Hey! I was bored so I thought I'd start on another story! .

Summary: 1941-Kori Anders is finally engaged to the love of her life, Richard Grayson, and couln't be happier that is until the japanese launch an attack on Pearl Harbor and he's called off to war. Kori, afraid of losing him, refuses to sign up for the WAACs and insteads cross-dresses and gets into the army. The only questions she has are: How is she going to keep this up? How is she going to survive? and most importantly, What if Richard finds out?

Don't own The Titans or anything else used in my story.

I looked at the small diamond admiringly as I tied the ring around my neck on a small chain.

Kori I love you so much I want you to be mine forever.

Richard nothing in this world would give me more pleasure.

I cut my hair with much chargin but it had to be done.

Your hair is beautiful tonight Kor, don't ever change it.

Richard, please, you make me blush.

He doesn't suspect a thing. But I still wonder if he does.

Richard you can't do this! Why? Why did you even consider it in the first place?

I'm sorry Kor, please understand I'm doing what's right for the country.

The country? The Country! What about us!? What about everything you promised me?

I'll be back I swear to Kori. It's those damned Japanese that won't.

I put on the camoflauge outfit and tie my shined boots. I was ready.

Richard, you could die.

Then it's worth it to see you live freely.

I turned off the television and watched as that delightful mouse with the circular ears dissapeared into blackness. I made my way to the front door where the platoon car was waiting and locked the door to my house.

I love you Kor. Don't you ever forget that.

Richard please there's still time to back out!

I can't. It's for the good of the country Kori.

I understand.

Promise me you won't go off with some other guy while I'm gone?

Now why would I do that?

Your a sharp gal Kor, any man would drool over you knowing I'm not here to give them what for.

Don't die out there Richard. Promise me.

I will.

Come back to me safe Richard!


I love you.

I love you more than you'll ever know.

My lips still tingle at the memory of that final kiss. That last kiss before he ran down the steps and hoped on the platoon truck. I know what y'all must be thinking. Why would a young girl like me join the army at all? The answer was simple. To watch over my fiancee'. That's why I couldn't join the WACs either. I need to be right there with him. Call me odd but I don't care. I'd go to the ends of the earth to be near him.

As we arrived at the military boot camp I kept an eye out for him. There where some fine young men around too. Even on the truck I was surrounded by gorgeous men.

"Hey red head!" My attention is turned to a pair of bright green eyes simalar to my own.

"What's your name?" He asks. Damn it I hadn't thought that far! I'm sorry it ain't polite for a lady to curse but then again I guess it ain't right for a woman to join the army and wear men's army pants either.

"uh, um, Anders." I reply making my voice a bit deeper.

"There a first name that goes with that?" The blond eyed me.

"K-K-Cory. Cory Anders." He smiled brightly showing his sharp canine teeth.

"Garfield Logan, Call me Gar." He pulls a cigarette box out of his pocket. He lights one for himself and hand the box to me.

"Smoke?" I nod poleitly and take one. He throws me his lighter which has an engraving of Betty Grable on it. I light the cigarette and take a drag. He takes the pack and lighter back and hands me his wallet I open it to reveal a raven haired girl with purple eyes and himself.

"That's my gal. Name's Rachel. We're married and she's expecting." I smile at him.

"Congratulations." He smiles back.

"So how 'bout you? You have a gal?" I shake my head no and he looks suprised.

"Really? I thought with looks like yours you woulda had your entire town after ya." I laugh as does he. We continue talking even after we get off. He's a nice guy, Rachel is very lucky. He wants to be in the show buissness too. He's really funny too.

"So guess what the chicken says?" He asks me already chuckling at his punchline I look up and freeze.

"Richard?" I was stunned there he was about five feet from me. And I couldn't run up and touch him.

"No! He said-- Hey what's wrong?" He notices my expression. I shake my head.

"Nothing at all." Richard turns towards us and waves. We walk over casually. Gar smiles at him.

"Hey Grayson, need a smoke?" The know each other? Richard shakes his head no and we begin a conversation with him.

"So what's your name carrot top." He asks me.

"C-Cory Anders." He looks shocked for a minute and then smiles.

"Have a gal, my fiancee' actually, back home with that same name 'cept she spells it with a 'K' in fact, you look a lot like her. You two related?" Few, for a second I thought he found out. He pulls out a picture of me from his wallet. I was in my apron in my red dress with the white spots on it smiling at the camera brightly.

"Nice snag Grayson, Bet she's a good fuck." A voice in the back of the crowd says it's followed by a few whistles and wolf calls. How dare they!? I can't let them know I'm affected though.

"Yeah, she's my cousin." I say nonchalantly. He smiles.

"Just to let ya know we didn't do anything." I smile back at him and try to hide the blush on my face.

"Grayson, your all right." I say as we head in.

So how was the first chapter? good? bad? Let me know please!!!!!

Love ya,
