I Have recently combined the first two chapters!!!

Okies people…

Definition of Disaster –applause-


Disclaimer I don't own…Takahashi does…blah, blah, blah…


A small hammer beat against a bell producing a high shrilling sound that seemed to initiate the swinging open of a door. It bounced back off the wall into the rush of students. A young girl caught the door with ease before it smacked her face, sending her sprawling backwards into a fast moving river of pupils. Her mouth was set in a line of worry and her eyes didn't have that normal sparkle every teen got when they are freed for the summer. She stepped outside.

The girl's raven black hair shifted as she scanned the school grounds before she took off running down the sidewalk.

"I'm sooo late! He's going to kill me!" Kagome thought as she sprinted. The trees that were lining her path shivered. She stopped. "What was that?" The young miko looked around her. A few pigeons, who were frightened for their lives when they saw Kagome running at them full speed, began to settle back down to their original spots on the ground. Her attention was now directed at the pigeons. She yelled, "Get out of my way you stupid birds! I'm late!!" She flailed her arms in an impatient manner.

"You're more than late." A very pissed hanyou jumped off some branch to stand in his normal "I-don't-care" or "I-am-sooo-ticked-off-right-now-but-I-am-refrianing-from-strangling-you" pose. Either way, Inuyasha had his arms folded across his chest with clawed hands tucked into his haori sleeves.

"Look Inuyasha, I'm sorry! I just had another test that I didn't know about until my friends told me last night when we went out to dinner-"

"So you went out to dinner instead of studying? That's a real smart way to waste you time, wench!" They both took a step closer to each other. Inuyasha still held his pose as he leaned into Kagome's face, glaring.

The girl, in turn, pinned the hanyou with a glare of her own. "You know what I was talking about!!! Don't you DARE take my words and twist them!! Jerk!" With her final word, the miko poked him in the ribs. The two were nose-to-nose.

"At least he was intelligent enough to wear the hat…" Kagome shook her head, breaking her glare. She sighed, "Can we just go?"

Inuyasha's glare softened for a split second until he shifted his gaze past Kagome, down the sidewalk. Under his hat, the hanyou prepared himself.

"KAAGOOMEE!!!" Said miko looked up at the man in front of her with apologizing eyes.

"Make this quick, wench." Inuyasha warned, never breaking his gaze from the three girls that always seemed to want the poor girl's attention.

Kagome slowly turned to meet the three. "Hey, girls! Um, I'm going to be kinda busy…um…in the next…" She hesitated. "What am I supposed to say? In the next couple of months? For the whole summer? I practically sold my soul when I told Inuyasha I wouldn't have school for the summer and could spend most of my time on his side of the well! Uhh! I'm so stupid!"

"Kagome?" Yumi ventured.

"Eh?" The girl dragged herself out of her thoughts.

"So…you'll be free for the fair next weekend?" Ami gushed, obviously excited.


"Come on, Kagome! You've barely had time to hang out with us since your flesh-eating bacteria have been acting up again! But now that you're better, you can-"

When Inuyasha saw the look on the miko's face he cleared his throat, "Uh, hey! What's that?" The hanyou seemed to be very amazed with something behind the trio's heads.

"What?" The girls whipped around simultaneously. It was just enough time for Inuyasha to grab Kagome and jump high over the trees, out of the three schoolgirls' sight. "I don't see anything." Eri pointed out.

They turned back around to find Inuyasha and Kagome gone. "Guess she had another attack and made her boy-friend take her home." Ami sighed undoubtedly in a romantic dreamland.

"Yeah." The other two girls smiled.


"INUYASHAA!!!" Kagome screamed as the hanyou positioned her on his back while flying through the air. "PUT ME DOWN-AAAHHHHH!!!" The miko squealed as her ride took a very steep plunge.

"Ha! As if! You were taking way too long for my taste, bitch!!" Inuyasha yelled back at his luggage as he leapt off another branch, shaking the leaves around them, high into the air.

"Inuyasha…" Kagome yelled, glaring at the back of his head. "Sit."


A little ways down a road and old couple sat in the middle of a well-forested park. They were talking of nothing, really. Just talking. Suddenly, the two were disturbed from their nothing-talk as they heard faint screams.

"...mother... FUCKING...BITCH!!!" A masculine voice bellowed.

"INUYASHA-AAHHHH!!!" A feminine voice squealed something like a name before it swooped up into a deafening screech.

The old couple desperately tried to cover each other's ears, not for the volume of the screams but for the cursing now coming from both voices. With wide eyes, the old man and woman watched as two forms came from out of the sky. One clad in bright red clothing, flapping about him, as he held a girl safely on his back and with glowing pink beads around his neck. And the other, the same girl on the silver haired boy's back, was furiously trying to secure her skirt around her butt so her underwear didn't show. It wasn't working.

The two kept falling. Then—


All birds in the wooded park squalled and shrieked at the sound…then returned to their doings.

When the dust cleared to reveal the silver-haired man and school girl, they were sprawled on top of each other with their contorted limbs sticking out every which way. The man was in a spread-eagle position under the girl and was mumbling something incoherent very loudly. Both hastily jumped up like they hadn't just fallen more than 100 feet out of the sky and began yelling in the other's face.

"OMIGOSH!! INUYASHA! I AM SOOO SORRY! I shouldn't have done that! I was so stupid!!!" The girl began to wail.

"DAMN RIGHT, BITCH!! You could have been injured! Or KILLED! What were you thinking?!?" The man clad in red rapped her head with his fist.

"OW! Hey! That hurt!" The schoolgirl rubbed her abused scalp and then continued to yell at the poor man. "OHH!!" The young man gave the girl a weird look when she produced something like a growl. "And you listen here mister! What gives you the right to drag me away from my friends without saying goodbye?!?"

They stepped closer to each other and the man pointed an accusing finger at her. "You call them your friends? They were practically forcing you to do this fair thing with them! When will we look for the shards then, huh?!"

"Shards? SHARDS?!?"


Kagome was mad. She was more than mad. She was furious! She was "$#&!" Oh, yeah. She was mad.

Just when she thought he was really concerned for her health he goes and says something like that. "SHARDS! That's all that matters to you!!!" The young miko looked close to tears when she buried her face in her hands.

"Uh…Hey! No! I mean…Ka-Kagome! Don't cry!" Inuyasha waved his hands in front of him, pleading; as he stooped down to take her by the shoulders. "Wench?"

"T-take me home…" She sniffed from behind her hands and whimpered. "I'm sorry. Just please, take me home."

"I didn't want for you to cry…Kagome? Can you walk? Did you get hurt from the fall? Do you need me to carry you?"

The old couple on the park bench watched as the younger couple before them went from argument to apologizing in five seconds flat.

When he got an affirmative from the miko, Inuyasha gently picked her up, placing the woman on his back. Then, for the first time, the poor hanyou realized that they had spectators. "What are you looking at?" He pointed a glare at the old man and woman and watched as they hobbled away, still in shock.

Kagome tweaked Inuyasha's ear after his comment and smiled at him when he just "Keh'd" over his shoulder. "You didn't have to be mean about it you know…Hey, where's you hat?"

She felt him shrug beneath her. "Guess it fell off."

At that moment, Kagome got that strangest urge to bite his twitching ear. No God probably knows what possessed her to do it (maybe not even the devil X3)…but she did.

When Inuyasha felt the girl's hot breath upon his furry appendage, a jolt of pleasure shot down his spine to his groin. And when her teeth grazed the edge of his ear…let's just say he got a little stiffer at one place on his body. "SHHIIIITT!" The hanyou doubled over, making Kagome slide off his back onto her bottom.

"Oof! What is it Inuyasha?"

"Keh." "As if she doesn't know!" "You can't just go around biting peoples ears!!"

"Eh…sorry." The young miko said in a small voice. She blushed.

"What'd you do that for anyway?" Inuyasha was starting to recover.

"Uh…Hey, um, I promise I'll never do it again…can we get going now? It'll be midnight if we keep this up. Then we will never make it to the other side of the well." Kagome awkwardly tried to change the subject.

At the mention of jewel shard hunting, the hanyou quickly picked the girl up and placed her on his back once again. "You're right. Let's go." He spat out gruffly. "Keh…that was weird…"


Leaves fluttered in the spring breeze, lifting a young girl's black hair to mingle with a hanyou's silver. Her black lashes eventually came to a rest on her cheeks as her breath evened out, a sure sign that the miko had fallen asleep.

Inuyasha's ears twitched and he smiled, noting how Kagome almost always slept (except for during battles) when she was on his back. Her delicate, pale hands were draped across his shoulders with her head sleepily lolling on his back. "Damn, limp wench." The golden-eyed boy muttered after, once again, shifting the girl into a better position so she wouldn't fall off. He gripped her thighs as she slowly began to slide off again. "Damn it." He whispered.

The hanyou soon realized that it would be much easier to carry her in his arms than to have her flopping on to the ground if he accidentally lost his weak hold on her on his back.

A few grunts and curses later, Kagome was safely cradled in Inuyasha's arms. The silver-haired man continued his trek to the shrine.

The pleasant spring breeze soon turned into a winter gale as the sun went down, causing the hanyou to draw the girl in his arms closer to his body in attempt to warm her. The harsh wind whipped Inuyasha's hair into his face, and then he felt Kagome shiver. "Shit." He thought about stopping to take off his haori and pull it over the young miko but then that would waste time.

The hanyou's feet came to a stop as he mentally punched himself. "Why aren't I running to the shrine?"

He took off at a sprint.


Inuyasha entered Kagome's house silently. With his keen sense of smell, he realized that the miko's family wasn't home. When closing the door behind him, the hanyou saw a note on the kitchen table. Being Inuyasha, he ignored it and set off for Kagome's room.

Right when he opened her door, he was met with the girl's delicious scent. Inhaling her smell as much as he could, so it would stay in his system like a drug with a much better high, the hanyou laid the young woman in his arms on to her bed. Kagome sighed but stubbornly kept a firm grip on his haori. When Inuyasha tried to pluck her thin fingers off the red fabric, she made a displeased noise at the back of her throat that sounded oddly like a growl. The hanyou's eyes widened and he blushed. Good thing she wasn't awake, or she would have definitely noticed how turned on he was by that growl.

Deciding that she wouldn't be letting go anytime soon, Inuyasha slipped down onto the bed with the small miko, blushing all the while, and silently laid there staring at Kagome's porcelain features. Being this close to the girl did not rid himself of his seemingly permanent blush, but it did allow him to officially confirm that there was not a single similarity between Kikyou and the woman before him. "One, she's not deathly pale…her face always has some kind of gentle glow to it. Her smile makes me want to smile…it's contagious. And her eyes. Pools of deep chestnut…What the fuck? I sound like some gay poet!" His face suddenly twisted into a snarl from the calm expression he had earlier. "She is kinda pretty though."

"KINDA pretty? KINDA pretty?!? She's beautiful!" At that thought from the side (more like corner) of his brain, that sounded annoyingly similar to Miroku, Inuyasha's eyes widened even more and his face suddenly resembled a ripe tomato. After a while, he cooled off and found that his hand was twitching from the urge to touch her cheek. The hanyou gave in. She was asleep after all. He saw Kagome smile as his clawed thumb stroked her under the eye.

"She is beautiful."


In the early morning…very early morning, sometime around two…long curtains blew in the gentle wind that was coming from a cracked window. The moon, obviously hidden by the sudden overcast, was not to be seen, along with the few stars that the naked eye could make out in the city. Therefore, the only light that washed over a young couple in a pink-themed room was from the never-sleeping city glow.

The rumpled sheets were strewn over the couples' bodies but were not necessarily needed for the young, silver-haired man was decked out in a thick looking red cloth as he embraced the young woman, who was facing him, draping his huge sleeves over her torso. He had also tucked her legs and feet under his, so he appeared to be protecting the woman from the breeze filtering through her cracked window.

The man shifted and unconsciously tugged the woman closer.

Their foreheads touched.

They brushed noses.

Their lips met.

It was as if something sparked in both of their minds because once their mouths locked, both pairs of eyes immediately snapped open.

Kagome's cheeks ignited, and a light blush revealed itself to the world on Inuyasha's face. But for a while, neither made a move to end the kiss. Hastily, and simultaneously, they both jumped away from each other. The miko, apparently down on her luck, fell off the bed and on her backside emitting an, "oof!" as the floor said hello to her butt. The hanyou, apparently stupid, backed into the wall, knocking it on his head.

At the same time, they whispered, "Sorry!"

Then Inuyasha took the floor, (AN-So to speak, of course, because Kagome was technically the one on the floor.) "I-I didn't…I didn't mean to! It-it was nothing!" He rubbed his injured head and didn't meet her eyes.

Kagome meekly nodded and looked away, blushing.

"S-so…don't look too much into it, wench." The hanyou seemed to add as an afterthought.

Eventually, their two gazes joined and both looked as if they were trying to interrogate each other without actually speaking.

"That…was…breathtaking." Kagome sighed, offering a small smile to the confused looking hanyou.

"Her lips were so soft. I wonder if she would mind…" Inuyasha took on an expression of surprise at his train of thought. "Damn it! Get your head out of the gutter!"

Suddenly, the man's brows furrowed as his furry, white appendages twitched.

The girl looked at him quizzically and whispered, "I-Inuyasha?"

"Shh." His ears began to move more rapidly, and then the sound of glass breaking filled the house.

Kagome's eyes widened in fear as she gasped, still whispering, "Inuyasha!" The young woman was instantly in his arms.

"Shh!" Everything was quiet for a while as he set the miko down. Grasping her arms, the hanyou looked into her eyes. "You stay here." He breathed, "I'll go find out what's happening."

"Inuyash-" Kagome began, frightened for him.

"Quiet, wench." He met her eyes again…lovingly? "You stay here. I'll be fine. Don't worry, Kagome, I'm going to protect you."

And with that, he silently left her room and closed the door.


HAHAHA!!! CLIFFY! Mwahaha…I am sooooo evil.

But you guys love me right? –dodges tomatoes-

-glares- Shup foos.

So…I decided to end the first chappie here. Good so far? –shrugs- I don't really care if you review cuz I hate it when people say, "I have to get 5 reviews before the next chapter, or I won't write anymore." Now, that's just crap. If you wanted to write the story in the first place, then you should finish it too:P

I have no frikkin idea where that "bite his ear" thing came from…SO DON'T ASK ME! XP

As Inuyasha always says,

