A/N: okay! My friend, daddys-girl-kanto, wrote the song and created the character Kanto. I gotta give her credit on that. And this chappie kinda sucks…

Chapter 5


I suck! Ugh! Kagome hates me and I think I shouldn't talk to her for a little bit… I asked Miroku to tell me when the baby arrives… Oi! I'm a dumb ass!


"Sango! Kanto's coming by!" "Okay! Oh crap! We're yelling and there are sleeping four-month old babies," Sango yelled but tried to make her voice low. I listened to the baby monitor and heard nothing. Good! The babies are still asleep. Sango waited outside for Kanto so the knocks or doorbell won't wake the babies up.

When Kanto came by, she was crying. "What's wrong, Princess?" "I miss Sesshomaru…" "Why do you like him? But more importantly, how did you meet him," Sango asked her. She began, "Well, it all started when Sesshomaru and I were sixteen years old. It was the day my parents died. I was taking a bath and when I was done, I got dressed and sat on a rock singing a song my mother taught me.

Then he heard my voice and followed it. He saw me with my long dark brown hair that made the water jealous. He didn't know what to say. Later on he told me that he was thinking if he should fight me and if I was working for Naraku. Then he went to talk to me while I was still singing."

"How did the song go," I asked. "It went like this:

I see you beside me

It's only a dream

A vision of what used to be

The laughter, the sorrow

Pictures in time

Fading to memories

How could I ever let you go

Is it too late to let you know

I tried to run from your side

But each place I hide

It only reminds me of you

When I turn out the lights

Even the night

It only reminds me of you

I needed my freedom

This what I thought

But I was a fool to believe

My heart breaks while you cry

Rivers of tears

But I was too blind to see

Everything we've been through before

Now means so much more"

"That's a very beautiful song, Kanto." Kanto smiled at my compliment, "I know it is. My mother used to sing it to me. I miss her so much…" Then she started to cry and I felt sorry. I was feeling bad about myself because I lost my fiancé but she lost her boyfriend and her parents.

"Kanto, I'm sorry that happened to you. I was feeling bad for myself because I lost Inuyasha but you have it worse off because you lost much more." She quickly dried her tears, "It's okay, Kagome. I miss Sesshomaru. He would have been a good father…"

Mine and Sango's jaws dropped. "You're gonna be a mother? I'm happy for you," Sango exclaimed. I asked, "How many months are you???" "Five months. The doctors say I'm gonna have twins."

"Hey! You're gonna have your babies before I have mine! Isn't that awesome," Sango cried. "Of course! Now we're like sisters in a way… hey! That means my kids can call you 'Auntie Sango' and they can call Kagome 'Auntie Kagome'!"

I couldn't contain myself, "Then our kids can call you 'Auntie Kanto'! This is gonna be so cool!" Then I hear a crying sound in my pocket. "Oh SHIT! The babies!" Sango, Kanto and I run upstairs. I thought it was because our excitement woke them up but when I got to their room, I saw someone I was dreading to see.

Inuyasha was holding Inume and Kagyasho. "Inuyasha, what the HELL are you doing?!" "Make them stop! My ears are about to bleed," Inuyasha pleaded for help. "Give them here," I demanded. When he gave me my children, they looked at me and calmed down. "They didn't know who you were! And why are you here?!"

"Don't be mad at me. I just wanted to see my kids. When Miroku didn't call to tell me the babies were born, I got suspicious because you were due any day."

"SIT! If you really wanted to see them, you should have called. But I think you were trying to kidnap my children," I yelled as Inuyasha was lying on the floor with a force pushing him down. "They're not just your kids! Who the hell do you think helped them begin growing?! Now just let me see my kids!"

"You said you didn't care about them! And you wanted to see them? Well look! How did they react when you held them," I questioned him. I could tell Kanto and Sango knew where this was going.

"They… were scared…" "Yeah! And how did they react when you gave them back to me?" "They… they were happy," he responded. Then he whispered, "Wench." "SIT BOY!" And yet again, he was lying on the floor. Inume and Kagyasho saw the scene before them and laughed. "You guys find that funny? That's my babies. You are so cute! Inuyasha, GO AWAY!"

When he wouldn't leave, Sango was about to get demon slayer on him. Then he left saying, "I'll be back! You can count on it!"

I know he's coming back. I just wish he would leave this family alone for once. He did help create them but there's no way I'm giving him the label of 'Dad' or 'Father'. He will just never learn!

The End

A/N: Okay, this is the end of this chapter and story. There will be a sequel to this. Be sure to read it please! And I know this story was only five chapters but I started writing the sequel and didn't mean to. Sorry!