This is my first Fanfic, so be nice, i've tried my best

I am definately not smart enough to make up so many fantastic characters, everyone in this belongs to Disney

'The evening after the end of High School Musical 1'

Gabriella sat on her bed, contemplating the phone in front of her. Troy's face was on the screen, smiling up at her as if daring her to press dial. She sighed and put the phone down again, careful to lay it face down on her bed. She stood and walked outside, staring into the darkening sky, the last hints of sunlight still lingering on the far-off horizon. She sighed again as she remembered the night when troy had turned up there, it still amazed her that he'd been able to climb up, she'd never have dreamed of trying to.

A sharp call suddenly sounded, coming from downstairs.

"Gabby! Your friend Taylor is on the phone again, she wants to talk to you!"

"Tell her I'm busy!" Gabriella shook her head as she sat back on her bed, leaping up again to move her phone. Taylor had called three times now, begging her to come to the after-party. Each time Gabriella had politely declined, saying that she didn't have anything to wear (which was true) or that she had too much work (which wasn't true). Troy had called too, six times at last count. He didn't beg her to come, in fact, he didn't seem at all worried that Gabriella didn't want to attend a party dedicated to him (mostly); he probably knew her better than Taylor, maybe even better than her mum did.

Gabriella started as there was a knock on her door. She looked up to see her mother standing in the doorway, wearing an understanding smile.

"Gabby, why don't you want to go to your friend's party?" her mum asked, sitting next to her.

"I don't know. I don't feel like I'll fit in, and they'll make me, us, sing." She answered, extracting her phone from underneath her mother.

"You've been at the school for two weeks already-"

"It feels like so many more."

"Well then, you'll definitely fit in." her mother finished, standing and walking over to her daughter's wardrobe.

"I have nothing to wear." Gabriella moaned; trying not to sound too worried.

"What about this." Gabriella stared at the beautiful dress. It was deep red, with a white belt and white lining. Standing up, she walked towards her mother, still staring at the dress.

"I've never seen it before."

"That's because I bought it for you this afternoon, after I heard you sing for your audition." Gabriella reluctantly took the dress from her mother's outstretched hands, feeling the soft material seep between her fingers as light and delicate as water droplets. "Try it on."

The second she stepped out of her bathroom and faced the floor-length mirror; Gabriella knew that the dress was perfect. It's white belt sat loosely at her hips, the sequins on the hem and collar glistening in the last rays of sun creeping through the balcony door. She twirled slowly, admiring the way the dress moved with her and seemed to float around her body.

"But I can't go to the party," she said to herself, turning away from the mirror and facing the retreating sun beyond her balcony. She walked back out to the balcony, leaning on the railings, looking down into her backyard. If only she'd done that the time that Troy had came by, she might have seen him before and then she would've… told him to leave, and never ended up with him.

Just as she was about to turn back into her room, a sudden movement caught her eye. Something, someone was in the backyard. She raced downstairs the moment she recognised the light brown hair and deep blue eyes.

"I'll be back in a minute mum," she called as she raced out the back door, hearing a faint answer of, "wouldn't count on it" as she passed the kitchen door. She stopped at the back door, getting her breath back and trying to slow her racing heart. She opened the door gently, and stepped out into the cool evening, appreciating the light breeze slightly lifting her dark hair.

"Hey stranger." She said. "You do know hat trespassing is illegal." Troy whipped around, staring at Gabriella for a second, the lifting his gaze to over her shoulder.

"You left the door open." Gabriella looked back at the door behind, swinging on its hinges.

"So? I'm going back inside soon."

"You are?" Troy's eyes flicked back to hers, and she fel the now familiar feeling of calm, excitement and anticipation, all mixed together, sweep over her. "Aren't you coming? To the party?" Gabriella shrugged, closing the distance between her and Troy. "But you have to come, I'm not karaoke-ing by myself." Gabriella smiled and looked down, all to aware of Troy only inches in front of her.

"Looks like you'll have to. Besides, you're still trespassing."

"And I'm going to have to continue trespassing until you agree to come. Please."

"I can't, Troy. I have homework, and assignments, and we need to learn everything for the musical." Gabriella turned to go, but stopped when she felt Troy's hand grip hers.

"Please come. Just for an hour or something." Gabriella looked behind her, Troy looked nervous but confident, still holding her hand tightly.

"But I-" Gabriella was searching for another excuse, she didn't now why she didn't want to go, probably because she'd never been to a proper party before, and she didn't know what it was going to be like. "Troy." She began slowly. "People… like me, and Taylor, we don't go to parties, we just don't. We go to spelling bees and decathlons and-"

"Parties." Troy interrupted. "You'll fit in fine. Plus, Taylor's already there with Chad." Gabriella heard a hint of longing come into Troy's voice, and turned back to face him fully.

"What if Taylor leaves, then I'll have no one to talk to."

"I'll stay with you." Troy held her gaze for the longest time yet. They both smiled shyly, and Gabriella faintly heard his next words. "Why would I want to leave you?" Her heart leapt and, without really meaning or choosing to, she leant forward and rested her head on his shoulder. His arms crept around her middle and held her close, hers lifted and she placed them around his neck.

Eventually they parted, immediately both shy and slightly confused at what had happened.

"You sure that you want me to come? Won't I cramp you r style or something?" Gabriella joked.

"You are my style." Troy answered, waiting as she closed the back door and ran back to him; holding out her hand, which he eagerly took.

Together, they walked out to the street, and began wandering down towards the school, which was only about a five-minute walk away. Gabriella's mum watched from the front window as her daughter was escorted off to her first ever party.

Sort of short, r&r if you want more chapters.