Disclaimer: Still don't own Yugioh…yada yada yada yada.

Warnings: mild language, Anzu confronting Yami and Yuugi, and other stuff.

Part 4: Karma

Chapter 13: Desperation…Oh Boy

Anzu couldn't help but glare at the new couple with her azure eyes. It made her sick pretty much. They would walk around everywhere. The park, the city, the pond, the amusement and water parks…anywhere! Worst of all, she hated inviting them to her home, the place where it pretty much started. Plus, to have a boy with one who she deeply loved…her envy grew darker every time she saw them together.

So it was pretty much a month later after the announcement. Anzu sat in her room alone with a large school text book in her hands. The studying seemed to take her mind off of things…at least for about 20 minutes. She sighed and shut the book. There was only one way to get rid of this nightmare once and for all…she had to break them up, but how? Yami and Yuugi were pretty much inseparable. Kill them? No way. She had better ideas then that. Seduce Yami? No. The 2 of them would've known it was planned…but what about seducing Yuugi? Nah. That wouldn't work either. Well, the other idea was at least trying to convince them that it's not right for them to be together…she could save those other 2 ideas for later.

Anzu opened up her wardrobe, looking for some good clothing. It couldn't be too sluttish nor too sweet or quiet. A blue tank top didn't seem like a bad idea along with some dark jeans and blue sneakers. She took a look at herself in the mirror. Perfect.

She ran downstairs and out of the house, making her way to the game shop when a car started to follow her as she was about to leave her block. She recognized the driver to be Honda.

"Like the new ride? I just got my license!"

Anzu smirked.

"It looks new…for now anyways. Congrats!"

"Thanks. Need a ride somewhere?"

"Nah. I'm good. What're you doing here anyways?"

"Actually" Honda answered, halting the engine and getting out of the car, "I came to talk to you"

"Ok. Shoot"

Honda took a deep breath and smiled.

"You ever get that feeling that when someone is around you…you can't help but to stare and want the person so badly for yourself?"

Anzu sighed.

"Yea. I know what you mean"

"You know you can't have them though and you're afraid to tell because you feel that there wouldn't be a friendship any longer?"

"Not really. Why?"

"Because…" Honda began, "It's you"

"What did I do?"

"You stole my heart. That's what you did"

"…Wow um…this was unexpected"

"I know…but I was too afraid, but what do you say? Would you at least wanna be my girl?"

Anzu looked at him blankly and laughed for about a straight minute.

"Why in the hell would I fall for someone like you? As likely as I would is as likely as you would cut your hair for once"

"I'll cut it then"

"That's not the point. I don't like you like that. Never have. Never will. There's someone out there that I really want…and he's all I need"

Anzu turned around, going back on her journey to the Kame Game Shop. As for Honda, he just stood there with his head down.

Chapter 14: Why?

Remember, Anzu thought, Stay strong on this.

Anzu knocked on the front door of the Game Shop where Solomon answered the door.

"Hey there" she said, "Is Yami or Yuugi home?"

"Yami is, but Yuugi is just out buying a few things" Solomon answered, "He's upstairs, waiting for him to get home".

"Thank you" Anzu replied, bowing as she took of her shoes and ran upstairs.

It had been a while since she had been at Yuugi's, but she still remembered her way around. She opened up the door, seeing a certain crimson eyed boy laying down on the bed. Anzu started blushing heavily. It wasn't because of the fact that Yami was in her presence…it's what he was wearing.


"Oh Ra! Uh…this…I…um…hey…how are you?" Yami stuttered.

Anzu giggled softly. Damn. She forgot her camera. Yami, covering the only piece of clothing he had on (undies), rose out of bed and quickly hid his entire body under the covers…not wanting her to see.

"I can explain…"-

"I see where you're going with this…and I'll just agree to forget about it"


By the look on his face, Anzu could tell he was pretty much embarrassed as hell right now.

"So I'm guessing this isn't the right time to talk, is it?" she asked.

"No, no it's fine. Go ahead. I just didn't expect to see you here at this time" Yami answered.

Anzu sat down on the bed next to him and the only words that came out of her mouth were:

"What made you choose Yuugi?"

The pharaoh blinked.


"Why did you fall for Yuugi?"

"I don't know…I guess I've always have known I would. I guess that I have certain tastes"

"If you weren't gay, would you have chosen me?"


"Would you have loved me if you weren't gay?"

"…I don't know…gay or not, I think all I see is a friendly connection between us. I understand that you still love me…but you just gotta face the facts that I don't like you in that way"




"Do you understand?"


After a moment of silence, Anzu headed out for the door without saying a word. She couldn't say goodbye…that was like giving up. That's when she accidentally bumped into someone with a bunch of groceries in their hands. It was Yuugi…

Chapter 15: Do You Understand Now?


"Oh! Hi, Anzu! Didn't see you"


"Something wrong?"

"Pretty much"

"What's wrong?"

"You think about it"

"…I give up"

Anzu sighed, crossing her arms.

"Remember when I talked to you a month ago?"

"Not really…since you haven't been talking to me much"

"I told you to stay away from Yami"

"I don't have to listen to you now, do I?"

"That's not the fucking point! Yami is gonna be mine somehow and you just don't see it coming"

"Well who the hell decided that you're queen here, bitch?"

Anzu's eyes were wide as a TV set. What did Yuugi just say to him?


"You heard me. You just don't understand, do you?"

Anzu continued to blink. He called her a bitch. Yuugi's face was pretty much darkened.

"Yami and I are in love. We have been in love and we hope to still be together. Yami and I are gay. There is no way to change who we are. Our bond is strong and not even someone like you can break that. Give up already. The more you try, the more you'll just hurt yourself"

Yuugi gathered his groceries and headed home. Anzu watched him walk away. He was right…there seemed to be nothing she could do.

Sulking, Anzu walked home, noticing an ambulance near by. There were 2 cars crushed together on the side of the road. Anzu shook her head. What a shame. Then she froze. One of the people being carried away in the ambulance was Honda!