Chapter 20: Unveiling at Diagon Alley

Harry sat in his favorite chair before the fire, memories of the recent holiday playing over in his mind. He couldn't believe how much fun he'd had. The last couple of days had been some of the best Harry could remember.

Aunt Petunia had mailed him a Christmas card to the house on Hallbottom. Harry had to admit she was making an effort - he felt his mother would want him to do the same.

Harry turned at the sound of Kreacher returning from Hogwarts. "Hi Kreacher, did you have a good time at Hogwarts?"

"I did Harry Potter, thank you. I have brought someone with me."

Kreacher came around and stood in front of Harry. "This is Tilly, Harry Potter. Tilly, this is Harry Potter."

Standing before Harry was a house elf the likes of which Harry had never seen. She was old, there was no doubt about that, but she appeared ageless. She held herself with such confidence, almost regal in her bearing. Atop her head sat a light blue mopcap, her ears sticking out from under the lace ruffle. She wore a matching blue dress and slippers upon her feet. The outfit was complete with a bright white apron, starched to perfection. She held out her little hand.

"Hello Harry. I'm pleased to meet you."

Harry took the offered hand and shook it.

"Hello Tilly. I'm pleased to meet you as well."

Kreacher smiled. "Tilly has retired from Hogwarts and I asked her to come live here. I hope that is alright with you Harry Potter."

"The kitchens of Hogwarts are in good hands, the hands of my grandchildren. I am old and looking for a more leisurely life."

"Welcome to Grimauld Place Tilly, make yourself at home." Harry was delighted that Kreacher had a companion.

Kreacher took Tilly and showed her to her room. Harry would have to ask if there was anything that she needed to make her more comfortable.

Harry's cell phone rang and he answered it, expecting Rus. "Hello."

"Harry it's Hermione. How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"Fine. Mom and Dad got me a cell phone for Christmas and you are the only person I know who has one, so I thought I'd call and say hey."

"I'm glad you did. What are you doing now?" Harry asked.

"Nothing. I'm bored out of my mind. I love my parents and I'm glad to see them, but they have such boring friends. They're all dentists and when they get together all they talk about is teeth and tooth decay and gingivitis."

Harry laughed. "You know you will always have a room here. Kreacher just got back and he brought a lady elf with him."

"He did? I'm on my way. Just let me say goodbye to my parents and pack a small bag." Hermione ended the call.

No sooner had Harry finished his conversation with Hermione than the doorbell rang. He opened the door to find Ron on the doorstep.

"Did you and Hermione plan this?" Harry asked.

"Well hello to you to and what are you talking about?" Ron said as he walked around Harry and into the living room. Ron dropped his bag on the floor and himself into a chair.

Harry told him of the conversation he just had with Hermione. Ron claimed he had no previous knowledge, but that he was not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Harry was very glad Hermione was not present to hear the gift horse business, he felt sure she would take that the wrong way.

The doorbell rang again and Harry went to let Hermione in. She started talking the minute the door opened.

"A lady elf? What does she look like?"

Hermione spotted Ron and smiled. All thoughts of the lady elf flew out the window as she sat down beside Ron.

"What are you doing here?" Hermione asked Ron. Harry was wondering the same thing. Ron loved his mother's cooking, something dire must have run him off.

"Babies. All Mum and Fleur have talked about for the last two days is babies. That is when Fleur is not yakking all over the place. Mum has tried everything and she can't get the girl to stop. Morning sickness it's called- if it's morning sickness why does she yak all the time, day and night?"

No one had an answer for that, but they all agreed it was probably unpleasant and Ron had done the right thing by getting out of the way.

Talk turned to the end of the holiday and Ron and Hermione's return to Hogwarts for the second half of their last year.

"I can't believe we've almost finished." Hermione said. "It seems like so long ago we made that first trip on the Hogwarts Express. I was so excited, but so scared."

"You, scared? You aren't scared of anything Hermione." Ron grinned.

The trio began reminiscing about all they'd been through in the time they'd known each other. In the end, they were laughing and in some spots wiping away a stray tear or two.

"I don't envy you having to deal with Malfoy, even if it's just for a few more months." Harry said.

"Malfoy? Didn't we tell you? He did not return to Hogwarts." Ron replied.

"That's right, and you did not hear what Kingsley had to say either, you had already left to get Rus when Kingsley arrived at the Burrow." Hermione continued.

"Lucius Malfoy was sentenced to ten years in Azkaban for his support of Voldemort. His wand was snapped and he will never get it back. Narcissa and Draco had their wands snapped as well and they are on probation for five years, at the end of those five years they can go before the Ministry and apply for new wands."

Harry was amazed. "Looks like Kingsley is taking his job seriously."

"Oh but we have more good news. You tell him Ron."

"That old toad Dolores Umbridge? Remember when she admitted she was the one who sent those Dementors after you? Well that did not sit well with Kingsley, he fired her from the Ministry and snapped her wand. I bet she can't get another from Ollivander. For that matter the Malfoy's probably won't be able to get another wand from Ollivander, even if the Ministry allows it in five years."

Progress. This was progress. Talk turned to those who were in Azkaban - every one of the death eaters who had not been killed and some of the more staunch supporters. Harry felt like the Ministry was going to make it after all.

Finally Harry asked Ron and Hermione if they wanted to see his mother's childhood home. He was not accustomed to having to show them anything, usually they were right there with him with something happened. They both agreed and the three rose to leave.

"Kreacher, Tilly." Harry called.

The house elves appeared. "We are going out for a couple of hours. Ron and Hermione will be staying for a few days, when you get the chance will you make sure their rooms are ready?"

"Yes, Harry Potter. The rooms will be ready." Kreacher said.

Tilly then asked, "Will you be wanting supper when you return Harry?"

"That would be brilliant Tilly, thank you." The house elves smiled and vanished.

"Harry, I'm very pleased with the way you and Kreacher, and now Tilly, are getting along." Hermione said.

"Me too. Honestly, I don't know how I would have gotten along without Kreacher these last few months."

They stepped out onto the front stoop and Harry took hold of Ron and Hermione, one on each side of him and he disapparated, arriving in the middle of the foyer at Hallbottom Street.

"Harry, it's lovely." Hermione said.

Harry was pleased and took his friends on a tour of the house, ending up in the bedroom that belonged to his mother as a child.

"I've wanted to ask you what you think about Rus." Harry asked his friends.

"He seems a good sort." Ron said.

"Yes, I like him Harry." Hermione replied.

"I don't think he's going to want to join the wizarding community. He likes magic well enough, but he turned twenty his last birthday and well, I think he was introduced to magic a little too late to want to make it part of his everyday life."

Hermione looked at Harry. "Harry, Rus does not have to be a part of the wizarding world to be a part of your life."

The threesome made their way back to Grimauld Place, laughing as Ron stumbled on the landing. "Give a man some room, will you?"

The dining table was set for five and after washing up the trio sat down to eat. After making sure everyone had what they needed, Kreacher and Tilly joined them for the evening meal.

"Tilly, if you don't mind, may I ask you some questions?" Hermione ventured.

"I don't mind at all Miss Hermione." Tilly replied.

"Well for one thing, you wear clothes. And you speak differently. You use "I" instead of saying "Tilly" and you use our first names instead of our whole name or our last name. I guess my question is why do you act so different from the other house elf I've had the pleasure of meeting.?"

Tilly sat her soup spoon down and looked at Hermione. "When Albus became headmaster of Hogwarts he came to the kitchen with the intent of freeing all the house elves. Oh there was a ruckus. The house elves were so offended. I was the only one to take him up on his offer. Albus was a good man and he meant well. I have lived a long life and over the years I've learned about wizards and humans, merpeople and trolls, goblins and centaurs. I've learned. And I hope to help Kreacher. Kreacher is a good house elf. He is loyal and smart." Tilly looked over at Kreacher and Hermione could have sworn the little house elf was blushing.

Harry chimed in. "I've noticed Kreacher that you have started using "I" instead of Kreacher as well. Good for you."

The conversation turned to other, more mundane things and again Ron over indulged. "Oh Ronald, honestly."

Harry was looking forward to this time with his friends.

The days passed quickly and before anyone knew it was New Years Eve. "Harry and owl arrived." Kreacher handed Harry a roll of parchment.

Harry untied the missive and read the note from Kingsley. "It says not to forget the unveiling tonight at Diagon Alley. We should be there by 5:30, the unveiling is at 6 sharp."

"I'm so excited." Hermione said.

"Me too, but you know Mum will cry." Ron replied, looking a bit grim.

"I imagine there will be a few tears Ron." Harry said, thinking of the people who had been lost.

Harry went into the kitchen and found Kreacher and Tilly sitting at the little table in the corner by the kitchen hearth. "Kreacher we are going to Diagon Alley this evening for the unveiling of the memory wall. I wanted to make sure that you and Tilly knew about. You are coming aren't you?"

"Yes Harry. We will be there." Kreacher smiled up at Harry.

The hours seemed to drag. Harry was anxious to see the wall. Finally he could not wait any longer and at 4:00 asked Ron and Hermione if they wanted to go ahead and leave. They agreed.

"Did you ask Rus if he wanted to come?" Hermione asked Harry as they made there way down to the tram. Since they had so much time to spare they decided to take the scenic route, and Ron loved the tram.

"I asked him. But he said he thought he would pass. He also asked me if I wouldn't mind keeping his wand. He said it would be safer with me while he's off to University. He did a late enrollment and he leaves at the end of the week. We are going to get together tomorrow for lunch."

"Are you okay Harry?" Hermione inquired.

"Yeah, I'm good. We'll talk on the cell and I'll see him when he visits. It's alright."

They reached the tram station and let Ron put the money in the turnstile. Sometimes, he can be as funny as his father when it comes to muggle transportation.

They climbed onto the tram and grabbed seats, enjoying each others company and something as simple as a tram ride. They exited a few blocks from Diagon Alley, making the rest of the trip on foot.

"Do you find things a bit boring now that you don't have to fear for your life and all that?" Ron suddenly asked.

"Boring? I'll take boring any day." Harry responded and they all laughed.

"But yeah, I've been thinking. Now that I see how Kingsley is running the Ministry, I may take him up on his offer of a job."

"Really? Harry are you sure?" Hermione asked. "You always said you'd never work for the Ministry."

"I know, but things have changed. I'm not going to make a decision until I speak with Kingsley. He may not have anything he wants me to do. I didn't even finish school."

"He'll want you mate, I'm sure of that." Ron said as they reached the Leaky Cauldron.

Ron pushed open the door and the three of them walked into the cool gloom of the room. Witches and wizards called out greetings as they walked by. Harry said hello to Tom and they made there way to the back room to find Hagrid standing at the brick wall. "Hello you three. Glad to see you lot. I'm acting as doorman, so many people coming through today."

"Will we see you inside later?" Hermione asked.

"Sure thing. I'll find you." Hagrid tapped on the bricks and the door appeared, he waved the three friends in and the bricks reformed behind them.

"Let's get something to eat." Ron said.

"You can't be serious Ron." Hermione looked at him, one eyebrow raised in inquiry.

"Sure I am. I'm a growing boy."

Harry and Hermione followed Ron to a pastry cart where he bought three pumpkin pasties, and he ate all three. "That's better." Harry laughed.

They walked around, looking in shops and talking to people. Harry spotted a bench under an arbor big enough for the three of them to sit on and get out of the sun. They had just taken their seats when they heard a noise. "Ahem."

They three looked around to find Dolores Umbridge standing not two feet away. "Harry Potter, I'd like a word with you."

"I have nothing to say to you." Harry said and turned his back on her.

Dolores walked around and stood in front of Harry. "Just as arrogant as ever I see. I thought I had taken that out of you. Your arrogance has cost me my position with the Ministry. Since you have the ear of the new Minister I demand you speak to him about reinstating my employment."

Harry rose to his full height. "You demand? You demand? I am no longer a student with no recourse as to how I am treated by you or anyone else. You would do well to remember that the only restraints I have are those I've placed on myself, and it would be in your best interest not to cross my path again. I do not like you. Your own actions are what cost you your position, and you deserve that and so much more."

Dolores "hummphd", turned and strode away.

"Well done mate." George said. Harry turned and the whole Weasley family was standing behind him.

"I couldn't have said it better myself." Mr. Weasley gave Harry a hug.

The group made their way to the area where the wall was to be unveiled. Hagrid spotted them and made his way over. Harry noticed a group of house elves up front and waved to Kreacher.

At precisely 6:00 Kingsley Shacklebolt stood atop a platform and addressed the crowd. "Before you is a memorial wall. This wall has the name of everyone who was lost during the reign of Voldemort. We have tried to include everyone, but if you know of someone whose name is not here, let us know and we will take care of it before you leave. Now, please no pushing, we have all the time in the world."

With that being said the veil was lifted. The wall was 8 feet high and 25 feet wide, royal blue in color. The names were inscribed in silver lettering on both sides. It was beautiful. It took about half an hour for Harry and his group to make their way to the front. Ron was right, Mrs. Weasley cried when she saw Fred's name and the laughing picture beside it.

Harry looked for and found Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape. He saw his parents and Professor Moody. The picture of Lupin and Tonks was the one from their wedding. They were so happy, even Lupin was smiling.

Harry was about to turn around and look at the other side, when his eye was drawn to the uppermost corner of the wall. There was a picture of Dobby, his eyes so wide and his ears flopping around his head.

Harry remembered his little friend and the sacrifice he'd made to save them from the Malfoy's basement. He wiped a tear from his eye and smiled a rueful smile, yes many tears would be shed this day.

He looked over at his friends. But they would all move on, life was like that.

Harry turned at a tap on his shoulder. "Professor McGonagall, how are you?"

"I am well Potter. I need a favor. Could you come to Hogwarts when studies resume?" Professor McGonagall asked.

Harry was taken aback. "A favor? Yeah, sure. I'll take the train with Ron and Hermione."

"Good. I'll see you then."

Professor McGonagall rejoined Kingsley and the two of them walked off. Harry had no idea what the favor could be. He knew one thing, Voldemort was dead - so it couldn't be anything dangerous.

The End