Disclaimer: Why do people do these each chapter anyway.

Someone in the Study

Shinichi was sitting in his dad's study reading one of the Sherlock Homes books over again, or at least he was trying to, but his thoughts kept wondering back to Ran. 'I can't believe it she really wasn't that mad at me. When I was Conan I promised myself I would tell her my feelings, I just have to get the nerve to do it.' Ring Ring 'The phone? At this time?' Ring Ring "Fine, fine, I'm coming," Shinichi sighed and then picked up the phone. "Moshi-Moshi, Kudo residence, Shinichi speaking."

"Yo, so it's true that you found the antedont then, Kudo?" said the voice of one Hattori Heiji.

"Hattori, why are you calling me so damn late, and asking obvious question?" Shinichi said.

"Eh, how is it obvious that you ot your body back, it's not like I can see you. As for your other question it's because I don't want my parents to know I'm using the phone." (Artay: Wonder Why)

"Fine, so why'd you call, anyway?" Shinichi replied sounding tired.

"I need a favor..." Heiji said nervously.

"What's the favor?" Shinichi asked suspiciously.

"I need you to..." Heiji said trying to sound as confident as usual.

"Need me to what Hattori, stop beating around the bush," Shinichi said agrivated.

"Ok, I need you to ask Ran something." Heiji said sounding very strange.

"Ask Ran what?" Shinichi replied still very suspicious.

"I need you to ask Ran why she...loves such an idoit like you." Heiji said before bursting out laughing. On the other end Shinichi had fallen out of his chair anime style.

"Hattori that isn't funny, now what did you really want?" Shinichi said trying to calm his temper.

"OK, OK! Actually I just wanted to know if you planned on telling Ran how you feel any time soon?" Heiji said seriously.

"Why should I tell you that?" Shinichi said matter-of-factly.

"Because Kazuha wants to know." Heiji said monotone.

"Fine, I am planning on tellling her soon, I just have to work up the nerve, ok." Shinichi said quietly.

"Good, well, I better go I think I hear my mom, good luck with Ran." Heiji said.

"See ya, Hattori," Shinichi said before they both hung-up. 'Now maybe I'll ask Ran to lunch or something and tell her then? Yeah, that sounds good, I'll call her in the morning, right now I need to sleep.' then Shinichi went to set his alarm and went to bed.

In the Morning

Shinichi woke up, for once to his alarm and not someone waking him or an explosion, and took a shower. He then got dressed in a pair of blue pants and a white button-up shirt, the entire morning wondering how he should ask Ran to go on a date with him. He pondered through breakfast and through cleaning up after being away for so long. Finally around 8 he dedcided to call her. He dialed her number and waited for her to pick-up the phone.

Mouri Home 30 Minutes Earlier

Ran woke up as always at 7:30 and took a shower, when she got out of the shower she heard the phone ringing, she remembered her mom and dad had decided to go out for a breakfast date. She quickly answered it."Moshi-moshi, Mouri Detective Agency."

"Hey, Ran, it's me Shinichi."

"Oh, hi Shinichi, what can I do for you?" ran said surprised he was calling her.

"Well I was kind of wondering if you wanted to go to lunch...with me..or something." Ran noticed a hint of nerousness in his voice, and was extremly happy about it.

"Sure I'd love to go to lunch Shinichi, what time and place?" Ran beamed, she heard him sigh with relief on the other end.

"How about around 12:30, at Maran's Cafe." (Artay: yes I know weird name couldn't think of anything else.)

"Alright, I'll be there bye."

"Bye." they both hung up.

'I'm going on a date with Shinichi, I got to call the girls.' ran then started dialing the number for Kazuha's house.

"Moshi-moshi, Toyama residence, I'm sorry we're not home right now, please leave your name and number, and we'll get back to you bye."

"Kazuha, it's Ran I have amazing news, so call me as soon as you get this." Ran was so happy she didn't really care that Kazuha wasn't home, so she dialed Snoko's number and she picked up, then she did the same with Aoko who also picked up. (Artay: Same as last chapter people.)

"So what do you guys think?"

"Are you joking, this is great I so wish Kaito was here so I could rubbed it his face and win our bet."

"Yeah, this so great news Ran, wait what bet Aoko."

"Kaito bet that Shinichi wouldn't have the guts to ask you out less than a week after getting back from his case, I said he could so now I will be 2000 yen richer when I see him next."

"You were betting on my love life!"

"Kaito started it, anyway what are you going to wear nevermind I'm coming over to help you decide"

"That goes for me too. We must make sure you look stunning for you first date with Shinichi."

The next thing Ran knew two of her best friends were deciding what she should wear, she ended up wearing a flowing black theigh-length skirt, a white button-up t-shirt, a blck vest with flowers of white embroidered all over it, and black tennis shoes. Her hair was left strait, but she was wearing white flower hair clips and earings. She wore basic make-up. all in all she looked wonderful. When she left for the Maran's Cafe she was very nervous. Whne she got to the Cafe she saw him he was wearing his normal blue casual-suit except without the tie. "You look beautiful, Ran." Shinichi said after they sat down.

She blushed and said, "Thanks, you look nice too."

"Thanks," He said, "but I look like nothing compared to you."

She blushed even redder, "You sure know how to compliment someone."

"Really, but I was just being honest." Shinichi said well aware he was making her blush.

"Well, I was wondering, what made you want to ask me out to lunch?" she said trying to change the subject.

"Well, while I was 'gone' I realized how I felt about you." said hiding behind his menu pretnding to look really interested in a sertain dish.

"And how do you feel about me?"Ran asked rather curiusly.

"I...um...I think that I...um..that I..love you." Shinichi said now he was looking out of the corner of his eye to see her reaction. He saw that she looked really happy.

"I think I love you too Shinichi." Ran said very nervously.

"...Real...really." Shinichi said looking at her.

"Yes." Ran said looking strait in to his eyes. Then he suddenly was nest to her and kissing her. She was kissing back as well. When they finally came up for breath Ran asked, "Shinichi, does this mean that we're dating? You know like boyfriend, girlfriend."

"Shinichi looked surprised by the questionbut answered, "Yes." rather quickly. Ran beamed at them and they continued on their date.

I know I lied there was no Shinichi Ran lemon, but hey I did give you the lemon and lime with Kazuha and Heiji. Well if you liked it I will be having another fic. for basically only Kazuha and Heiji which will probrably have tons of lemons and limes. Please Review.
