There and back again.

Author's note: I don't own Bleach but I own this fanfiction so please review and let me know what you think about my very first story.


The young man looked at a fully developed woman, hoping that

She wouldn't betray his trust in certain issues. Giving some last instruction to his men, he departed spreading an aura of ice and iron determination.

This man was Hitsugaya Toushirou, the feared and respected captain of the 10th division.

It had been 26 years since the betrayal of Aizen Sousouke and many things had changed in Soul Society. The war had exhausted mentally many shinigamis. After the war a great part of those who survived quitted and returned into leaving in Rungokai. The shock of the betrayal made everyone more suspicious and alerted, so something like that would never happen again.

However, as big and deep were the injuries the situation wasn't that bad. Aizen had suffered some unexpected betrayals too. The first one was this of Grimmjaw. The 6th Espada excused his actions by telling that he was a rebel, held unbelievable hate for Aizen and he had the eternal desire to fight Kurosaki Ichigo. The outcome was he to be welcomed to a club, formed by Zaraki Kenpachi, which had as a goal the "elimination" of Ichigo.

The second one who departed from Las Noches was Ulquiorra. He excused this move by saying that he realized that men like Aizen shouldn't be trusted, because they wouldn't really appreciate the efforts of those who helped them. The truth was that he had gained a special relationship with Inoue Orihime at the time of her capture and he wasn't willing to lose it in favor of a (obviously) mad man's plans.

The last departure was the one who left everyone with their mouth open. Ichimaru Gin returned back to Soul Society. It was said that the desire for power wasn't enough to drown the natural talent for mischief of the fox-faced captain. Some other rumors said that Ichimaru returned because he had left something or someone to be precise back at Seireitei. Despite the reasons he was forgiven and continued his duties as the captain of 3rd division.

By proving his real strength and courage during battle, Ichigo managed to become 5th division's captain. His father was welcomed back and was given the captainship of 9th division. So the whole Kurosaki family moved to Soul Society. That would mean that Ichigo's group would be separated but it didn't. Inoue married Ulquiorra and received a special position in the 4th division. Grimmjaw went to live with them as a cook because Inoue's cooking still sucked but he turned to be their children's baby-sitter. After sometime Ishida married Nemu to Mayouri's great disappointment that such a good experimental object become his son in law and he would never be able to test him. Ichigo's and Rukia's many and legendary arguments had as a result their marriage, so that they could argue officially. So the only choice left for Chad was to follow them. He opened a bar inside Seireitei which was really popular among certain shinigamis.

Time had healed most shinigamis' hearts but there was a certain short white haired captain who would never forget. Hitsugaya had lost his most precious thing during the war. Hinamori Momo died because of the wounds of the former captain of 5th division. Unohana taichou wasn't sure whether her death was caused by physical or mental cause. Hitsugaya didn't care about that he only knew that he had allowed the death of the person who had changed his whole word.

Long ago before he wielded Hyourinmaru he knew that his nature was this of a dragon. No one was able to tame him whichever method he used. He was free, cold and proud. But all these changed when he met his bed-wetter Momo. She didn't try to tame him like all the other annoying adults he had met so far. She just smiled. It was just a smile but it had the power to send away the winter of Hitsugaya's heart. He never forgot and he never told anyone about that, he pretended that nothing had changed. When she left in order to become a shinigami he didn't feel angry with her for leaving him behind. He was blaming himself for not telling her how important she was to him, and which were his real feelings for her.

When she met Aizen he felt his world crumbling. There was someone else she admired and most important he was able to protect her. That led him to the decision to become a powerful shinigami. And he succeeded it. He became the youngest captain ever.

Hinamori all this time was sharing her care to those two men. No one was able to tell who she loved the most, and for a long time she seemed happy for being with both of them. But the time before the betrayal she stared showing more affection for her captain. Hitsugaya believed that, that was probably his doing.

When he learned about her death he disappeared for a week. Not even Matsumoto knew where he went. She was certain that he had escaped somewhere to cry, away from curious eyes. When he returned his face was emotionless and remained like that. He had the personal pleasure to be the one along with Ichigo who brought Aizen's death. He soon gained the height he wanted so that there was none to make fun of him. Matsumoto was observing all these but she wasn't able to do anything, but showing respect to his problems. She had tasted for a while the despair of losing someone you love too. He repaid her for that by considering her one of the few people who could call friends of his. Those friends were now counted at one hand.

And the time proceeded like that but it seemed that father time hadn't noticed that there was already someone in Seireitei who would agitate the tranquil surface of water.

That's all please now press that nice litlle purple and leave a review Thanks