Chapter One : The Memories

Harry had Snape's memories in the flask Hermione had provided, now he needed to get them to the pensieve in Dumbledore's office. Everything was so chaotic, but Harry reached the stairs in record time, the flask clasped tight to his chest, Ron and Hermione close at his heels.

Once inside the office Harry made his way to the pensieve and emptying the contents directly inside, he took a deep breath and entered the memories of Severus Snape.

Snape as a young boy watching two young girls on the playground. Snape talking with the oldest of the girls. "My name is Lily Evans." The young girl said. "My name is Severus Snape and you are like me. You are a witch."

"That is a mean thing to say. I don't want to talk with you anymore." The young girl stood to leave. "I'm not being mean. We can do magic. Can't you feel it?"

The memories rushed forward a few years. Snape and Lily walking the grounds of Hogwarts. Lily watching a boy, James Potter. Snape snarling and jealous.

More memories. More time passing. Then the young adult Snape and Lily standing outside of a muggle house. A Christmas tree in the window, tears running down Lily's face. "Severus, I can't believe they are gone. So quickly, broadsided by a truck. What am I going to do? Who will take care of Tunia while I finish my last year at Hogwarts?"

"Lily, I will do everything I can to make this easier for you. You know I would give my own life to save you from this pain."

"Petunia has been taken to our Aunt Myrtle. She is old as dirt, she may not last another year herself." Lily turned toward the house. " I can't stand the thought of going into that empty house alone. Stay with me." Lily wiped her face.

"Where is James? Do you wish for me to contact him for you?" Snape looked as if this were the last thing he wanted to do.

"James is on holiday with the rest of the gang. I don't want to bother him, I don't need him. I have you. Severus, please stay."

Lily took his hand and Severus followed her into the house.

Once inside Lily took his coat and bade him sit on the sofa. Severus sat and Lily sat beside him. He put his arm around her and she snuggled close and cried. Severus held her until her tears were dry, her face red an splotchy. He thought her the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen.

"You should try to get some rest. I will stay here the night, on the sofa."

Lily looked up at Severus and taking his face in her hands, kissed him. At first Severus was unresponsive, held immobile by the simple fact that Lily was kissing him. Then he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back, only to break away. "Lily, this is not what you want. You are grieving. If you need contact, we can sit here and I will hold you. But this..this is something you will regret, and I never want you to regret anything we share."

"Sev, I know what I am doing, and yes it is probably linked to the loss of my parents, but you love me and I love you and I just need...I just need you."

Then the memories changed, became fuzzy. Harry got the feeling he was not meant to see this, and for some reason he was glad.

The next memory showed Lily, Petunia and Snape. "Sev, I'm sure. I've only just confirmed it and I've told Petunia and now you."

"We will get married Lily. I love you. I will love our child. Will you marry me?" Snape was on one knee.

"Oh Severus. We can't marry and we can't keep the child. What would people say? We are unwed, we have another term at school. We can't take care of a child." Lily grasped his hand. "Please understand."

"Will you terminate..."

"No, Severus. Never. I will have the child. Petunia will be with me, she will then take the babe to a muggle orphanage, for adoption, with a muggle family."

"Why Lily? Why take my child from me?"

Lily began to cry. "I'm so sorry Severus. So sorry. Please forgive me."

More memories. Snape sees Lily in the courtyard. Her robes loose and flowing.

Then. Snape at Lily's bedside. She has a baby in her arms. "Severus, do you want to hold your son?"

"Yes." Snape takes the baby and looks at him as if trying to memorize every line. The baby has a head full of jet black hair. Snape is crying. "Severus, we must bind his magic. It will make his life in the muggle world so much easier."

"Bind his magic? Lily please do not ask this of me. I must give up my son, but don't take away the one thing of me that will reside within him."

"It is for the best Severus. Please, as long as you and I live, his magic will be bound."

More memories. Snape and Lily handing the baby to Petunia. Snape holding Lily as she cries and waves goodbye to their infant son.

The memories seem to go on forever. Snape as an adult. Snape with Dumbledore. Snape and Dumbeldore making plans. Snape with Harry. Snape with Voldemort. Snape with Aunt Petunia. Harry watches and hears everything. Finally Harry pulls back from the pensieve. He looks at Ron and Hermione. "I have a brother."