Hey Readers!!! I know this one was kind of late but school just started…..I am loaded with homework and have no time to write. I LOVE reviews and I really hope you write some. I know this is going to sound harsh, but I have to take some level of action. I love that some people add me to their favs'…. ……, but I need to know what EXACTLY you think. So if you guys don't write reviews I am going to flip and stop writing. THANKS!!!!!!!

The sunlight coming through my blanket curtains woke me up. The light ripped my eyes open and my vision was blurred for a few moments. I shifted over to my right side and looked at the door to the attic. My room was small and dark in the night and during most of the day. The only time it got any light was really early in the morning. The corner of the room was the only place where it looked like an actual room. There was a large white chair. Next to the chair sat a large oak box. When opened, the box contained a number of golden chains and charms. In there was the golden necklace.

Where the eyes couldn't see, on the inside of a golden bird, there burned a golden light as fierce and bright as the sun. The light burned for the heart of another when in love. The goose felt its glow and started to glow on the outside. The gash across the giant bird's wing mended itself, from the outside in. It started to beat its wings experimentally, working its wing up and down as if it were flying. As its wings grew speed and strength, it took of from its golden surface and flew to the crack in the dark box in which it was hidden. It flew by a half sleeping girl and out the open window. The goose pointed itself to the sky and flew to the place between realms.

The white entrance was brighter than it had remembered. It was blinded for a second and then regained its vision. It flew past the white desk in which a young angel was sitting, they waved him on but he didn't acknowledge they existed. He had a mission and he wasn't going to make any side stops. He flew down the white hall, not making a sound, or stirring the air. The fire within him told him to go as far as the hall could take him and then keep going into the wall beyond. The door to the next dimension was shortly passed where he was going. He went through the wall, without a scratch or bump on the 'wall'.

There in the middle of the room was the person he was meant to get and send a message. He looked into the deep green eyes of the man standing in front of him. He transmitted the message into him complicated mind. Before he gave the man the message he looked at his thoughts. To make sure that he was giving the right person the right message. All he heard was:

"She was so beautiful laying there in the dark room. She twitched slightly when I touched her face and groaned with pleasure. She shifted to her side and suddenly I felt a new urge. I had to have her. I have to have her."

That is how the goose got sent. As soon as he looked into the man's thoughts he knew that this is why he was here. This man's love had sent him. For who, he did not know. All he did know is that his girl, the girl he was sworn to protect, needed someone to love her. She needed a friend, now more than ever. He gave the man the message.

She is ready.

This day is going to be a long one. I had always thought that during the beginning of the day, and it always turned out to be okay. It was like a ritual that always worked. If I thought it would be bad it was good. I didn't think to change it. I walked out of my room and down the hall to my aunt's room. The evil step-mother from Cinderella might come to mind when thinking of her, but in my case Cinderella got her happy ending with her prince and I would never get my happy ending or a prince.

I knocked on the door before pushing it open. I had to take an 'order' before I made breakfast. Even thought it was always the same thing, my aunt liked to have the option to change it on whim before it was made. The first thing I saw was a large lump under the dark satin covers of the wooden oak bed. I lightly tapped the front of the lump and it shifted slightly. There was a moan from underneath the covers and they slowly came down to reveal the face of my aunt.

She wasn't ugly, but then again she wasn't good looking either. She had slight, slim features and a sharp pointed nose to add to the wicked witch theme. She had a small wart on her forehead and large eyes. Her mouth had frown lines, from her constant frowning and her cheeks were pale from lack of sleep.

"I want my green tea and my eggs over easy. Don't forget that I don't want salt or pepper and I want extra hot water for my tea. CHOP CHOP, girl I haven't got all day!!!" My aunt barked her normal orders as I backed out of the room. I lingered at the door to crack it for some light to enter the room.

I headed down the stairs and off the kitchen and made my aunts breakfast. In the process of trying to be quick I managed to spill hot oil on myself and in the process burning my hands. I ran the food upstairs and got dressed. I ran back downstairs grabbed my school work and headed out the door.

The halls of the school were as they always were and I met Pam at my first period class. We sat together and then separated afterwards for her Spanish and my English. We met up again at science but something was different.

I Looked out the window and saw nothing, the world was black………