Alright here it is! Chapter two! Well chapter one...part two...heh...anyways! Thank you to my two reviewers! I couldn't have done it with out you!

Taboo Love-as you can see I decided to progeress with the story. and here is the next chapter! I can't wait to see how Danny And Vlads relationship progesses as well. And trust me it WILL be a slash...Yay! for slash!


"Hey you!" Danny yelled at the ghost that was flying high above the city. It was a ghost like he had never seen before. It looked like a giant flaming phoenix, only its flames were a greenish-teal then a fiery red. Its wing span had to have been a good six feet.

The phoenix looked to him, its piercing red eyes seemed to look right though the boy. He did not look like a happy birdy.(sorry...I couldn't resist!) The glare he gave Danny sent shivers down his spine. He was now starting to regret going after this ghost. But he had to shake it off, it was to late now to go back.

The phoenix had a glint of a smirk come across his beak "My, my another halfa. Two in one day. Master will be pleased when he receives the news." With those words spoken he dived at the boy his beak at Dannys' chest gripping him with his sharp claws piercing his skin causing Danny to scream in pain, but the real pain was about to come. They fell faster and faster from the sky and soon there was a crash so loud you could hear it for what seemed a mile a way.

Danny laid in a small crater the large phoenix standing over him spreading his brilliant wings. "My, that wasn't much of a challenge at all. I was hoping for a bit more of a fight."

Danny grunted weakly closing his hands, balling them to fist and threw a punch at the phoenix.

The phoenix just laughed capturing Dannys arm in his beak and tighten his jaw. You could hear the bones cracking under the pressure then snapping. Danny hollered out in unbearable pain. The phoenix flapped his wings just once getting some lift into the air and whipped his head throwing Dannys body out of the crater and into a near by wall. "You should have stayed down. Now I am going to teach you a lesson on minding your own business." he said extending his claws.

As he came closer and closer Danny was sure he was going to be killed. That was until a large blast of purple ecto hit the phoenix. Standing at the end of the alley way was a much more familiar ghostly figure. .

The pheonix hissed "I thought I took care of you already."

"You really thought you could get rid of me that easily?" he retorted raising an eyebrow, sending another ecto blast at the phoenix

"It seems I have underestimated your ability." The Phoenix hissed "But mark my words. It will NOT happen again." He cut a hole to the ghost zone and flew though it.

Vlad grunted getting down on one knee clutching his left shoulder that was covered by his cape to hide the damage the bird had done to him. He was thankful the pheonix did not stay and fight or he would have been in for a world of trouble. He knew there was no way he could go a second round.

Slowly he was able to get back to his feet and fell back to his tattered human form to conserve what energy he had remaining. Stumbling over to damage he quickly realized that the boy had taken a far worse beating then he had. Danny was battered and beaten his arm that the pheonix had clasped on too was bent in unnatural was. severely broken that was for sure.

"Vlad..." Danny groaned in pain, by some miracle he was still awake fully aware of everything around him and of the pain that coursed though his body. "You saved me...why?"

"I told you...I'm not a bad person." He said in a soft tone that seemed to go against his nature completely.

Danny nodded slightly in response closing his eyes slipping into a state of unconsciousness.