Good news, there is going to be a sequel to Red Alert's Med Bay!! Yay! It's going to be called Red Alert's Med Bay 2 – The Vacation. It will probably be 3-4 chapters long, and I will be posting the first chapter within the next few days.
It features craziness with all of the Armada Autobots once more, with tripping and jam and falling and lower panels and marmalade! Jetfire gets up to plenty of mischief, but receives his just desserts once more. Will Hotshot drop things? Will Sideswipe fall off his metal table? Will Jetfire poke Starscream incessantly? Will someone fall over the Minicons? You bet they will! Let the chaos continue in poor Red Alert's Med Bay!
Here's a sneak peek, the first paragraph of Chapter 1:
There was a stagnant pause.
"We're going where?!" Blurr asked.
"We're going on vacation. The kids thought it would be a wonderful idea, and I agree that we need to get away for a little while," Optimus Prime said joyfully.
"Where did you have in mind, Optimus?" Red Alert asked, hoping it would be nice and safe. For some reason, he didn't think he was going to be getting much vacation time in personally.
"We're going on a cruise to an island! Alexis suggested it," Carlos replied, dancing in glee with the other kids.
"" Starscream repeated, instantly disliking the idea.
"Yeah, on a boat!" Fred clarified unnecessarily.
Next time on Red Alert's Med Bay!