A one shot, I own nothing, made after my Dad noticed something in a particular episode (don't ask me which one)the original comment was made by my Dad, so I really do own nothing... oh well...

Redone as the first version (which I wrote about two years ago) made almost no sense.

Somewhere in the expanse they had realised what caused the crippling anomalies, huge spheres constructed by some ancient race, dangerous and delusional to think they had reason to alter space in such a way, but they were powerful, craft the size of moons designed to alter space.

It is illogical to wish death on a long dead species, wishing never solves anything.

A mission, to one of the spheres, to see if it was possible to find out why they were built, concern denied she suggests that reconnaissance is needless time wasting, they are here to find the Xindi.

The great metal spheres are deserted, no living being aboard for the past thousands of years. The Captain and Commander are perfectly safe, nothing could go wrong, a reconnaissance mission, two highly capable officers.

It is illogical to think otherwise.

They were wrong.

A Minor spacial anomaly.


It would be illogical to wring the Ensign's neck , it was hardly his fault.

A bad landing, the commander was distracted by the anomaly. A damaged side plate, a burnt out engine, but both of them unhurt, able to repair the shuttle pod , nothing could go wrong, no enemies, no spacial anomalies, a voice comes through the intercom;

"Nearly done, we're comin' home"

It is illogical to assume that they wouldn't.

So why was she pacing the bridge, worry almost showing on her face?