"Don't worry," he said soothingly, rubbing his tattooed hands across her pregnant belly reassuringly. "I'll be back before you know it."
She sighed. "I just wish I could go with you."
"But you can't," he reminded her gently. "What if the baby got hurt? What if you got hurt?"
She folded her arms over her belly and murmured, "I know. It's just… why does it have to be now, of all times?"
He rested his hands on her shoulders. "I'll be back before you know it, I promise. Just make sure to hold that baby in until I get back, okay?"
She smiled up at him and pressed a kiss to the tip of his blue arrow. "Okay. But no more than a week, all right?"
"It's just a small uprising," he told her, grinning. "I'll have it in four days, tops."
She laughed along with him before brushing her lips to his for one last kiss. "I love you," she murmured against his pale skin.
Gray eyes met blue. "I love you too, Katara."
And like that, he was gone.
The days passed, slowly but surely.
She folded the laundry. No Aang. She dusted the shelves. Still no sign.
(One day.)
She swept the floor. Fears came trickling in.
(Two days.)
She invited Sokka and Toph over for a visit. Not a single word.
(Three days.)
She stewed sea prunes. No sight of her husband.
(Four days were long gone.)
She looked only to the skies and began to feel ill.
(Five days.)
She gave birth to her son.
(Six days.)
She received word that Aang had died in combat three days ago.
(Seven days.)
No more than a week.
She cried at the cradle of her infant son, a Waterbender, the Avatar, the reincarnation of Aang. He had promised her he would return in no more than a week, and he had kept his promise.
Author's Notes: Take a minute to think about this, everyone. Aang is his own son.
I think I read somewhere that M&B said that the next Avatar is born within a week of the old Avatar dying (but don't quote me on that - it might've been fanfic), and thus the crackiest fic ever was born. Yes, Aang is his own son. I just feel bad for Katara - her husband is reborn as her son. Now that's just messed up. Family counceling, anyone?
Anyway, please review! I'm eager to hear some responses about this one.