A/n: Sorry for taking so long to update, I have alot of other fics to write at the moment. However, I hope that you enjoy this chapter and leave a review!

Magic Dance

When Will came to she found that she was sitting up in a very was room. She'd been laid to rest and a very old couch with velvety red cushions and wooden arm rests. She wondered for a moment if she was just dreaming, and that it was all just a nightmare. After all, there was simply no way that Phobos could have been at her prom. After all, what would he be doing in the human world? He couldn't have escaped his cell again, and if he had, Elyon would have warned them, wouldn't she?

Looking around the vast stone room, with the heavy carpeting and spotting Prince Phobos as he truly was she realized that this was no dream and that he'd used magic to get them there. She sat up, but didn't make a move to get off the couch as she looked over at him, trying to think of a way to get out of this. She figured that as she didn't have any powers, not any that could compare to Phobos' at the moment and seeing as how he wasn't attacking, she figured her best option at the moment was to remain calm and play his game until she knew what he wanted or a way tog get out of this.

"How did you escape?" Will asked as she looked over at him. She realized that there were a million other questions that were more pressing, like where was she, what he wanted with her ant etcetera, but this was the first that slipped form her mouth and though that would be the one he'd be more likely to answer.

"Aren't humans allowed off for good behavior?" he asked, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest, one leg resting on the stone wall behind him. H was no longer wearing a tux but long black robes. His hair was once more in that hairstyle she so recognized and reached all the way

"Elyon let you off for good behavior?" Will said doubtfully. Phobos cracked a small smile.

"She's bound most of my powers, I'm only allowed to do good with them and I'm to live in the human world, like a human," he said though he didn't sound very happy about it. Will almost felt sorry for the bratty vain prince standing before her, she couldn't imagine what it must feel like for him to be unable to set foot in his own world. However, she didn't feel to sorry about him as he has kidnapped her.

"How does kidnapping someone count as using your powers for good?" Will asked sarcastically.

"Because I have no intention in hurting you and even if I wanted to my powers would fail me. Besides, it really isn't kidnapping as Elyon can track me down whenever she wants to," Phobos said a little bitterly.

"Then what do you want with me?" Will asked as she looked over at him with a furrowed brow. If Phobos couldn't do anything to her, why would he take her away? If his powers were bound so that he could only do good with them, then even if he could use her for ransom, Elyon would easily defeat him with her powers.

"I've been locked away for many years, I've had a lot of time to think," he stated. Will looked over at him and grimaced, this reminded her so of any time he was about to go into one of his evil monologues. He sure did like to hear himself speak. "When of my earliest plans, after draining Elyon of her powers and taking over all the worlds, to demonstrate my powers I was going to force the, back then, nameless leader of the Guardians to be my Queen."

Will glared at him and looked at him in disgust. "It was only a demonstration of power, but time passed and I'm sure that beneath all my scheming to take over the world and your need to defeat me, you never once noticed that I took great notice of you. You even became an… obsession and you proved to be just what I wanted when you cheated to beat a girl at a silly swimming race. While in my imprisonment, I only wanted all the more to make my plans come to fruition, but my reasons had changed. It wasn't so much a desire to have the whole world kneeling at my feet anymore, but to have you at my side."

"Excuse me?" Will asked as she looked at him. Phobos rolled his eyes in exasperation. Will stared at the prince before her and stared at him in confusion. World domination had only become only a means to an end for him? What was he playing at?

"Didn't you ever wonder why I would want to separate you from Matt by making you jealous when you had to protect me from Nerissa?" Phobos asked in mild exasperation as if this was the most obvious thing in the world. Will raised a brow as she looked at him, forcing her face to look at him angrily, though really she just felt very confused. However, she didn't really want him to know that.

"What other motives would you need to have other than trying to make everyone else's lives miserable to entertain your own?" she asked scathingly as she glared at him. A smirk came over his handsome face.

"Well, I cannot reasonably deny that it didn't bring joy to my life and that at the time it was really the only reason that I did it. However I have to be completely honest and say that, while trying to destroy your relationship with Matt, I was forced to let go of my denial and admit that I was in love with you when we kissed," Phobos said, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

Will stood up and baled her hands into fist. "I never kissed you!" she shouted as she looked over at him. Phobos was brought out of his memory and forced to look over at her. He smiled at her anger; she was always so cute when she was angry. Oh how he enjoyed to make her angry… even jealous she looked cute.

"I'm a bit disappointed. Did you not feel the difference between a kiss from me and a kiss from Matt?" Phobos asked.

"Hey Will," Will looked up and smiled as she spotted Matt waiting outside the locker room for her. Her race was going to begin in about half an hour. She looked up ad him and could see that he looked slightly more serious then his usually and his eyes were sparkling strangely as she walked over to him. He'd never looked at her like that, but she paid it no mind. Lately, all the guys were acting strangely; she guessed it wad because Phobos was around.

"What are you doing here?" she asked as she looked at him and came to a stop before him.

"I wanted to wish you luck before your big race," he said, before tugging on her and pulling her close to him. He leaned down and pressed his lips against her. Usually Matt's kisses were either very chaste or immensely passionate and rushed. However, this kiss was completely different.

It was like he was kissing her for the first time all over again, slowly moving his mouth against hers and enjoying the feel of her lips, committing them to memory before he explored her mouth with his tongue. He lightly, with the tip of his tongue, ran over hers and explored the cabins of her mouth, causing her to moan. He was being very careful, slow and sensuous. She hardly felt his hands at her waist.

Will felt her heart fluttering wildly at this new kiss, enjoying every moment of it and never wanting it to end. It was completely different and soon once more involved into something much more passionate and longing then Matt had ever shown before. His hands grasped her and pulled her tightly to him as if he was scared of losing her. With one of his arms encircling her waist, the other reached up and caressed her face and got entangles in her hair, making sure she didn't break the kiss.

However, that never crossed Will's mind. In fact, no thoughts were crossing Will's mind at the moment. Everything felt as though it were falling away and there was nothing. Her body started to ache with the fire he passed through her with only one kiss and desire took a hold of her like it never had before. She wondered for a moment, why he had never kissed her like this before and what had come over him. But she wasn't about to complain.

"It's time for your race," a very angry voice penetrated her thoughts. Will pulled away and glared over at Phobos, did he have to ruin all her happy moments. Will ignored him and turned back to Matt. "I'll see you after the race," she said with a smile, her cheeks flushed form the excitement she felt before disappearing into the locker room.

Will looked over at Phobos, her face filling with horror. She'd kissed Phobos? She'd kissed him and liked it? She shivered at this and glared over at him, how could he? "How could you abuse me like that? I didn't know you weren't Matt," she yelled at him, though didn't know why she was asking him. This was Phobos she was talking to.

"People do crazy things when they are in love," he said as he stared at her. Will felt her mouth drop; however, her anger and indignation only kept mounting.

"Love? Is that what you call the way you treated me afterwards?" Will asked, remembering how cold Matt had acted after the race. He scuffed at this.

"Pardon me for turning my despair into anger," he said, rolling his eyes. Will's anger slipped away.

"Despair?" Will asked. Phobos turned to look at her, his eyes were softened with an emotion she had never seen there before.

"Just as surely as you are disgusted with the realization now, I was then. Falling in love with my mortal enemy? But the disgust didn't last very long, and was quickly replaced with despair that you would never have me. It is the reason that I wanted to take over the world and was more determined than before, convincing myself it was the only way to have you at my side," he said as he looked over at her. "But I'm willing now, to do anything in my power for you to love me. I will do anything that you ask of me and I will fight for your love and prove myself to you, just to have you."

"I don't believe you," Will said as she glared over at him.

"I don't doubt that, but I assure you it's true. And I will make you believe it," he said, determination gleaming in his eyes.

"Then let me go," she said as she looked at him.

"I will give you everything you want," he said, bowing to her. Will's eyes grew wide at this humble act. Phobos bow? Had love really conquered the Prince's heart and changed him? Will looked around as everything around her started to fall away and Phobo's appearance returned to what it had been previously.

Soon, Will found herself standing in the middle of the dance floor again, standing before the glamoured Phobos. He rose from the bow and took her hands in his, staring deep into her eyes and place a kiss on her hands. "This isn't the last you will hear of me, but I will never hurt you and will do everything to protect you."

Once more placing another kiss on her hand, he turned and walked away, leaving her standing on the dance floor, looking around. It wad like no time at all had passed and she once more found herself standing in her senior prom, feeling very confused about what had just happened.