Ok this is a new one. I know my stories are usually Jiley, but i had this idea. hope ya like!

Plese excuse spelling errors...i'm tired and just really wanna get this up. R&R PLEASE

Disclaimer: Miley still insits Her sho aint mine...oh well...shes right...for now:

Seven Years Later

Chapter One

If you want to disapeaar,you can. If you want something hard enough, you can get it. To dissapear all you do is erase all traces of yourself. and poof, your gone.

But some people think that if they dissapear, its like juyst leaving life frozen on the day, the minute, the hour, the second that you left. like its a canvas, with your blank outline, waiting neatly for you to return. but it not like that. When you leave, dissaper out of your life, things go on. and when you go back, you may find a big suprise.

A lot can happen in seven years. People change. feelings change. familys change. lives change.

7 years ago,I left my home, friends, family and boyfriend. I ran, because Igot scared. So i ran. I made myself dissapear. A month after i left without a trace, i found out that i was prgnant. i was 16, and going to have a baby. That would be overwhelming, unberable even, for some people. But like my daddy always said. I was strong. I graduated High School before the babyy was born. I got a job as a receptionist, and then managed to go to night school. Now, seven years later, I Miley stewart, have a seven year old daughter, Marissa Lillian Olivia Miley Oaken Stewart.

But she does'nt know about the Oaken part.

Yes. Oliver had been my boyfriend.

I had loved him. and i ran, because i was scared. scared that he didn't feel the same way. Because i had seen him kissing someone else. I was scared that if i told him, then, everything would fall apart. I had loved him. I still do.

We had sex once. For like, 20 minutes. And i had gotten pregnant.

But, like i said, A lot can happen in seven years.

So this is where this story begins. I'm living in Ontario Canada, with 7 year old Missy (Marissa).

This story begens 7 years after Brown haired, sixteen year old, Miley Stewart/Hannah Montana Disapeared. Now i am 23 year old Destiny Stewart. With Light brown, Almost brown hair. I am a Wedding planner. And thats where this story starts...

Oliver's POV. Malibu, California.

It's been about 7 years since Miley Stewart, the girl i loved, disapapeared. Gone in the blink of an eye. God i missed her. I was still close with her family. Lily and Jackson where getting married. But i havent dated in seven years. not once. I Missed Miley. None of new what had happened to her. If she was even alive. We just had to have hope she'd come back. But i think i was running out.


"Mommy!" Came Missy's scream. I got out of bed, put my robe on and went down the hall of my apartment to her room.

"What baby?"

"I need my insulin, so i can go to school. What should i wear. today is picture day?" she said.

Marissa is a diabetic. i helped her pick clothes out, then i injected the insulin i had to give her through a shot in her thigh twice a day. "You get dressed while mommy gets dressed for work, thrn we'll go out for breakfast. okay?"

She nodded.

I went back to my room. as i shuffled throught the drawrs, i found the picture of oliver i kept in there. If only i had stayed. Maybe it was time to take Missy and go home... I thought. No miley. NO.

I pulled on a Ankle length black skirt, a pink Cami and a White sweater. I grabbed my brief case and purse, then we left.

3 hours later, i am in a meeting with my boss.

"Destiny," Deanna Kennly, My boss, Said. "Halley Greene want you transferred."

Halley greene was the owner and founder of Halley Greene's wedding planers. "where?"

"To the head shop, in Malibu California." She said.

My heart stopped. I had always planned on raising my children there. Continuing being Hannah. Marring and raising kids. I wantred Missy to know her father,. Evenn if it meant a wold of heartbreak to me. I guess it was now or never. If everyone hates me, then they hate me. But it was now or never..



Icarried my half asleep daughter in to the little room of my new office at the headquarters. She couldn't start school yet, so for the past week she casme with me. They didn't mind. I was getting my first clients today. I havent had time to even look at the folder. I hadn't contacted any of my family or friends yet.

Any way.

"so. hunny what mavie." I asked.

"Mommy i dont want to watch a movie. I wanna be with you." She whined.

"Baby i know. but mommy has to work. Tomorrow i dont. we can spent the day together. We'll go shopiung and we'll do evry thing. the two of us" i said.

"she resined and gave a small nod. I made shure she was okayu, put the movie on, then went to my office. I began filling out the school forms. For the nurse. She needs special ones for her condition. I had already filled them out, but the sent them back. questions. I put my headset on and dialed the number. I was facing with my back to the door.

I was argueing with the nurse. "Yes Ms. Dupree," I practically yelled. "My daughter is seven and she is a diabetic. I am currently trying to fill out these forms i was sent. But see, I dont have the Fathers information...Yes i understand...no i can't get it...no...Marissa hasn't ever known her father. No i am not currently in contact with him. I have my information...Listen Ms Dupree. I am the frigen single mother of a 7 year old diabetic! I havent spoken to her father since befor my baby was born. i havent seen anyone from my family iun a while. I caan tell you their names thats it. Marissa has never known her father, and i cant get that info to you at this time. so if you dont take her i will effing sue ytou to kingdom come. Just because she is diabetic and i ama single mom and cant get you some stupid information, she has every damn right as everyone else. If you don't take her with the infor i can give you, thn i will sue your effing but to kingdom com..."

"DESTINY!" I heard the sharp voicde from behind.

I turned and saw my secretary. "Your clients are waiting," She said, pointing to the chairs infront of my desk. I didn't look at them.

"Thank you Lillian. I will be right with them. I'm tryinmg to take care of Missys school forms. Ill be off in a sec." She nodded, then walked off.

"Yes i'm here, Ms dupree. I apologize...i'm just stressed. I'll give you thee info i can later. Thank you...thank you. Good bye." I sighed, haning up.

As i was about to turn to the clients, the alarm on my clock wne off. "Damn." I saifd to myself. I'll have to wait a minute to give Missy the insulin. I turned as i said, "Hello sorry about that. I'm you wedding planner, counsultnt and director, Destiny Stewart." I siad, Looking at the papers as i spoke. I gasped as i read them

Groom: Jackson Rod Stewart

Bride:Lillian Ann Truscott

Maid of Honor: none as of now

Best man: Oliver Oaken

Giving Bride away: Robbie Ray Stewart

Lily and...JACKSON!!!

Witch means when i looked up id see My bestfriend and brother. My dad and...Oliver. Oh god.

Before looking up, i decided to give myself time. "Excuse me, i have to give my daughter her insulin injetion. While i'm gone, please look at these albums of previous weddings i've done..." i said, standig up, gestureing to the album.

I staightened my skirt as i went. I opened tohe door to find...no missy. "Marissa!?" I yelled. "Baby!? MARISSA!?" I screamed, totally freked out.

I ran to the door. "LILLIAN!!!" I yelled at my secritary. "HAVE YOU SEEN MISSY?"

"Destiny just calm down.."

"No y'all need to help me find my baby. Missy is all i have." I yelled, My southern accent quickly coming back.



I had never seen her look scared of me. She ran to the small room whee she hung out. I ran after her. "Missy! Baby i'm sorry. i was just scared." I said.

She stood there, crying. "Baby. You are all mommy has. I just..." She cut me off.

"Yea well that isn't my fault! You could have been like normal peopl and m,arried my daddy before you had me! That way i'd acually know him and i wouldn't be such a bother to you."

"honey i just want.."

"you know what i want? I want to know my Daddy like NORMAL kids. I want to know my aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents! I want to have a normal family. But you just shut them out. Ive never even met my father! You just WORK WORK WORK! All the time. This is california. I'm going to be the wierd girl with the workaholic mom who does'nt care! And I have like 5 middle names! I wish you weren't my mom! I wish mom was...Hannah Montana! eah She'd care about me. But she disapeared. But then again, you made my family disapear. I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU. I HATE MY LIFE! I HATE...EVERYTHING! ANDI NEED MY STUPID INSULIN! SO GIVE IT TO ME!" With tears streaming down my face, i silent ly gave it to her. As soon as i set foot out the door, she slammed it shut.

Suddenly i got Mad at her. She wanted the truth. fine. I shopved the door opened, and grabbed her hand. I gently pulled her out to the room. I looked up and saw people i havent seen in so long. They where silently staring at me. "Okay Marissa. You wanna know your family? Fine. Here is your grandfather, your uncle, your aunt. And you wanna know your father? Fine. Heres your father. Mr Oliver get me pregnant then behind my back go and cheat on me Oaken. So there it is Marissa. I left them. I left because i was scared. Because i loved him but i wasn't shure he felt the same way. Then i had you and you where my joy. But obvciously you hate me for doing what i had to do. So congradulaations Marissa. Your a normal person with a norml family. You middle names. Lillian. Your aunt Lilly. Olivia? Cause i liked it. Miley?Cause its my real name. Oaken because i loved him and it is one of yuouyr last names. Oh and wanna now something else? Congradulations! you mom is Hannah Montana. I am...was Hannah montana. So you know what. Oliver?", Whipping around and looking at him. the Hot face. the deep eyes. the sexy body. "Congradulations Oliver. Your a dad. Meet your daughter. And even though i'm the one whos raised her, and i've only worked this much because i love her and want to take care of her, she hates me. So i guess she wants you." I said. Then, tears streaming down my face, i turned and walked out of the room.


Oh My God. I'm a dad. I saw miley again. Oh god. I stood there, with everyone staring at the door that Miley had disapeard behind. The Little girl stood her back to us, looking at the door her mom had dissapeared behind. After a minute, she walked to the door. She pounded on it. "MOMMY! I'm sorry. I dont hate youy. I love you. I'm sorry. You are the best mommy ever. IM SORRY. I dont want to EVER leave you. You dont need to lie to me. I dont mind not know ing my family! I need you! I need you. I love you. Mommy let me in." Then the door opened. Miley Pulled the little girl in to her arms.

The door to the lobby opened. The secretary pocked her head in."Destiny, what is all the racket? You have clients. If Halley hears about this she is so going to forbid you from bringing Marissa...Or shell fire you."

Miley, still hugging the little girl, said, "Lil, cancell my appointmets for the next week. I may have duties here, but my first ones are to my daughter...and some...others i have to explain things to. If she wants me, then shell wait. I'm a mom. and thats the most important jobi have."

The lady looked shocked then nodded and rushed out.

Miley continued to hug the girl. "Missy, baby im sorry. Your right. I shouldn't be working all the time. and you should know your father."

"But mommy," Tthe little girl, Marissa, said. "You dont have to lie. I dont want Hannah Montana for a mommy. Because your the best. and I'll wait. I'll meet my dadddy when tyou say i can."

Miley finally pulled away. "Well, baby. I really am Hannah Montana. And You get to meet your dad...today. Just go asd wait in that room So i can help these people, and then, ill take you to meent him."

The little girl broke out in a smile. The Hugged miley, then wenty in toi the room, shutting the door behind her. Miley goit up, then dissapeared behind a door. five minutes later she reapeared. She had fixed her make up.

Robbie Ray and Jackson had tears in there eyes. Lils was staring as though she didn't believe it. I was dazed.

She stood in front of us. "I...I...Um...I..." She stuttered. Tears began to fall again.

We where all silent. Then Lily Spoke. "Miley? I cant believe its you...I.."

Then Rbbie Rayu went to her, and wrapped her in a hug.


I missed this hug. My Daddy. All that I had left behind. "Daddy. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. So so so so so so so sorry. I was stupid, and scared, and i left. And...I'm sorry." I said through my tears.

"Baby its okay. But dont ever dissapear withut a trace again. I love you. We all love you. You have know idea how much we missed you" He said.

When he pulled away, Jackson took his place. "Hey lillte sister. Dads right. We missed you. Why did you run off?"

Then Lily. "Miley! I missed you so much. Why didn't you call. I missed you!" She squeled, way to fast. Same old Lily.

When she pulled away, i said to every one, "sit down."

They sat. Well all exept oliver. He stood. He had gotten hotter. And sexier. I still loved him. But i doubt he loved me. I told them. I told them how i had seen oliver with that girl, and got overwhelemed. How i didn't wanna tell him about my feelings. So i ran. And then i hand Missy. and when Missy got diagnosed with diabetes. and now, how hard it had been. When i was done Oliver Finally spoke.

"So you just kept from me that i'm a dad. That Child is mine to Miley. You had no right to do that. I missed seven years of her life. You should'nt have left. And when you found out you where pregnant you shoudt have come back. I would have stood by you. I would have been there. I LOVE YOU MILEY. Ive been wondering what happened to you for 7 damn years. I LOVE YOU! Becca kissed me. I didn't want to kiss her. I LOVE YOU. More then anything. I always have. And I ALWAYS will. I want to know my daughter. Be a real family. I love you, Miley Rae Stewart." He said. Then he stepped towards me, and put his arms around mme, kissing me passionatly.

AN: Okay this is Chapter one. I know it is different then most of my stories, But i am beggening to like Moliver. Dont worry, i still like Jiley, but now ill be doing both types of stories. So i hope you like this. I have more chapters planned, so let me know if you like. And even though i just started to write this, i'd like to thatnkl all my readers of my other stories. Your reviews encourage me, so please keep them coming. kharen thanks a millions for reading and reviewing my other stories, i hope you will do the same with this one.

I'm going to maybe update Jake and Miley Ryan...ths weekend/ week. So be on the look out!!