's eyes fluttered open. As awareness dawned on her face, I saw the answer to my questions in her eyes. Her eyes were so full of love that I couldn't doubt how much she loved me. She reached her hand out to touch the side of my face and I saw the other reassuring answer; the diamond ring, her engagement ring to be precise, was very visible on her finger. I smiled as I saw it, realizing that in a few short months she would be my wife. I closed my eyes when I felt her hand press against the side of my cheek, enjoying the warmth. I raised my hand to hers, moving it from my cheek to my lips, lightly kissing the back of it, and inhaling deeply. I loved the way she smelled. Words cannot describe it; it is the most amazing scent I have ever smelled in my long life.
I opened my eyes slowly, and met her gaze with my own. She seemed completely awake now, eyes watching me intently.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I whispered quietly so Charlie wouldn't wake up, but Bella would still be able to hear me. As far as I could tell, he was still dreaming, his thoughts incoherent in his current unconscious state. Bella just smiled, and moved so she was sitting cross-legged next to me.
"I don't mind." She responded in a whisper, resting her head on my shoulder. I tilted head to press my lips into her hair, chuckling quietly. She looked up at me and smiled, her heart stuttering hyperactively. I smiled in response, and leaned in to press my lips against hers. The kiss was soft and sweet, and I reluctantly pulled away; it was 4:00 in the morning, and Bella needed more sleep.
"You should go back to sleep, love."
"I'm not tired anymore" She contradicted, but then yawned involuntarily. I smiled uncontrollably at this as I swept her up into my arms, and cradled her against my chest. I placed her gently down onto her bed and lay carefully down beside her, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her towards me until she was resting against me. I buried my face in her hair, deeply inhaling once again.
"Edward?" She asked, but I could tell that she was about to fall asleep.
"Yes, love"
"I love you."
"I love you too, Bella, more than you could ever imagine. You are the most beautiful being in my world, and that will never changed. I love you with every part of me, and want to spend the rest of eternity with you." I whispered into her ear, hugging her closer to me. She was asleep then, her breathing becoming deeper and more even. I spent the next few minutes tracing invisible patterns into her arm with my fingertips, waiting to hear her talk in her sleep. That was my favorite part of watching her at night. My heart swelled until it felt like it was going to burst every time she said my name. As if on cue, Bella began her "sleep-talking".
"Edward?" She mumbled, snuggling further into my chest. "Edward ...I love you, Edward." She sighed contentedly whispering my name again. I kissed the top of her head.
"I love you too, Bella." I whispered; my voice barely audible in her dark room. I tilted my head to press my lips under her jawbone, wondering how I got so lucky. Bella was more than I deserved…so much more.
I closed my eyes and listened to my love's heartbeat. I loved the way it sounded, and I knew that once it stops beating, the pattern it previously had will forever be embedded into my conscience.
Before I knew it, it was almost time for Charlie to be waking up. I was so focused on my thoughts, that I hadn't realized how much time had passed. I carefully got up from the bed and kissed her forehead chastely before I crossed the room to her window.
Normally I would have stayed until after Charlie left, but Bella and I had to begin making wedding plans today, and I needed to make a few preparations before she awoke. I slipped out of her window and onto the soft damp grass below. I glanced back once more to see Bella's darkened window, knowing that my angel was asleep just beyond it. I could still faintly hear her heartbeat, the soft rhythm calming me, as I began to run towards my house.
As I neared the house, I became aware of my family members' thoughts. Of course, Alice was already aware of my presence and directed her thoughts to me.
"Edward? Hurry up; we have a lot to do before Bella wakes up…" Her thoughts sounded anxious, and I chuckled at her eagerness. Bella had recently given her free-reign on our wedding, and Alice had started the planning immediately.
When I reached the porch, Alice was already waiting for me, practically jumping up and down in excitement.
"Are you ready to go now?" She thought impatiently, her forehead creasing in aggravation. I nodded, choking back laughter. She playfully punched me in the arm, and began running with me right behind her.