
The world was dry and dismal without the sun shinning. There was an eerie glow that barely outlined everyone in the room. Try as I might I could not find the source of the glow. There were many people around me and I felt squished. I barely could breathe. I tried to get up and move over to an area that wasn't as crowded and almost tripped over the person sitting next to me. I looked down and noticed the familiar face of my best friend. She was there with me since I could remember (And I couldn't even remember how I got into this place).

"Hey I know you can't see and everything but that gives you know reason to almost squash me!" I could hear she was annoyed but there was also a smile in her voice, so I knew I was forgiven. I had heard this fake annoyance ever since I was 5. I could tell it from any other voice in the world.

"Sorry Pam, but it's so hard to see. I was going to get over to the area on the other side of the room so I can breathe better. This claustrophobia is really starting to annoy me. I think there is like 3 feet of extra room over on the other side of this table." I think she knew this fact, but I still had to repeat it.

I could see the shock on her face even in the dimness of the gloom. I knew not why this is the re-action I received. She opened her mouth and then shut it again. She was clearly at a loss of words. Would she eventually tell me what scared her? As I looked down at Pam I noticed how far away I would be away from her and the others if I moved. Was she scared because of that? I still had to go. I was breathing harder every second I stood in the heavily populated air. It was closing in on me like invisible black walls. I knew I could not escape if I was here any longer.

"Kay, you can't go beyond the table. That's where the windows are. They will spot you if you move any further. Please don't go any farther. They will spot you." I could hear a note of desperation in her voice and I knew she was on the edge of panic. A few questions sprung into my mind when Pam said this. What was she talking about? Who are they? Are they going to try to hurt us?

Out of pure curiosity I got up and started moving toward the other end of the table again. I stepped over numerous people that I couldn't recognize as I reached the far end of the table. I stepped around the table and looked out the other side. It was a little brighter and there was a lot more room. There were no people probably because of 'them'. There was a pair of open windows with bright white shades, as if there was never any dust on them. Outside it was as dark as it was inside. My curiosity grew as I got nearer. Was Pam lying just to get me to stay? Why did she look so frightened? I sat directly under the window and peered out of it. My whole face showed out into the gloom that had soaked the world. I expected something like a great monster coming out of a UFO. As I looked around I got more and more hopeful that there was nothing to fear. There was nothing there. Wait……..I looked up into the sky and there was no sun and no clouds (and if it was night, no moon and no stars).

There was a blanket of darkness where the sun of midday should have been. Wait….Midday Sun? How did I know that? There was no clock that I had looked at. In fact there was nothing at all that could have told me that it was midday. All I knew is that I trusted that fact. I looked around for the source of the light and saw that there was a light coming down from the sky, but it was not the sun. It was a small tiny ball of light that looked almost the size of a flashlight bulb, at least from this distance. I mean it could have been the size of the school but a billion miles away and that's why it looked so small.

I looked for longer and recognized that it was growing bigger and getting closer every second. What if it was an asteroid that the aliens sent and is coming to blow up the world? I stared at it in awe. It was so beautiful. I stopped myself at this thought. Beautiful? It was a mysterious glowing orb of light that I knew nothing about and suddenly it was beautiful? I didn't even know what it was and still I could not pull my gaze away from it.

I saw as it came nearer that it was a creature with wings. The color of the wings shone brightly against the night sky. The pearly white feathers were billowing in an unknown wind. Okay that was a clue. Bird…….no lights. Plane…….no feathers. Aha! A bird holding a giant flashlight (Okay so it's not the most realistic idea but it was all I could come up with)!

I waited a few more agonizing minutes and saw its face. It was the face of pure beauty. It was a male angel. His face glowed with pure radiance. He seemed to see me and he smiled, his white teeth gleaming even brighter that his wings (which seemed impossible until that moment). His whole face lit up. His sparkling green eyes seemed to smile too. His cheeks flushed with some unknown embarrassment. Did he know I was looking at him (Okay, wait again. I was sitting behind a window sill a mile away from him. I could see his face a body, but not well, and he can see me? I had no light on my face and he was lit up!)? He had a flawless face. His nose was the perfect size and his ears didn't stick out. His golden wavy hair fell lightly around his face and down to the middle of his ears. He looked like a god. For the first time my eyes ripped away from his face. He was wearing a light white shirt and light blue jeans. His muscles in his arms seemed to ripple like waves when he touched down to the ground. The dark world seemed to light up as soon as he hit the ground. It seemed suddenly that the sun was back and something happy at long last would happen in the dreary place.

I hid my face slightly behind the rim of the window but not so much to block my view. How could I block my view from the most beautiful thing I had ever seen?

The angel seemed to glance around to make sure no one was looking and the quickly jog over to the window. Every step he took seemed like a beat of my heart. My heart was beating so quickly it was like a faint buzzing in my chest. I now slid my whole face out of view and started to crawl back to the table again, now afraid I would have a heart attack.

I saw Pam's face pop out to encourage me back (How she knew I was coming back, I may never know) and then pure horror struck her features. This was most disturbing with the buzzing of my heart. I looked back to where she was looking and saw the angel looking down on me. Was this the source of "they" that scared her so much? I had no idea how she could be afraid of the face of pure beauty. Maybe it was the beauty that scared her or maybe she was just horrified that he was looking at me and not her. I looked at her again and then back at the angel. He was still smiling at me and now he was raising his fist. I thought he might open it up in a wave but, of course, he had other plans.

He brought it down with amazing inhuman force and strength that it broke the window immediately. The glass shattered and sprinkled the floor with a soft tinkle that sounded like far away bells. The light from the angel glinted off the pieces, so it looked like a new fallen snow that lay on the floor of the room.

I realized then that I didn't know where I was? I looked at my surroundings as if there would be a sign as to where I was. The walls were painted a light crème and posted on the walls were maps of the body and body parts. There was one large table, in which everyone was huddled behind, and over the table was a huge light and some sharp looking objects. It looked like a lab. I looked back over my shoulder and to my shock the beautiful angel disappeared. I looked around the room and again I was shocked because when the angel disappeared so did the light. Where could he be and if he did disappear, why did he go? I blinked. The light was back and there 3 feet from where I was kneeling was the face of pure beauty. My whole face lit up and my spirits soared. My body filled with wonder and excitement. He had come back for me, and he would take me away with him and we would be happy forever. Okay, that was my fantasy, but who really cares? He was there smiling down at me with his shockingly white teeth. But I noticed this time someone at his side.

I would have never expected to see this person at his side. The person who I thought was afraid of him (or they, whatever). She lied to me? Now I could not bear the feelings at the sight of her. The one person I trusted to understand, Pam………….

This is the sum of my life. This is how I felt in the coming months. I felt all the emotions any person could possibly feel. I felt happiness, trust, hurt, jealousy, but worst of all (almost the most painful emotion of all) Betrayal.

Oh yeah, and the person who said it is better to have loved and lost then not loved at all……..