The Boss

Idea by Fishy The William Sledd Freak

Disclaimer: ME NO OWN NARUTO

Heeeey. Well I know I haven't been the best author and all (my updating sucks), but I promise to start updating again! YAY! I've been looking at some of the reviews for this story and I'm happy some of you have been giving me some advice. So please if you find anything wrong with the story, like typos and plot holes, please let me know. I love all my readers!

Sasukelooked at the two people kissing.

This couldn't be happening. If he would've asked her out before fucking Henji interrupted them he would have Sakura in his arms. But because he waited and couldn't grow a pair Sakura was won over by Henji.

But why was she upset before?

Sasuke glanced at the kissing couple before walking back into skyscraper.


Sakura felt awful.

Maybe it was because she was kissing Henji or because she using him in one of the worst ways possible, she didn't know. All she knows is that she needs to fight to keep her man. And if means using a guy that's means nothing to her, then so be it.

Sakura pulled away from the other man's lips. She wanted to wiped but resisted the urge.

Henji smirked, thinking he won her over without even put much of an effort.

The rest of the dining experience consisted of awkward, for Sakura, conversations and one-sided flirting on Henji's part.

When the meal was over Henji paid the bill and walked Sakura to her apartment, only a few blocks away.

But when they walked up her stairs came a whole situation.

Henji stood in front of her with confidence in his stance.

"So Sakura what day are you free? I'll take you to dinner and the movies." Henji shifted his weight onto his left foot.

I've got her in the palm of my hand, Henji thought.

"Umm…Is this Friday ok?" Sakura asked not really paying attention to the conversation.

"Great. See you here at 6 babe." Henji winked and just walked away from the apartment not even listening to her response.

"Uh….." Sakura stared at Henji's back as he walked away.

'Great. A date with a jerk-off' Sakura got her keys out and opened her door.

She hoped this plan worked it was her last ditch effort to win Sasuke over and she wasn't sure if she could handle heart-break again.


Sasuke just sat in his office not even registering what he was reading or writing.

'Maybe she likes me? Why else would she run away crying? But then why would she kiss Henji?'

Sasuke completely ignored the person that walked into his office. No one else was here. Only a few people lingered in the office building to catch up on work.

Ino stood in front of the depressed man.

"SASUKE!" Ino screamed getting his attention.

Sasuke calmly looked up from his work and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes?" He asked, but his mind still not there.

"So what are you going to do to win Sakura over? All of the girls already know and we are trying to convince Sakura to dump Henji. But what about you? She likes you, you know. I thought you guys could get together by yourselves but I see that's not going to happen." Ino put her hands on her hips and sighed.

"I don't know yet. Just stall for me so I can think of something. K?"

Ok. So I don't know where to go next in the story. It up for your guys to decide! I'm up for suggestions and would love some ideas. I posted a vote you guys can vote on. If you have any ideas you can email me or private message me!!!


Love you all
