I do not own Naruto or anything mentioned. I own only my OCs.
I SUCK. I get my favourite shirt stuck on a needle in a cave, I get a V.I.P. seat in a huge fight, I get my butt saved by a younger girl, and an s-ranked missing nin wants to add me to his, 'Collection', AND I forgot to feed my cat!!! SasorixOC
Authors Notes:
OMG. I can't believe it either. This chapter going to be, completely, utterly, PRECISE and just the best of my writing ability JUST for you guys! Well I'll have this done. And I'll do it RIGHT this time lol. Okay. Well, here we go!
And also, I promise this chapter is going to be the best because… It's the last chapter! GAH I know I promised 25 but I just… can't stall and just rant on about pointless things. I'm sure that it'd be better for me to give you a nice, long, fluff-filled chapter rather than two shorter, boring chapters with incredibly slow updates!
Chapter 23:Changes
Okay… who is that? Rika? That's BULLSHIT! Holy cow she's huge! Before me was my illegally adopted child, Rika. I know! I can't believe it either! She's huge! Sasori plopped me down in a chair, and held out his hand to Rika.
As Rika stared at me,I realized all of her features, and how much she's changed. She's so cute! It was hard to believe that the person standing before me used to be a small baby last time I saw her.
"Come, Rika." he said gently. Rika slowly put her small hand onto Sasori's, and I realized that Sasori's hand seemed more human than before. I put it aside and watched as Rika slowly walked toward me, he finger in her mouth, and her eyes wide. She began to giggle and she ran toward me and jumped onto my lap, squealing happily.
"Mommy! Mommy!" she said, hugging me happily. I suddenly felt guilty that I couldn't hug her back, and gave Sasori a glare. Sasori rolled his eyes and moved my arms around Rika.
Sending Sasori another thankful glance, I looked at Rika with a smile once more. Rika just kept hopping up and down on my lap happily squealing.
"I knew you were okay! And Deidara-chan said you wouldn't make it!" Rika said happily. Wait, the LADY? The fag tried to poison Rika's mind into thinking I wouldn't make it? Deidara's on the list.
But damn, Rika's really grown. It's so weird. I've been asleep so long, and she's been without a mother two years… I feel guilty now. Well it's Sasori's fault. He could've made me a simpler puppet, but NO…
"Yokomo? THE HAG?!" said a voice loudly. The bedroom door slammed open, and Deidara burst into the room, beside Sasori. Sasori rolled his eyes at Deidara, who twitched slightly, "She actually made it? What the hell, yeah. I thought you were a selfish bastard, Sasori-no-danna. You sure proved me wrong, yeah."
Sasori scoffed, "Rika needs a mother so that she can be guided. Once she's fourteen, I'll make her a puppet, just like Yokomo."
Deidara crinkled his nose, "Disgusting, yeah. Art is something fleeting, damn it! It isn't meant to stay forever, yeah."
Sasori just rolled his eyes, "Sure Deidara. As if blowing people up alive isn't disgusting."
Deidara merely grinned, "It's beautiful… blood flying everywhere… yeah."
I glared at Deidara, "Bitch…" I mumbled, and then gasped, "I… talk…"
What the hell how did I do that? Ugh, great now I don't remember how I spoke. I can move my mouth, but I don't know how to make sound come out. I feel like some little kid with special needs.
"Hag, quit moving your mouth… yeah. You look like a fish." Deidara said, stifling laughter. Sasori rolled his eyes.
"For once, I agree with Deidara." Sasori muttered. I glared once more, looking at the two assholes.
"… Bastards…" I muttered again. KAMI. WHY THE HELL do I only talk when I'm not thinking about it? Ugh…
"I thought you said that she couldn't speak… yeah" said Deidara. Sasori shook his head.
"It seems as though Yokomo is so stupid that when I can't mute her and make her even more stupid." Sasori said. Deidara began to crack up.
Rika merely stared, curiosity filling her large brown eyes. I glared at them all, "You all are selfish bastards that deserve to rot in the dark depths of hell."
GAH HOW'D I DO THAT? Sasori merely rolled his eyes, a smirk spreading across his face. Damn, he's hot. Deidara, just stood there, glaring like some sort of fag.
"Whatever hag… yeah…" he muttered.
"We'll see who'll be laughing when you're in a freaking wheelchair and I'm still eighteen!" I said again. Oh my God how did I talk?! I guess it just comes naturally. I grinned, and slowly thought of what's coming up for the future.
It's so weird. Before, I remember, I had no life. I really had no life, no matter what I told myself, my life didn't mean anything to anyone, it didn't change anything, I was just a human on the earth whom was lazy and bored all the time. Inever did anything important, I never did anything that'd help others around me. I never had tried. And to think that this all happened because of that stupid little butterfly and how I acted like I had A.D.D and followed it into a forest, getting lost. I spotted two figures, praying that they'd lead me to some sort of village, and then I ended up in a cave. A dark cave. Because of my stupidity, I've helped a little girl, I've become her mother, I fell in love with Sasori, and now I get to be a puppet! I think that it's disgusting how Sasori was feeling me up... for two years... and I don't know what... wait.
"SASORI. You better not've molested me while I was out cold for the past two years you son of a bi-"
"Don't worry hag, I'm sure that he didn't even look, yeah. You're so fat, I'm sure Sasori-no-danna doesn't want to go blind with disgust, yeah." Deidara said in a smart ass sort of way that pissed me off. I glared, and without noticing it, my hands balled into fists, and my eye brow twitched.
"I wouldn't be talkin', MISS. Don't mess with me sister! At least I'm not a freakin' cross dressing guy that carries a man burse around and blows things up all day!" I said angrilly, hoping that he didn't come back at me. Deidara scoffed.
"You're just jealous of my hair, yeah." he said with a smirk. Sasori rolled his eyes.
"I'm sure she is Deidara." he said in a bored tone. I smiled cruelly.
"Of course I am! I've always wanted to be a dumb Blondie!" I said, glaring at Deidara.
"Oh that's nice, yeah! Being mean to blondes." he muttered. I laughed, but before I could release my harsh reply, Sasori butted into the argument.
"Yokomo, come on I have to show you how your new body works." Sasori said. I turned red, and Deidara snickered behind me.
"Do I get to watch this?" he asked evilly. Sasori glared.
"No. You stay here and watch Rika." he said, pointing to the young red haired girl who was walking toward Deidara.
Deidara groaned, picked Rika up and looking at her, "You better not blow up my stuff again, yeah."
Rika smiled and hugged Deidara happily, "I won't Dei-chan!" she said.
Deidara smiled slightly, hugging the kid. He had to admit, he did enjoy Rika's company, no matter how annoying it was to watch her. Deidara knew that Rika had really become his friend.
"Huh... who knew this was here?" I asked, interested in the many weapons thatcovered the wall. We were in a cave-like room, and there were weapons everywhere. It was almost like that history museum where they show all these old, ancient weapons that the old... old Japanese warriors used. There was some sort of... giant fork thing that I once saw in the movie, Little Mermaid. Wow, maybe half this organization is gay or something. I mean, really. That's hilarious.
"Well, all the people in the Akatsuki do." muttered Sasori in annoyance. I smirked and then tried to wiggle out of Sasori's arms. Sasori rolled his eyes and just let me go, letting me fall onto the cold, dirt ground. I coughed as I landed on the ground.
"Can't... breathe..." I muttered, for I fell face first onto the floor. Sasori rolled his eyes.
"You don't need to," he said in a bored tone, "you're a puppet now, do you not recall?" Sasori smirked at me, and watched as I struggled on the floor.
I mumbled, "Well, I can't get up, fag."
Sasori smirked, "Sure you can, but, you've never tried. Stand, Yokomo."
I groaned, and I could feel myself shake in an effort to move. Damn it! How do I do this? It's like... when I'm not thinking about it I can get up. It's so hard! I don't know how I moved before I just did! And now I'm struggling to get up! I growled, frustrated. Suddenly, I slammed my fists on the ground, "SHIT."
Sasori raised an eye brow, and stared at me as I sat up, rubbing my hands in pain, "Ow... Ow..."
"Good, now stand." he said. Slowly I got up, muttering curses and- HEY! I GOT UP!
"YAY!" I said happily, throwing my arms around Sasori. Wait. What am I doing? I can't HUG Sasori! Just as I was about to let go, Sasori hugged me back, holding me close to him.
Time for a cheesy love song. It was awkward, I admit, but I loved it. Well, I now understand why all those girls were so into having "boyfriends" and shit. Is this the kind of treatment they get all the time? Wow, now I feel bad for throwing popcorn at this couple that was making out in front of me at the theatres.
"Sorry..." Sasori whispered. Wait, for what. Why is he sorry? Why? Why?
"Uh... why?" I asked, in sort of a confused tone. Sasori held me tighter.
"For hurting you." he said. I really, REALLY wanted to insult him on the cheesy comment, but nothing came out of my mouth, other than something that I quickly regretted after I said it.
"... It's okay..." I said in a whisper. What the hell was that? NO it IS NOT okay! What the hell, he BETTER be sorry for hurting him otherwise I'll make him regret he made himself an eternal peice of shi-
"... Yokomo... I only did it... because... I was scared." he said quietly. Okay. Please don't say something corny, Yokomo.
"... I..." I...?! Well Yokomo? What is it? Oh Kami please don't say something I'll regret!
"... What?" Sasori asked softly. Okay. What I say is COMPLETELY not me and I swear something happened. Maybe there's some evil monkey that running my brain and decided to drug all my brain cells to make me think like some boy crazy lunatic.
"I love you Sasori." ... I think my soul threw up a little bit. But I LOVED finally getting it off my chest. I still didn't stop hugging him... hey... is it just me or does he feel... so... "What happened to your body?"
Sasori smirked and backed away, and took off his cloak, still leaving his pants on. I gaped.
"..." OH MY FUCKING GOSH HE IS SO HOT. SO HOT. ABS. ABS. Sasori's body was so... human! He was so hot, and so built. His skin was pale, his abs were so... so... HOT. Is this what he looked like before he turned himself into a puppet? Why the hell did he turn himself into a puppet? HE'S gorgeous!
"Like what you see?" he said with a smirk. And before I knew it, I was pulled into his arms. He sort of smelled like cinamon... that's creepy.
Sasori said quietly, "... I love you too, you idiot."
Uh, how is this training again? Well anyway, I decided to finally do something that would make me seem a little bit brighter than I actually am. I leaned up on me tippy toes and gave him a peck on the lips. Quickly jumping away and throwing his cloak at him.
"Okay. There. I ADMITTED IT. Now show me how to kick ass." I demanded, still blushing
Sasori smirked and threw me a sword. I quickly ducked, "WHAT THE HELL."
Sasori rolled his eyes, "You're supposed to catch it, you ditz."
I glared, "... Fine."
He threw me another sword, and this time, I caught it, and I awkwardly held it. Sasori made weird... signs with his hands and then those creepy blue strings came out of his finger tips, and attatched to me.
"... Uh, now what?" I asked. Sasori grinned.
"Now, you're going to fight this other puppet." Sasori said in a bored tone.
And, on cue, another puppet came out of no where, and quickly flew toward me, joints cracking like crazy. Quickly, Sasori moved me out of the way. I rolled my eyes, "Why don't you just control my movements?"
"Because you need to learn how to defend yourself. I'm not always going to be with you." he said. I groaned.
I ducked as the puppet swung it's sword at me, and quickly kicked its stomach, sending ME flying into Sasori.
"WHAT THE HELL. This puppet's belly is like a flipping TRAMPOLINE." I muttered as Sasori caught me. Sasori just rolled his eyes and put me in front of him again.
As the puppet came forward again, I used my sword with both hands and beheaded the motherfucker.
"... Sick." I said. Sasori simply shook his head.
"Don't let your guard down." he said. I gasped as the head shot a needle at me, and I hit it away with my sword, or rather, Sasori made me hit it away with my sword, "Be careful Yokomo!" Sasori growled, making me dodge another set of needles.
I muttered, swooping in and chopping the head in half, and the body came from behind me. Suddenly, WINGS came out of my back. I flew beside Sasori, "WHAT THE HELL FAG!? I'm not a fucking FAIRY."
Sasori smirked, and I yelped as I quickly jumped out of the way to avoid the larde sword that headed toward me.
I panted, looking at the headless body. I looked around and picked up the giant fork, and threw it as hard as I could at the little bitch. I was surprised when it hit the stomach of the thing, and pinned it to the wall. It hung there, lifeless.
Sasori raised an eyebrow, "You got lucky," he muttered, "because if it weren't headless, it would've bounced right back to us."
I grinned sheepishly, and then realized the wings were still sticking out of my back, "Hey. Get rid of these things."
Sasori rolled his eyes, and muttered something. The wings folded into my back once again. I grinned, "Cool."
Sasori smirked, "This isn't over yet. Now, you must fight me."
I looked at him, "Wh-"
Then, Sasori ran toward me, a sword in his hand. I quickly dodged it, and I looked at the sword with surprise.
"UNFAIR." I muttered, grabbing my sword and going at him. I tried to aim for his nuts, since I knew he had them, but he quickly jumped up, and was standing on my sword. What... the... hell. Sasori just smirked and patted my head with his sword, which pissed me off, I must admit. I glared, and threw him off my sword. I still didn't exactly know how to weild it, so I was being quite random with my swings and all. I swung at his legs and arms. I didn't want to KILL him. I decided that maybe I should use something else... maybe...
I threw a punch, and he dropped his sword and caught it. With his free hand, he pinned my arm behind my back, and pressed me to the ground. He smirked, "Give up?"
I glared, "Nopey nope."
I brought my knee up between his legs, and he winced and quickly got off. I stood once he was off, and tackled him to the ground, sitting on top of him. I leaned down, and smiled at him, bringing my knee up in between his legs once again. He groaned in pain, and I grinned, "Who's giving in now?"
He quickly rolled over, and was now on top of me again. He held my legs down, and leaned over me, his face close to mine. Note how we are not exactly "training". This is far too... intimate. And yes, I can't believe it. I'm not intimate with anyone! Well, I guess now I am with Sasori.
He pressed his lips to mine, and I realized what I was doing. Damn! I can't lose! I quickly rolled us over once again, and got off of him this time. He smirked and got up, and while I was picking up my sword, came from behind me and held me (HUGGED ME) from behind. I yelped. "Coward! Attacking me while my back's turned! Tsk... tsk..."
Sasori smirked and leaned in, whispering, "Never let your gaurd down Yokomo..."
I blushed, elbowing him away and holding my sword in front of me. Sasori smirked and we sparred, swords clanging together and echoing throughout the cave. I glared as Sasori ran forward, backing me up into a wall. Soon, he had me pinned. The sword that was holding the sword was pinned, and I ended up dropping it.
In the end, Sasori ended up pinning me to the wall, and his face was an inch from mine.
"... Any last words?" Sasori asked.
I nodded, "Hell yeah..." I murmured, my eyes closing slightly.
So, yes, we made out. And, after Sasori broke the kiss, he pressed his forehead against mine and asked, "So, what were your last words, Yokomo?"
"I... am not a ditz."
The End!
WOOOOT! It's over! Yeah I'm done! Well, wasn't that just... a horrible story? Yeah I know... :(
But, yes, that's the end, please don't get mad at me, I tried my best!
R&R if you think I should make some sort of sequel... which I MIGHT... :P